Dude, I'm thinking of pirating the game only to see this blasted ending of doom. Even if in the ending everyone dies (please no spoilers), there's no justifiable reasoning for this ruckus.
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So very this. I'm only just about to start the game, but it can't possibly be as bad as people are bitching about. It's like it's the fucking Anti-Christ of videogames the way people are whinging.
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It's not bad anyway. The game gave me 33 hours of happiness with loads of immersion and really good scenes. I still don't understand how people need to scream that the game is bad. Sure the ending needs a bit more meat and the few scenes before getting there are lacking more personnal touch, but the game is great and it doens't really impair the experience.
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Probably because the ending is just so immersion breaking. Or they are pissed at Bioware lying when they claimed there would be multiple endings, only to find the only choice is the color of the explosion.
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I didn't hate the ending. It seemed like it had good ideas, but competely screwed over the presentation. Bioware just didn't develop the ending enough I think. It really seems like it was a rush job overall. And, frankly, a lot of people are ignoring the fact that ME1 and 2 had similar endings that were virtually the same no matter what they did.
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I went into the game thinking this as well, the entire game was amazing and I was thinking that the ending nonsense was people overreacting or something. Then I actually reached the ending and I witness what I though impossible. The ending isn't just bad, those final 10 minutes single-handedly ruined the entire Mass Effect franchise. It goes against absolutely everything the series stood for. Fan's have come up with a theory that makes the ending actually not the ending in order for it to make sense.
And now that Bioware is redoing the ending, they are essentially admitting they shipped an unfinished game to consumers and charged them full price. The True-ending DLC better be free or else pain is going to happen to people.
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So you admit that you actual have not informed yourself as to any of the reasonable arguments as to why this is a horrible ending to a trilogy (as in lowers the experience of the series not just one game) but you continue to make assumptions. Don't you think you are being unreasonable?
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Let me repeat that. People are treating it like it's the fucking Anti-Christ, doom of the industry for eternity. Get. The fuck. Over yourselves. Concrit? A-okay. The attitudes I'm seeing everywhere? Fucking retarded. I don't even need to have seen the ending to realise that. And when I do get to the ending, as upset as I may or may not be, I will not whinge like the people I'm seeing everywhere else.
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Anti-Christ? Doom of the industry? I haven't seen that anywhere, you most be looking in places I'm not.
I have seen people rationally pick apart the flaws in the ending, how it goes against nearly every literary/story convention, fails on a emotional level, fails against the game's internal logic, etc.
Are people upset and emotionally invested? I would say so.
You do realize for a lot of people, what Bioware does at this point affects whether Bioware stays as a name they trust or even whether they ever make another purchase from them, right?
Some people are over reacting, for and against this mass movement to get Bioware to reconsider the ending. No question about that, but whole heartily labeling everyone who has a legitimate beef as "Fucking retarded" puts you into the same camp (opposite side) as the people you seem to hate.
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If you have a legitimate beef (that expression always makes me laugh. Who's ever faked a cow?) with the ending and you act like a five year old with a temper tantrum about it, then yes, you are completely stupid and deserve to be ridiculed.
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It is an odd expression.
I do feel there is legitimate issues but I don't believe I have acted "like a five year old with a temper tantrum". Though I have written a letter to Bioware on the subject. I also don't think the majority of people who have an issue with the ending have acted in that manner.
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Trust me, you haven't, but the vast majority of people have been. It's not even a case of a vocal minority this time (unless they're being unusually vocal). Usually, the calmer, more constructive people still show through even through the pathetic raging of whatever controversy happens to be striking this week. However, while I have been seeing a few more of the good ones lately, it is so vastly weighed towards the "impotent, flaccid rage" end of the spectrum that it's pathetic to see.
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Basically, there's no spoilers in any of the endings.
Yes. That'll do.
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Actually there is. Bioware promised us an epic ending to an epic series, and we didn't get it. Plain and simple.
People (like me) who actually bought the game with our hard-earned cash care for these games, so demanding for satisfaction isn't too far-fetched at all and is perfectly reasonable.
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Oh, please. Honestly, even if the game is as bad as you're all claiming, I'm seriously fed up with your whining. You know what normal people do when a product isn't as good as they hoped? They say so and they move the fuck on. They don't create a hundred petitions whinging for an edit to the product or contact the Feds about it.
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sips soda
Not once did I claim that the ending needed to be changed. I think its fine (edit: actually, I feel that it's average and Bioware could've done a better job, but its not bad). But I can understand why others would want it to be changed. I only care about the fact that; if Bioware puts a price on this dlc, then I'll flip shit because I know half my brain will want to buy it, and the other half will want to save my money.
