Sadly, there's probably no way to implement this honestly. But I actually think a some of us are more interested in the "Why" than the "who" ...
But even if there were some checklist of reasons, nothing would stop someone for always writing one reason even if it was actually for another.
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..but it's okay if those people can still enter your GA's who previously added you to their blacklist ? No,Sir.Fu.. YOU,Sir !
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I believe in that case one has to choose the "lesser of two evils"
Sure, you may not want someone who's blacklisted you entering your GAs (I understand and respect your position on that, but don't subscribe to the same opinion myself), but at the same time, everyone knowing who's blacklisted them (and possibly why) is going to create a lot of unnecessary drama. Not everyone's of the same maturity level and could handle that sort of information without getting butt-hurt and retaliating. I've seen too many people I know getting harassed on Steam over some pretty petty things on this site ...
Just today in fact I saw several extremely rude comments from one SG user on another SG user's Steam profile over being blacklisted. I can't imagine what that one person would do if they knew everyone who blacklisted them.
It'd be a whole different story if everyone acted like mature adults, but hey ... most can't even do that in the real world, much less be expected to do so on the internet. X.X
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Okay, then give each user the ability to decide for themselves (option on profile page for example).Another important aspect is the value of your giveaways ! I think it's a valid concern to ask for solutions to block those ass#### !
You maybe would be suprised that even high CV level users (7+,registered since 6 months or more) try to cheat/bybass the current system for their own advantage just to increase their chances of winning a very popular pc game.This is another reason to ask for possible solutions and exclude those people in the future.
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Oh I know, bro. I've seen many people higher level than I am cheating/exploiting the system on here. It's definitely frustrating and I often find myself fighting the urge to hit that BL button.
I wouldn't have as much of a problem with a bi-directional blacklisting option, as long as it's just that -- an option -- that is determined by the user. I definitely do not want it a mandatory thing, though. I like having complete control over my own blacklist, so when someone asks why I blacklisted them, I know for sure it's not the system that did it for me, and I know that person had to do something really rude or broke the rules several times to deserve it.
The other problem I have with the auto-blacklist thing is this -- what if I decide to UN-blacklist someone? With the auto-blacklist, I'd still be blacklisted by them? That could be really unfortunate for someone who has a bad day and goes on a BL binge and regrets it the next day. Realistically, though -- I think it could make it harder for people to resolve BL issues. It would no longer be a matter of simply unblacklisting someone -- you'd have to ask the other party to unblacklist you as well ...
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possible solution: manage blacklist and access to giveaways separately.
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If people want to blacklist me for whatever reason and I haven't seen fit to blacklist them, I am totally 100% fine with them entering my giveaways. If I have a reason to blacklist them, their win will give me the chance to do so. And if not, it's not really my business why they don't want me in their giveaways.
And I've probably entered giveaways from people I've blacklisted too. It's not like there's a big banner saying "YOU HAVE BLACKLISTED THIS USER" when you enter a giveaway. I don't usually look at who's created it, and I don't expect anyone else to look at the names either. It's unrealistic.
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I don't know why the blacklist does not work both ways, like a facebook block, from the start. It seems so obvious.
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I don't think bi-directional blacklisting is the best solution.
In my case I'd like that the giveaways of the people I blacklisted, don't appear in my list of giveaways available to enter, because if I add someone to my blacklist, I don't want to enter on his/her giveaways. Indeed, I think the best solution for me would be that in my list of giveaways available to enter don't appear giveaways of people that I added to my blacklist, nor giveaways of people that added me to their blacklists.
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If you've been blacklisted it should auto-hide both sides giveaways, simples. You've no need to know each other exists.
So say I blacklisted you, I couldn't see your giveaways and you couldn't see mine. Conversely, if you blacklisted me, I couldn't see your giveaways and you couldn't see mine.
As for knowing who has blacklisted you, that's an awful idea, it'll definitely bring nothing but trouble, revenge blacklisting, petty blacklisting and arguments. I believe it's the same reason we don't call people out, we shouldn't promote a culture of blame shaming.
