If i remember right, only the person that got the gift can revoke and the gifter will get the money back.
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"Refunds on Gifts
Unredeemed gifts may be refunded within the standard 14-day/two-hour refund period. Redeemed gifts may be refunded under the same conditions if the gift recipient initiates the refund. Funds used to purchase the gift will be returned to the original purchaser."
ofc. paypal or cc revoke is something different. but that will prob. cause a trade or account ban
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We're not talking about refunds, but about revoking. xD And it hardly even causes a trade ban. xD
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They can. :/ It usually involves stolen paypal accounts. They can just ask for a chargeback because their paypal account got stolen. Many gifts get revoked every day. And the new fashion involves revoked humble bundle keys. ;P
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maybe he will revoke it and get his account trade banned.
unfortunately since you didn't give him anything in the trade window, steam support can't do anything (if they still give items back, i remember they returned traded items in these cases).
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They changed their policy to "we don't give a flying duck anyway"
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yep, it was abused hard and valve took the easy way as always
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Track "stolen" items ? Support their costumers ? Do their job decently ?
Do you remember when some currency was bugged and people were selling\buying stuff for an huge\low amount of money ?
Or when someone somehow abused the gems ?
They did managed to fix everything, because in those situations valve was the one losing money.
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Well, if they were to track the items what would you want them to do with it? If they steal TF2 keys and sell them for paypal, do you want the tf2 keys to be gone from the buyer? If they track a CD key should it be deactivated? What if someone bought it off the scammer? I myself trade mostly only in the trade window, am I buying a gift I wait till it's tradeable, much safer and lower chance of removal.
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1 - Consider that a gift it's tradable after 30d, but a chargeback could occur even after 90 days, I'm sorry but is not safe to trade, it's never been safe and it will never been.
2 - You are not supposed to trade with PP, so yes, buyer sadly should lose their money and traded items should disappear, if he traded in the trade window he should be refunded
Point 2 could look... cruel, but what happens irl if I buy a stolen phone ? Here is a crime punished with a fine and/or imprisonment.
But how could you know ? You don't and you can't.
That's why should work this way.
But valve decided to don't spend money and to don't care a bit.
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- peasant
hello, i traded 10 copies of no man's sky for 250 tf2 keys and the gifts got revoked, can i get my items back?- steam support
no, you lost $625 and we can't do anything despite you using mobile auth and the trade window. have a nice day, idiot ^^
neither the dev nor valve lose money, only the customer. the perfect system.
funny how people still support valve and complain about ubi/ea/activision/etc.
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At least Origin has a nice support, too bad its catalog is poor
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I like to keep my list clean too, but having 1 friend is a bit suspicious. I'm suspecting that it was his main account, or another user he was scamming
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If the value of the gift is quite higher than your key, probably yes
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He's just a guy with 0 level and 1 friend, so he probably has 0 rep. :P
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What games did you trade for? In any case, better always avoid trading with sketchy people. Even non-sketchy people can turn out to be scammers, but if you get a sketchy user and/or too be to good deal, it's 99.99999% certain you will get scammed anyway. Especially when trading outside of trade window, you have nothing to even try to contact Steam support about.
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He unfriended you without saying anything? He might just not be polite enough to thank you. I always remove the people I traded with right after the trade (but not until after I said thanks and allowed the other person some time to say something as well).
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that's not the part that makes it suspicious. I usually unadd people too. The suspicious part is the level 0 account, the 1 friend, and the lack of a rep page
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Did he have many games? If he only has 1 or 2 games, then yeah, you're likely scammed. If he has a lot of games, then I would say the chances are a bit lower. But 1 friend is not a lot, so either he has very little friends (or none that use Steam), or it is indeed a suspicious person.
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Can you post his profile link here fast and delete it afterwards? I want to check if he's a known scammer. :P
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Thanks, I saw it. I'll check it now, so you can delete it. Hmm, I would really want to check who was his friend. :P
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You sure his friend wasn't level 17? He had a friend with level 17 previously.
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Not a known scammer. Fresh profile (he made this profile today), zero games, no ban, only 1 thing in inventory that I can't even see. Probably a guy with multiple alts. Maybe the guy with the level 19 profile is the main account, but I think it's more possible that it was one of the guys he added in order to trade.
