Drop the tape, wait why are so few people saying tape? What is everyone doing!?
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tape some tape to your clothing in case you need some in a pinch. then drop the rest.
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As a person who wears glasses, I know it would suck to be without... but I still say leave the extra pair behind. I don't think you'd need a spare as much as the other items.
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Drop the extra glasses, I guess we thought they were your only ones. :-) (But be careful with the pair you are wearing. I managed to keep mine intact for ten years, but then again, I never had to go through a zombie mayhem.)
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anything but tape.. you need the tape to tie sakura..
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I did as you said and disposed of my extra glasses. I now have a set of lockpicks.
Unfortunately that's the better of the two news. Shortly after grabbing the lockpicks, just when we left the building in search for more stuff, Travis and I happened upon the largest Zombie horde yet - and they had spotted us. Then, during our desperate, Hollywood-worthy escape we got seperated. I have no idea if Travis made it back in one piece, much less what the hell I'm supposed to do.
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Don't enter any closed spaces when you're alone. I voted for picking the lock to the construction site, but looking at the fence, it might be much easier/faster just climbing over. :-) (Unfortunately, this applies to the zombies as well, I guess.)
(Also, wow, one hell of a giveaway. :-D)
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You should probably make your way back to the others, once it's safe. You aren't going to survive long by yourself. Either that or you get desperately lonely. I am Legend anyone?
You're not gonna feel great about yourself if all your friends die because you were hiding in a garage =3
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I dont know what has happened to OGrady but i made it back to Clansman and Sakura. I must have lost myself in the killing and forgot to check my 6 and so I lost side of him. There where so many zombies....... and one of them has bitten my hip or scratched or what ever.......hopefully Sakura will be able to patch me up. God it hurts.
Well atleast I found some canned food and was able to get this back to our hideout.
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Ouch. You've seen some zombie movies, right? I'm afraid you might have to start thinking about field hip amputation...
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Clansman and I have been back for a while. We had separated from Travis and OGrady to explore in different directions. Our street was relatively empty of zombies, and Clansman managed to dispatch the few that where not staring blindly into space or clawing futility at concrete. We got to the gas station up the road. It was a bloody mess, some zombies must have had a field day there. We tried not to check to closely what happened. Several empty cars around, too, but pretty much damaged beyond help. We found some gas canisters in them, though, and filled them up. We also salvaged some bottled water and foodstuff from the shop.
We had settled back in, and Clansman was just showing me how to use some of his mobile deathtraps (I'd call it grenade, but what do I know) so that I would not blow myself up should I need to use one, as Travis stumbled back in. He was not a happy sight. Or smell. Covered in all kinds of bodily fluids, some even his own. Since we don't have water to spare for a bath I settled for washing his wound with some of the vodka and bandaging him up. I have no idea if that helps against being zombiefied. We'll have to monitor him closely to make sure he does not turn on us. He nicked some of the vodka for himself, and is sleeping it out right now.
I dearly hope OGrady can manage it back to us in once piece. He'd better not die on me.
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The poll told me to pick the lock to the garage and barricade myself in, so I guess I'll do that and try to rendevous with the others tomorrow.
To you others: I am still relatively well - some blunt trauma, nothing major. For now I need an hour or so to build a secure shelter from that garage.
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OK, the lock was pickable, took about 10 minutes. The garage was mostly empty, except for two little beauties - a small hatchet and a large axe. I'm grabbing the axe for Travis (Have you seen his "weapon"? That's not a Katana. That thing has padding, dammit! Don't tell him that, though, I saw his eyes when he uses it to beat up Zombies.) and I'll probably trade up concerning my weaponry, too. Hatchet > Knife, I would say. If you guys think otherwise, now's the time.
No pictures so I don't attract Zombies with flashing light.
Good night for now.
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Day 1
Day 3
Day 4
Hey guys, I'm still in the field, can't waste much time posting. For now I have found a set of lockpicks someone discarded. Even comes with a torsion wrench. given enough time I can probably open all kinds of locks with it, except for car locks and other non-standard cylinders. Tell me which item to leave behind, please, since I now have 6.
More info later, got to go now.
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