Buying this software bundle?
I got tier 1 for Spriter Pro. Don't care about the asset packs or the rest of the stuff. Would have preferred Spine over Spriter as we don't currently have Spriter model or runtime support in Visionaire Studio - Just Spine, but Spine is really expensive compared to Spriter.
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I really hope the bundle gets added and the CV reduced retroactively. Then the points farmers will get screwed (like they deserve).
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I don't understand why so much hate... But regardless, yeah, the CV they get from bundled games are greatly reduced.. If anything, it only creates an inflation on the amount of points every other user gets.. I'm having to come back after every hour or two to spend my points because it is generating so much right now..
Nobody loses from GA being created, and from people leveling up from creating GA...
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It's nothing to due with hate. I simply feel that $60 of CV for $1 is an exploit.
Bundled games are supposed to be added to the list retroactively, which means they should see their CV reduce drastically anyways.
Basically, they're potentially getting Level 4 versus those of us who have actually earned it.
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By this logic, aren't giving away games bought in the Winter sale an exploit too? Or region locked games giving CV linked to regions with a higher priced Steam store?
Seeing as the CV gained should be cut to 15%, I don't see how giving away keys from the dev bundle is any different to giving away games from any bundle. If they gave the full value in CV I'd agree with you completely, but seeing as the CV given will be reduced I don't see the problem.
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The CV gain is reduced but it's still proportional to the retail price. Following his example, (15% of) $60 of CV for $1 is disproportionate. It's a 98% discount and no $60 game will ever be discounted 98%. I don't think it's such a big deal but personally I would cap the value of games (and software). This said, exploiting the system is the norm here so I wouldn't single out this case in particular.
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I wouldn't be opposed to a cap on the value, as it does feel a bit exploitative (and everybody can see the huge number of GAs right now).
In fact, I'd much prefer a cap, or heck, even getting no CV at all, over ending up on lots of blacklists just because I bought the bundle for Marmoset Hexels and decided to give away the duplicates I had from the first gamedev bundle rather than trashing them ...
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I hear you, I am also tempted to get the bundle for Hexels, so what is one supposed to do with the duplicates? Blacklisting is another sore issue of this community.
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Just look at BundleStars. There are bundles that are discounted by up to 99%.
The point is that there won't be a "fair" solution because of a number of factors. There is no way that SG can figure out what you actually paid for a gift. Countries get discounts, etc. I paid full price for "Wolfenstein: The New Order" and gave it away. I didn't know that it had been on a price glitch before so I got bundled CV for it. I gave away ClickTeam Fusion before and got more CV for less along with a couple of blacklist additions. If it was fair then I should have gotten more CV for my Wolfenstein giveaway.
If someone wants to "farm" CV then they can. They will still have to give away a lot of money worth of games to get to level 6 or 7 so it's easy to restrict your giveaways by putting in a higher level cap or using something like SGTools to require more unbundled games.
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My point was that 60P means an AAA game, freshly released. Think Watch Dogs 2 right now. Such games will never be discounted 90%, 98% or 99%. 60$ games will eventually cost 5$ (see GTA 4 or many others) but it will be a slow pattern of discount, discount, price drop, discount, discount until they are 20$ and 75% off. You'll never get a 98% discount off a $60 price tag.
But the Clickteam exploit achieves just that. Bundle Stars discounts are simply not the same thing, the way I see it.
Sure, Level 7 is still not easy to reach, but I have seen winners of my giveaways with higher levels than mine, with just 4 or 5 giveaways created. They just picked the right giveaways. Personally I despise SGTools and the mindset behind it. Rather than relying on it I would prefer to see the obvious flaws in the system fixed.
In your Wolfenstein example, I think a fix could be to use the historical low price to set the giveaway value, but such value shouldn't be adjusted in time. Giving away a game like Wolfenstein when it's new has a different value to the community than doing it now that it's 6 bucks: I think this difference in value should be permanently attached to your history.
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I can buy a AAA game at a 20% discount prior to launch and give that game away. Another person buys the game without the discount and gives it away. We both get the same CV. What would you call that?
The reason why SGTools exists is because SG only has a single measure for giveaways, CV. If you want AAA games then the only way to guarantee that is to join a group that specializes in AAA games and have the requirements that are tied to those groups.
There isn't a simple fix for the system because games will always be discounted/bundled.
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What you say about the 20% discount is obviously true, but I don't understand what you intend to prove with that. SGTools create an uneven playfield with arbitrary rules. If CV is not perceived as an appropriate criterion, new ones should be introduced, such as win/give ratio or the number of unbundled games given away. But with the same rules for everyone.
I am Level 3 (mid way to 4) and the winner of my latest giveaway is also Level 3. I have a 0.54 ratio and 60 created giveaways, so I am clearly not an SG hero by any means. But he has a 0.14 ratio with 14 created giveaways and frankly I don't think we belong in the same level.
To fix the system there should be an agreement on what's wrong with it, which might be tough, but personally I think there's ample room for improvement.
