I have some keys from 3 years ago Humble Bundles, but I can`t tell if these keys were redeemed or not.
There is a way I can check if the keys were used ?

Can I make a giveaway and cancel it if the winner tells me that the key was used ?

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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You can give them to me and I will tell you :D ;)

9 years ago

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Be careful with comments like that, even joke begging/asking for keys can get you suspended.

9 years ago

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too late :3

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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wow O_O

9 years ago

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now they ca go and clear my tickets form past 2 years or so

9 years ago

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Have you checked if yout tickets are still relevant?

9 years ago

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thats not my job

9 years ago

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Nice way to be a jackass.

9 years ago

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If i were support i would say - Thank you for your irrelevant comment.
And i would recruit more mods.
But im not, so ill say - It takes one to know one. And you must be real expert on that.


9 years ago

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Nice way to show ignorance. Only cj, the admin, can recruit mods. And this is a voluntary job, they are getting nothing by doing it, it's easy to talk 'just get more..'.

It takes one to know one.

I also used that in kindergarten, I was the best of my village.

9 years ago

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wow, i didnt knew that, i feel so iluminated now
show me more of your ignorance, just like in your kindergarten

eot, some1 has to be mature here

9 years ago

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Actually I can't, I don't have access to user reports. Thank you for your irrelevant comment.

9 years ago

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trying to catch your 15k comments achievement

9 years ago

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I guess you have to become support and answer tickets to do that...

9 years ago

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awww poor thing.

9 years ago

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yeah....It was god damn obvious joke but someone is treating his job seriously...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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think (not sure) that if you make a group giveaway you can make special rules, so you could say "I'm not 100% sure this key is working. If it is not, make sure you agree to delete the giveaway afterwards".

Please somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

EDIT: You can't do as I said.

9 years ago*

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You can't do that officially, but if you give it to a group of friends & people you trust, they'll likely accept your request to delete the giveaway.

9 years ago

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Oh ok then, thanks! But the special rules for group are still allowed, right? So I guess this specifically couldn't be considered as a special rule.

9 years ago

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Special rules are not allowed unless they can be automatically handled such as with SGTools. The reason is to save the admins time to otherwise having to moderate the giveaways individually.
Of course, if you can solve it yourself by deleting (and the would-be winners don't mind) and don't mind losing the slot, that's a viable workaround.

9 years ago

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Thanks. I had the idea that rules for groups were still allowed, that you couldn't do it only for public ones. I never tried anything like that but its good to know.

9 years ago

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Well just to clarify: technically you can still have whatever rules you want, but support just won't help you if people break the rules and win anyway. Which is what I assume you want them to be able to help with :P
And I forgot that you can't manually delete a giveaway once it has ended. But in your particular case, I suppose you could still file a support ticket using the reason that the winner didn't want the game (because the key didn't work) but the winner has to agree - if the winner 'betrays' you he has the right to demand that you deliver the game, and in the worst case you can get Not Received (though he'd be a jerk for doing it, but still). You wouldn't get a suspension or anything like that though.

9 years ago

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Ah, I'd like to add to this:
If the key doesn't work + you don't get the giveaway deleted by support + the winner marks it as received -> the winner will flag as not activating all their wins...

I would advice anyone in this situation not to use steamgifts default system but make it a game or something or tack it along with another gift. Maybe find a friend who has it on their wishlist.
Since it's about humble keys, they won't give your rating much of a boost anyway. I think the whole mess to fix it isn't worth it.

9 years ago

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If you don't deliver your key or delete a giveaway you would lose a slot i guess. I don't know if you get suspended or not.

9 years ago

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Losing a slot is the standard penalty if you manually delete a giveaway.
Suspensions come into play if and only if you broke a rule while deleting it, such as deliberately refusing to send the game because of personal reasons (hard to prove though as most people can just make up a lie about not having the game in possession anymore).

9 years ago

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If the other user agrees with the deletion you don't get suspended. But the deletion after the winner is decided its a support process, you can't do it by yourself, they have to aprove.

9 years ago

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Yeah i had a case with duplicate key in a giveaway i won and learn how support handle that. I just wasn't sure undelivered key is a suspension or not.

9 years ago

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No, you just lose the slot. If the giveaway is not deleted with the winner's approval, you also get a not received feedback on your profile, which is a red flag for many people.

9 years ago

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Sadly, there's no way to check steam keys and see if they are redeemed and what are they for exactly. It would be great if Valve made something like this, we agreed on that like 4 years ago, but no one listens to us here.

9 years ago

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True. :/

9 years ago

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yes, they can make it, and welcome to the key generators world
no thx, its good as it is

9 years ago

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What would change that you can make a keygen then?

9 years ago

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Launch keygen. Verify all keys using the "keys checker" thing. Collect all keys which are confirmed to be actual working keys. Activate said keys.

9 years ago

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You could do that now aswell couldnt you? You can even ty to bruteforce key at the moment. Maybe you will get lucky. But valve prevents that with a limit I think.

9 years ago

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No you can't, not with the "10 keys an hour" activation limit. Hence my suggestion below.

9 years ago

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But do we have a limit at the moment? If there is a limit at the moment we wouldnt need to worry because they would apply that limit probably to the checkingtool aswell to prevent the same things. So your first point about the keygen would be invalid.

If we dont have the limit at the moment Your secont point with " you can't" is invalid.

So what are we assuming now? Limit or no limit?

9 years ago

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No, yeah, with a limit set (like on keys activation) there wouldn't be much problem. I missed the "But valve prevents that with a limit I think" part of your comment earlier.