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So say I blacklisted you, I couldn't see your giveaways and you couldn't see mine. Conversely, if you blacklisted me, I couldn't see your giveaways and you couldn't see mine.
sounds ok,but it should be combined with a timeout (at least for GA's) otherwise you could change your settings again after few seconds
or a seperate list for GA's (something similar to white/blacklist)
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I'm actually against this. And I say this is as someone who has been blacklisted at least 6 times now. Obsessing or worrying over other people's opinions of you is a sign of weak character. You're not really asking to know when you're blacklisted. You're asking for a system to enable you to confront the people who wish to exclude you. Thing is, that's their right. As I said elsewhere: The corollary of freedom of association is the freedom to disassociate. And disassociation/discrimination is a normal function of any healthy community. Forced integration, such as what systematized blacklist notification would encourage, can be just as damaging to a community as bigotry. Imagine the consequences of allowing people to locate and badger those who disagree with them on a site-wide scale.
You already have means to find who blacklisted you, and to contact them. That should be sufficient. If you keep finding yourself being excluded by others, maybe you should question why that is.
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Could you please stop talking bullshit ! I don't care who or how many people would like to blacklist me or have already done it.I ask for a system that automatically block you for my GA's if you have decided to blacklist me.That's all !
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that does not change the fact that an automatic system should take over this task.Then I do not even know the names,got it ?
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I have not blacklisted anyone yet.
Is it mutual ? I mean - If Dragomania is blacklisted by someone - can that someone still enter Dragomania`s GA ?
Ok, I ve read all posts - so it is possible. It doesn not make sense than.
In my opinion this is enough to let ppl know who plays unfair.
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Hello my friend :-)
We are now equated.....but that does not change the fact the problem still exists !
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Suggestions to solve these problems...
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Seriously, there are so much more important things cg can spend resources on.
this is one important thing why he should take care.There already exist many topic about blacklist so the current system does not seem to be working (as you have already said:too much drama).
He (cg) should talk with us.A statement or at least something "work in progress".Does he want "sit out" these problems ?
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-Are you now cg's "official press officer" ?
Why are you defending him so dramatically ?
Of course he also has a real-life but if he really cares about this community, he should take more time for our concerns/problems especially these problems exist not just since yesterday !
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why would it now suddenly change?
Maybe it would prevent unnecessary drama/problems/hostility/ Insults etc.. if he could often appear in person ? His support team was so far always been very guardedly in this regard.If this usual behavior is not changed how could i expect improvments/changes ? Why should I continue post suggestions if these are not taken into account or are not even (someday) implemented ?
Also, what you are saying isn't nice at all.
You think so? In a community of this size he should invest the necessary time (just my personal opinion).
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Why post suggestions which have been posted a thousand times allready? This discussion has been held so often allready, its getting kind of repetetive.
Yeahh,and the conclusion : It's pointless because nothing has changed ? Remove Suggestions/Bug forum: It will never happen !
His free time did not increase, but the community did.
Another good reason to pay more attention or at least hire more staff for daily tasks ! Community is too important to let grind these things !
More work with site stuff = less time for community stuff
Community is part of the site stuff !!! Without "his" community he doesn't need maintennance the site !
Also, just going from your own opinion (he should invest more of his work time into this) and telling me that he doesn't care about us simply because you don't see stuff YOU WANT implemented is a fatal error.
It is not about my personal wishes ! The point is that something happened or was altered and not weeks/month without any response about a specific topic from cg or support staff.
Check the Changelog if you want to know what changes have been made. He is not just doing nothing.
I have never claimed that he or the support team doesn't do anything but i also found nothing (checked the changelog) what offering a solution for problems repeatedly mentioned in the forum.Conclusion:nothing happens based on controversial forum themes to change/remove/solve these problems !
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Hello my friend,
do you have a low threshold ? What makes you so angry ?
DOn't put words into my mouth. I never said its useless
That's what I asserted at no point, mate.
There are more important tasks than just adding Giveaway options
Because you say so ? Do you play again cg's press officer ?
Just because someone suggests something he doesnt need to response. We suggest, he maybe reads it and thinks about doing it or not
If, as you have already said,a topic repeated several times in the forum and the support team can not help in this case,do you think it is asking too much to get a response from admin ?
he is not in need of responding to every little suggestion
take "Sg-tools" and its current functionality for example.This is certainly not a "little" suggestion or why there are now already so high demand for these tools ? As cg Press Officer,please tell us,do we need again wait for weeks to get a response or may we hope in short term for a response ?
Please help us out of the darkness,press officer.We appreciate that,honestly !
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Thanks minion ! Enjoy the homage of your master, press officer.
