Was it something I said?
it's a trash ga, but at least it's not anime ^^
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Eh, your comment wasn't really offensive or anything, but definitely wasn't something nice for the creator to read. I mean, what was the point of leaving it? You opened a box that didn't get the gift that you expected. No reason to be bitter about it, just move on.
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Wasn't something nice? how? it's not about the creator, it's me complaining about my gift box choices, the bitterness if any is only meant in a lighthearted way, but the creator took it WAY too personal for some reason.
Besides, people say that they aren't interested in this or that giveaway all the time, I just said it in another way..
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You did kinda imply that the creator's gift is bad. Or at least, that's how I think he interpreted it.
In the end, commenting will get you blacklisted from time to time, pretty much no matter what you say. Then again, everyone has the right to blacklist anyone for whatever reason. If someone goes on a rampage and fills in all his blacklist slots with random people, you can't really stop him doing that either. It's really not a big deal in the end.
If you really want to drill down into this, you could always try just talking to that person on Steam. Personally, I wouldn't bother.
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You did kinda imply that the creator's gift is bad
It seemed like a straightforward declaration of such, to me. Not one deserving of a strong response (and I'm not sure why anyone'd have a strong desire to defend that sort of content in the first place) but nevertheless certainly pretty forthright in indicating a strong disdain for the content.
None of the interactions here seem especially comprehensible in their degree of response, least of all the sense of indignation and concern over the matter suggested by the OP's comment above and within the OP itself. As far as attempting contact on Steam goes, that's not only seems like a good way to aggravate matters further, it seems doubly so after creating a thread complaining about the matter.
Really, of all the many legitimate things in the world to stress over, I don't get why anyone would care about something as emphemeral and meaningless as a user-block on a random website. I've mostly put it down to having a warped sense of covetousness up till now, but clearly the OP wasn't interested in what was being offered in the first place. Which really only leaves having a low-sense of self-worth as an intuitive explanation? (Mind you, I legitimately can't guess any other explanation, since I've never once in my life cared what other people do with themselves [such as it is limited to themselves]; So by all means, I welcome insights.)
I dunno, the hypocrisy of being overly serious in taking offense over someone else being overly serious in taking offense.. is bewildering.
Oh well, still far better than the spammed "Hey, I know I'm a diehard bigot and site rulebreaker, and I've asked this a dozen times before to no response, but how dare you have me blacklisted even though I am so shiny and perfect and wonderful? You should unblacklist me, it's the decent thing to do- I would know, because I'm like, super decent. The most decent of all, really. Definitely more decent than those [slur]s. By the way, do you want to give me $5 for this previously free game I exploited?" comments that are the usual highlight of blacklist discussions.
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Man, I thought my response was over the top enough to clearly be a joke. Is it a language barrier thing?
Anyway, I blacklisted the OP for the same reason I blacklist anybody I see complaining about a giveaway (whether it's mine or not). This site exists because people are kind enough to offer strangers something for free, for pretty much no reward. I just don't wanna deal with people like that. It works pretty well. Usually. When they don't run off and make a whole thread to complain about how I didn't want to deal with their complaining.
I don't enter giveaways much (or at all, really) so I don't care about not entering other peoples giveaways, and I've got at least a hundred old humble games sitting around to get rid of this month, as well as some other random keys. I'd rather see them go to people who at least pretend to be grateful, instead of people who begrudgingly enter giveaways like it's a favour to the giver somehow.
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We all have bad days, don't worry. And again, you don't need to explain yourself for BL anyone. I just wanted to make sure you understood I was joking in response to his comment because I don't like people being offended by my jokes.
Sorry that you got screwed by that dev though. Happened to me before and it's a pain in the ass.
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The dev is claiming it's a bug, so I'd rather not name and shame just yet in case they are innocent and they get it fixed, but if they don't I'll make a proper thread about it. I sent out a bunch of gift-links direct to the winners emails and every single gift-link for this particular game somehow had a used key in it - everything else from the bundle worked fine, so I don't think it was a hacker who just really wanted a bunch of copies of that one game.
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uff, that's bad. But it means that every remaining key for this game is invalidated.
That isn't really a bug and it also cannot be reverted. The only way would be to get a replacement key.
So it would be a lot better for people to know about it. Else others who try to give it away will run into the same problems.
