you guys should spend me money. there are serveral important reasons!!!
probably you should explain your reasons ;)
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I don't need a reason (why has someone blacklisted me),just a list or notification especially if you have already invested a lot of money for GA's.I think,this is (one) valid reason.
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and what do you intend to do with this information? sorry, i see only bad things coming our way, if we get this information. people getting harassed ("unblacklist me, or...!"), unnecessary questions for the reason, revenge-blacklisting and so on.
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the current Bl system forces these things even more ! You may not care but others do. In my opinion it's not revenge blacklisting.If they want BL me (for any "ridiculous/personal" reason),ok,but it's not okay if they still able to enter my GA's and i can't enter their GA's.
"Hey,lucky winner here is your AAA giveaway and btw:thanks for blacklisting me :-)" No,no and once again NO !
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+10000 this! kay overboar get it? XD
Nah, really this, how about someone bl you but keeps entering yours? that's a form of abuse.
Plus you should have the same right to bl the one bl you, eye for an eye, it's poetic justice XD
ps. what "info" are the other user talking about? an alias? why? he/she can attempt reporting you, but if you did nothing wrong then I guess there's nothing to be afraid, right? Unless I'm missing something, in which case, do please enlight me :)
thanks for not making this a war, make love not war!
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I agree on that, but they should just make it that someone who blacklisted you can't enter your GA's. But I see more bad stuff of a list who blacklisted you then good stuff. Sure it has it's benefits, but it will also flood the forums with (more) drama. Plus you'll get constant messages like "why did you blacklist me," "please take me of your blacklist" etc.
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...but there still remains a problem:If someone blacklisted me after he joined my GA's his entries remain valid. This is a No Go !
I had already written it before: I don't reward/support people with GA's who have blacklisted me !
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I agree with this 100% lol The only people on my blacklist are people I've seen randomly blacklisting people XD
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I don't see anything wrong with revenge blacklisting honestly......If someone has such an issue with you, that they don't want you trying to get their also clearly should have such an issue with the person that you wouldn't WANT their stuff.....I don't think SG should display names of blacklisters...but I think if you add someone to your blacklist, you should be blocked from entering that persons giveaways...then maybe people will think twice and decide if they feel that they TRULY have that big of an issue with the person.
The few people I have blacklisted, I have never entered their giveaways...they should respect me the same way, and SG should make it that way by default IMHO
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yes, i admit the idea to automatically get on the blacklist of the guy you blacklist is very good. i am not a fan of active revenge blacklisting. sometimes and for some people it makes sense, sometimes i feel it doesn't. i already encountered a guy who blacklisted me, and i didn't see any reason to blacklist him. his profile looked good, i couldn't remember having any issues with him. so i just let him be. i would be interested in the reason behind all this, but i didn't add him to ask this. but i fear this is what would happen if people saw the names of those who blacklisted them. people would not only revenge-blacklist, they would add those people, ask about the reason, maybe even threaten... but your suggestion makes sense, because it might actually prevent excessive blacklisting. and that's a good thing. blacklists are a nice tool, but i feel many people just overdo it and blacklist everyone and their mother for the stupidest reasons. they might indeed think twice, if they know they will be counter-blacklisted automatically.
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I don't enter gas from blacklisted users so It wouldn't change how I use my BL. At the same time I see no reason why I should BL someone just because he revoked my privilege of winning his stuff.
If someone wants to revenge autoBL, sure I have no problem with that - as long as it's an option.
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I don't enter them either....that's my point...some people though literally BL for everything...I've seen people get blacklisted because of poor spelling on the forums....with an auto blacklist it would make people think before BLing...think "Is this person TRULY ticking me off or being offensive enough to BL and in turn be blacklisted from?" -- I don't think MOST people enter the GAs of people they BL, so the only people who it would have an impact on, IMO are people who are too quick to BL and still like to go around entering the blacklisteds giveaways.
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Thats not really the same but its something at least i suppose
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I know. But I preffer something like this than list of members. When few months ago I made GAs for forum event I was "poked" by one user on my steam profile, under screenshots and in one of the group we were both part of because he wanted to rant "how dared I BL him on SG".
Looking at Melly Christmas thread I don't want to know how much stalking like this would have to suffer some members of this site. You'd have to block someone on steam, hide all screenshots in your profile and sign out of group to get rid of this.
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I think only a minority of people would actually go to the lenghts of stalking in steam and throwing a tantrum at someone, but i suppose considering the amount of users on the site a minority is still quite a lot, i see why it makes sense but.. i can't help being curious to see who BL me.
Maybe there should be something like a 'tag' so when you enter a GA from someone that has blacklisted, you would see the usual message and a little note underneath or something, i think the reason most people want to know about BL and such is probably to know the reasons why.
I still feel so bad for Melly -.- can't believe people are trying to ruin a holiday event.
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Yeah, I can understand this "tag" stuff.
But if some puzzle leaker (like in Melly thread) would see "reason: puzzle leak" - would it make it easier for them or they would just go on forum making shitstorm about this?. The same for reasons like "rude" "ratio" "multiple wins" "don't like" "sexist" "I don't like his new avatar" and so on.
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wouldnt the posting be calling out in itself and thus punishable though? it could turn out to be a good way to weed out certain types of users
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You can't call yourself out, no (nor can someone call you out on a topic you yourself brought up).
But the phrasing of the rule strictly prohibits publicly discussing any personal issues with other users "Use the appropriate avenues for support. If you have an issue with another user, submit a ticket with a user report, rather than calling them out within the community or on the forum. "
What this means is, you'd be calling the blacklister out, and thus punishable.
(Which is what makes all those 'Why did you blacklist me?' posts very, very grey area.)
However, what this also means is, anything offsite (ie, NOT '[SG] community or forum'), would NOT be punishable. Ergo, you'd potentially get a lot of harassment on things like Steam, or [since it uses your Steam username and thus is easy to find].
So yeah, it's a bad thing all around, even before you get into the 'I am the very most special, how dare anyone not give me everything! I love drama, time to be a total jerkcannon!' mentality most of the users in favor of the idea have.
I do love how, without exception, they promote a "let me see who to be an ass to" suggestions, rather than changing the site to an automatic 'mutual-blacklisting' setup, where you wouldn't know who'd blacklisted you, but those users would no longer see your giveaways, either.
Ergo, no, these suggestions have nothing to do with a sense of fairness or the like- simply intense entitlement and love of drama.
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I suppose you are right, i do understand why its not implemented and it does make sense, still dead curious tho :D
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Will these numbers be publicly available on users' profiles? If so, then that sounds like a terrible idea. It would just give the blacklist system more room for abuse (as if it isn't abused enough already). Since users will likely make judgment calls based on these numbers, users can simply employ blacklisting raids on people they don't like in order to undermine that person's chances of receiving giveaways and getting trade partners.
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I sure hope so. I'm all for having access to information of that nature, but I'm not keen on having others have access to that kind of information about me (or anyone else, for that matter). That's just a guaranteed way of increasing abuse of the system while defeating the purpose of the feature.
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Well, I really don't know how 'list of ppl that don't meet MY criteria to enter MY giveaways' can be abused now. Bear in mind it's the only tool to fine-tune results of level filter for public giveaways.
I agree that making that information public would lead to abuse. Mostly because of the feature name strongly suggesting it's meant for "SG criminals" - number of blacklists would work as a negative rep.
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Is it not abuse if the criteria for entering those giveaways are unfair, unreasonable, or otherwise arbitrary? By "abuse", I mean taking advantage of the system in order to perform actions that are unjust or otherwise immoral.
One example that I would consider an abusive application of the blacklist system would be blacklisting users based on rationale that is disproportionate to, or insufficient to warrant, the blacklisting. Did you blacklist the user because they attempted to scam you, publicly insulted or libeled you in the forums, or otherwise behaved in a hostile and toxic manner that you consider to be damaging to yourself and/or the community, and for these reasons you believe they should no longer be allowed to have the opportunity to benefit from your generosity? Or did you blacklist the user because they were a particular gender, sex, race, ethnicity, eye color, or hairstyle; or because you thought their profile picture looked stupid; or because they used an emoticon; or because their given–received ratio was inadequate for your personal standards?
I think that the power to blacklist users, like all power, entails a moral responsibility to use it justly. In my opinion, many people exercise this power unjustly and often rationalize it with excuses like claiming that they have a license to do so by virtue of owning that which they are giving away. As I've stated many times before in discussions about this issue: just because someone has a right to do something, such as blacklisting other users, that does not mean that it is always right to exercise that right.
Whereas you apparently consider the blacklist system to be simply a "tool to fine-tune results of level filter for public giveaways", I view it as a means of punishing and excluding specific users. Because of this, I believe one ought to have a reason for that decision, particularly a just reason, since it is not a tool but a means of exercising one's moral agency. If someone wants to "fine-tune" the results of their giveaway, or any variables thereof, then they could do so through a variety of other means, such as whitelisting, selecting groups, level restrictions, and making them invite-only. Using the blacklisting system to achieve this is wholly unnecessary, practically ineffective, and arguably immoral.
In my opinion, treating the blacklisting system as simply another tool one could use to tweak one's giveaways is irresponsible because it ignores the real consequences of blacklisting others, including the affect it has on the user one blacklisted if (and when) they find out; and the likelihood that one will be blacklisted in response, thereby punishing one's self for performing an action that the blacklisted user considered punishment even though one did not. While one has the right to use the blacklist system however one pleases, as you and I and everyone does, should it be used that way?
Since I'm often accused of pontificating moral decrees, I'd like to clarify that I'm expressing my opinion, not prescribing moral guidelines that I believe all others must dogmatically follow. While I obviously think that my position is just and correct (I wouldn't knowingly maintain an unjust and incorrect opinion), and I would like it if others adopted this view as well (I wouldn't hold myself to standards I don't think others should likewise hold themselves to), it's entirely your choice to use the blacklist system however you please and I have no interest in depriving you of that choice. I'm simply saying what I think the blacklisting system is, how I think it should be used, and how I use it.
