I can only recommend it too, one of the best games I've ever played. It has everything, great story, interesting puzzles, nice graphics. I could go on and on :d
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Yes, but the dlc already comes with the pc version. The only dlc you can buy are some digital extras, but the extra chapters come with the game.
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Even people I know who don't normally like shooters have been impacted by this story. But fair warning, it's inspired by Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness, and gets pretty dark.
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Great story. Best to just try it and not search online before you do
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OneShot (but don't read anything about it to avoid spoilers)
Mafia I & II (didn't play the third one)
Deus Ex series
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Gone Home
Her Story
Dead Synchronicity
CHUCHEL (if you look for a good laugh and cuteness)
L.A. Noire
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Seconding OneShot and Her Story! Fantastic experimental games, best played blind.
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Thirdconding(?) OneShot, I've finished it twice+ recently and agreed, must play blindly.
Also, howcome nobody mentioned What Remains of Edith Finch? mandatory!
What about Dear Esther or the Vanishing of Ethan Hawk?
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The Cat Lady's phenomenal. It's also scary without being difficult, which made it perfect for a horror wimp like me. (I didn't find Downfall as interesting or original, but that makes sense because it was a remake of the creator's first game.) I'm super hyped for Lorelai.
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I played:
Batman games
Dishonored series
Valkyria Chronicles
Witcher 2.
On the top I really forgot Valkyria Chronicles. Its totally amazing.
I got the most games so I gonna try them.
But one question Brothers in Arms series? Are they really good?
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I just finished Dust: An Elysian Tail from the above list, and I second it. It's incredibly well written. Considering the game was written and coded by one person, it's impressive. :)
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First Max Payne
Silent Hill 1-3
Some MGS(of course, if you have tolerance to special Kojima's vision)
Lots of Point and Clicks
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I played Silent Hill 2. You are right. I go the HD collection i should play the third.
MGS is one of the most mentioned games. And I am afraid to play it. Does it have a real ending? Because Kojima leaves the company and I dont want to play a series with no real ending.
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That's huge world without true, but certain stories are self-sufficient, You know, like Resident Evil - many connections between games, but every part has own story.
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I am not really sure about Quantic Dream. Have you considered the actual plot of Fahrenheit, for example? One of the protagonists gets hypnotised by a 3000-year-old Mayan priest who works for a shadow council to acquire a prophetic little girl so they can control the world. Said protagonist eventually gets killed and returns as a zombie, but despite being dead, manages to conceive a child with an unfertile woman. Additionally, we find out that the child is also sought by a sentient holographic AI that posed as an old woman in a wheelchair, because it also wanted to… do something unspecified. And to decide the fate of the child, the Mayan cabal manages to completely freeze the entire Earth until our zombie suddenly learns how to fly and do the kung-fu, so he can have a supernatural showdown on a rooftop where they fly around until one of them gets tired enough.
And David Cage maintains that this game is not a Lynch movie homage, it is supposed to be a very serious and REALISTIC crime drama.
(Disclaimer: The story, while playing the game, is actually dumber, but written words cannot express how much.)
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Baldur's Gate (RPG)
Baldur's Gate 2 (RPG)
Mass Effect 1 (RPG / Shooter)
Portal 1 (has lots of puzzles though)
Warcraft 3 (RTS)
The Longest Journey 1 (Pt & Click)
Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64 w/ Rumblepack)
Worth mentioning:
Eventide: Slavic Fable (HOG)
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I recommend The Longest Journey saga. The first game is ooold, but the story is awesome and it gets you emotionally attached to the characters that are gonna reappear (or die) in the other two. The whole thing is beautifull :')
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It goes like this: first "The Longest Journey", then "Dreamfall: The longest journey" and finally "Dreamfall Chapters".
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If you don't mind visual novels the Danganronpa games are really good.
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I think Uncharted is amazing. I still need to play Uncharted 3 and 4 and the lost legacy one? But I think the story is good and the way they tell the story and it is like a movie at times is amazing. I haven't play The Last of Us but I heard it is great as well. My favorite of AC so far is the very first one with Altair. I am playing AC brotherhood currently (on and off). Not fully caught up on it but I think the story of the game is good overall even though the game is repetitive.
