Crazy meaning? One I feel like no matter how many times I watch it I won't understand is Boogiepop Phantom.
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Hozuki no Reitetsu. You need to be fairly familiar with japanese folklore to get the references, though.
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just don't. funny enough i first heard it from faboitas as well, while i was asking anime suggestions. had a little digging and i knew i shouldn't watch it but... curiosity. it's your worst enemy.
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Curiosity killed the cat.. I think you are right i don't need any more things to fuck me up
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wait... i merely remember two boys doing naughty stuff with ice cream in a car. weren't they brothers? if they weren't, i wonder how i got that idea. i feel less disturbed now thanks to you.
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there is 3 OVAs in first an ADULT man is fucking Pico in his car, in second Pico finds a friend about his age and they have sex (there is where said sister appears) and in third one Pico and his friend from the previous episode visit Tokyo just have group sex with yet another guy (who looks totally like a girl and acts like supernatural beeing...) don't ask me how I know all of this...
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gay, pedo and hentai that's a special kind of trifecta
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My walls are pretty interesting i could stare at them for a week.
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I love boku no piko
best anime I've ever seen
they should make more like that
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Edit: Actually, first minute's enough. I'm good.
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m'key, if you involve the law then it's getting more complicated. I'm no law expert, especially when it comes to international/ foreing laws. Generally pedophilia is forbidden, and even if you own pedo porn (vids, pics, doesn't matter) but were not involved in creating it, you still can, and probaly will, be arrested.
When it comes to animated/drawn porn I have no idea how the law treats it, but I happen to know for a fact that some sites here on the interwebs that host such kind of porn forbid people to upload files with minors involved. I have no idea if any country in the world has a law regarding drawing kids having sex etc.
Anyway an adult man having sex with an adolescent boy is considered pedophilia. No matter wheter it's real or drawn. And wheter it's legal or not has nothing to do about it. (of course, some may argue about Pico's age, because as far as I'm aware it wasn't mentioned anywhere, but if you'd consider how he looks like, how he acts etc it's getting quite obvious that he can't even be 16...)
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maybe. maybe...
But what else do you think should be done? Put them to prison? And then to feed them from our taxes? I'm personally all for death sentence. Depends on a crime of course. But how would you feel if a pedophile, after spending x years in prion goes out free and moves to your neighbourhood. Would you let your children play outiside as they always did or would you be rather too affraid that some sicko will rape them if you'd stop watching them for a minute?
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I'm not defending anything here, but you need to consider the fact that some (or many probably) of these people can't help what they do, not in a "i can't help it, pity me!" kind of way, but in a "these people are mentally ill and need help" kind of way. I do of course realize that sometimes a person is as we usually call it "too far gone", but the best thing to do about this is put more research into it.
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aaand we're back at the beggining: if it's a disease, there's already a cure for it: bullet. If it's not a disease but rather a crime (as I consider it) then - death sentence. There's always a solution!
If you really want to go as far as saying thet these people can't fully control what their doing then keep this in mind: what makes us, humans, above other animals, what makes us special, better etc, however you want to put it, is that we, humans, can control our instincts. If there's something in your head that tell you: go fuck this little girl, go kill that man etc that means that you're just like any other animal. (or rather it's lack of something that will stop you from doing these things)
Truely mentally ill people are minority there. More often they are like "i can't help it, pity me!" especially in the court...
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Oh good grief... I'd completely forgotten about that anime. Never did get around to the second season, just the first+Fumo. Was absolutely hilarious in general, but the whole "love" aspect really started to get irritating, and apparently was worse in second, so I didn't bother with it -- this was like... years ago though.
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I'll stick a vote in for Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo.
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isn't that the one with the blackguy with an afro and he and 2 kids like do adventures or something? I think I saw it on toonami a WHILE back...
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If it had a black guy with a blonde afro who fights using his nose hairs then yes. It's fairly old by now but I haven't seen much that can compare in terms of insanity.
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Crazy as in why would they make that an Anime/Manga? Miyuki-chan in Wonderland
The one that will never leave my brain? Bondage Game (If you're excluding hentai I can give you another)
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Plastic Nee-san by far. It was still the greatest 27 minutes of my life.
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Yes. I died laughing at least twice watching this, but Kuriki brought me back to life every time. 11/10 would die again
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Definitely do. I found the first like 10-11 episodes went pretty slowly but it gets super hectic the closer you get to the end.
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Of course it is!
Most people say that it's boring at first then it gets good. Personally? I thought it was really great right in the beginning. The whole thing is a masterpiece, I HIGHLY recommend it.
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Yes. Yes. Steins;Gate is the best anime I've ever seen.
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yeah, there are a lot of crazy sh1t over there, they are japanese after all
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Crazy is the definition of GINTOKI SAKATA!!!
Right now watching Monster (finally) and is pretty crazy also :)
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eng dub Garterbelt is kickarse! :V be sure not to miss it.
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