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Ah, but who decides what is just and moral? Proportionate and sufficient? These things are not quantifiable in any way. Neither are shared by the majority (with few exceptions like 'you shall not murder', but that's not what we talk about here). What you or I see as just, for others can be unacceptable and vice-versa.
Another importan thing, if someone would feel like shit after giving me a game because he dislikes my avatar or any other reason, I'm happy he can make sure this won't happen. This happend and he is not blakclisted back.
No, BL and level are the only tools for public giveaways. First, nearly noone would accept group invites from unknown users. Second, there is no user search function. Browsing and screening over 1 million profiles by hand is simply not possible, and that makes whitelist also unusable. Not to mention that there is much more users qualifying than not, making BL more efficient way.
I agree that BL is not the best way. The moment I can put support approved rules defining GA audience I'll gladly stop using it. For now the choice is simple: BL or no public giveaway at all.
Private forum GA is not real alternative either. First, same rules apply. Second, forum users make about 10% of total active users (educated guess based on Fallout 4 and other new AAA Level 0 giveaways entries)
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We, as individuals and as a group, decide what is just and moral through discussion and dialectic. You seem to be assuming that we ought to appeal to a particular authority that determines the morality and justice of given actions. I'm not the religious type and I consider such appeals to be fallacious, so I prefer to rely on the validity of my thoughts and opinions alone. If you question their validity, then we can talk about that (discussion) and determine their integrity through rigorous investigation (dialectic).
The quantifiability of morality and justice is another topic entirely. Unless your rebuttals are going to consist of trying to undermine morality and justice as a whole, I recommend keeping them relevant to this particular topic.
Neither are shared by the majority (with few exceptions like 'you shall not murder', but that's not what we talk about here). What you or I see as just, for others can be unacceptable and vice-versa.
In other words, that which is popular is that which is moral? That the morality of a given behavior, action, or decision is proportionally related to its popularity (or popular approval)? That's likewise a flawed argument. I don't particularly care whether a given moral proposition is popular or even acceptable by most people. What I care about is the nature, consequences, and cogency of that moral proposition. Instead of proffering platitudes, why not address the actual substance of my statements?
Another importan thing, if someone would feel like shit after giving me a game because he dislikes my avatar or any other reason, I'm happy he can make sure this won't happen. This happend and he is not blakclisted back.
You're ignoring the issue of whether that decision was itself just. He may have "disliked" your avatar, but why? Is that a justifiable reason to exclude you from entering into his giveaways? Perhaps the problem is with him and his reasoning, not your avatar, in which case his decision to blacklist you due to your avatar is unjust. The same applies in any instance of blacklisting. Does the rationale justify the decision? Or is the problem with the one making that decision?
No, BL and level are the only tools for public giveaways.
While that's true, that doesn't mean that the answer is using the blacklist system. Depending on what you're currently using the blacklisting system to accomplish now, there may be a better way to do it without use of the blacklist system.
First, nearly noone would accept group invites from unknown users.
The group invites need not be sent to an "unknown user", nor do you need to send unsolicited invites to a countless number of users. If you are wishing to give away to specific users based on their behaviors, actions, or decisions (or some other reason), you can simply whitelist those users when you come across them. If you are trying to give away only to users of a particular ratio, you can start a group with those requirements, post a recruitment message in the forums, and invite the applicants that qualify. Alternatively, you can find a group that already has these requirements and give away there. If you want to give away to users of a particular level, you could restrict the giveaway based on the level. If you want to give away to only particular people you know, but who many not be on your whitelist, you can set the giveaway as invite-only.
Second, there is no user search function.
Yes, there is, though it may not have the sort of information you're looking for.
Browsing and screening over 1 million profiles by hand is simply not possible, and that makes whitelist also unusable. Not to mention that there is much more users qualifying than not, making BL more efficient way.
Nobody is suggesting you do something so absurd. Why would you have to do that, anyway? A better method is using the whitelist, creating a group, or restricting the giveaway in the other ways described above. Unlike the blacklist and whitelist systems, Steam groups do not have a maximum member cap; therefore, it is arguably the best method of including and excluding users at large amounts.
What type of users are you seeking to exclude, anyway? If you are excluding users based on general qualities categorically similar to their level, then a better course of action might be to suggest, or support current suggestions of, a giveaway restriction of that nature than to simply continue using the blacklist system in the way you're currently using it.
I agree that BL is not the best way. The moment I can put support approved rules defining GA audience I'll gladly stop using it. For now the choice is simple: BL or no public giveaway at all.
Why do you want to have rules on your giveaways and what sorts of rules do you have in mind? What exactly do you mean by "rules defining [the giveaway] audience"?
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First, please dial down on vocabulary used. Spending more time with dictionary then actually reading will net only that your thoughts will be ignored. Serious topics can and should be discussed in as simple manner as possible
Duh, all I'm saying is that moral code is a personal thing. It's formed by everyone on it's own based on each owns thoughts and impulses coming from interactions with others. For each person it is a different code, and consequently, sense of justice.
For a group, moral code is just a common subset of moral codes of each individual from the group. If someone deviates too much from it, he is expelled from the group.
As to addressing substance. It boils down to:
a) Acting accordingly to my moral code is unjust. Well, no. It's the only right thing I, or anyone, can do, no matter the consequences for me.
b) Suggestions, that I have not given a single thought to consequences of my actions and my moral choices. Well, I do act sometimes without proper thought. But implying that it's always the case just because my views differ from yours - sorry, what is to discuss?
I know from yours other posts that we see differently what this site is about and how it should function. I'm open to hear different points of view and rational arguments and perhaps change my view as an effect. Yet all you come up with is I'm good guy, your views are different therfore you are immoral
He may have "disliked" your avatar, but why? Is that a justifiable reason to exclude you from entering into his giveaways?
Doesn't matter why. As long as he followed his moral code it is justified. I may find it funny or insulting and act accordingly - WL, ignore, laugh or BL. What more, forcing him to deliver gift to me would be much worse and damaging then simply revoking my privilege to win it
you can simply whitelist those users when you come across them
And that is the problem. I must find them by hand through browsing 1 million profiles. And this I would have to do for each 'targeting' rule. There is no way for shouting "hey, i have this game for all that meet XXX criteria, join my group". Remember - forum covers about 10% of all users. The same goes for groups.
Why do you want to have rules on your giveaways and what sorts of rules do you have in mind? What exactly do you mean by "rules defining [the giveaway] audience"?
Many different. To give you example: expansion pack giveaway targeted at those that actually played and liked the base game. Rule would be XX hours played and YY,ZZ achievements obtained. Or GA for those that won less than 5 games. Or the ones that give a lot in public
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I always find it funny then I see someone talking about blacklist abuse. The fact that I choose not to give the games I've paid for to a particular individual for whatever arbitrary reason cannot technically be abused. Whether the person agrees with my reasons or not is totally irrelevant.
If I lock my doors at night and don't let just anyone come into my home, is that abuse too?
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It cannot be abused because you defined the nature of the blacklist system to be incapable of being abused, namely that it is a means by which one can exclude whomever one pleases for whatever arbitrary reason, if any reason at all. The arbitrariness is precisely the problem, which is why I would consider that interpretation to be inherently abusive. In order to properly understand how something can be abused, one has to properly understand what that "something" is. The abuse lies in the fact that the blacklist system is a means of exercising power, and power is intrinsically capable of being abused. Like I stated above (emphasis added):
I think that the power to blacklist users, like all power, entails a moral responsibility to use it justly. In my opinion, many people exercise this power unjustly and often rationalize it with excuses like claiming that they have a license to do so by virtue of owning that which they are giving away. As I've stated many times before in discussions about this issue: just because someone has a right to do something, such as blacklisting other users, that does not mean that it is always right to exercise that right.
I'm not saying that you abuse the blacklist system in particular, Zomby2D. However, just as I wouldn't consider one's ownership of the money one is giving away in an organized raffle to excuse the wanton exclusion any person one wants, I wouldn't consider one's ownership of the gift one is giving away in a giveaway site to excuse the wanton blacklisting of whomever one pleases. That doesn't mean one cannot (one can), only that I think one should not.
Locking your doors at night and refusing entry to strangers is, in my opinion, generally an appropriate employment of one's power. Letting people in your house while refusing to allow a particular person to enter solely because you don't like their face is, in my opinion, not.
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I wouldn't consider one's ownership of the gift one is giving away in a giveaway site to excuse the wanton blacklisting of whomever one pleases. That doesn't mean one cannot (one can), only that I think one should not.
How do you justify this position? Steam Gifts is a simple tool for a gift giver to use to distribute their gift randomly within a selected group. The gift giver should be the sole party responsible for defining the group to whom the gift will be given. If they want the group defined as all users not Bob, so be it.
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Although SteamGifts may be a "simple tool for a gift giver to use to distribute their gift randomly within a selected group", the decisions one makes on SteamGifts are morally significant, especially when using the blacklist system. Therefore, one ought to make decisions on SteamGifts, particularly when using the blacklist system, that are moral. By oversimplifying the nature of the relationship between you (the moral agent) and the apparatus whereby you express your moral agency, you are ignoring the moral significance of that relationship. Yes, that is what SteamGifts is, but does that therefore give you license to behave however you please on there, irrespective of the consequences of that behavior?
The gift giver should be the sole party responsible for defining the group to whom the gift will be given. If they want the group defined as all users not Bob, so be it.
The gift giver ultimately is "the sole party responsible for defining the group to whom the gift will be given", irrespective of what anyone else says and irrespective of what rules or guidelines there are regarding giveaways. I'm not saying otherwise. What I am saying, however, is that exercising that power in a way that is unjust or arbitrary is irresponsible. Just because a user is the sole determiner of how their giveaway is restricted and who is prohibited from entry, that does not therefore imply that any determination that user makes is just, fair, or moral. My criticisms address the content and quality of that determination, not whether one ought to have the ability to make one.