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I don't get it, is it you who blacklisted OP and creator of anime giveaway? I really need some coffee clearly
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Yeah, bad as in I don't like those games, but I didn't say that 'they don't belong here' or 'stop making these giveaways' because obviously there's an audience for them, so we're basically back at the "all I said was (I'm not interested in this) but in a jokey way" point.
And yeah, they can interpret it however they want, I have no business explaining this personally to them, but the reaction seemed funny and I wanted to share it with people.
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Sarcasm is often misconstrued on the internet. Reading your message, I assumed you were complaining, and the giveaway creator did as well. I wouldn't have blacklisted you personally, but I can understand then being annoyed by your message - seeing it as a complaint and not a joke.
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So what I openned 10 boxes and entered just 1 cause its on my wishlist.
A funny fact: you starting a topic about someone blacklisted you and getting more and more blacklists xD
That's how SG works
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Just imagine blacklist actions (be those actions those incurring blacklists or those in response to them) as public urination. It's awkward enough when it happens, but unless the individual is overly dramatic with it most everyone will mostly be fine just walking by and ignoring it, up until the individual starts going on a drunken rant about how they should have the right to do it without being criticized, at which point people start looking at them with cringing faces and hastily running to the other side of the street [in this metaphor, the other side of the street is blacklists]. :P
Likewise, even if someone didn't really worry about [public urination] in the first place, they're going to end up getting turned off by overly agitated responses- just like they would if someone started shouting over a check in a restaurant, or similar.
Distancing ourselves is normal enough in day-to-day real world interactions, and a place like SG, where people from very different backgrounds and personalities can so easily come together, only would amplify how regular such occurances are. Treating blacklists as special is just nonsensical, especially given how extremely, overwhelmingly mild they are [compared to possible real world responses], and really makes me wonder about the individual's real world urination habits. Er.. metaphorically, I mean. I think.
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See the bright side of it. At least you know why you have been blacklisted. :P
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Keep in mind that if people blacklist you they can't enjoy also your giveaways , for example if you make the witcher 3 giveaway or new games giveaway 1 time each 5 month but they blacklist you then they can't win awesome games , so up to them at last is they lose to win your games not vice versa ;)
if someone make only cheap giveaways about anime,but you make awesome giveaway same the witcher 3 ecc. the is they lose not you ;)
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Well believe or not they reply me that still investigated about it and that what they do to me is not just,and valve too say it,and they say also that i was right to feel hurt because no one like not honest action and not respect for who passed away or if group set rules and people follow it but then group do bad ban no reason or fake reason,so i think soon we will see what happen.
They also tell me that they find other "Malicious" about that group and about who reply bad to me and his profile too,they say they still check about that too "malicious",but because my english not good i not understand what they say about malicious , but i think was not good for that group if they already reply me find malicious.
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People whit lunatic side is people that defend who lie by say i not play the game and ban people with fake reason,and people that first say "not reply me,not write me" but then is the first that always contact me and come to reply or comment to me.
Because i play the game as you can see here https://i.imgur.com/HhSMuzU.jpg and i explain already in the original post and also here https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/9slPKcn and here too https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/kAyTqUT .
The if someone want to lie about this because him want act bad up to him i don't care,lunatic side is who do bad this and lie,not who play game and say truth.
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Lol, this is getting really funny. Malicious have 6 letters in common with morikalina sherlock skills
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Name is not important ,is not about this ^^ You can have also the name "Malicious" but if you act good and be honest and say truth no one report you because what is important is if people bad or good , if lie or truth, if honest or not honest ^^
in my case with me for my personal experience you act not honest with me because you lie by say i not play the game wick that i win in the play appreciated group, and do bad too by not respect me and ban me for fake\lie reason , but is ok as i said already still have the right people for check about this things so is not my problem only i can do is show to you what you do wrong and report it to the right people then is up to you if you want to continue to ban people with lie or if you want change to be a better human , personally i don't care , i know i play the game you say i not play and so you lie to me and i know you act bad to me by ban me with false fake reason and also by ignore something important things that is not humanity respect too but if you want to be like that ok up to you ^_^
I know i play the game and i say truth and i have images and videos proof about it too,if then other people want to lie about this first to theyrselph and then to others is mean is people like to live with lie,up to them.
The only little thing i can "understand you" a little bit is that yes 4 or 9 hour of gameplay and 2 or 3 achievements is not an exagerate amount of..
