Obligatory unrelated song with somehow related title -> click me, i know you want to
Thank you for nice words. Merry Christmas again ;) my friend : )
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It was fun ride for me, I hope it was fun for you. Link was hidden in the image. I won't tell you where because magician never talks about his tricks ;P
I am really thankfull for all nice comments, regular comments and even kinda not nice comments. Today I love you and I;m not saying that to gain more good karma ;)
Raffle will take place in 14 hours. I'm listening to songs about winning and visualizing me holding xbox so I guess I have some major chances to win xP I think I have around 20 tickets, people 'bought' around half of them (500 from 1000 that were available) so my odds are even better then I tought. And you know what they say - I have 50% chances to win. How? I will either win or not :P
And so, now we wait
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o wow i only seen it now amazing job at that . spent so long trying to find it even try different stuff with the name of the file . lol cant believe it amazing
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All rules that was written in raffle's terms and conditions were changed on fly because big boss said something like 'I'm your boss I will do what i want, lol'. I'm a little bitter but not because I didn't win anything but because an event that could be cool was destroyed by my company's mediocrity. In fact, what he did was against the law (even 'private' raffles like this are regulated by law in my country) and I'm sad that he was the one to host the draw because other members of the board (at least two of them) actually care about their own rules. Now I know that if there will be another charity raffle in my company I will porbably just skip the company part and will donate on my own. Or I will just donate when I will be able to.
At least doggos will have some fun that snacks and squeeky piggie. And ball. Don't forget about ball.
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terms and conditions were changed on fly
What a douchebag. How he changed them?
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For example - raffle was suppose to take place at 14:30. Other boss (board member, whatever) said that they will host it at 15:00. But then he was gone and big bald guy decided that it will take place at 14:45 just because. Next thing - in terms and conditions it was stated that every number will be announced three times and then we will wait 2 minutes for a winner to appear from nowhere to receive his prize. No such thing - 'number 600! six zero zero! anyone? no? ok, next one!'.
Next thing - Xbox was supposed to be first prize, so all the people would have chance to win it. Then they will draw smaller prizes. You see, when you would win something, you would have to give them all your tickets to avoid situation when someone would win multiple prizes. But big boss decided to start with smaller prizes without taking winner's tickets.
Now short offtop - many tickets were 'sold' today. These tickets were added to the 'drawing box' at the end so they were placed at the top. Unfortunatelly they forgot to shake that damned box so almost all winnning tickets were the ones with high numbers (the ones 'sold' today) - end of the offtop.
In the result some people won two or even three times. Most of them were some high placed midaged ladies that I saw for the first time. Also strangely many winners were placed on 'higher' positions (e.g. coordinators or project's leads). While I'm not saying it was rigged, because it wasn't, I don't think it is cool. I mean, sure, they work here, but the whole idea was to give some stuff to temp workers - simple game testers with lowest salary. Yet, most prizes went to people who can afford new cars and other cool stuff. At least xbox went to some tester, however he wasn't really happy about it because he already own an xbox -.-
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EDIT2: How was the raffle you ask? It was like this (it's not some sneaky youtube link, it will take you directly to my comment :P).
EDIT1: Train safely arrived to its final station. Now its cars will be detached and the railway engine will be parked in the garage. I will close the doors but maybe, some day I will turn it on again. After all I still want to create that very, very, very long train. While I will be walking into sunset feel free to check my comment ;)
Some of you might remember me. Yes, I left SG. No, I’m not going back. Well that’s not true. I’m back for one more train. Let me explain.
Do you know those stories about guys that left but are back years later to deal with some unfinished business? Think about Jack Carter. Or (example of this from gaming world) about John Marston from Red Ded Redemption. Marston’s criminal days are over but he is forced to go along this path one last time before he will be able to finally live with his family.
Well, I’m in this place right now, but unlike John Martson I’m not forced to do so. I came back because I want to place some offerings on Karma’s shrine before attempting to win biggest GA of them all – a GA where Xbox One S can be won.
There will be a raffle in my company. Some prizes, most of them aren’t overwhelming. I don’t want them. I want my crème de la crème. Long story short there are 1000 tickets to get, with no limits about how many tickets one participant can ‘buy’. To obtain one ticket I have to provide one thing for doggos from local shelter. I already bought some pedigree snacks, I hope that doggos will enjoy them. I will probably buy more because I want to have at least 10 tickets. It will be 1% from all available tickets and (if all tickets will be sold) I think that my odds (1:100) will be actually pretty high. Well, in theory it will be easier to win that console that most of GAs that I have won here.
At first I wanted to won it, sell it and then buy PS4. But that’s not cool. I have decided that if I will win that console I will play at least few XB1 exclusives – Halo Collection, probably Gears of War collection and some Forzas to see if they are better than Gran Turismo (probably not but I can still enjoy it). Oh and Quantum Break.
Will I sell it after beating these games? Well, in theory yes, but when I will gather small library of games it will probably stay by the side of my PS3 waiting for PS4 Bro to arrive somewhere in, hopefully, near future (date TBA).
So, dear Karma, please accept my offerings. I will use this Xbox and I will enjoy it. So please… Actually, you know what? Even if you won’t grant me with your grace, I will be okay with that. Some doggos will get food, some people will get games.
Train with bundle games. Entrance from level 3. I will check winners so no regifters, etc. Games are mostly from older HB bundles so if you missed something maybe you will find it here.
GAs will end around one day before raffle for XB1 S – somewhere near the hour of this thread creation on 15th December.
Before someone ask how am I right now – check I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside album. This will give you some idea. If you don’t like Earl you can listen Stressed Out. It’s funny when, in theory, everything is okay but somewhere inside you there is a thriving source of stress that affects your health. Actually, it kinda sucks.
So good luck and early Merry Christmas!
Also: bump.
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