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Wasting your time on this one... been there before months ago.
He just won't understand that he's fighting a losing fight. You have every right to use it however you please, as does he, but only his way is the "right" way for you.
(as for your doors, I agree with Annenouk :P )
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Yeah, I guess if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? If a gang of criminals broke into your house and is raping your family, but you can't beat them back, you might as well join 'em, right? Maybe that's the path you'd take, but I prefer to stand by my principles and do what I think is right regardless of whether I'm "fighting a losing fight".
I didn't say that my "way" (which I have yet to even express) is the "right" way for anyone, not even myself. If you were paying attention, you'd notice that my opinions have been given with the point of sparking discussion in order for us to develop consensus—or at least general agreement—as a community regarding what we should do and how we should use the blacklist system, not that people ought to unquestioningly and uncritically follow whatever dicta I pronounce.
Last time we were "there before months ago", you stormed out throwing a tantrum and calling names because you couldn't deal with being criticized, and proceeded to indirectly talk shit about me throughout the rest of the discussion. Given your past behavior on discussing this topic, and the ample evidence you provided in being completely inept at logical thought or rigorous debate, I seriously doubt you're qualified to be commenting on this issue.
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I'm really glad you linked that, since you start this last comment with such a similar one to what I made which you called absurd. that's classic.
There can be no consensus on personal choice, and there is nearly never a "one size fits all" ruling one can make. You come across as someone who can put thoughts together and understand basic principles, but you lack the ability of seeing the "Big Picture" or the reality of something. I can imagine life would be frustrating.
Given that it's a completely useless debate, and there's no making you see the waste of time involved, I'm just going to give you the same "You're right Buddy!" I'd give any nut-bag standing on a corner ranting about the sky falling and the world ending today.
Then getting the hell off your corner so you can rant on, telling the wind how we're living the wrong lives, and how we should spend our money.
Have at it, I, and everyone else, are going to go right back to living the way we want, using the blacklist as we personally see fit... As it should be, freedom to personally choose.
... see you on that corner tomorrow.
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I'm really glad you linked that, since you start this last comment with such a similar one to what I made which you called absurd. that's classic.
Maybe in that delusional fantasy of yours, but I'm not seeing any parallel between my statements above and what I said in that thread.
There can be no consensus on personal choice, and there is nearly never a "one size fits all" ruling one can make. You come across as someone who can put thoughts together and understand basic principles, but you lack the ability of seeing the "Big Picture" or the reality of something. I can imagine life would be frustrating.
Consensus can be established on how to regulate a particular power or system, and this consensus need not be a set of guidelines that details a fitting response to every circumstance. It only needs to be adequate enough to provide a basic outline of what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable conduct, while remaining broad enough to allow each case to be judged based on its own merits. None of this requires the codification of "personal choice", so you need not worry about the apparent inability for people to reach a consensus on it.
You come across as someone who likes to make shit up about their interlocutor because it's a convenient and lazy way of discrediting them without having to actually having to form a substantive rebuttal. That's what you've done every single time we argued and that's what you have done just now. And unsurprisingly enough, you're wrong. I can imagine life would be frustrating for you, too, always being wrong about your assessments of others. It's almost as if you lack the ability to actually analyze something as complex as another's personality and identity, so you feebly resort to crude and oversimplified depictions of the other person as a go-to heuristic.
I'd give any nut-bag standing on a corner ranting about the sky falling and the world ending today. Then getting the hell off your corner so you can rant on, telling the wind how we're living the wrong lives, and how we should spend our money.
Because it's always easier to paint critics as crazies rather than actually defending your position. Then again, I can't blame you, since your position is simply untenable. It doesn't change the fact that you sound like a crotchety conservative bitching about the idealism of those damned pinkos and air-headed young'uns talking about that evil thing called "change". When you're done rambling on that soapbox of yours, do us all a favor and step down. After all, I should be the one up there, right?
Have at it, I, and everyone else, are going to go right back to living the way we want, using the blacklist as we personally see fit... As it should be, freedom to personally choose.
In other words: "Fuck those kids and their talk about making the world a better place! I'll live my life however I damn-well please and you can't do anything about it! I'm entitled to my opinion! It's my God-given right to do whatever I want, so stop trying to take away muh freedoms!"
When you want to grow up and join the rest of the adults, be sure to have a valid rebuttal prepared. If not, you're right back at the kid's table.
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I'll make this quick and dirty so you can type your next faux intellectual response, and feel better about getting in the last word, because that clearly means you win, right?
A. You are the one living in a fantasy, you WON'T change how people use their blacklists. we'll see who's right on that, won't we? And don't come back with the "Oh I'm not saying I'm trying to change things", you just said you were.
B. You act like a nut-bag, I treat you like one. Being articulate doesn't make you less insane. You have the untenable position, I see a vast minority supporting you.
C. YOU are the one coming across as a fascist trying to dictate what others will do, whereas I support the freedom of each to do as they will with their own blacklists, give aways, and money. I would never be so arrogant as to try to tell someone else what they should do with their purchased property.
D. I hate to be the one to wake you up but, YOU aren't trying to make the world a better place, you're on a game site, pissing away your time, being a negative influence, then crying about how you get on additional blacklists. (and YES you have, read your own posts) One of us might also consider giving MORE and taking LESS... ... and YOU want to talk about someone feeling entitled? Guess you're the expert.
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I'll make this quick and dirty so you can type your next faux intellectual response, and feel better about getting in the last word, because that clearly means you win, right?
I explained last time that "winning" was irrelevant to me because this is a conversation and not a contest, but I suppose you gotta stick to your libelous lies. After all, that's easier than actually giving a thoughtful response, right?
Enjoy your grandstanding with letting me have the "last word", since that's probably the most convincing trick you've employed thus far. Then again, anyone with a brain can see through that ploy. It's not hard to notice that you're just stepping out because your "arguments" consist of strawmen and stereotypes, and you've already exhausted your best ones.
A. You are the one living in a fantasy, you WON'T change how people use their blacklists. we'll see who's right on that, won't we? And don't come back with the "Oh I'm not saying I'm trying to change things", you just said you were.
Except I already have, so your claim was disproved before it was even made. Regardless, you have no basis for that unsubstantiated guess. In reality, you're just trying to dissuade and discourage me from actually trying because you don't want me to change opinions. Instead of actually criticizing my points and participating in the dialogue we all should be having, you would rather assert that people are as bigoted and stubborn as you are. Not only is that patently false, but that's an insult to the entire SteamGifts community.
Yes, I am trying to change things because I think the blacklist system in its current state is a tool for oppression and abuse. Otherwise I wouldn't have stated, as you duly noted, that I am. Contrary to that one-dimensional caricature of me bleating in your head, however, I want to cause change by promoting dialogue on this issue and encouraging the community to start discussing it with the goal of improving upon the system we already have in place (or scrapping it altogether). It's obvious that the current blacklist system isn't working because it's increasing hostility on the forums and giving power-tripping elitists like yourself the ability to arbitrarily punish people without any serious repercussions.
B. You act like a nut-bag, I treat you like one. Being articulate doesn't make you less insane. You have the untenable position, I see a vast minority supporting you.
In other words, you don't have an actual criticism of my position (you never do), so you'll instead attack my person and my style, and apply my own criticisms to myself despite how I've literally been defending my position this entire time and every time this discussion has surfaced. Obviously, you either don't know what the word "untenable" means or you don't care enough to check whether your childish "you too!" remarks actually make sense.
As for that "vast minority", you appear to be mistaking the vocal minority of your position with actual community consensus. When I first began this "crusade", as you've called it, my poll suggested that a majority of users don't use the blacklist system in an abusive way, yet the majority of the most vehement responses were from those who fell into that vocal minority. If you still question whether I'm just a minority (and not a vocal member of a silent majority), I have no problem conducting a study and polling the SteamGifts community about this issue. If I could somehow gain access to demographic information, I could possibly put sampling weights on it, as well.
But of course, you don't care about facts. You'd prefer to paint me as the outsider and outlier, since that fits your narrative better than the reality of you being among a minority of belligerent and toxic members polluting this site and abusing the system.
C. YOU are the one coming across as a fascist trying to dictate what others will do, whereas I support the freedom of each to do as they will with their own blacklists, give aways, and money. I would never be so arrogant as to try to tell someone else what they should do with their purchased property.
Ah but of course! I'm the fascist! Just like the "anti-racists are the real racists" trope, your meaningless accusation is replete with bittersweet irony. The reality is that I am trying to open up dialogue about this issue so that we can discuss it as a community. Sounds more like democracy than it does fascism, but alas, anyone who dares to question the unquestionable dicta of the nebulous "majority" of which you are constituent is nothing more than a damn authoritarian!
D. I hate to be the one to wake you up but, YOU aren't trying to make the world a better place, you're on a game site, pissing away your time, being a negative influence, then crying about how you get on additional blacklists. (and YES you have, read your own posts) One of us might also consider giving MORE and taking LESS... ... and YOU want to talk about someone feeling entitled? Guess you're the expert.
It was an analogy—you know, the type of rhetorical device you struggled to use last time we spoke? The type of thing that I used, and which you proceeded to torture to fit your narrative? The analogy, in this case, is that I am trying to better the community—our little online "world"—and that you oppose this because of an irrational fear of change, a fundamental misunderstanding of my position, and/or a commitment to ignore any criticism or dissent leveled at yours (among other reasons, I assume).
But let's ignore all that! Let's worry more about how entitled those damn leechers feel and point out their ratios, as if that's a valid response. What's next? Mocking me for my CV, or Level, or the type of gifts I give away? How about my profile picture, or my vocabulary (again)? They're all valid reasons to blacklist me, too, right?
I still think you're a troll, CyberEvil, and you should take that as a compliment, since the only other conclusion is that you're sincerely this detestable.