Calm down, Jade. I'm not one of those people, I can assure you.
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My posts are more directed at the stupidity of the entire situation, not any one specific person. Honestly, based on my current understanding of the situation (if the ending is Benny Lava coming from the sky to save the galaxy and put Bollywood in control of the universe, then maybe I could understand the complaints) if they do put a price on it, good for them in my view. I can say that, regardless of what the ending is, it's the ending. Complaining about is ridiculous on the most fundamental scale. Even if it sucks, it's still their own creative work and effort. I think the ending to some shows and films suck hard, but that's what fanfiction is for. I don't ask them to make another episode that retcons the finale (though an exception could be made for Blade: Trinity).
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I agree with thejadefalcon. If I was a writer, I would hate to feel restricted about how I should end my work of fiction. Of course, they can't just do whatever they want, consistence is necessary, but I really can't imagine an ending so bad it would cause everyone to rage this much. Maybe when I see it I will be able to understand, who knows. All I know is that I really didn't like the ending of 999, but didn't go on a fit of rage demanding Aksys to change it.
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I like how people place Bioware's writers, designers and other staff above any criticism. Any other medium, company or person is open season but oh no, not these guys. Because they must be perfect gods, walking above us mere mortals.
I find it curious how large this complaint has grown, but I vow for the right that each person should be able to say their feelings on the matter. Including negative ones. Especially those that bought the item in question.
I cannot understand why it is so hard for some people to allow others their freedom of speech. Even when they have not seen the endings themselves and cannot fully participate in the discussion.
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Way to completely ignore everything I actually said and pretend I said something else so you get to think your post is an intelligent response. Nice job on that. 10/10.
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You stated quite clearly that any complaint about entertainment product at hand is quote: "Complaining about is ridiculous on the most fundamental scale." Then finished it that any ending can suck and no one should have the right to criticise.
How else I could interpret that? If the message is lost between characters, feel free to correct it.
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My point was very clearly that everyone other than BioWare doesn't get this much flak for a bad ending, so why should they? Maybe you should reread that post again. It wasn't that BioWare should be held up as gods, but that they've had way too much shit thrown at them over the past few years that would not happen to any other company or author or screenwriter I can think of.
Seriously, BioWare seems to have some of the worst "fans" in existence. If they do anything wrong or against someone's preconceptions, they get everything they've ever done called into question. If there's a worse fanbase around, I don't want to know about it.
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Bioware also has some of the most loyal fans. I have seen them defending anything and everything Bioware does. As I stated earlier, the size of this has surprised me. Still, given the fact that ME trilogy has affected so many so deeply, it is no wonder that an unwelcome decision shall gather major negative feedback.
Anyway, I must raise my hat to the marketing team of EA. Even if I disagree with the end result, the execution is almost flawless. These people will be rolling in so much bonuses that they might drown in them. The amount of free press is just staggering. Even CNN and BBC have articles about this.
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So, if a product has had very specific statements and promises made about it and then it fails to fulfill those said statements and promises, any consumers making complaints and asking the company to fulfill the originally advertised specifications of the product are stupid and unreasonable?
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Yeah. If people are lied to and they feel cheated, they should act like adults by accepting it and move on.
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Yeah, some people did extreme things which I personally don't approve of. But some people ARE invested in the series, and if you actually followed the whole business, you'll realize that this is the internet, and that it's full of crazy people. However, some are actually legitimately polite and constructive about their criticism of the ending and are only asking for BioWare to not 'change' but add, fill in what's missing, explain the plot-holes. You might not understand how people feel about the series, and think it's stupid or the all time favorite "Get a life", but that doesn't mean they're wrong in asking for it. We don't want to move on without proper closure. If anything, it serves to prove that the series was indeed successful at delivering the emotional impact it wanted to all along.
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See, now if there were more people saying things like your post, I wouldn't think this situation was so laughably moronic. But everywhere I turn, it's bitch, bitch, bitch. I've seen ONE truly sane post on the ending so far (admittedly, I haven't looked very hard for fear of spoilers, but I've seen enough to know there's a vast misproportion everywhere I go) which was as you said, truly polite and constructive.
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Here is a video explaining the reason for bitching of the dissapointed gamers
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You're an idiot. Where did I say anywhere not to give constructive criticism? Whining doesn't help anyone. If it did, CoD would have a decent release schedule.