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Such attitude seems spiteful instead of having fun. For someone who does not use blacklist feature, I watch these discussions and feel that people place way too much importance over the decision that someone has excluded them from giveaway.
Human nature confuses me at times. I hope that people (in general) could simply be more civil with each other.
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I hope that peoplem (in general) could simply be more civil with each other
sounds good but unfortunately doesn't work in real life
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It is a decision each one of us is able to do every day. Not saying that it will be an easy one, though.
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I actually think that is the worst one. Avoiding discussing with someone because they simply blacklisted you? Somewhat understandable if the reason was originally some other discussion but otherwise I cannot comprehend it.
Perhaps my view on the topic differs from others but excluding someone from giveaway(s) does not mean I could not interact with that person other ways. I do not see these as mutually inclusive.
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I have 124 people on BL, and litteraly approx 100 of them are there because of their sick ratio, like 0-50, 5-100, 30-250... I simply wont give them chance to win more games. Dont get me wrong I would love that 0/0 member win it, but thats not a case in my giveaways. Thats the biggest reason I stoped doing public giveaways.
Rest of people are scammers wannabe and really toxic people(directly insulting someone).
Now there is big diference if someone is joking (black humor or even sarcasam sometimes), hell I do it sometimes but trying not to insult anyone. And I dont see that as bad behavior, if you cant get that as a joke than its your problem, I do not go in any futrher disscusion.
People today gets to easly offended even if you are not talking to them.
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Most people wouldn't, no. I and many other users use sg++, where we can tag those we have blacklisted, whitelisted or whatever. When I see a giveaway from someone I have blacklisted, I avoid their giveaway since I don't want to win from them nor have contact with them.
But an auto blacklist feature is a pure awful idea. Leads to more drama and shit.
There's a few people who blacklisted me that I know of, but I have no reason to blacklist them, so I don't. Blacklisting for blacklisting is just childish imo.
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What drama? If it auto blacklists where is the drama? I still wouldn't know who blacklisted me, and I wouldn't be notified of a blacklist. The person doing the blacklisting if he figures I have paid for my sins enough he can remove me, and then he is removed from only makes sense. There's actually less drama, cause you don't have someone entering and winning your GA, and then looking at their list of giveaways and entering one and finding out you are REDUCES drama if you ask me.
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You still WOULD choose who to blacklist.......but you would also be choosing not to take their items because you have an issue with the person...and they still wouldn't be notified....The only way someone would think this is a bad idea, is if they just wanted to blacklist people, but keep taking their giveaways..which is just wrong and stupid imo.
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but the person wouldn't WANT in your giveaways if they blacklisted you...unless they blacklisted you for some stupid reason like you typoed something...or were a republican and they were a democrat....The only reason someone would want in your giveaways is if they blacklisted you for something that they didn't really care too much about, and if they were blacklisted from your list, it would make them think and wonder if it's actually something they want to do.
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the blacklist system would be overcomplicated with that change, like:
- blacklists have 1000 slots, what happens if 1001 people blacklist you?
-what happens when i blacklist you, and later you unblacklist me? do you get auto-unblacklisted too?
- do i have to contact each person i remove from my blacklist each time i do it?
also, this will create even more issues, for example:
- i can't blacklist someone because their ratio is bad, and after X time unblacklist them because they corrected it.
- can't blacklist someone with unactivated wins, same as above.
- can't joke with blacklists, like making a gif, or i would get blacklisted in return.
- can't make events using my blacklist, like a ladder where winners are disqualified (blacklisted) so the remaining players have more chances to win.
- each time someone removes a blacklist, they have to ask that user to remove them.
the only solution to the blacklist issue would be people playing nice.
since people will keep being... people, blacklists are necessary. :3
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people, blacklists are necessary. :3 both ways,yes !
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People have different interests/motivations so they'll always want different things. But most agree that the current system is flawed and doesn't make much sense.
An optional bidirectional blacklist is the best solution:
This would be beneficial for everyone
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Mullins is overcomplicating things, ofc you'd still be able to blacklist/unblacklist whomever you want for whatever reason, whenever you want. You'd only (probably) be automatically blacklisted in return but that's only fair. TBH I don't understand his post. You don't have to ask anyone to remove you from their blacklist, it's automatic
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bi-directional blacklist will increase drama, because people will know who blacklisted them. blacklisted users are added to your settings:
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Hello press officer :)
Why are you here again ? Didn't you already say "Goodbye" ?
of course i got it all wrong and you are the only person who knows how it works,right ? Please guide us out of this misery and lead us to Fairytale SG where we are all happy because our Master has answered our prayers very quickly !