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Thanks for the confirmation. I really appreciate it. Since that's the case, I'm glad to hear that users will have more information about how many users have [whitelisted/blacklisted] them.
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there should be a way to look over a list of people you blacklisted so you can reconsider.
for example there was one user I had thought was using a bot but they proved they were just VERY fast or a sentient ai instead (there are at least 3 in operation so it's a thing)(I am ok with a sentient ai winning for it's own use, they are different than a person using a cheat script)
so I unblacklisted them.
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You can remove user from blacklist.
Click on number of points you have => in the left column you have "Manage" category and under it list of blacklisted and whitelisted users. By clicking on "Blacklist" you will get list of users with date when you put them there.
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I like this idea, but I doubt it will even be considered. I too would like to know the identities of the dozens (hundreds?) of users who blacklisted me, especially since I never spoke to most of them in my life. I don't think my wish will be fulfilled. Hopefully some day, the administration does something to curb the rampant abuse of the blacklist system and make it more fair and transparent for all. I doubt that will happen anytime soon, however, and I strongly suspect your idea won't be a part of it if it ever happens. Again, I like it and you would have my vote if one was held, but I'm not cg.
EDIT: I mistook the idea for suggesting a feature to have users write a reason for blacklisting another user, either optionally or as a requirement for blacklisting. I have no idea what sparked this interpretation, since it doesn't make sense after rereading the OP. I've edited the response to reflect this.
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I too would like to know why [...]
It might be the sent/won ratio, some people blacklist based on that alone. Or, you know, just INTPness (it appears to annoy a lot of people, according to my experience).
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I recently edited my first post, by the way, so I recommend rereading it (and read the edit note) if you're interested.
I know that at least in some of the cases, I was blacklisted because of my given–received ratio. Most of those cases were resolved after contacting the user and discussing it with them, but there are still some I know of wherein that was one of their main reasons. Another reason has been my behavior on some occasions, which was admittedly very inappropriate at times. One of the other more common reasons I've discovered is the opinions I expressed or my disagreement with the user, which I assume to be the case since they blacklist me during or shortly after an exchange. For the rest of the countless others, it could be for any number of the aforementioned reasons, and perhaps others.
I am apparently an INTP (if that even means anything), though I'm not sure how you knew that. A guess? Or did you see my posts a while back in the MBTI thread?
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How has your behaviour been inappropriate?
One of the other more common reasons I've discovered is the opinions I expressed or my disagreement with the user, which I assume to be the case since they blacklist me during or shortly after an exchange.
That's a reasonable assumption. Have these opinions been controversial or "unpopular"? This is kind of what I was getting at when I mentioned personality type being a possible reason; people, in general, aren't usually interested in questioning their current views, and since INTPs tend to point out inconsistencies in the views of others, well... Let's just say it doesn't exactly give one an advantage in popularity contests. I've certainly experienced that, anyway.
I did guess that you'd type as an INTP, but it was confirmed by the MBTI discussion (if you're referring to the one in which a psychology student's only argument was an appeal to his/her authority as a psychology student). My assumption was based on your neutral, rational communication style, extensive vocabulary, and the kind of "let's cover everything to make sure everyone understands exactly what I mean" verbosity that is very typical of INTPs—which is actually a rather unfortunate trait, in the sense that it often accomplishes the exact opposite: it alienates and confuses, and often subsequently angers or frustrates the reader. Again, this is the case according to my personal experience.
Regarding Adam Grant's criticism of the MBTI:
I don't agree with that retort in its entirety, but I'm too lazy to cherrypick the points I agree with. I guess it might just be the defensive tone I have a problem with. For me, the two most crucial flaws that I've seen in every single MBTI refutation article (the latest one being a silly VOX video you might or might not have seen) are that none of the authors actually seem to understand the function theory behind the types—none of the ones I've read have even mentioned the functions, in fact—and that they compare the MBTI, which is about cognition, to the FFM (Big Five), which is about traits and behaviour, even going so far as to suggest that the FFM is a "better alternative" to the MBTI. These two models do not have the same purpose, so it really makes no sense to suggest that either one could (or should) replace the other.
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How has your behaviour been inappropriate?
After being trolled (or believe they are attempting to troll me) or insulted by another user, I sometimes respond very harshly and bitterness. On occasion, this attitude seeps out into subsequent discussions I have with other users, unrelated to the incident, if I don't take a break and come back refreshed. By "attitude", I mean that I generally lose what little tact I have and tend to rely on far sharper and caustic retorts. I'd prefer not to, but I could possibly find some examples.
Have these opinions been controversial or "unpopular"?
Generally, yes. I am almost certain that the vast majority of my views are controversial or otherwise unpopular, but I try to keep my opinions pertaining to video games and SteamGifts when posting on the forums. If you would like me to enumerate some of these opinions, I can.
I did guess that you'd type as an INTP, but it was confirmed by the MBTI discussion (if you're referring to the one in which a psychology student's only argument was an appeal to his/her authority as a psychology student).
I'm not sure. The only thread on MBTI that I participated in was this one by Mushclone298 (you'll also see some of that "attitude"). I defended the MBTI in that thread, but have since begun to question its validity and accuracy as a personality assessment. I am too ignorant on the topic to adequately assess the merits of the MBTI and have read conflicting claims about it, however, so I'm largely ambivalent and try to remain as such until I can. I would consider the MBTI about traits and behavior as well, though, given that most assessments I've taken have attempted to predict my traits and behavior based on my apparent personality type. While there are noteworthy distinctions between the FFM and the MBTI, I would consider them to be functionally similar.
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If you would like me to enumerate some of these opinions, I can.
Yes, please.
[...] have read conflicting claims about it, however, so I'm largely ambivalent and try to remain as such until I can.
I applaud that attitude. The main difference between the FFM and the MBTI is that the FFM isn't so much a predictor of traits, but rather an indicator. That is, it attempts to directly assess one's behaviour and traits, whereas the MBTI goes deeper and looks at one's cognition as a set of "functions" and attempts to explain why one might think and behave as one does, rather than how. So, when it comes to behaviour and traits, the MBTI is, at best, a predictor... and as such, not a very accurate one. Whether the function theory is correct or not, there is still one more layer between one's cognition and one's behaviour; the environment. The FFM skips that and simply looks at the end result: the behaviour itself.
I don't know how familiar you are with the function theory, but the four letter type is simply a code that indicates one's function stack (for an INTP, that's 1. Introverted thinking, 2. Extraverted intuition, 3. Introverted sensing, 4. Extraverted feeling). The theory seems to be commonly oversimplified by assigning certain behavioural traits to the letters themselves; "J means you're organized, P means you're spontaneous", etc., completely ignoring the functions. As this is what I've seen in the articles I mentioned, as well as the common misconception that the MBTI term of "feeling" refers to emotions, I find it very difficult to take the criticism seriously. It's essentially a strawman; they're refuting what they imagine the MBTI to be.
Having said all this, my current view of the MBTI is that it is flawed and will not work for everyone. It can't, because it relies on self-reporting. Many people have a very inconsistent self-image, either because they are overly critical of themselves or because they idealise themselves. Also, undiagnosed conditions, such as depression or bipolar disorder, will skew the results. There are. however, people who do type consistently and whose cognition style matches the functions in a way that, I think, can't be explained by the Forer/Barnum effect. I am one of those people, so I'm not going deny the possibility of my view being affected by confirmation bias.
There needs to be more research into the theory. Unfortunately, it has been deemed unreliable and "useless" by the majority of those in the field of psychology, so I'd imagine that those in the field with a dissenting view will be apprehensive of conducting such research for fear of ridicule. I find this very interesting. The study isn't directly related to the MBTI, but it does hint at the possibility of the functions having a biological basis.
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One such opinion is the controversial belief that the blacklisting system can be abused; that people often abuse the blacklisting system; and that this abuse is improper, immoral, and unjust. Along with my tendency to moralize, and my incessant emphasizing of the ethical element in our behaviors, actions, and decisions, I am frequently blacklisted for expressing this opinion at a rate of at least one blacklist per conversation. That rate is probably much higher, but I'm only including the blacklists I know I'm on.
I can continue, if you want. I have six more paragraphs I can post, but I don't want to bombard you with numerous ones (and potentially spark controversy as a result).
The main difference between the FFM and the MBTI is [...] looks at the end result: the behaviour itself.
Thanks for the explanation. That's an apt distinction, in my opinion.
I don't know how familiar you are with the function theory, but the four [...] refuting what they imagine the MBTI to be.
I'm not familiar with the function theory at all, nor am I very familiar with Jungian psychology. For all my interest in philosophy and psychology, I'm not learned in either. When it comes to the actual literature, I'm mainly still 2,500+ years in the past. Although every personality assessment I've taken that is, based on, or translatable to the MBTI has given me the INTP assessment, I have never had one taken in any professional capacity. One of the tests I've taken doesn't strictly follow the function theory and seems to incorporate (or attempt to incorporate) the FFM, as well. That also gave me INTP, though the descriptions of many of the personality types could describe me in some capacity (one of the criticisms I've heard against the MBTI).
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But if you knew, then you could blacklist them in response, thereby preventing them from taking advantage of your generosity while simultaneously prohibiting you from having the opportunity to benefit from theirs. Yes, it might be an upsetting experience (it probably would be for me, too), but is it not better to be aware of these events so that you could either resolve them or respond in kind? Otherwise, you're left in the dark.
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If they lack the conscience to care about any apparent hypocrisy in their actions, then they effectively get away with committing an injustice against you (assuming you were unjustly blacklisted and did not act on it). While it may be comforting—in a vengeful sort of way—to assume that the guilty minds of the malfeasant will consume them for their wrongs, it is fundamentally based on the assumption that they will experience guilt at all. As this is an unreliable assumption, a better way of ensuring that transgressions are being addressed is by actively responding to them when the occur, which requires the knowledge of their occurrence.
