Looks like a nice increase in giveaways near the end. :)
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After using the encourage, I don't get the option to use meditate.
I have 236/300 hp, 476/515 energy, and concentration of 67%. I feel like it should be able to be higher. ;)
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Global stats says 6 player deaths, I revived 2 of those with phoenix blood. :D
edit: The regain 10% hp and ep on killing a monster weapon doesn't heal ep when you are at full hp, is this intentional?
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Thanks, also a quick question, the store portal teleport, is that the nearest shop or the nearest you know of, if there are more?
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I got stuck on the introductory puzzle, I feel really stupid.
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I'm experiencing a really weird bug in battles: the distance in steps is varying a lot. For example, a monster is 1 step away from me and on the next strike the distance suddenly becomes 6 or 7 steps, then 4 steps on the strike after that. I was able to hit with a magic weapon from 7 steps away and with a melee one from 4. It's very confusing!
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Does bleeding still not stop without a bandage? Because I'm already bleeding and I don't have a bandage yet, seems like it should have a temporary effect like everything else or else you die from a papercut :). Which is what will happen to me if I don't find a bandage soon.
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I bought the big energy potion pack, first aid pack and luck +1 ring.
Only touched the energy potions very late, found a chest with 4 of them almost immediately and then some monster drops and checks as well. The boost from encourage from barbarian is very helpful as well, easily counted as a big energy potions every so often.
The barbarian boost is mainly since most are low lvl and don't have high morale yet while I have max.
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Encourage from the start, you have to go to the other barbarians profile and use the skill there. Only usable when you have a higher morale than them.
Demoralizing roar after a medium amount of negative karma, was lvl 4-5(if I remember correctly) for me.
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On the left of the typing box(chat) there is a ? to see who is around you, there you can click on profiles.
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I think it is same mechanic as the undead X% chance to revive, but much higher chance here
I killed it around 10 times before it died.
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If you are fighting, defend, you regain enough energy/concentration on successful defend/miss to attack again.
Also no energy regen in a fight.
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When 2 adventurers meet in GoS.
PraX has given Evolve a Small Healing Potion.
Evolve has given PraX a Small Healing Potion.
PraX has treated Evolve to a Medium Healing Potion which recovered 105 HP.
Evolve has thrown an explosive vial at PraX, dealing 20 damage.
PraX has thrown an explosive vial at Evolve, dealing 34 damage.
Evolve has stolen 13 coins from PraX.
PraX has treated Evolve to a Small Healing Potion which recovered 47 HP.
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oh man, I have the shittiest luck possible ever. I wish I found any potion once in a while instead of those useless scrolls
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Well done! :) How did you like this quest compared to the first one? Was it more enjoyable after the recent changes?
Also, did you notice any improvement in performance in your browser? I compressed the code and optimized it a little, and that supposedly should have made game work a bit faster :)
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I had more fun and less frustrations. partly beacause of experience from previous editions.
I really think it is easier this time. A lot of gems to sell, more shops - napping is not a big problem.
There was no /drop command while I was playing last time so overweight was a pain in the .....
This time it all went in a smooth way.
Killing other players was imposible for me. No profits form visiting the devil. ;(
Teleportation traps and hidden walls - not my favourite but its ok. Randomness makes things more interesting.
Selling in the shops - good move !
TEchnically it all worked very well. I had two or three "resets" when the fight started again after a few rounds or I suddenly I was outside the fight.
Add weapon crafting and horse riding and you have Witcher 3 ;P
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Thank you for the feedback!
These "resets" sound weird, never heard of them before - I'll try to find out what might cause them, though it will be a difficult task seeing how rarely they happen. Did it just set enemy health to the max randomly? It could have been an undead foe that revived upon death or a monster that regenerated health from time to time.
I'm glad you found the experience more enjoyable overall. I had to tone down the difficulty a bit to make gameplay process more fluent, and it seems to work well :)
I guess if I'll add weapon crafting and horse riding, I'll have to rename the game to Game of sWitcher? :p
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Finally done! By the time I got to the treasury I already found all the giveaways in the dungeon, apparently.
I didn't find the secret, but I hope there wasn't any giveaways I missed because of that?