..too bad the Blacklist feature doesn't include forum posts,right ? :(
Feel free to start a new topic about this issue here:
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I can't resist but THANK YOU,press officer.Your presence ensures at least more attention !
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No, i'm actually NOT mistaken.....If someone wants to take your things, and not for you to have theirs....they are a leech. Plain and simple...OR the reason you blacklisted wasn't a very good reason. It's common are obviously just a troll, and not even listening to
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Yes...lets compare! All your giveaways created are closed/private giveaways with only a handful of entries...prolly for a group of friends, while you have several Giveaways won from public, you take from the community and not give to the post ignorantly without anything to back it up, and the only defense you have for your opinions are "Yea, what other people said.." .... Glad you see your troll like qualities too. I'm done with you now..consider yourself flushed ^_^
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Pretty sure I did...again, you take from the community and don't give back...sounds kinda leecheristic to me...You sit around going "No, i want to blacklist people from my lists without repercussions" without literally ANY reason of your own thinking to back up your opinion other than "I like to blacklist people who i want" (Because I guess you think an auto blacklist would prevent you from blacklisting) ... you accuse Silentguy of being a troll cause he doesn't agree with you(Despite you showing all the troll-like characteristics of a troll)...i can go on really...but I don't need to.
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Really? How you don't gift to the community? I don't care if your groups charitible losers or not, you enter and win public giveaways, but don't make public giveaways......I make public giveaways, and rarely even enter them, because I want to give to everyone, not a select's fine if someone DOESN'T though, as long as they aren't entering those public giveaways...Semms to me, if you are going to take from them, you should contribute to them too...but maybe i'm just being silly...shrugs
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invite-only giveaways can be available to everyone if they check events and the forums. it's not a closed group unless you share the links with friends privately.
an example event hosted by scream:
that isn't enough to be considered giving away to everyone?
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Not in my opinion....Not everyone reads the forums, yet he/she enters giveaways not posted in forums...In my opinion, if you are entering public giveaways from regular listings, you should also be giving to those public giveaways in regular listings...not private forum giveaways and whitelist giveaways with 5 or 6 entries.
Again, that's just my personal opinion. It seems logical to me, to give to an area that you are taking from...if you enter only whitelist giveaways...Gift to the whitelists back...if you enter only forum to those instead..same with groups...but if you are entering in public listing giveaways...give to those.
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No, i'm suggesting giving to the areas you take from. There's a huge difference between trading and giving back to the same people you take from....In this case public listing giveaways...Not sure why you would think me saying you should make some public listing giveaways would be the same as trading...i'm not even saying you should have equal ratio, or that you should have a higher giveaway count that win...All I'm saying is if you are entering public giveaways...making a public listing giveaway wouldn't be that bad a thing to do on occasion.
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You're is just my opinion. You def aren't doing anything against rules. I never claimed you were. Also, is just how I think. Personally, I don't have any issue with you, other than how you call people troll because they disagree with you. That was the only reason I even called you a troll.
As for you making public giveaways...maybe you do? Just the first three pages of your giveaways were whitelists mainly, and yes...I fully admit, that I didn't scroll through your entire giveaway list..and if you DO have public entry ones scattered around there, and I missed them, then I am sorry..For saying you don't have any...not for the troll bit <_<
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I still wouldn't call that a troll...juvenile, sure! Troll not really. Look, again..on a personal level I don't have anything against you..if it came across like I didn't like you, (Which when reading over my posts it kinda did) i apologize. I don't really know you, my only issues was the statement about the troll, and honestly...I guess that's tween you and him.
The Giveaway issue is just a personal opinion on community standards..which as I have said is a personal opinion and doesn't reflect everyones opinion, nor does it reflect my opinion of you on a personal level.
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I agree entirely with you. I haven't done anything on here to piss anyone off, so even though I doubt I've been blacklisted a lot- I still think that blacklisting should go both ways like you said. It's not fair that a person who blacklists a user can still enter that user's giveaways. It would be incredibly easy to implement. Like literally 2-3 extra lines of code easy.