If you prefer to simply not know, however, then I suppose it's pointless to mention the utility of that knowledge—as would be Dragomania's suggestion above. I can't say that I agree with you, but you were substantive and forthright in your reply, which I always appreciate. Have a great day.
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Oh I don't really care if they feel guilty about it or if some higer power slaps their hands for it, it's all about my selfish desire to stay happy and careless when I'm here.
As for them doing an injustice against me, I prefer not to think of it that way. I'm sure whoever blacklisted me had some reason for doing so and, since it's not my blacklist, it's not up to me to judge their reasons as valid or not. I might have unintentionally hurt someone's feelings or maybe they just don't like my avatar, who could say...
There are "injustices" that I'll get really upset about and act on them quite harshly but, for me, this is a place of fun and sharing and I prefer to keep it that way.
I know it might sound like I'm pushing my head into the sand by turning a blind eye on it but I believe everyone, including me, will enjoy this place much more if I'm able to remain positive and open-minded when I'm here instead of becoming resentful and paranoid about sharing my thoughts here if I see my blacklisted number growing after participating in a discussion or anything else. And that might happen to me as I'm very emotional and care about not hurting others here deeply.
Thank you for sharing your opinion with me. You've certainly made really goood points and I've enjoyed hearing what you had to say, especially since we have a different perspective and thoughts on the matter. :)
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I'm the overserious, dour type of person, so I tend to fall more into the "becoming resentful and paranoid about sharing my thoughts here if I see my blacklisted number growing after participating in a discussion or anything else". That reasoning is also why I'm so vehement in my criticisms of the blacklist system: lacking any established protocols, rules, or guidelines that qualify its use, I consider it effectively a tool of coercion, oppression, and silencing dissent. I, and many others, refrain from expressing my opinions out of concern for being blacklisted. The social ostracism for simply expressing unpopular opinions is frustrating enough; having to deal with those that ostracize you having the power to arbitrarily deny you access to their giveaways makes it all the worse. Unfortunately for me, I keep making the mistake of voicing my opinions, which has accomplished next to nothing but increase the resentment of the community against me and earning me more places on people's blacklists.
As for them doing an injustice against me, I prefer not to think of it that way. I'm sure whoever blacklisted me had some reason for doing so and, since it's not my blacklist, it's not up to me to judge their reasons as valid or not. I might have unintentionally hurt someone's feelings or maybe they just don't like my avatar, who could say...
There's no guarantee that the person had a reason at all, let alone that their reason was just or justifiable. Nevertheless, why not judge the reasons they used to blacklist you? Should we not be judging the behaviors, actions, and decisions of others? You have every right to do so, and one could even argue that you have a duty to do so, for doing so holds them accountable for the merits of those behaviors, actions, and decisions.
Whenever I come to SteamGifts, I want to enjoy my experience (especially on the forums), but it's difficult to do so when simply expressing one's opinion will result in getting blacklisted, especially if that opinion is a criticism of the pathological obsession some members have with blacklisting and ratios. Given the hairtrigger impulsivity of those who are, I am confident that this conversation has warranted me a place on yet another blacklist.
Eventually, I will probably just give up caring. Either that, or I simply won't return to the forums. Seeing as I doubt I'll ever stop caring about what I consider to be injustices, no matter how slight, I'll probably just stop frequenting the forums again. It worked last time I did, and it's obvious that most people would probably prefer that. Anyway, thanks for your thoughts and apologies for the rambling.
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There's no guarantee that the person had a reason at all, let alone that their reason was just or justifiable. Nevertheless, why not judge the reasons they used to blacklist you? Should we not be judging the behaviors, actions, and decisions of others? you have every right to do so, and one could even argue that you have a duty to do so, for doing so holds them accountable for the merits of those behaviors, actions, and decisions.
Well no one does anything wothout a reason and as I've said, I prefer not to go into judging other people's reasons. The reason might be silly to me but to someone else it might be justified. Someone might have just been in a bad mood and blacklisted me for no other reason than his bad mood, and I still can't say that's unfair seeing as there are no rules governing the blacklist system so there is nothing to measure the justification of how one uses the option.
What you're talking about is the basis of "the social contract" - do me no harm and I'll do you no harm, and methods of behavior modification via social judgment. While those are accepted as the basis for our entire human society, you cannot expect that what one subsection of the society will find harmful would be considered as harmful to another. There is no consensus/decision on wether unsupervised and unregulated blacklisting is considered to be harmful in our little societal subsection (SG) so you cannot apply it.
We have CG to determine and decide what is harmful and how any harmful behavior is to be treated so, until the decision has been made we can choose how we wish to react to occurences which we, individually, judge to be harmful to ourselves and others.
Do I find someone blacklisting me harmful to myself? No.
Do I find them blacklisting me and then entering my giveaways harmful? Nope. Distastefull, certainly, but not harmful.
Would I find it harmfull to learn how many have me blacklisted and have done so? Yes, it would hurt my feelings and possibly have a negative impact on my behavior here.
I, personally, am very careful with my blacklist but I have no right to ask or expect of others to do the same as I'm just a member of this site and I, like everyone else, am free to leave if I do not find the rules acceptable.
CG decided to implement blacklists in their current form so he has made his decision- everyone is free to use them as they please. If he wanted, or thought it prudent, he could have put a set of rules in place and requested that each time someone wishes to blacklist someone else they must first contact the support and provide proof/ask for permission to blacklist someone.
Now, we all know that this is not really an option as support would be overwhelmed by these requests, but that still does not change the implications of giving people an option to do so as they like-> they are free to do with it as they like.
I neither find myself qualified nor invited to judge other people's decisions, especially here where I have no idea what might have influenced someone to make a decision, so I would think myself a pretty insensitive pedagogyst to do so.
Now please, keep in mind that I'm not saying what anyone else should think, do or feel about this subject since we all have different backgrounds and needs we come here to fulfill. I am simply expressing my current feelings and thoughts about the subject.
Whenever I come to SteamGifts, I want to enjoy my experience (especially on the forums), but it's difficult to do so when simply expressing one's opinion will result in getting blacklisted, especially if that opinion is a criticism of the pathological obsession some members have with blacklisting and ratios. Given the hairtrigger impulsivity of those who are, I am confident that this conversation has warranted me a place on yet another blacklist.
I have found it best to simply avoid certain topics that spark too heated of a debate. Not because of the blacklisting but because I prefer not to expose myself to fighting that often happens when those subjects come up.
But, I believe that in the current situation, given your concern about being blacklisted the choice is simple- either avoid such subjects or accept that you wish to express you opinion regardless of the consequences.
Such is the state of things in RL and here - if you say something someone doesn't like, and if that person has issues accepting other people expressing opposing thoughts, you're gonna end up not being liked by that person which will leave you without the possibility to gain any gifts/other benefits from that person.
I'm entirely enjoying this little philosophical debate, thank you <3.
Now how about this for a rant? ;)
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Speaking of rants, my response totals at 16,334 characters. Since the maximum character limit for a response is 10,000 characters, I'll need to split it up into two separate posts. Should I even bother, or should I leave the essay unpublished?
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Well no one does anything wothout a reason and as I've said, I prefer not to go into judging other people's reasons. The reason might be silly to me but to someone else it might be justified.
Maybe there always is a reason, however slight, but I think that reason should always be judged (or at least open to judgment). Why shouldn't it? I'm not saying that you should prefer to judge people, but should you? While it is true that some reasons may be silly to one person and justified to another, that doesn't mean that both necessarily are.
Is it really fair to say that CyberEvil's (presumably frivolous) reason for blacklisting you above is valid? If so, then at which point is a reason invalid? Or is any reason to blacklist someone valid, albeit at varying degrees? Would you say that it would be a valid reason if someone blacklisted you or another user solely because they simply wanted to click the "blacklist" button? If not, then what makes a reason like CyberEvil's joke one valid, but not that one? If both are invalid, then what makes them invalid while your avatar or because they were in a bad mood are valid reasons for blacklisting you? Where does one draw the line? And a line must be drawn, for otherwise reasons can neither be valid nor invalid and therefore the reason is incapable of being judged.
Someone might have just been in a bad mood and blacklisted me for no other reason than his bad mood, and I still can't say that's unfair seeing as there are no rules governing the blacklist system so there is nothing to measure the justification of how one uses the option.
I admit that blacklisting for even a reason like that may be "fair" by the strictest application of its definition of "in accordance with the rules or standards" [Oxford Dictionaries (US)], and perhaps that's part of the problem. If we assume that those "rules and standards" are moral principles or some ethical system, however, then we now have a means by which we can determine the fairness of that reason and the decision that it informed. Would it still be a fair reason then? For example: in your opinion, would being in a bad mood be a fair reason for blacklisting you or anyone else? Would you blacklist for that reason and, if so, would you revoke that decision at a later date, such as when you're no longer in a bad mood? The rules and guidelines of SteamGifts are neither divine law nor complete, so perhaps we should look to another source to guide us.
While I, of course, judge the fairness of things in accordance to my moral principles and ethical system, I don't expect others to follow them as well. That's why I think it's crucial that we begin discussing, as a community, what protocols or standards of propriety should be applied to the blacklist system, which could then be codified as rules and guidelines if they are enforceable. It's obvious that the current standard of "do whatever you want with your blacklist" is not working, since it's causing strife in the forums and increasing hostility within the community. If we could agree upon certain rules and standards for the blacklist system, perhaps then we could begin making accurate assessments of whether instances of blacklisting, and the rationale that informed them, are fair.
What you're talking about is the basis of "the social contract" - do me no harm and I'll do you no harm, and methods of behavior modification via social judgment.