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Inability to actually read posts and then commenting on them anyway makes you an idiot.
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I'm not angry, I'm actually pretty calm. I just feel that if you lack the intelligence to grasp a simple concept such as "reading someone else's post" then you really shouldn't be debating anything.
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I didn't say you weren't reading my posts. Just Poohunter.
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All endings, put side to side.
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I'm really tempted to see this, but I will wait a bit more.
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See I looked at that at first without knowing what the colors represented and thought that all the endings were the same, that was until I actually saw the entire ending and all its entirety and not this short clip that doesn't really explain why or what is happening. The different colors represent a different choice, I get that now and how they effect the ME Universe and stuff. It would be major spoilers to go into any further detail. But like is this really why people were complaining? sure its not the kind of ending I might have liked to see but it is a ending, and a definite one at that.
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you've played three games (ME 1, 2 and 3) for 100 or more hours. Every decision feels very important and you think about their effects. And then you get it... nothing changed by your decision. The last decision in the game changes the color in which the game ends. Not more.
How you feel?
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Was going to post this at the end but then when I read this article I figured my post would be more on target here:
"Our first instinct is to defend our work and point to the high ratings offered by critics"
Just had to lol that they wanted to resort to critics whose reviews are posted in magazines or websites that rely on advertisements and promotions from companies like EA to prove their game was good. The article you linked kind of went into that, and I guess we can't actually know for certain. I'm not screaming conspiracy, but I do think the fact that big companies are benefactors to magazines/websites is something that stays in the back of their (if not the reviewers, than the editors) mind.
There are other factors why that is a pretty bad reason to use that as a defense, but since I haven't spoiled the ending yet since I may still yet play ME3 I don't want to sound like an idiot if by chance what I have to say doesn't really pertain to this case.
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This situation reminds me of Misery... If anyone has read the book or movie. While I haven't personally finished the game, I feel like some of the fans are acting like Annie...
I really don't see how the ending can be this bad, I can understand disappointment and the fact that people feel it is bad.. But I don't even know how it can be so bad that people have felt the need to do all that they've done (petitions, 77k to charity, etc).
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They are that bad. Really they are.
The endings are 95% the same CGI with different colour filters. All use the weak writing device of dues ex machina. All have massive plot holes and in effect ruin everything that all 3 games were about (all endings kill the main character, doom galactic civilization, and doom everyone you gathered together).
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This is just stupid, think about this: They release a new ending just because people wanted, so what happens to the other ending, which is the real one? One thing is to play the game for 15 minutes and not liking it, and other thing is to play it for 40 HOURS and complain because the ending sucks. THIS IS STUPID! Don't like the ending? Well too bad....
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I would seriously like to know how one can reach the ending without playing the actual game trough. In this case, the 40 hours or so of game time.
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, so what happens to the other ending
The DLC will probably give you a choice of endings. Just like Bioware promised.
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Hmm, I find this oddly disappointing. Having not played any of the Mass Effect games, I suppose I can't really make an informed comment, but personally it seems a bit weak of Bioware to not to stick to their decision.
You don't read a book and get angry if the ending isn't what you wanted to see. It's part of the story and anything other than the author's design would not be the same, cheapening the product. Sure there are differences due to the interactivity of the story in a game, but ultimately the direction that the story goes is up to the developers in my opinion.
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Here's the thing, this backlash is MASSIVE. They actually have an FTC Complaint filed over the ending. A lot of people absolutely despise it. I'm not sure why they hate it that much, but they do. I think it was just... meh overall. Not horrible but not great.
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Actually, lots of people have got quit angry with other entertainment products too. Mayhaps not in this scale but the phenomena in itself is not that new.
If one cannot critize ending, does that mean that one cannot critize any other part of the story? If the latter is true, it means that every story is outside of critisism, which seems to be a bit odd conclusion. If stories can be critized, why would be the endings protected above others?
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By all means, people should criticise any part of the story if they feel it deserves it. I just don't think that it makes sense to backtrack over what you originally intended for your story, just to bow to those that didn't agree with the direction you took.
To me, that is the equivalent of tearing out the pages of a book you're reading and rewriting it yourself (or in this case, making enough of a fuss for the author to rewrite it for you as you see fit). This may result in an end product that you are more happy with, but in doing so you have effectively invalidated the creativity of the author (which is presumably what you want if you are buying their product rather than simply making the whole thing yourself), however bad it may be.
The better solution in my mind would be to leave the product as it is, but learn from the criticism for future development in other products.