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Well, I prob tick people off every time I post in a forum to some degree.....people take offense easily. In this thread alone I've prolly ticked off at least 10 people...and half of them prob decided to blacklist...because people like blacklisting, because it doesn't really have a downside for them. "What? He thinks blue is a better color than purple?!? CRAZY! Blacklist!"
That last sentence i'm sure got me blacklisted by someone too....but again, I can live blissfully in my fairytale land and think everyone loves me and hasn't even considered blacklisting me ^_^ lol
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I think that it's terrible that the Blacklist feature has been allowed to exist for as long as it has. Every day there seems to be several new topics about Blacklists. There was far less drama and arguing before the feature was implemented. If the goal of this site was to bring together a bunch of gamers for the purpose of creating drama and causing arguments among themselves then that mission has been accomplished. If not then I see no reason why the feature remains because all that it seems to be doing is ruining the spirit of giving and receiving and making it more of a pain in the ass to do a simple giveaway.
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Yeah, I make giveaways to share games that I'm not gonna play. People blacklisting people for all sorts of superficial reasons is just stupid.
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I'm sure some people do use it for that, but I've seen countless people blacklisting people for saying things they don't agree with and shit like that. All of whom are the only people who are on my blacklist lol
How could you even use it to exploit?
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Quick questions. If you don't want to give a game to person A for whatever reason (I really don't care the reason nor should anyone else its your reason) How or why should I make you do it? And if I am able to force you to and it takes away from your joy of giving it away then what did I accomplish by forcing you to do that?
Happy you share games your not gonna play! I try to share games I do very much enjoy and if I had to give them to someone I would rather not give them to it would defeat the purpose of sharing for me.
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The biggest reason, it creates a very negative oppressive forum environment. People stop talking about things because they are concerned they'll get blacklisted for speaking. Obviously freedom of speech doesn't apply here, but keeping people able to speak their minds without worry of it effecting their ability to participate in giving and receiving is just good sense.
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If one or two people can topple your house of cards you have not built it very well(10k people aren't going to blacklist you for a drunken rampage through discussions). People are free to speak I see all kinds of dumb shit on here.
I don't know who these "people" are, but my questions towards you didn't exactly get an answer. Taking some ones joy of giving by making them give to someone they don't want to, for whatever reason is not good sense.
Also knowing you may get black listed might keep some from going on tirades through discussions so there is even another positive from your angle its a good deterrent.
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I did answer your question. I don't know if you've noticed, but this site has dramatically fewer people on it than it did a year ago, and the year before that. there are many factors, one being the new value system, which destroyed many peoples level, and I do believe that much is that kind of behavior.
And no, preventing people from stating their opinion is never a good thing.
There's clearly no point in discussing this further.
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this site has dramatically fewer people on it than it did a year ago, and the year before that.
16,490 giveaways created in November 2014 vs 69,603 in November 2015. Unless the few people left are incredibly generous, I doubt you are correct.
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Yeah, well here's a fun adventure to test that. Go into your wishlist here on the site. Mine used to have around 18 pages of giveaways every day. I never had enough points for all the giveaways. My wishlist isn't any smaller, but going to that page now, there is less than a single page of giveaways. What you're seeing is the much larger numbers of giveaways with huge amounts of cheap games, generally posted by the developers. Many of these games (fucking slauthering grounds for instance) are awful, and they are trying to get people to play them in hopes someone will like them. More giveaways doesn't mean more people.
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in the end the blacklist function will remain the same since it works as intended and people like it.
Excuse me, but your statement is illogical ! First , that's just your personal opinion .Secondly, there are enough examples proving that's just not working as it should.
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You're exaggerating and you know why.They have never claimed "...I say so".They simply want a more transparent or fair system.Some kind of "punishment" for those who blacklisted them.This is surely a justified objection !
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My logic isn't flawed. The difference in giveaways is extremely noticeable to anyone who cares. Two years ago there were far more varied games posted. Looking at your wishlist and what's available is a perfect example of how to see this. It's games people want. How many pages of your wishlist are there giveaways for?
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Well that would be the same problem... so I don't know why you would use it as an argument. That's exactly what I said though. There are huge giveaways for underwhelming or outright shitty games by developers is why the numbers are high.
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I'm pretty sure that there wasn't 50,000 giveaways created by devs last month. Especially since they can gift hundreds or even thousands of copies in a single giveaway, they don't need to create a lot of giveaways.