Perhaps I am talking about developing a sort of social contract: an agreement among community members to use the blacklist system in accordance to some basic rules and standards, which may involve sacrificing one's unrestricted liberty to use the blacklist system however one pleases, in order to ensure that it is used in a way that benefits the most people and best represents the interests of everyone involved. I'd much rather prefer a method that is not punitive and does not facilitate vengeful activities, as the blacklist system does, but I cannot think of a better system to fit its function. Unless we abolish the system itself, or someone devises a better one, the blacklist system is probably the best option we have.
While those are accepted as the basis for our entire human society, you cannot expect that what one subsection of the society will find harmful would be considered as harmful to another. There is no consensus/decision on wether unsupervised and unregulated blacklisting is considered to be harmful in our little societal subsection (SG) so you cannot apply it.
I think it is harmful because I have both observed and experienced the effects of the blacklist system in its current state, as both a giver and recipient of a blacklisting, and it has convinced me that . I have also spoken to numerous users about this issue and there are ample complaints on the forums about the blacklist system that echo this sentiment. While I'm not sure whether there is a significant minority of users who think and feel this way (or in a similar way), let alone a majority, the only way of reasonably settling this issue is through a community-wide referendum and discussions on the topic. Accompanying that is the fact that this is an autocracy and not a democracy (if we're going to apply political theory to all of this), thus it would probably be more effective to try and convince cg than it would to convince an entire portion of the community. Given these two conclusions, I doubt any of this will ever happen.
We have CG to determine and decide what is harmful and how any harmful behavior is to be treated so, until the decision has been made we can choose how we wish to react to occurences which we, individually, judge to be harmful to ourselves and others.
But this method doesn't seem to be working, in my opinion, since I (and, I suspect, many others) have noticed a significant increase in hostility, which has included threats and announcements of blacklisting. I believe that both of these are not only causally related, but that it has led to a decrease in civil discourse and inclusivity within the community and has had the effect of stifling free discussion on the forums. You even seemed to have noted this, as well, by recognizing that a mere shift in attitude could cause one to become "resentful and paranoid about sharing [one's] thoughts" in the forums if they see their "blacklisted number growing after participating in a discussion or anything else". Although I am but one case, I can personally attest to this experience.
From my perspective, we shouldn't be judging whether a given behavior, action, or decision harms ourselves or another in particular, but whether it has a significant chance to harm anyone in general. This is because while you may not personally be harmed by it, and you might even determine whether the other person would be, this doesn't necessarily mean other people won't if and when they are placed in each (or both) of those positions.
Do I find someone blacklisting me harmful to myself? No. Do I find them blacklisting me and then entering my giveaways harmful? Nope. Distastefull, certainly, but not harmful. Would I find it harmfull to learn how many have me blacklisted and have done so? Yes, it would hurt my feelings and possibly have a negative impact on my behavior here.
If you would find it harmful to know how many have blacklisted you, does that not entail that you would be harmed if someone blacklisted you, assuming you were aware of the incident? It seems to me that you are implying, intentionally or not, that what harms you is the knowledge of being blacklisted, but not the event itself. Although that may be true in some ways, knowledge of the event is the only way you can take action in response. Lacking this knowledge, you cannot take steps to prevent it from recurring, either to protect yourself or to protect others who might be subjected to the same treatment as you were. Regardless, even if you are unaware of the event, what of the real effects of that blacklisting, such as losing access to giveaways by the blacklister (and perhaps others)? You might not describe that as "harm" per se, but surely it negatively impacts your ability to enter giveaways on this site? Does that not have any significance?
I, personally, am very careful with my blacklist but I have no right to ask or expect of others to do the same as I'm just a member of this site and I, like everyone else, am free to leave if I do not find the rules acceptable.
You seem to be treating the rules as if they cannot be questioned. If you do not find the rules acceptable, why not challenge the rules instead of leaving? I find the current lack of rules or guidelines on the blacklist system unacceptable, yet instead of simply leaving the site and forfeiting all the benefits that it gives me, I am challenging those rules because I think they are permitting misconduct in the community that harms myself and others. Do you suggest I simply leave instead of doing what I'm doing?
Of course you have a right to ask and expect others to be careful and responsible with their blacklists, Luxy! If you have a right to abuse the blacklist system and ask and expect others to (you do have that right), then why would you not have a right to do, ask, and expect others to do the contrariwise? It might not work, but the efficacy of an action does not determine its righthood.
[Second half is below]
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If he wanted, or thought it prudent, he could have put a set of rules in place and requested that each time someone wishes to blacklist someone else they must first contact the support and provide proof/ask for permission to blacklist someone.
It could have also significantly reduced the number and frequency of unjust blacklisting. Regardless, I don't think that the SteamGifts administration should be the ones determining whether a given blacklisting is just. Believe it or not, I think the determination should be made by the blacklister, just as it is now. What I think should be changed, however, is that the community should decide on some basic guidelines for what we as a whole consider a just, fair, or otherwise appropriate blacklisting; encourage these guidelines among its members; and for the SteamGifts administration to implement features that help users know who blacklisted them (and perhaps why), and which gives users a means of appealing that blacklisting to the user who blacklisted them. This won't eliminate abuse of the blacklisting system for a number of reasons, but it can significantly reduce its occurrence and provide users with tools and and a supportive community to oppose instances of it. If nothing else, we could just scrap the blacklist system entirely, since it's intrinsically flawed, anyway.
Now, we all know that this is not really an option as support would be overwhelmed by these requests, but that still does not change the implications of giving people an option to do so as they like-> they are free to do with it as they like.
Giving someone the option to use a given tool or power entails the the ability to freely exercise that power or utilize that tool in whatever way they wish only if there are no conditions that fundamentally limit certain actions with that power or tool. I'm not talking about rules or policies, but limitations in the power or tool. For example, just because you have a hammer, does that mean that you can freely cause it to fall through the entirety of the earth by simply throwing it on the ground? No, because both you, the tool, and the action you perform in relation to it is limited, for example, by the nature of the system in which it occurs and the physical behaviors that govern it (like gravity), or by the properties of those three elements (like the attributes of that hammer) . I'm not sure whether this could be applied to the blacklist system, such as incorporating certain limitations that could check the occurrence of abuse of the blacklist system, though.
Regardless, even if giving one the option to use a given tool or power entailed the ability to freely exercise that power or utilize it in whatever way one wishes, this does not therefore mean that any such action ought to be done. We can possess the option to do things while still abstaining from doing them because they should not be done; the entirety of ethics is an exercise in this. The solution to this issue, therefore, is in either eliminating that option (removing the blacklist system) or compelling the agent to use it properly (causing the user to blacklist reasonably and justly). This latter solution could be achieved by developing those community guidelines, particularly ones that—if followed—would cause the resulting blacklisting to be reasonable and just, and applying social pressure on members of the community to follow these guidelines.
I neither find myself qualified nor invited to judge other people's decisions, especially here where I have no idea what might have influenced someone to make a decision, so I would think myself a pretty insensitive pedagogyst to do so.
What qualifies an individual to judge another? I would assume the ability to judge, especially in a rational, objective, and nuanced way. Unless we are talking about a particular position, in which some specific qualifications might be required, I would assume that you qualify to judge anyone and anything anywhere, any way, and at any time so long as you are capable of judging. As for being invited to judge other people's decisions, I could contend that the very existence of that decision is itself an invitation. If you mean an explicit invitation, then for what it's worth, you're free to judge anything and everything about me, as well as anything and everything I do and say (which includes my thoughts and feelings). I would like to think, and surely hope, that you are and have been judging the merits of what I have been saying thus far, as well, as I have with yours.
As for determining what might have influenced someone to make a given decision, you could always ask. That's what I've done whenever I discovered someone blacklisted me and wanted to know why.
Now please, keep in mind that I'm not saying what anyone else should think, do or feel about this subject since we all have different backgrounds and needs we come here to fulfill. I am simply expressing my current feelings and thoughts about the subject.
And I appreciate that. I would say the same about myself, but I don't think that would be true given what I've said thus far. Nevertheless, just because I said someone should X something, that doesn't mean they have to. If I was, I would be denying their autonomy.
But, I believe that in the current situation, given your concern about being blacklisted the choice is simple- either avoid such subjects or accept that you wish to express you opinion regardless of the consequences.
I have done both and neither is fully satisfactory. Although I will probably have to choose one of those two each time, I wish there was a third option: that I can express my opinion without fear of being blacklisted for doing so.
Such is the state of things in RL and here - if you say something someone doesn't like, and if that person has issues accepting other people expressing opposing thoughts, you're gonna end up not being liked by that person which will leave you without the possibility to gain any gifts/other benefits from that person.
I hadn't considered the parallel between forum activity and blacklisting (and whitelisting) on SteamGifts, and interpersonal relationships in physical reality. Thanks for pointing that out.
Now how about this for a rant? ;)
It was a longer response than I expected, but I—in my usual fashion—tend to break down every response in order to address (almost) every significant point at once rather than chose only one or a few. This naturally causes discussion responses to grow exponentially, since the response to each point tends to contain multiple points of their own. It's totally fine if you don't follow suit, though. It must be frustrating enough for you to receive a wall of text for a response. Regardless, I'm grateful for your replies. If nothing else, hopefully I've better clarified my position for you.
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I totally understand what you're saying but I do find some of your arguments illogical.
You want people to accept a certain set of rules for blacklisting and be guided by them, supervised only by their morals while, on the other hand you imply that all this over the top blacklisting has come about because, when left to their own devices, people haven't shown enough moral fibre and have been abusing the blacklist option.
As for the judging part, being able to do something does not make you qualified to do it. And even if you are qualified it often isn't smart. Especially when it comes to such complicated things as people are. For example, I'm a pedagogyst and recently I was told about a situation that would fall under my field of work. I made a "judgement" about the situation and offered my opinion on it. I was totally wrong to do it. While I'm both able and qualified to comment on that particular subject, I could not possibly have enough information without meeting the person and better examining the situation on which I offered my opinion on. Such are things when you're dealing with humans, you must be very cautious if you want to remain fair, kind and accepting of others.