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Eh, still seems kind of false to me to be able to effectively solicit your own ending to something just because you don't like it, no matter how diabolically terrible the writing is. Yes, maybe the developers should have done more to ensure the quality of the ending, but the simply caving in to the pressure to change makes me feel that there isn't any real ending at all. What's to stop them changing this new ending? Or any subsequent endings? The integrity of their entire story is gone. It at least shows a level of ambivalence to their own material that, to me, devalues anything else they produce in a way.
Either way, I really don't care what happens to the series, having never played it myself and having no particular urge to do so.
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Well, art is business when it becomes a product to be sold. And for business to flourish, you need happy costumers.
Also, I don't honestly think this whole "it's art' argument is even valid, when the game is not some set in stone storyline. It gives you options...up until the ending that is.
Also, Sir Author Conan Doyle retcon'd Sherlock Holmes death for his fans. Bethesda did the same for Fallout 3, with some research I could get you more examples about humanity's best and legendary artists doing the same.
Nothing's wrong with adding in clarifications and filling the plot holes, especially when you screwed up royally.
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It sorta funny when you havent played Mass Effect and the ending is a bunch of colours.
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And guess what, people are going to hate that ending too. Unless Bioware managed to come up with a way to show what happened to every single character and what came of every single choice, there was be a not-small number of angry people. As I said in another reply, I think the ending had some good ideas. It was just (very) poorly executed. And the suddenness of it was very jarring as well. Unless they go with the Indoctrination Theory (which if they do I will hate Bioware forever), there's no way to fix this mess.
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They're making it a DLC probably, so I see no reason they can't show the stories of everyone you cared about. For me, the biggest problem was the fact that every ending, no matter how you played the game, ended with every mass relay being destroyed and civilization basically ending. I want there to actually be a "happy" ending where people can rebuild and whatnot.
If Bioware does it right, they also open up room for even more DLCs set after the events of ME3 (and the inevitable ME4 considering how much money this series makes).
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The reason why I find it unlikely they'll be able to reflect every single character and every single choice is due to the massive ammount of time and money it would cause to do so. We're not talking about a few lines, or even a similar amount of content as most DLC. We're talking about hundreds of possibilities that fans would DEMAND an individual ending for. The problem with making so many characters that players can start to care for is that they'll be pissed if they don't learn exactly what happened to that one person. Bioware could still go the old 'slideshow' route of course. But people are going to be angry if they go that way because they'll feel Bioware still didn't pay enough attention to the ending to give it any more then a slideshow. Granted that would be better then what we have now. There's just no way that Bioware can or could make an ending to the game that would please everyone. And creating one that would make most people happy with unique reflections based on their decisions would cost a lot of money and take up a lot of data on a person's HD.
Mind you, that's not saying that what they come up with won't be better then what they have now. Just that there's really no way for them to 'win' in this case. Especially since the only way they can make a 'happy' ending is ret-conning the original choice (which I actually did like the final choice, even if it lead to a fairly disappointing finish). The method they'll likely use is the indocturn method since that was something they'd originally been considering anyways. And I hate that as it makes the final choice and the ideas behind them literally worthless since they never happened. As stated before, I did like the choice and the idea of the choices (though I thought the only one that would end with the Mass Relays being destroyed was the middle option since that's the only one that specifically mentioned it, and think it would be better like that).
As for a 'happy' ending:
I think the endings wouldn't have been so sad if the relays hadn't been destroyed. The thing about the options went like this to me: Destruction would destroy all synthetics, meaning that every organic would continue living. This is good in theory, but I didn't like the fact the Geth were included in that. Especially not after I had just given them true individuality. Control was good because it was 'peaceful' and meant that you would be able to control the reapers to do as you saw fit. Though killing Shephard was stupid. My problem was again down to the geth. I had just given them freedom, seen their struggle... to control them after all that would have been horrible and dishonored Legion's sacrifice. Synergy was sad because it killed Shephard and destroyed the mass relays, yes. But it would allow the future, and other races uneffected by the reaper invasion, the chance to live life in peace as well as have the benefits of being partly synthetic (which I think brought benefits, but wasn't mentioned.
The way I like to think of the Synergy ending (which I chose) was that it didn't just make it so things suddenly were synthetic and organic. Instead, it actually rewrote the universe in a way so that it always was. Of course the Mass Relay problem is still there, but since the reapers never attacked to begin destroying people, everyone is still alive, if different. It does mean your choices were worthless... and that's too bad. But at the same time it means the Krogan were able to develop naturally instead of being pulled away. The Quarians never had to leave their homeworld due to the geth because both were somewhat synthetic in nature. And so on and so forth. That's the way I choose to view it... which might be another reason I'm worried Bioware will just throw their hands in the air and say 'IT WAS ALL AN DREAM' like the Indocturnation theory seems to suggest. That's just my view on it though.
