Yeah, I think towards the end, before I left 6 years ago, there was also a shift towards smaller, closed giveaways in groups. It seems like my last giveaways here were also all closed :D Maybe I'll try that. I did really like it here back then.
Also, is cg still around developing this site?
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Welcome back. If you're curious, below is a look at the numbers. In 2011 we had about 1 comment per 10 entries and in 2020 we have 1 comment per 245 entries. The numbers are excluding group, invite only, and whitelist giveaways to keep it more consistent.
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Messages on older giveaways would be included in those numbers, but they would likely be insignificant.
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I checked the database and if we discard comments that occurred at least one year after a giveaway was created, it's a rounding error. For example, 2011 changes from 10.2964 to 10.3036, 2016 changes from 124.1888 to 124.3539, etc.
The year with the highest number of these comments was 2015. There are just over 4,200 comments left on 2015 giveaways which are posted more than a year after the giveaways were created. Meanwhile, there are about 5.5 million comments on those same giveaways created within the year.
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This is the average length (i.e. number of characters) of giveaway comments per year. Once again these numbers are excluding group, invite only, and whitelist giveaways.
So the average giveaway comment is twice as long now compared to 2013. I'm going to be optimistic and assume that means we have more meaningful comments in recent years.
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I'm going to be optimistic and assume that means we have more meaningful comments in recent years.
I would say more "interactive" comments, rather than the generic thanks perhaps XD
ALSO "Thanks a lot for the giveaway!" is 25, so, who knows shrug
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laughs This is great. Now /I/ want to dig into the data set and do things like:
-Find the most common replies and see how large of a portion of comments they account for.
-See how many giveaways have conversations (2+replies) and how many replies deep they get.
-Make some pretty graphs showing the # of giveaways have 0 comments, generic only comments, and unique comments
-Find the % of users that post no comments, generic only, and at least 1 unique comments.
-Of the users that posted 1 unique comment, graph out the # of users vs % of unique vs "generic" comments.
-Give kudos the top 20 or so users who post the most unique comments on public giveaways.
Did I mention I <3 data?
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Ready for the top comments of all time? Drum roll...
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It's the generic "thanks" for just entering a giveaway that giveaway creators don't like, not the "thanks" due to winning a game - you get 100 people saying thanks for a highly sought after game, think of all those notifications coming through all the time.
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It's only common courtesy to say "thank you" when you actually win though. No one would call you a spammer for that. I don't blacklist people, but I do get a teeny bit disgruntled when people don't say thank you after receiving their key. I always do that myself. I see it as being polite. ;)
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I find that most people do thank you when they win.
It has a lot to do with the notifications. People can be very rude and tell you off for saying "thanks" in their GA, even blacklist you. lol. I only thank when I win. But I might make a comment depending on the description, or if I know the gifter.
I made a thread for some GAs at Christmas and there were so many replies that I missed some other comments until much later. It's not a bad thing that there were so many replies, it's just that I wish notifications would be listed by thread/GA instead of individually.... like they are on Steam. I can see why some might not like so many notifications, but their rudeness has made people kinda paranoid about it in general. Heh!
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I think read the description, and react according to it if possible is one of the best way to say gratitude, the dif is maybe back in op day, its common to say thanks, but now most people tell to not say thanks unless you win, so the habit are changing (but from my mind im always thankful for the chance, so when you do smt good just believe people realize and thankful for it). Btw Yotsuba all the way HAHA
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I guess there was a time when comment/entry ratio was a thing. But nowadays i saw lots of people not thanking even if they have won. Also as Agrass mentioned i have seen a lot people saying not to thank in their descriptions. But i like to talk so if i see something interesting i will engage even if i dont enter. :D
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I only thank upon winning. I thanked every GA when I first joined & quickly farmed Black Lists as a result. At least as far as I can tell?
(I'm autistic & not good with communication skills I guess? 🤔)
So now I don't thank on GA's unless I win. Though it seems lose/lose in some cases as based on your post some ppl do want thanks? I was under the impression that giving thanks just spammed ppl's msg box & lead to Black List. So who knows?
Personally I like ppl to thank on win but otherwise it's not necessary. Everyone has there own feelings on it; I guess? I just try to do whatever avoids upsetting ppl, causing unnecessary drama, conflict, etc. as much as possible. 🤞
Whether or not I succeed I don't know? As I want my experience with this site & others to be positive rather than negative. 🙂
I say Whatever Blows Your Hair Back 😉
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I only thank upon winning.
Same, and only if the GA has a limited number of copies (or, if many copies, if there are only a few thanks yet).
On some rare occasions I've posted thank you comments in cases where I had something else to say along it. So the comment wasn't just "thank you", it was "blahblahblah-something about the GA game or the GA description or the thread where it was posted, oh and btw thank you for the chance"
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I told people not to post "thanks" before it was cool! December 3, 2012 was the first time I made a giveaway where I asked people to not post generic thanks messages. I've in my crusade against random thanks messages been insulted, blacklisted, threatened and insulted some more, but it's been a success!
But yeah, as others have said, it's really the notification system that made people not like the "thanks" spam. It very quickly clogs up the notifications.
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When a lot of people say thanks, other users see all those thanks and feel like they are obligated to also say thanks. This just causes tons of spam of everyone saying thanks on every giveaway, not because they are actually thankful, but because they feel obligated. If you post 20 giveaways, you end up getting a thanks comment 20 times from the same user because a large number of users just enter everything they can to get a +1 on their Steam account. You end up having to scroll through pages and pages of comments in your notifications to try and find any real messages.