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Looking at your wishlist and what's available is a perfect example of how to see this
This is highly flawed. That list of yours kept changing in the course of those 2 years, both with taste changes and library growing (bundles, wins and deep sales ). If it moved towards niche, never deeply discounted games it's only expected that there will be less GAs for them. What I see is more of 'rare' games are showing up recently outside of groups, mainly on forum, but also as higher levels public ones.
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If you don't like just anyone getting it, then why wouldn't you make it a whilelist give away, if you're one of the people who cares who gets it (I can not fathom why you care honestly, it effects you in no way) Both existing is unnecessary, and blacklist creates a much larger possibility for negative situations.
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you misundestood what i said... if i want to make public GAs and i don't want unwanted people to win my gift, i use a blacklist. exclussion is needed in some cases.
a whitelist is for exclusive people and limits entries way more than a blacklist. you just let X people in, while a blacklist leaves X people out.
funny that people get super upset with a blacklist, but whitelists and group GAs are fine...
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I don't know what you think I misunderstood, I understood you perfectly.
Whitelist can't be used as a punishment for people not agreeing with you is why it's better. People use the blacklist to basically be assholes sometimes. Just because you are using something properly doesn't mean everyone is. Blacklists are just negative, and add nothing to the community.
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Because some people use blacklists in a way that you disagree with, the rest of us should not use blacklists? Well, you certainly seem to have everything figured out. You know, there will always be people that are going to act in ways that you don't agree with no matter the circumstances, but generalizing that blacklists are bad and by extension people that use them are bad is not very constructive.
Lot's of people find value in using their blacklists to create greater opportunity for those people that deserve a better chance at winning. It isn't punishment unless you choose to see it that way. I think it's time these two sides agree to disagree about this.
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I don't really care personally. It's not my site community being undermined by it. I merely state facts.
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Something that exists doesn't mean it causes drama the people involved cause drama. Try to make me give a game to someone I don't want to give a game to. Then that's drama. People would be crying everywhere(not from my GA but all GA). How you have the ability to dictate what others do with their digital goods in insane.
" If not then I see no reason why the feature remains because all that it seems to be doing is ruining the spirit of giving "
So if I don't want to give it to you but I am willing to give it to thousands of other people I am ruining the spirit of giving? You have to realize how little sense this makes and how few are affected by blacklists in relation to GAs.
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I have been using Steamgifts for almost three years and the Blacklist feature is a new thing that was only recently added with the site upgrade. We did just fine without it and had far less drama than we do now. The holier than thou attitudes that have resulted from adding the feature has already chased away many large contributors over to Steam Companion. The whole reason for group giveaways is so you can keep out the idiots and assholes. Adding the Blacklist feature is not working as intended and IMO should be removed.
And yes, while very "few are affected by blacklists in relation to GAs" they are still affected by the drama and the multiple posts about it that appear almost daily. It has caused a three-way division among the users of this site. Ones who want the feature to remain, ones that want it to go, and the ones that are getting tired of having to wade through forum posts about it on a daily basis and just wish that something would be done about it that would bring an end to it being the top subject on here.
If anything I want a feature added that blocks me from seeing posts that include the word Blacklist. Even create a forum sub-section just for Blacklist discussions. That way people can still bicker about it without it always clogging up the main section of the forum. Would that make everyone happy? Probably not. Wishful thinking on my part I know.
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blacklists have been around since the beggining of sg, but managed manually:
and yes, we need a blacklist subforum. :3
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Yeah, it wasn't something people just did on a whim. Which is the issue.
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They were few and far between and had to be approved by staff. I seriously doubt that they were a priority either because one of the old complaints used to be how long it took staff to respond to the requests for it. They also didn't really start showing up until the last year or so before the site upgrade.
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Having a list of users that blacklisted you would probably cause too many discussion between the persons, or a lot of discussions on the forum.
But the auto-reverse-blacklist doesn't sound like a bad idea.
I'm guessing someone is going to say this at some point, so I want to be the first :P : an auto-reverse-whitelist function.
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see also:
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49 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by OneManArmyStar
187 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by JTC3
19 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by FranEldense
49 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by RileyHisbert
597 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by TomyDrack
129 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Lord3
81 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by Tcharr
36 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by hoangmarcel
17,015 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by Mechanicc
33 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by Keny123456
434 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by DragoZeroNova
@primary targeting to :SG admin/SG staff
I know we already have several posts on this topic but I think there are several important reasons to know who has blacklisted (your SG username).
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