BUT i explain you the reason,and i show you also the image with the proof that the play appreciated tool show that in the period i play 60% of people has 2 and 40% has 3 that playscore is 100\100 and that hour player is green,but you ignore this same who act for want to ban just because want to do bad to people with lie and not honest action and not for real good reason and without to care about the reason why someone play that amount of hour\achievements,so whas not good and not honest from you to ban me in my opinion,and i can understand from a normal member,but if you is a moderator is so much wrong so,because is mean you must to know what to do for good of community and not vice versa for bad.
And personally i wish never happen to you what you do to me by lie not play a game and by ban not honest way,but if will happen to you maybe good for you understand what you wrong.
Top of that there is an research that say that in 90% of cases mod that ban people with lie is because they is salty about something who they ban.
Now i really can't imagine or try to think why someone can be salty or envious about me and ban me (also because i don't have nothing so is really hard to be) but if this is the case i really pity who ban me for that,must have really serious problem for be salty about someone like me that have nothing (or at max some angels) ^_^.
And the fact that instead of say sorry for you wrong,for your not respectful action (and fix it) , you still continue to reply to me with bad comments together with the people of your group,is another proof of your bad actions is connected each others.
Let's me say also that your action is inconsistent , because little days ago you write this
"Do whatever you want,except repling us (or me anyway),i don't wanna get stupid notifications, give me best regard to internet athority"
But then you is always the first come to my comment and reply to me.
You do this about wick you come first and with bad intention with words like "kick you for moking" etc.
You do this now,also after u say u not want receive notifications or reply...
And you will continue to do this in future too,because this is you,this is what you do,and is not good,if you think this make you feel "strong" or "Funny" you still wrong because is to pity.
This said start from now i will apply to my browser my personal script for ignore all comment,reply,post from you,from people bad to me like you,and from your group members , because i already explain many time that i play the game and you wrong to ban me many times and now i'm bored about this for me this topic is finish,
Not only because of that,but in all of your comments\post there is for me never anything of creative or positive,only you always make comment and post negative\polemic or for do bad or disturb people , so your profile is usefulness for me in this community better to ignore it and hide\ban it with my scripts and the same for you pity gangs friends in this place.
i will continue to report this to the right people and update them also about the reply i receive today in this topic from you.
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i play the game as you can see here https://i.imgur.com/HhSMuzU.jpg (and this image is later,before i make also 4 hour and 9 hours and also i make 2 achievements when the game have result 60% has 2 and 40% has 3) but morikalina say i not play it and ban me,so as i said already i report what they do to me to the right people (First here,and after outside here) and by giving proof of it too in videos,images etc... i believe the right authority received already my report and already reply me,i believe also they will investigate to see if anything malicious occurred,i believe also in honesty,truth and respect,something that in this case is missed for my point of view,because i play the game but the playing appreciated group ban me,and for sure valve will not like this,and while obviously action may not be taken instantly or for a single user i believe that soon we hear news about this from the community and also from the staff of steam and different authority.
i must to say btw i'm happy also that they ban me,for many reason,now i can play a lot of games that other good people gift me or donate me instead of play games that bad people want i play from a group that then ban me with lie by say i not play a game that i play.
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It will happen from time to time, you shouldn't worry to much about it. I think the creator got upset because they probably saw you comment as saying they're GA wasn't good enough, it's pretty easy to say something that will be misunderstood. If it really bother you, you could try to write to them on Steam, but then again they might not like that.
You should probably take off the name off the game, just so you don't get in trouble for leaking a giveaway.
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If you say you love Green, and another user prefers Blue, you will get Blacklisted.
This is how SG community works....
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Got yesterday my first blacklist from the last week of October..
Who knows why? What have I done?
Well, less chances to them for my giveaways =P
One should simply get used to this, don't think about it and move on respecting the rules. I really never care about those things, I just have three users in my blacklist and it's ok.
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Clearly they over-reacted over a harmless silly jab. But it's not entirely unexpected - some people will react negatively to such jokes. If you're willing to act in such a way that may offend others, then you have to accept the fact that there is a chance you'll annoy someone in the process. Don't worry about it too much.
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I had just opened a couple of gift boxes in a row and 2 of them were anime related, so I just wrote that comment, which apparently triggered a deluge of thoughts and feelings for the creator.. I had to share this, because what the hell? this is not maybe is a bit ;-; just about the blacklist, but I couldn't even get a chance to explain the comment.
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