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Gabriel Knight 1-3
The Cat Lady
The Longest Journey (also maybe the sequels, although they are heavily inferior to the first installation in the trilogy)
Blade Runner
Gemini Rue
Culpa Innata
a little bit on the "so bad that it's good" side: Black Dahlia
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downfall steam version is better than "old"/ previous downfall non-steam version?
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The newer version is obviously more polished in every aspect (it's not only about visuals, although visuals do matter: Michalski has found his style since then), plus the narrative has been integrated into the general The Devil Came Through Here trilogy storyline. Still, the story (mainly an arc of an important character) has been simplified a little bit, and I know people who prefer the original version. Not me though. I mean, I absolutely adore it, but Michalski has grown so much since then; while the original Downfall is brilliant, it's still more of a draft (or a work of an artist who's still learning) - and the newer version is a full-size masterpiece.
And yes, I'm totally a fan :)
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Here are a bunch of games that I really enjoyed the story in:
Planescape: Torment
Pillars of Eternity 1-2
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Vampire: The masquerade: redemption (not the greatest game, but the story is nice, in particular for those who know a bit about the lore)
Syberia 1 & 2
Wing Commander series
Mass Effect series
Torment: Tides of Numenera
The Longest Journey
StarCraft (I genuinely like this story, even if it's not a game that people usually mention for its story)
Baldur's Gate 2
Tex Murphy series (at least 3-5)
Ultima series, from 4-7 (these are a bit primitive, but 5 in particular really shows what a few moments of excellent writing can do for a story)
Gemini Rue
Valiant Hearts
I have no mouth, and I must scream
Alpha Protocol (for how much your choices actually matter more than anything else)
Avernum series
The Dig
Mafia 1 (2 is also quite alright, but not nearly as good, 3 is "meh")
Tales from the Borderlands
The Witcher series
Gabriel knight series
Shadow of Memories (also known as Shadow of Destiny)
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Wing Commander is on GOG & Origin. 3-5 have some rather high-profile actors in it, like Mark Hamill & Malcolm McDowell.
There are console versions of the Ultima games, but it's safer to just ignore those. The Ultima series is on GOG & Origin.
And yep, that Homeworld.
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Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
Gods Will Be Watching (contrary to what the Store page claims absolutely NOT a P&C Adventure game but rather a "Stress management" or Puzzle game)
The Blackwell Chronicles games
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So many great games already listed. Two that need more attention:
Deus Ex - the original game
Planescape: Torment
Some extra games for the list;
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You
Grim Fandango
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Hello folks,
I really need your help. I finished all Kingdom Hearts games the 3th time to be prepared for Kingdom Hearts 3. After the the Final Battle Trailer I am totally dying. I need this game. I really love the story telling and the emotions (Soras despair at the end, holy cow)
So there is still a month to go and I even have some free days and need some games with great stories.
I really need to sink into the story to forget about Kingdom hearts for a month, Please I need your help.....
Some games I played and enjoyed the Story, just to let you know.
Bioshock Series
Devil may cry series (well the story is not really totally amazing but i liked this cheesy kind of storytelling)
Dragon Age: Origins
Nearly all Final fantasy main titles
God of War
Persona Revelation
All quantic dreams games (Heavy Rain, Fahrenheit, Beyond two sould, detroit become human)
Wolfs among us
Walking dead
Suikoden 1+2
Tales of Symphonia
Witcher Series
White Knight chronicles
Beyond Good and Evil
So it doesnt matter which console. I have a 3ds,pc,ps4 and switch. I need your help! It doesnt matter if its a rpg,shooter, adventure or whatever. I just want to enjoy my time.
Actually I play Divine Divinity, feels a bit like a normal standard fantasy story. Hopefully the others are better, I have all games of this series but cant find myself diving deeper in.
A little GAfor your time.
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