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I would consider that the ending was bad because it was quite poorly executed, not because there were no happy ending. Even if there are hundreds of variables in the end, just covering the major ones would most likely be enough to satisfy the masses. Thus I do not think that the expenses of covering them would be that big.
If the ending would have run along with certain popular fan theory from the beginning and they would have released free True Ending DLC afterwards, it would have been very high quality writing. This might still be a possibility but it will remain to be seen until DLC is released.
As a personal question, how did you take the change you made storywise between ME1 and ME3? Because in the end you chose exactly what you opposed in the first place during ME1 (suggested by Saren).
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I agree that it was poorly executed. My opinion really ends up being that it had good ideas, but it was just not presented or developed in the right way. To be honest, I had been expecting a kind of 'where are they now' slideshow like some games have. That would have been better then nothing at least. I do agree that having no follow through and telling you at least what happened no matter which ending you chose is frustrating. But, at the same time, there's no way Bioware could have realistically made everyone happy, and there's absolutely no way to do so now. That doesn't mean they couldn't have done better with what they did do though.
As for the fan theory and all, as I've said before, I really hope that doesn't happen. That's kind of like saying "Well, they don't like how their choices didn't end up mattering much, so let's make it so the final choice didn't matter at all cause it was in his mind instead." I actually liked the concepts behind the choices. But they should have been fleshed out more.
As for the storywise change... I'm not entirely sure. It's been a LONG time since I played ME1. I'm a completionist and playing through all of the worlds and such to do everything is long and painful. From what I remember (again, not much), Saren seemed to have the same sort of idea as the collectors. Namely that the reapers save through killing (a concept shoved at you once more in the end and never made much sense to start).
Though the mention of Saren does bring up one annoyance I have. SPOILERS: I didn't like how the illusive man basically ended up being the same as Saren in 3. Gathering forces to do what he thought was right yet actually helping the reapers. Even the way they ended up killing themselves was virtually the same.
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I doubt anyone expects there to be a billion different endings. A different ending for each choice ever made. >Punched the reporter, NEW ENDING! >Didnt punch the reporter, NEW ENDING!, ya no. More like the very major plot holes. Such as saving the Geth or the rachni queen and so on. Even as a side note after the end. "The geth you saved and allowed to become true AI later declared war etc etc." "The Rachni Queen found a home in the far corner of the galaxy and were left in peace...". These things would be far more acceptable then, "oh you just flushed thousands of choices and thousands of hours down the tube in a futile effort to shape the galaxy in your ideology. Congratulations, your ending is the exact same as 100% of everyone elses."
Also, if this supposed new and improved ending is a paid DLC, I hope EA burns to the ground with everyone in it.
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But the problem isn't that people would expect billions of different endings. It's that people would expect THEIR endings. Namely, they'd get pissed (or at the very least somewhat angry) if any piece of information they cared about was left out.
Don't get me wrong, I do agree that they should have had some closure. Even the way I interpreted the ending I chose could have had information given on the major races. They were wrong for including that kind of basic information unless you get the 'everyone dies' ending (which is, ironically, the most unique ending from what I've seen). They really shouldn't have it so basic and simple.
Keep in mind though that that's kind of how the first two were. At least with those we could look forward to seeing what happened in the next one. And they did change slightly based on what happened (teammate deaths, saving the console, putting Udina or the other guy in charge, etc). The way I put it is that the ending had good ideas but a bad execution. And I highly doubt any DLC they put out will make most people happy at this point. Even if they went with the entire it was all in his mind plot, there would be people such as myself who'd be angry the final choice didn't matter at all.
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It doesn't need to be fancy cinema scenes that goes into detail about all the choices. Even some text in an epilogue would work. They did that with Dragon Age Origins and it worked out well and still gave you a feeling that even your minor choices made a difference.
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Multiplayer only had 50 % weight in the ending. It is not that bad for a single player campaign. I mean, you still get half.
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Well I think one of the most amusing things about it, and one reason a lot of people were angry was down to one simple thing, outside of the fact that in the end, the choices you made really didn't matter.