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maybe, dunno^^ just since he states that it's his trading account, for me it looked like his main is in his friends. Also he added me right after I bumped my trade here so I think he is from SG and maybe he is even reading this now and decided to delete his main acc from friends...xd
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Probably. But he looks like a scammer, to be honest. :/
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Yes, I can view older profiles too. Well, we can't be sure if it's his main account though. Maybe he's one of the guys he added in order to trade with them.
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The other account that he had as a friend, also doesn't have a steamgifts profile. He doesn't need a steamgifts profile to check the steamgifts trades. But they became friends shortly after the creation of his profile, so maybe that means something or maybe not. :P
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the possibility that he was added just at the same time as me by a different user with same datas is way too low, so yes I'm sure we were added by the same user. I already posted the link cuz a person asked, if the owner of the post wants to compare I can quickly post it again and u will see ^^
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well, if u don't believe then it's not my problem I guess, I don't think I need to prove. U can continue thinking it was someone else, it won't change anything anyway. But I will just repeat again, the user added us at the same time, from SG, and with same data, the odds are rly low it was someone else imo.
and even if you are right, then what does it change anyway?
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i never was arguing it could not be, i was just pointing out that there were 11million users currently (well 7mins ago when i looked) on steam, and that there is more then one person that fits that "lvl 0 acc with 1friend" description, therefore odds are not 100% in your favor either.
i agree that nothing with change anything anyways. i wasnt trying to be right, i was pointing out odds. in fact, you probably are right. i even said "or it could even be the very same person" but even in agreement with you for some reason u feel like i am not.
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fair fair, i did quick add that you're right there, sry though, i shoulda worded things even better.. totally my bad for starting out with odds like that. totally redirect ignoring user entirely>>
my only question really is, wut did op get? i mean if it was that dragon game, then chances are it wasnt really a scam, or if it was doom, then we all know it was a scam.
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I'm pretty confident you saw the same person. This guy also had the description 'THIS IS MY TRADING ACCOUNT, I GO FIRST IF U HAVE GOOD REPUTATION FOR SURE THANK YOU!'
Be careful people!
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Well after a guy Revoked a GTA V Gift from me couple weeks ago i m quite sure that you may get your game revoked aswell :|
Trading with LvL 1 users is kinda bad idea tbh , its a shame since some are legit ... but its mostly Alt accounts used for fraudent activities ...
Also check his 1 Friend profile ,sometimes thats their ACTUAL account ... tho not that can be of any help .
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I usually check the list of games he own, if all of them are free (giveaways) or almost free, then probably it is a scam. Also, the only friend he has, if it is a scam, might be either his main account or someone else he added to scam (so remember that user and try to contact him if things go bad.
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i think what game was traded for what game would be needed to know before i can make a fully educated guess as to whether it will be revoked or not.
i mean if u traded a bundlekey for "DRAGON: A Game About a Dragon" then i sincerely doubt it will be revoked due to its extreme sale recently... but if we're talking like a bundle key for DOOM, you bet that thing getting revoked.....
edit: checked your inventory and found first example to be possible, and 2nd example i changed from GTA5 to DOOM since it appears to be a relevant possibility
stuff between those examples hold more ??marks and could go either way, but those two extreme differences are pretty certain guesses.
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what was the deal? I mean if he gave U an better than common offer, it's definitely a scam, if not, 90% chance of scam. so one shitty thing U can do now is to trade the gift if U haven't added it to your library. so U get one -rep and U get some other game!
I think that guy has no SG profile. so he was a scammer! how did he know U got a CD-key to trade?
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Level 0 with 1 friend(probably the reall person's account) was the biggest clue.
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I thought the same thing but I didn't want to make it a witchhunt since that other user could have just been another victim
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Watch out for this guy! Apparently he is lurking sg and is doing this to other people as well.
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Some sketchy user (level 0 with 1 friend) added me and said he would go first, so I accepted his gift for my key code. He then unadded me right after. Should I expect him to file a chargeback and for the game to be removed from my inventory? I'm pretty confident I got scammed but I'm wondering what others think. I got blindsided because I was expecting a 'can you go first?' scam attempt. I'm not too worried about it anyways.
For those wondering, I gave away a removed game that isn't that rare.
Edit: I was skeptical the entire time, so I left his profile open. Watch out for this guy: http://imgur.com/a/rSpSM
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