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My point with the 20% is that there will always be a discrepancy between what people buy a game for and the CV they receive. At what point does a good bargain become too much? SG has set that threshold to 95% so if I get a game for a 94% discount then I still get full CV and you might have to pay full price for the same game to get the same CV. You aren't happy because the CV cost ratio in this case is $25 to $1 or something like that. It's the ratio you aren't happy with. If it was $5 to $1 then you wouldn't be complaining. I would say just ignore it. If you are concerned then set your giveaways to level 4 or 5 which aren't easy to get with these sorts of giveaways.
SGtools has some useful checks (e.g. Check users for not-activated wins and Check users for multiple wins for the same game). You can also check for win/giveaway ratios or things like only unbundled games. I don't enter many SGTools giveaways because it's a pain for me to make my profile public first but the option is there.
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Well, the ratio in this case is $60 to $1, or to $0.33, depending on your point of view. And speaking of SGT, I have more of a problem with someone who reached Level 4 or 5 with few, but well-picked "exploit" GAs than with someone who didn't activate one single shovelware game over the course of 3 or 4 years. This said, I guess we can just agree to disagree.
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The first tier of the bundle has been bundled long time ago.
So they are on the bundled list already.
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Steam is becoming like Tidal/Itunes/Spotify. More people release music, more money those services make.
Same for games, Now you have the 1$ software to make games and now you can greenlit your crappy games.
Valve gets a cut from the final price so something is telling me that Valve has something to do with this Software dev bundle.
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There are free solutions for game dev that doesn't require such bundles for some specific game engine.
Valve get cuts only from Steam store.
And 0% from keys.
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I'm pretty tempted to try this, I got the GameMaker bundle a while ago, and I feel like the Spriter and stuff could help a lot, too, since art is a weaker bit for me. But I'd probably only be getting the $1 tier since I don't really have a lot of money, lol. I did get some money I could get this with for Christmas, though, but I don't know when/if I'd even find the motivation to use it, lol. :p
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I'm in the same boat as you, more or less: I bought the "Game Makers Mega Bundle" last year from Bundle Stars, mostly for RPG Maker VX Ace and DLCs, but I still haven't even finished a single game... the best I could manage to do was drawing a few maps.
I bought this one too, of course; I'll increase my first order to BTA later, and possibly get a few more T1s, to spam Clickteam Fusion in Touhou Giveaways for a "certain" achievement :3
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I purchased the $1 tier of the bundle to lock the BTA, and I'll increase that order when I get more money on my card.
Adding to your orders is possible at any time, within a certain timeframe (a week, I guess) from the bundle's end date, with the BTA locked at the moment of your initial purchase.
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Just wondering why no one is giving away the Spriter Pro game effect DLC? Is it not allowed to be given away or something because I couldn't find it anywhere.
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Forgot to write in this thread; thanks a lot for making this thread!! I was away on Christmas holiday during this time, so^^
Your thread looks good!! =) Interesting CV table too! Perhaps I should consider something like that for my HB threads as well! I did notice that a few people didn't notice my notes about CV for the tiers. Hm.
I didn't buy this bundle though, even though it looks semi interesting. I do want to make my own game some day, but I feel like the chance for me even starting to mess with the software and such is quite low. But we'll see. :P I was low on money at that time anyways, so perhaps at the next Software bundle I've give in.
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Ho ho ho... I thought you celebrate holiday in somewhere without electricity or internet :D
I want that kind of holiday :3
oh.. without internet only..
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Thanks for the kind words :3
I figured that the usual bundle posters must have been enjoying their holidays, so I decided to put my spare time to good use, since this bundle was getting the wrong kind of attention, and I knew there were many fellow aspiring devs who might have found it useful.
I won't hide the fact that I tried to imitate your style, while also adding a few personal touches (like the aforementioned CV table).
This way, I made sure to appease both the aspiring devs (with software data) and the CV farmers (with data on return of investment).
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The Humble GameDev Software Bundle
Honestly, I'm a bit surprised that nobody seemed to care about this bundle, so I took charge of the thread this time, for the fellow aspiring devs out here who might be interested. Sorry gamers, only software this time...
Lowest BTA so far: $4.52+$0.01=$4.53 - Proof: (thanks NeverOnline!)
Tier 1: pay $1 or more
Non-Steam stuff:
Tier 2: pay more than the average (currently hovering around $7)
Non-Steam stuff:
Tier 3: pay $10 or more
Non-Steam stuff:
Please note that the above calculations consider all the products as bundled, since the total bundle discount turns out to be slightly over 97%.
Also, only Steam products are counted, since they're probably what you're here for, right?
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread
Wondering which games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer
But since I'm new to bundle threads, I guess the script won't work with me, until I get added to the whitelist of thread creators.
NOTE: for some reason, my T1 purchase included Voxatron, which was supposed to be in T3:
I'll leave the chart as it is, until I've got further proof.
EDIT: it disappeared after a few days, it was probably the result of a glitch.
NOTE 2: read this if you're interested in Clickteam Fusion, this bundle doesn't include everything you might need, unlike the last one. (thanks marpenorj!)
NOTE 3: activating the Lexaloffle key for Voxatron apparently gives you PICO-8 as well.
Let me know if I did some mistakes, and I'll fix them ASAP
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