9 years ago

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you can, but need a lot of clients and if you find a working key it will be used with accouunt ypu checked it with and wont be valid anymore, you wont be able to trade it (the whole account only with that key, but it will be suspended the minute the real owner of the key reports it)

9 years ago

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I dont think you get suspended for activating a key. Otherwise trading would be completely different at the moment and that stuff would happen alot more. The key maybe gets revoked but thats probably it.

Same story with the checker without a limit . Sure you can check it now but it usually takes a small amount of time to set up the trade but what if the key gets used in the time? You would have to find another one fairly fast and you will look scammy.

I generaly think valve would make it decently safe like they do it most of the time. They are not stupid either.

9 years ago

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Like Jastrzap mentioned, that would be pretty much welcoming keygens with open arms.
At the very least, the "key checker" would have to be extremely limited. (10 keys checking an hour perhaps?)

9 years ago

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Valve don't want people to trade keys.They specifically ban users from trying to trade them on their official forums. Keys are designed to redeem physical copies and are intended to be purchased from official retailers and then redeemed by said purchaser.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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I think Valve will never do that. And I don't think it is due to security reasons. The reason is very simple - money. All keys come from outside the steam store, So why Valve would help his competition? It doesn't make any sense for them, as this would be very helpful for trading, which is bad for Steam store and whole the gifts idea. I think this is the main reason, not the key generators.

9 years ago

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you could make a whitelist/invite-only giveaway with people you trust and ask them to let you delete it if the key doesn't work.

9 years ago

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I'd recommend finding a reliable group with rules about that sort of thing in place, to direct the keys toward- many groups will allow you to join [very briefly, so as to prevent you from abusing their trust by entering giveaways] as a 'guest giveaway maker' for such purposes.
That'd likely be the safest way to go about it, if you don't already have a group of people you trust that you can direct the keys toward.

So long as the winner types "I agree to cancel" or "I agree to delete" in the giveaway comments after they win, you can freely get a deletion on the giveaway.

Plus side, I've yet to find anyone who is a dick about that sort of thing, even among casual group or private giveaways :)

Though, stay the hell away from more open groups or public giveaways for that sort of thing- I've had people there leave a Not Received just because they weren't willing to stop insulting me long enough for me to peacefully give them their key. :X

9 years ago

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Im not sure if this actually works but isn't suppose to be a way to know this by trying to active the key (on your own steam account) then, if it says "Product already own" is because it works... if it says "Duplicated" it means it doesn't ?

I'm not sure at all if this even works

9 years ago

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It doesn't. Duplicate keys still result in "Product already owned" instead of "Duplicate product".

9 years ago

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"I have some keys from 3 years ago Humble Bundles, but I can`t tell if these keys were redeemed or not."

So, the old Humble bundles didn't have a key reveal system, where keys were hidden until you decided to use or gift them?

9 years ago

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Sorry I misunderstood you. Before the current system they had you connect your steam account and if you clicked you would reddem the key directly to your account. And before that you had the button that hide the keys. But sometimes I had the same game 2 or 3 times by buying it in different bundles. And sometimes I tried to redeem the same game 2 times or more, by mistake (don´t remembering I already had the game or just putting the key without even looking which game I was redeeming). So after a bunch of this small mistakes, I started writing the keys in an excel sheet and marking the redeemed ones. Now I found the sheet and don´t know about the status of some unmarked keys.

9 years ago*

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If you can see the keys and says what game is and is not the activation link you can try to find a reliable person who have those games and ask him/her to try to activate and uf they work they gonna say this game is already activated in your account :D

Edit: Seems this dont work this way :(
Thanks SilentGuy :)

9 years ago*

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That's what ALWAYS happens, even with used keys

9 years ago

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Damn, i was thinking you can check this way.
Well thanks for the info, I've learned somerhing today :D

9 years ago

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If it's just that you are not certain if YOU used the key, you can ask which account redeemed it. Problem with that is that the only reaction to that is an email to the person that used the key (or noone) but the person entering the key gets no feedback...

9 years ago

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Well you could always ask steam support:
But I simply love it how none has suggested that since their support is usually completely useless.

9 years ago

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Nice. I didn't thought of that. Thank you, they are just a handful of keys, I will ask them :D.

9 years ago

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Hi, you won my GA https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/5e4V6/eagle-island/winners Please mark as Received

4 years ago

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Why dont you contact on steam, email or in winners own created GA instead of bumping a 4 year old thread?

And besides, winner has 7 days to mark as received.

4 years ago

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And if they don't, after 7 days ask support to do it - the game is in their account.

4 years ago

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This comment of yours could quality both as "unreasonable bumping" and "calling out", either of which is a site rule violation.
Put another way, please leave matters related to specific users off of the forums whenever possible, and please don't resurrect old threads unless there's a decidedly constructive benefit to the action.

If they don't have a previous giveaway that you can contact them through, and you can't get a hold of them through Steam or e-mail, and you're dead-set on trying to contact them, then the only real remaning option is to put in a support ticket and ask staff to give them a poke. Otherwise, just wait the seven days and put in either a Request Received Feedback [if they've revealed the key] or Request New Winner ticket [if they haven't]. In the case of Request Received Feedback, if the key has been revealed and the game is in their account, then you don't even need to wait 7 days- just put the ticket in as soon as you're aware of the situation, and let staff sort it out.

4 years ago*

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Thanks for info. Couldn contact him with steam. Will do as you suggested.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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