It is a good thing that this stopped. Now, if there is anything important and meaningful in the comments, we can see it instead of just burying a real comment in countless pages of thanks messages that nobody is going to want to scroll through. Most people will still say thanks when they win a giveaway and I would imagine those thanks are more sincere.
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Thanks for Skyrim ;)
People don't like the many notifications for what just seems like copy&pasted "thanks" being spammed.
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like others already mentioned a lot of ppl dont like the generic thanks for their GA for spam reasons.Some specifically say so in their description.
but there are also some ppl out there asking for some pics or vids instead of a thanks, like some cute animal pics or some cool music suggestion. to those i like to comply if i have something interesting in my mind.
otherwise i usually only thank the gifter if i win their GA. this should be the least thing a winner can do.
after playing the game i also like to let the gifter know that i enjoyed it. :)
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For a while, there were so many bots copy/pasting the same meaningless thank you messages that it buried any meaningful commentary. The the notification update made it so people doing giveaways got notified of each thank you. Before long people started asking people not to say thank you unless they won.
Personally I prefer people hold their thanks unless they win. But appreciate actual comments related to the giveaway or the description.
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To be honest, back then most comments were just "ty". Something as short as possible, with as little effort as possible. I am sure many people just did it because they thought they have to, not because they truly meant it. I am fine either way. I like it when people give me an honest thanks. But I would never demand it, and I would never hold a grudge if someone doesn't (even if they win). When we got notifications, all too many thanks comments could get annoying at times. So I am glad people do it less nowadays.
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[An honest] Thank you for the data and your opinion.
I personally was raised to always say "thank you" if I was given something, so I say it when I win and appreciate seeing others doing so if they win.
However, I don't BL non-thankers. If I did require a thanks, it becomes meaningless.
Are the message notifications of today different than they used to be?
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If I did require a thanks, it becomes meaningless.
Exactly. If I demanded a thanks, how would I even distinguish the honest,voluntary thanks from a mere fullfilment of my requirement?
Are the message notifications of today different than they used to be?
Notifications were added a few years back. They didn't exist before.
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It was interesting, with the lack of notifications, there were the thank-you spam. Because of the thank-you spam, people kept checking if the winner said a thanks previously, and possibly held a grudge or even added them to their personal blacklist. It's really true how a site's features can shape its etiquette.
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I won many giveaways and I have never ever forgot to say thanks and write something to thank the winner, even if these months are quite busy and hard =P (let's not talk about the virus in northern italy..) so I think it should be easy to thank and write a small comment, though I didn't know about these past things =)
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been inactive for 2 years before I come back here, back in the day I like to say "thanks for the chance" sometimes, and if I win always say thanks in comment, or personally in chat, tell review of the game after i play it (sometimes), even chat about their city if feel they like to chit-chat. But recently I read some comments say they will BL if u say thanks, so maybe its why people hesitate to do so (?). Anyway i've been to Italy once (Rome), beautiful architecture, delicious food, perfect weather, and imo Italian are good looking (both men and women), but so many pickpocket, and recently some racism news on Serie A. Btw eat well, sleep enough, keep ur condition fit to fight the covid
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When the site was new it was originally considered polite to say thanks when you entered a giveaway. The etiquette changed when the site added notifications whenever anyone comments on your giveaways, which even a moderate number of "thank you" messages could render unusable. So now it's considered polite to thank someone for a giveaway only after winning. That way the givers are still able to see all the other comments and questions that they might want to respond to.
Although even before then "thank you" messages did cause trouble such that many would explicitly ask entrants not to thank in the description. All the "thank you", "thanks", "thx" and "thanks for skyrim" were appreciated at first, but tended to drown out any other kind of comment. I remember I had made a "Thanks filter" userscript that had a huge set of users back in the SGv1 days.
TL;DR It's now polite NOT to say thanks unless you win and receive the game, out of consideration for the giver's poor notification inbox. Other comments and questions are still welcome.
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I never say thanks for joining a giveaway, I see no need for that, I do thanks when I won though, but getting thanked 1000+ times because it has 1000+ entries per giveaway? that sounds horrible!!
I always ask people to only thank me when won and there are always some that thank me anyway and I see no use in that, just thank me when you win and leave it at that, I see no need to be thanked for just making a giveaway you most likely won't even win.
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It seems strange to me to write something if you won nothing.
Moreover, the same comments, like “Thank you,” “Good,” and something the same, are now perceived as a bad manners (most think that such comments are left by bots and it’s better not to write anything at all than to write so).
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126 Comments - Last post 4 seconds ago by Superefg
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I've started here 8 years ago when on every giveaway was the usual "Thanks for Skyrim" comment... but haven't visited here for 6 years. Today I stumpled upon this site again and looked back in and it was a wave of nostalgia. So much so that I created a bunch of giveaways to celebrate it. But It really seems that the "community " isn't as engaging as it used to? For example right now there was a giveaway with 1000+ entries and only 1 comment saying thanks. Even on my giveaways, 300= entries and only 1 comment. When I look at my older giveaways I had at least 209 comments on a 1000+ giveaway or 125 comments on a 500 entry giveaway. I'm not saying this out of petty attention seeking, just something I found to be a little bit sad, but I guess that's how it always goes. Enjoy the giveaways I created :)
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