I almost didn't manage to finish in one go, but I reached the Shelter one square before depleting my last energy potions, then I managed to barely reach the collector + store. After that it's basically infinite energy so I could finish in some hours. Damn that labyrinth at the end though :P
Thanks for another nice sWords!
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Aaaaaand I'm stuck. I haven't found anything to open the multitude of special doors. I've checked everything I could and I don't have a lockpick to advance either, only store doesn't sell any, can't seem to trade for one either (I doubt anyone would anyway). What am I missing?
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Did you manage to resolve this? I feel like I'm in the same situation...
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Thanks, only 3 more wizardry for the second breath scrolls.
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Then there is a problem with the duration, or can it stack?
I had 7 resistance so duration should be 3, but I defended at least 3 times and a few attacks before it faded.
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I must have missed the extra concussion notices then.
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(25.11-15.12) Join the dungeon-crawling Giveaway Adventure in Steam Dungeons! [70+ GAs]
Hello Steamgifters! It is that time again - adventure time! Join an exciting adventure with a large amount of treasures!
All of us like playing games, and all of us like winning games. So, how about playing a game and winning games while playing?
Game of sWords is a text RPG Adventure where you can explore dungeons, upgrade your hero, find useful items, weapons and artifacts, avoid deadly traps, fight dangerous monsters and interact with other players while searching for treasures (private SteamGifts giveaways links) on your way and trying to complete a quest to get access to a huge amount of private giveaways! Each quest has a limited number of winners split between 3 available classes - Barbarian, Wizard and Thief, so the chances in each giveaway will always be great.
All giveaways have no restrictions, so anyone who finds them can join them!
A lot of giveaways have been contributed by the community members, and I would like to say a big Thank You to everyone who made a contribution! :)
Here is the topic of the previous quest.
Here is the topic of Game of sWords v3.
Here is the topic of the second Game of sWords.
And here is the topic of the first one, which started back in November last year.
Important notes about the Game
Your hero has Energy Points and Health Points.
Most of the actions require Energy Points. Energy can be replenished using items which you can find everywhere, thus it is important to check everything around you!
Energy also replenishes over time and that time can be reduced with special artifacts that can be found during the adventure.
Note, that the Energy won't be replenishing during the battles (you can only restore it with potions)!
If you lose all your Health Points, you will also lose all the Energy you had plus you will have to wait for a few hours to be resurrected. Energy can not be replenished while you are dead!
Note: If you have problems navigating through the map, you can switch to Simplified Navigation at the bottom right corner.
I highly recommend to visit sWords Library that has a lot of other useful information that will help you in the adventure
What's new in Game of sWords?
Lots of changes have been made since the previous quest to make the game more enjoyable! You can see the list of main changes here.
Commands you can use in chat:
You can trade with other adventurers through the Chat using following command: /trade *amount* *item(s) you have* for *amount* *item(s) you want*
/trade 5 small healing potions for 3 small energy potions
/trade 5 acceleration scrolls for 100 coins
You can drop items/scrolls/coins/arrows using following command: /drop *amount* *item(s) you have*
You can give items/scrolls/coins/arrows to other adventurer using following command: /give *id* *amount* *item(s) you have*
Note: The Game engine is not properly supported by Internet Explorer (you will encounter all kinds of nasty bugs there) and it is recommended to use one of the following browsers: Chrome (perfect), Opera (perfect) or Firefox (great, but the game works a tiny bit slower and sounds sometimes mess up a little).
Current Winners limits: Barbarians:25, Mages:25, Thieves:25.
Winners get access to all giveaways available in the Game! (70+)
Everyone who finishes the Game after the limit is reached (while it is still runnning) gets 1 random treasure as a consolation prize!
All giveaways end in about a week! The Game will last for a week.
Time to start the Adventure!
EVERYONE is invited to play the Game and search for treasures in the adventure! :)
The only requirement is that your Steam account should be more than 90 days old.
Join the official group
Start playing now!
Want to suggest an idea to help me improve the game? Post it here! People can upvote or downvote it, and it will help me see what people do and do not want to be implemented. Thank you!
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