Are you still following the campaign, if at all?
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Hahahaha, that was fabulous!
I did feel more sorry for the host on Monday's presidential debate, as compared to any of the primary hosts.
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I'm confused. Is this real? It can't be real. It looks real.
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Is that something you say every time you see a film with good visual effects? :D
To answer your question (only bothered with one of the clips):
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This is so well made, I can't even see where the real ends and the editing begins.
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I'm not from the US so I'm not very informed of it, but I think both of them are bad :(
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False equivalence.
One is monumentally awful, even compared to other politicians. The other is just a pretty typically much-disliked politician.
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The other is just a pretty typically much-disliked politician.
So much like a lot of other politicians? I honestly don't think that would be too bad to have as a president (at least better then the other). It would of course be better if a popular person would become president, but in my opinion, the voting system in the US is terribly flawed...
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Yes, she's not atypical amongst politicians, and her positions on issues are unremarkable. She's just been disliked ever since she became First Lady by a huge portion of the country, not really for good reason (other than she was the first First Lady who grew up under second-wave feminism, wink wink, a woman in a pantsuit?!).
Our political system is pretty meh. The two parties have erected barriers that make it difficult for other parties to win anything, especially the further you get into national politics vs. local, small stuff.
But this is not the year to use one's vote to support a third party who will lose.
We risk electing the least qualified nominee ever in Trump. A man whom is not suited to service, as his life story reads of a man who operates in service to himself and his interests only.
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This one popped up before the debate and I love it XD. Then again, it is the same guy who did the David Cameron rap which is awesome.
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The Hillary vs Trump one is hilarious ... "My Death Star will be operational ..."
The David Cameron one is pretty effin' incredible.
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Best comment on the video:
"We'll build a Death Star and make the Mexicans pay for it!"
-Darth Trump
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I'm sorry to say this to you America but I want Trump to be your President I'm so sorry.
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Won't be as funny when he uses nukes on China and China nukes us and our allies (you).
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By the time that happens Scotland will have no allies and anyway I wanna see the world burn bomb me first i'll give the Chinese my address
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Somebody asked me for a bump the other day - and let me tell you, I love bumps. They're great. They are the mainstay of a certain type of poster - my favorite type of poster. I - now, hear me on this, I was in Chicago - which as everybody knows is a great city for bunping. The best. And I was in Chicago to visit my good good friend the reverand Beelzebub - a fantastic host, let me tell you. nobody can host like Beelzebub. Nobody. The absolute best, first class all the way. And before I could get to his place a bum on the street - I say, bum, but you know what I'm talking about - rags, bags, the smell - my god the smell, like a bomb went off in a chicken factory - not the kind of person you would ever find in the Trump Towers, am I right? Of course I'm right. Anyways, this street bum in Chicago, he says to me, hey, I could use a bump, mister. And, I'm not - contrary to what Crooked HIllary would tell you, I'm not a heartless guy. And I said, hey, Mister Bum, I'll give you a bump, if - and I said this to his face - IF you take a shower and get a job. And do you know what this guy did? Right there on Randolph and Lincoln, he took all his clothes off - I couldn't believe it - and he poured a bottle of water over himself. He said, #1 done. My jaw dropped. I said to myself, "This is the kind of spirit America is built on." And then he just yelled really loud - like earsplittingly loud - like the loudness of the cries of the poor - and what I mean by that is really loud if you're right there but you can't hear it at all from the penthouse apartment in my fabulous Trump towers - but I was right there, and let me tell you this guy was loud - world champion loud. And this is what he yelled - Who will pay me to put my clothes back on? And I hardly had time to figure out what he was saying before money was literally flying at him from all directions. And he turned to me - I'll never forget this - he turned to me and he said - #2 done. And I had to - how could I not? - I had to give the man creditl He did what I asked. He took a shower and got a job rigtht in front of me. So I did it, I gave him his bump. I bumped him. I bumped him like royalt, like the Taj Mahal, like, like... like me. I gave him a Trump Bump. I did.
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It needs a bit of editing, you know, it's not all one big thing. You need paragraphs, and there are a few errors here and there and things going on in there. I dunno. It's not perfect.
But it's really, really good. Tremendous. I'm a fan--a big fan. Better than that dying rag the New York Times. Way better. I love it. Keep up the good work. Tremendous, tremendous work.
Isn't this guy something, folks?
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A very powerful campaign promise would be to overhaul the electoral system. Not sure how that works with the US constitution though.
It was probably one of the reasons (among many others) the Liberals (under Trudeau) got a majority here in Canada.
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I never follow political campaigns as they are much more about throwing dirt on the opponent than putting forward your own "product", especially so in the USA.
As for the election in general, i think we are kind of screwed no matter who wins it...well, maybe a bit more screwed if Trump wins, but screwed anyways.
Note: I'm not from the USA nor do i live there.
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I'm addicted to this election so I'm always reading or watching something related to it lately.
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I really don't envy Americans, no matter which of these two wins. Maybe there would be some hope if the elected one dies and they'd have a sane vice-president. But I don't know who their VPs are and I don't really care. RIP.
Nothing will change for me, because our government will still worship the ground they'll walk on, no matter how many new wars, on countries or concepts, they will start.
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Have a gib as well
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