"It's not even in any way like the traditional game endings, where you can say how many endings there are, or whether you got ending A, B, or C." - Casey Hudson
And in the end, what happened? A, B, or C endings. Outside of the quality of the endings, the director flat out LIED to the media, and the fans.
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I think that this video (no spoilers) illustrates pretty much perfectly why are the endings so bad.
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So I saw the video and I guess I know what happens. No matter what you choose, Shephard dies to save the galaxy, with the only difference being the color of an explosion? No need to say if I'm right or wrong, I dont want to be actually spoiled. ;P
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1.No f*cking way this assholes knows what the ending was and what fans demands is.
2.Bioware won't change the ending, the dlc will fill the plotholes and expand the existing one ending.
3.And why it's free?It must be a 10-20$ DLC.4.Another "gaming is art - eat my shit" person, won't ever buy their Synapse i guess.
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“I don’t mean this to be critical of Bioware even slightly,” Mode 7′s Paul Taylor tells me. “It’s just an experiment. I was so bowled over and fascinated just by the fact that such a change would even be considered, so I thought I’d see how it felt to do it.” Also, please tell me how this, at all, relates to the "Games are art" argument.
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"Frozen Synapse developers Mode 7 Games did no such thing, but have sensibly realised that the route to true success entails screwing around with their creative vision willy-nilly to suit whatever their community demands, and as such a new, happier (and far sillier) ending to their splendid turn-based strategy game will go live later today."
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So, you're angry because they momentarily changed to the game that they made, and that you even specifically stated that you wouldn't buy?
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Hopefully Bioware doesn't just screw it up... again.
Also for all those people that think this is crazy or what more information about why this is happening (and why Bioware should listen) check out the Forbes articles on this stuff. They are pretty good.
Further Thoughts on Mass Effect 3's Ending and Future DLC
Mass Effect 3 And The Pernicious Myth Of Gamer Entitlement
Is BioWare Setting A 'Dangerous Precedent' By Considering Alternative Endings?
Story-Telling In Video Games And The Mass Effect 3 Ending
Why Fan Service is Good Business
Upset Mass Effect Fans: Entitled Gamers Or Responsible Consumers?
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I really hate how people are calling a demand to change the ending 'entitlement' and a dangerous precedent against artistic integrity and how not liking something doesn't give you the right to change it blah blah blah.
Why are these people utterly deaf to the pure, simple, indisputable fact that it was blatantly falsely advertised? I don't want the ending changed because I dislike it, or even that I felt it was very untrue to the series. I want it changed because it was not what was advertised. Bioware sold the game to me by telling me that something was in it that was not actually in it.
I don't want to change all the things I dislike; I just want the content I paid for.
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Thats not a car! It's art!
EVERY END have to be acceptable because it is their artwork. But how i wrote:
you've played three games (ME 1, 2 and 3) for 100 or more hours. Every decision feels very important and you think about their effects. And then you get it... nothing changed by your decision. The last decision in the game changes the color in which the game ends. Not more.
That is why I want a different ending. All decisions are overwhelmed by the last little question about the color.
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I don't really care about the color, it's mostly just the fact that at the end the only decisions that mattered were paragon/renegade and did extra quests/didn't do them.
As someone who replayed the previous two games multiple times to get things the way I wanted, it was a huge letdown that none of it mattered. Even little things like showing characters I saved doing things in the end would make a difference, but the current ending just kinda ignored everyone else, which is weird for a game so involved in character-building.
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"I really hate how people are calling a demand to change the ending 'entitlement' and a dangerous precedent against artistic integrity and how not liking something doesn't give you the right to change it blah blah blah."
You're more lenient than I. I can't speak specifically about ME3 since I haven't played it yet. However, companies like EA (i.e. big business) mostly pick up developers like BioWare because they make games that sell. So if all you are after is money, then I think a business should be held accountable to the demands of the customers. The second you sold out you lost the majority of your artistic license as far as I'm concerned. (I mean if it's an IP, then that's not really the case since there aren't really any expectations for an IP).
Not that I necessarily think they should have no artistic license, I just think that when you are selling to the masses you put yourself in the situation where you're going to have to appease the customers, this has nothing to do with ideals, it's just what happens as far as I see it.
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lol true, but people did go a little over board in opinion. Now about the change who knows what they real plan for it. For all we know its just a cinematic scene of Shepherd flipping off all the fans and walks away with an explosion in the background :P
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It looks like all the factors put in towards pissing off Bioware worked.
If the DLC to change it costs any money, then....I'll....probably whine some more and THEN buy it. I hate loving Mass effect.
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