I looked at his/her account and some of his/her items he/she gave away he/she also won..but not all of them..
I shall watch this closely.
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Remove the user's name from your post, or you may be hit for calling out.
If it hasn't been 7 days since the giveaway ended, you can try contacting the winners and politely remind them to activate the gifts. If after 7 days nothing is done, the gifted copy still in your inventory can be pulled back and re-rolled, and the traded one can be reported for not activating.
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I don't understand this rule. Doesn't that mean you called him out for breaking a rule, therefore you are also breaking a rule? I would also be breaking a rule for calling out that you have done that. Or is the term calling out something different entirely.
I know you didn't directly call him out but I see this kind of thing happen all the time on other threads and giveaways. I was just curious.
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The answer is - this is just a stupid and badly described rule, which is overused and applied by unclear reasons to everybody talking about anybody in any way, if only moderator have bad humor.
If you write that somebody didn't activate gift - you get suspended. But in this way it also applies to post of AzureFang, because he also talks about breaking the rules of the OP.
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I think that the rule is quite clear and I don't see how it could be applied to AzureFang's post. He's giving a friendly advice.
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But like I said, it happens all the time in giveaways too. I just used this post as an example to explain what I mean
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I've never understood this, as soon as I've given the gift I don't give a shit what the winner does with it as long as they mark it received. After it leaves my hands it's no longer my property. I'll tell you something else as well, I've never been the kinda sad anal loser who checks other people's accounts to make sure they follow the rules, and if not scramble to report them. But hey that's just me, flame away or feel free to run and tell teacher I'm a bad boy.
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Thing is Its still in my hands, par say..
its still in my inventory
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Nothing "sad anal loser" about it - you just see the whole idea of gifting as different. A lot of people here see there being a very good and simple reason for the "must activate wins" rule - only enter for games you actually want and will play. This keeps entries lower, heightening chances for people who really want the game in question and preventing spending / wasting money on a game as a gift that someone will never even play. Aside from the obvious problem with people re-gifting wins to unfairly boost their CV.
If these are issues that don't concern you, there's plenty of other sites that cater to such attitudes. Playblink and Gameminer, for example. You can re-gift as much as you like there, and don't have to activate anything you win. This site's more about the actual sentiment of gifting, at least it used to be so. Now, there's still a large portion of the community that see it that way. And why not? Like I said, there's already other sites that don't give a damn about wins or intentions. The only reason to still come here rather than go to and use those sites, is greed.
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Once I marked as received with the game still in my inventory because, well, I'm a fan of mass activations (meaning activating a lot of games at once) and I was planning to activate 50 games at once the following day (already scheduled it and the gifter knew about it. I only marked it as received so the gifter wouldn't have to deal with the blue bar and I wouldn't have to deal with the green bar, but in a few hours, I was already suspended. I spoke to CG after what happened and he said that it was ok to do this as long as I activated the game within the 7 day period, and that no action should have been taken until after the week was over (it had been a little over a day at that point, I think, but only 2 days or so after the giveaway actually ended, leaving me 5 days to activate). He reversed the suspension, but since then I've been warning people who mark the game as received earlier (some people mark it as received as soon as they win to hide the bar, especially when they know the gifter and are confident that they'll receive the game) so they don't have the same problem that I did, even if it shouldn't actually be a problem.
tl;dr: They have a week to activate the win, don't stress over it until after the week passes, because you may not know the full circumstances.
PS: I actually do see quite a few people trading wins on ST because I'm an active trader, so take a look at steamtrades and the SPUF trading forum just to double check, if you don't see him trading it atm, I wouldn't worry for now ^^
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I think you should space it out. If you activate 50 gifts, it doesn't even really show up ... it's more than what Steam can show. Now if you're activating three a day for 17 days, THAT will get noticed. Your e-peen (or perception thereof) will be so huge.
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But but but butttt . . . Then it would all show up with different dates in the Store Transactions page . . .
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One user marked the item as received but is still in my inventory.
Another user hasn't done anything with his/her item (still in my steam inventory, prob on holidays or something)
not sure what to do.
the giveaway is this: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/l2SEK/wanderlust-rebirth
not sure what to do in this moment...
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