Harmfulness- again, we can only say what we believe and not what the truth of the matter is in general. But let me ask you something- if you have no right to something (in this case other people's games) to begin with, how does it harm you for someone simply deciding not to bestow that right on you? Does someone giving someone else a gift and not you harm you? Right now a lot of people world-wide are giving each other gifts and you don't even know about it.
I'm kidding a bit and I know it's not the same because here you know you're being specifically excluded, but I hope it helped get my position accross a bit.
I do hope you haven't misunderstood me and concluded that I support leaving over discussing rules, or that I'd ever want to see you leave because you feel like you're not able to express yourself, it's just that I don't really see a way how this particular issue could be resolved in a way that would please everyone. For now, the majority does seem to like it since we're all free to say what we think and not many have spoken up against it. Might it be for the very fear of being blacklisted if they speak up? It migjt, but I doubt it.
Basic guidlines... Well, it seems to me that most of the active forum users share the same guidlines for blacklisting, and permitting that they do have influence over the community, we can say that the guidlines have, firstly, established themselves, and secondly, been talked about and advertised in the forum. What people have decided to do with them is what troubles you and there doesn't seem to be a way or willingness to enforce them.
Your hammer example makes no sense to me as you're confusing breaking laws, in this case of physics, with the right to do something. A better analogy would be- if you had a hammer and decided to break your own table/couch/house with it, without breaking any laws of your country, should you consider yourself free to it? Yes. It's your hammer and table, just as it's your blacklist and, since there aren't any laws/rules forbidding you from using it in the way you now see fitting, you are free to do with it as you please. Or maybe I misunderstood you?
Hahahah, no, I don't find the "wall of text" frustrating, quite the opposite. I find that you, by being clear enough, willing to explain your views and spend your time and effort in this conversation, are being most polite and rescpectfull to me as the person you're talking with. Thank you for it.
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Since making blacklists public would be the cause for more trouble than it's worth it (especially people whining about being on a blacklist in the discussions), i'm totally against that.
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I don't actually need this feature. If a person is giving away something interesting for me - I would know anyway, that I'm blacklisted. And, I wouldn't know - why do I even care about it?
What I really like to know (at least in some cases), is WHY a particular person blacklisted me. But, to be honest, I don't think that implementing system with comments of blacklist reasons is nice idea. Because, as were said above, it would definitely bring more drama (someone would write insults in the this comments, and voila), and I think there is already too much of drama here.
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I agree. I also would like to know why someone blacklisted me. Most of the time people don't know it anymore, while I would like to know, so I can improve on that. Maybe just a message pops up with something like:
"You've been blacklisted by someone, because [reason]"
And maybe instead of comments on a blacklist, just make a dropdown menu with some options (ratio, unfriendly, to prevent winning another GA (after winning one, some users BL you to give others a better chance) etc)
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It's actually a nice Idea, but I doubt it's possible to cover all reasons by a list(
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I think the best option with blacklists is just to make it a two way street. Someone blacklists you? Have it automatically blacklist them back.
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This idea has already been suggested before. While it has my qualified support, it may be better to give users the option to automatically reciprocate a blacklisting, or a tool to do so such as a button on the list of users who blacklisted you that automatically blacklists all users listed when clicked. This is because, believe it or not, some users may not want to reciprocate a blacklisting for whatever reason. I know that I have struggled to make that decision on occasion, mainly because I was concerned that my action was out of revenge, accomplished nothing, and made me complicit in abusing the blacklist system (something I vehemently oppose).
For those who would prefer to not reciprocate the blacklisting, it would be ideal for bidirectional blacklisting to be optional.
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I actually worded my thoughts very badly as I didn't intend for the blacklist to actually expand in the way I had suggested mainly because blacklists are limited in size (a large size yes but still limited).
My thinking is that the giveaways list just wont show you anything from people that you have blacklisted, essentially just an additional filter. I hope that makes a bit more sense.
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I actually worded my thoughts very badly as I didn't intend for the blacklist to actually expand in the way I had suggested mainly because blacklists are limited in size (a large size yes but still limited).
This could be resolved by either removing the cap or only counting the initial blacklister's slot. The blacklisted user who automatically reciprocates the blacklisting wouldn't have one of their slots taken because they did not decide to blacklist the user.
My thinking is that the giveaways list just wont show you anything from people that you have blacklisted, essentially just an additional filter.
I guess that filter may be useful for some people, but the point of blacklisting is to deprive the blacklisted user from having access to your giveaways, so this wouldn't be a suggestion for bidirectional blacklisting. If you blacklist a user, and in doing so you can no longer see or enter into their giveaways, aren't you theoretically punishing yourself for blacklisting that user? Unless it's optional, this feature may also become a deterrent for those who wish to blacklist a user who is a prolific giveaway creator, but don't want to lose access to their giveaways (that is, until the user finds out and potentially reciprocates the blacklisting).
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As a deterrent it's surely a good thing? Maybe it will cut down on the number of people complaining about people blacklisting for any number of reasons (doubtful but we can like in hope).
Blacklisting someone and then entering their giveaways anyway just seems like an arsehole thing to do to be honest.
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It might be a good thing to deter unjust blacklisting, but what if blacklisting a particular user is justified given that user's actions, yet the blacklister refrains because the user they want to blacklist gives away games they want? While I would probably still blacklist the user, others may be less inclined. Some may feel like it is pointless to do so when more punishment is self-inflicted than given. This would be especially true for those in situations like mine, where their blacklists is useless because they rarely create giveaways for whatever reason (in my case, poverty), yet they desire to win giveaways.
Yes, it is a pretty rude thing to do, but I'm not sure if that means implementing a feature that prevents it from happening.
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People should have the courage to stick with their principles is all I can say to that. Would some be weak and just enter for a giveaway anyway? Probably. Does that mean that the system shouldn't be changed? Probably not. End of the day though, to each their own.
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In merely having principles (let alone stand by them!), I've become a very unpopular person, including on these forums, so it's not surprising to me that someone might abstain from making a principled decision. In any case, I have no problem with your idea, but I'm not at all confident that it will be implemented. If nothing else, it's one I haven't encountered yet. You can always make your own thread suggesting it, if you want? If I see it, I'll go give my thoughts, too.
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That is perfectly within their right to do so. All I'm saying is that blacklisting someone and then entering into their giveaways is pretty bad, although in the example you are giving the person has already won something so it doesn't entirely hang together.
However I still think it would be minimal impact.
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If Stuartalex's suggestion was implemented, that could easily be resolved by implementing a feature that allows users to exclude previous winners from their giveaways. Actually, that might be a worthwhile feature on its own, since it would eliminate the need for users to use their blacklists for that reason.
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Blacklisting someone and then entering their giveaways anyway just seems like an arsehole thing to do to be honest.
You'd be surprised how many ass.... do exactly this ! I checked these entries so far by hand but that is very time-consuming so in this case more transparency would be necessary or at least a system that automatically takes over this task !
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I totally agree, we should know who blacklisted us as we also know who whitelisted us, it's only fair. It wouldn't create more drama, by the contrary, it'd reduce drama. We'll eventually find out who blacklisted us and this sneaky, behind the scenes attitude isn't helping reducing the drama. A more transparent and honest system would be beneficial for everybody. Blacklist notifications with the reason for blacklisting would be ideal imo, that way it'd prevent the "why have you blacklisted me?" posts. Personally I'm tired of seing those. Just blacklist back who blacklisted you and move on with your life.
I'm having a hard time believing someone would blacklist Dragomania, he's one of the best sg users and creates awesome giveaways. But since we have some users who ask their "sg friends" to blacklist other users for no valid reason in exchange for +1 votes in events and invitations to private groups, I guess everything is possible
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Well,we pursue different goals.Private group are no option.If someone wants to BL me (fine,just do it .I don't care) but I should then have the following options:
-info (notification),who has blacklisted me.
-some kind of autoscript ( if someone bl me,he/she will be added to my Bl)
Why should I provide GA's for people who blacklisted me ?
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Sorry,I see that quite differently.I fail to see why should i reward a user with an GA who has blacklisted (for whatever reason) me.
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I was just about to post something similar, so for the sake of time ...
+1 to everything except wanting to know who or why. I don't care who or why. As you've said, there are plenty of GAs to enter, and I get the feeling that CG doesn't implement this feature to avoid additional drama and user harassment (again, as you've said, on both SG and Steam)
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Instead of having a list of the people who blacklist you, it'd be nice that they can't enter your giveaway either and have some sort of message like " Since user A is in your BL, you are not allowed to view his/her giveaway" when they try to enter your giveaway.
And to avoid people unblacklisting you just to enter the giveaway, then blacklisting you again. The blacklist button would be frozen for X days for that person OR when blacklisting the person A your entry for person A giveaway is deleted to make it easier.
Regarding the reason i don't really care why or who blacklisted me, what bothers me is knowing they still can enter my GA.
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Just as a suggestion, rather than pop-up a message saying you can't enter, perhaps it would be better to just filter out those GAs from the GA list. That way you wouldn't have to deal with the unblacklist/re-blacklist thing at all.
Don't get me wrong -- I like the BL policy the way it is, but if any suggestions here were to be implemented, I'd like it to be yours, albeit with a few changes. :P
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Yep it's be easier if they just don't show up :P
The message would mostly be if you try to enter a giveaway via a direct link like the ones we post on forums. Same thing would happen as when you click on a giveaway link and it's only for a certain Steam group members.
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Hmmm yeah, I hadn;t considered forum GAs, and that's a very valid concern.
OK, I've changed my mind ... I'm against your idea, lmao.
Seriously speaking, though -- The whole blacklist thing just isn't that important to me. I come here to give away some games, and maybe even win a few games. I only blacklist repeat offenders who break the rules and overly rude people. I really don't concern myself with who's blacklisted me since it's only a very small % of users on the entire site. Having said that, I like the BL system the way it is. People are free to use their BL how they please, and I don't care to know why I've been blacklisted and couldn't bother trying to get un-blacklisted by someone.
TLDR version: If it means less drama and crying threads on the forum, I say leave the BL system as it is. There are already far too many threads about it. :P
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This solution wouldn't create more drama as the person who would receive the message is the person that blacklisted the giveaway creator in the first place. :P
I'm like you, I don't really care who and why people would blacklist me, I just find it hypocrite that the same people can enter the giveaway of persons they've blacklisted.
Yeah person X, I don't like your opinion so you can't enter my giveaway, but let me try my chance at this sweet giveaway you've just created XD
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Nah, I like it the way it is now, sorry I don't much care for this mutual blacklisting crap altogether. It just adds one more layer of selfish to the site. "Oh I was a dick to you and you blacklisted me. Well now you're blacklisted back!" sort of thing, only it's automated.
If someone is going to end up on your blacklist, it should be you doing it for your reason, and it should be a good reason (at least in your opinion). I blacklist two kinds of people -- repeat offenders of rules and overly rude people. People are getting entirely too nuts over this blacklisting garbage lately, and the whole mutual blacklisting thing is just a form of cheap revenge. Sorry, but I can't support that kind of attitude on a site that's most definitely not supposed to be about that. In fact, it's quite disappointing to me to even see people suggesting it here. Every time I see another post about blacklisting or CV I roll my eyes.
To put it another way, I don't blacklist people just because they've blacklisted me. That's petty, and to be honest, I don't care if they enter my giveaways, as long as they appreciate it or even just smile when they win. Of course that's just my personal view, and I don't expect many people will subscribe to it, but no matter to me, my position on the matter is pretty solid. ;)
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Well it's fine, I don't really use the BL feature either, except for serial regifters, or on special occasion for the person who regift the game they won from me even if it's the first time they do this, I use the whitelist feature more :P
As you said earlier, tthe people that blacklist you are just a tiny percentage of the whole website (hopefully, or you must've done something pretty nasty for being on thousands of ppl BL :D) So it's not such a big deal and their chance of winning a GA from someone they blacklist is equally small I guess. I usually steer away from BL thread but just came to this one to propose a solution that could hopefully satisfy most.
Change or no change won't alter how i use the BL/WL anyway :)
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knowing names will only end up in suspension, because people will start calling out from both sides
- user A blacklisted me
- i blacklisted user B because he did XXXXX
then all their friends will join and blacklist each other.
let's not polute even more the community by spreading blacklist information. it doesn't help at all.
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then it should work bidirectional..the current Bl feature is bull****
or maybe
another option for profile or Create Giveaway page "Prevent access for User who blacklisted me"
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Making "revenge blacklisting" automatic? I'd vote against that. I'd rather be in full control of my own blacklist. One of the times I noticed I was blacklisted I talked it over with the other person and we ended up on each other's whitelists.
Besides, it would get complicated when a blacklist decision is reversed. If on Day 1, X blacklists me, then on day 2 I decide I should blacklist them but it's already done so I take no action, then on day 3, X unblacklists me, what happens to my blacklisting of them? I can imagine valid arguments each way for whether or not the person should be removed from my blacklist then.
I think the only person that should be able to add or remove people from the blacklist is the one who owns that blacklist. If people want to revenge blacklist that's their choice, but automatic revenge blacklisting is IMO a terrible idea.
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Fair enough. Then make it an option one can choose. You may not care but others do. And to me it's not revenge blacklisting, it's the principle of the thing. If someone blacklists me from their giveaways then it just doesn't seem right to me for them to able to continue entering mine, let alone winning any of them. I do check, and if it were to happen I would not deliver. So yeah, give people a choice then.
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*"then it should work bidirectional..the current Bl feature is bull***"
It's a rare case but I know some people who have been blacklisted by a person, but they have that person on their whitelist. lol
So maybe a clicker button that you click on would be best to enable or disable a bi feature.
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Nothing really wrong with it. It's just really odd. lol
Although I do like the idea of someone whitelisting everyone who blacklists them, and they give away games that none of the whitelist has with a frowny face in each giveaway or something. lol
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But if it was (bidirectional) I'd have users on MY Blacklist that I don't want on there... in fact, I even have I believe two users on my WHITELIST that have me on their blacklist...
We all use these tools differently.
I'm surprised anyone has you blacklisted though at all. shrug
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Knowing how many people blacklisted you might be a feasible idea but knowing the actual person's name (well, username) is a recipe for disaster. Knowing who exactly blacklisted you would lead to so many unnecessary complications, not to mention the petty finger pointing and calling out. I personally, see no point in this.
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5,100.10000...etc i don't care !
Just give me a fair chance to block those user's for my GA's
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... and give 800,000 other users the opportunity to come crying to the forums about who blacklisted them and why? Imagine 100's, if not 1000's of users having immediate access to who has blacklisted them ... then imagine all those users coming to the forums complaining about how blacklisting should be removed/changed. Then there are going to be even more who come to complain about why they were blacklisted, and who blacklisted them.
Seriously ... think about it. Don't we already get enough blacklist-drama threads here on the forums?
Do we want more? No freaking thanks!
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No need for a drama.
Auto feature BL should work bidirectional or GA restriction for User 1 & 2.Done !
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It should've been implemented like that from the beginning. The drama happens because blacklists aren't bidirectional. The people who are worried about drama should be defending the implementation of bidirectional blacklists. One directional blacklists are the source of the drama
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I think there are several important reasons to know who has blacklisted (your SG username)
Straight from your original post. I was basing what I said on that. ;)
As for auto-blacklisting? Nope, don't need that, either. I like things exactly as they are now, with users allowed to use their blacklist as they please.
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This is your personal opinion but that does not apply to other :)
At this point it's already to late to continue as before !
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I don't like polls :)
Btw:A person blacklisted me because i forgot a important choice (In his opinion) which caused even a drama ^^
Apart from this: forum polls are not representative for the entire community :)
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I'm against a notification for who blacklisted me. There should be no need for anyone to give a reason why he wants or has blacklisted me. If he doesn't like me or just does it for fun it is equally okay. The arbitaryness of the blacklist is what makes it fair. Giving those information will only trigger bad behaviour like people arguing with others why they have been blacklisted and that they feel treated unfair. Even with only a reason and no username there will appear threads like: "Someone blacklisted me for being rude. This is what happened. Do you agree?" I don't understand why people so often try to justify their actions.
Also why I have an interest in knowing the number of blacklists I am on I also fear reocurring threads: "I am blacklisted by 10 people and you?"
At the moment, I can't see any positive reason at all to give those informations of who blacklisted me and why I am blacklisted. It should stay anonymous and arbitary. The amount of influence one can take with it is insignificant anyway.
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I like transparency, so I would like to see who, why blacklisted me, I'd put them in the same list as well and wouldn't question it any further except probably trying to correct my behavior or mistake if I am at fault. But I understand the concerns mentioned here, some people wouldn't be able to handle this in a mature way.
As mentioned in one of the comments here, I think at least autoblocking entry to the blacklisted person's giveaways is a must.
I am pretty sure at least 90%+ of people using the site would not wanna see someone blacklisted him/her trying to win his/her giveaway.
Also, I am not sure about the rules on this, is it a proper reason to ask for a reroll if the winner has you in his/her BL?
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+1 I like this.
I got no problem people blacklisted me for whatever reason. But I don't like blacklisted them back. But I would prefer that someone that blacklisted me doesn't then win one of my GAs. All in or All out.
You cannot enter this GA the creator is on YOUR blacklist
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The current BL system is outdated and no solution !
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In fact: more and more clowns come on stage and thus ensure more attention.THANK YOU !
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..much money,unfriendly fellows, snapped members...etc
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Am I really weird if I don't care about who blacklisted me? Though the vice-versa BL would be the best IMO. Though I wouldn't blacklist everyone who blacklisted me, some of them probably could have a legit reasoning for it - if it's proper reason, I'm okay with being blacklisted. If someone's just acting like a child and BL me for some stupid reason, then besides laughing out loud, why would I care?
For this reason I don't really understand why people are curious about how many people blacklisted them. It serves no good, helps noone - then why would that feature exist? With names featured it would turn into an topic shitstorm (though I could enjoy the chaos, there can't be enough drama on the forums :D ) but please, no notifications Or at least let me turn it off, it would serve no reason for me at all.
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The absolutely easiest way to deal with this, and it has been mentioned several times before: Without needing to identify names, if you blacklist someone the system automatically reciprocally blacklists you to them at the same time.
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The absolutely easiest way to deal with this, and it has been mentioned several times before: Without needing to identify names, if you blacklist someone the system automatically reciprocally blacklists you to them at the same time.
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No. If they remove me, then they can enter my giveaways. If the blacklisted me to start, I may to add them to my blacklist.
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...and how do you know if they add you "silent" to their blacklist ?
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Oftentimes you don't know. In some cases I've been blacklisted by people in the same group, in which case I find out by clicking on the link via the thread page, or I find out because people have posted trains or private giveaways in the forums that I cannot access.
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+1, i dont want to give games to those who hate me:-) and those who blacklisted by me, well, i dont have chance to win their games either so i dont care if i get blacklisted by system automatically too, as i blacklist wintraders only who creating giveaways for 2-10 entries by invs or groups (perhaps multiaccounts aswell) and those who create fake giveaways or not deliver gifts or regifters.
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I think blacklisting should always be mutual. If you get blacklisted, that person should not be added to your own blacklist, but when he/she clicks on a giveaway, there should be a message like "The creator of this giveaway is on your blacklist. You cant enter this giveaway."
If I dislike someone enough to put him on my blacklist, I´d feel ankward if I accidentally win one of his giveaways and if someone dislikes me enough, I don´t really want him to win my GAs either.
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@primary targeting to :SG admin/SG staff
I know we already have several posts on this topic but I think there are several important reasons to know who has blacklisted (your SG username).
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