I encourage you to play it. For the time it was released, it's a masterpiece, at least for me.
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you sure? it came out the same year as Rayman 2, always thought of it as a weird clone until i later discovered it was from the same publisher.
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I played the shareware version a lot before I got the full version. ^^
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I'm thinking of buying it soon. I know it's early access but it's also 3D Realms. :-)
Makes me long for a remaster of UT99!
That would be an instant purchase for me!
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mmmm... those games actually got me out of gaming... i couldn't bear all my friends playing them... i looked for new friends as well and started focusing more on rl ;p
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Isle of the dead and commander keen got me into pc gaming. However the Atari 2600 was what originally got me into gaming with games like krystal kapers and pitfall
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Been playing video games since I was 2. I doubt I was ever just a "casual" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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Officially pokemon, the pikachu yellow edition on the gameboy. But league of legends for the PC specifically and then Danganronpa got me into playing games through steam.
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When we got our very first PC, my mother went and bought 3 games, and somehow the choices were pretty brilliant. There was a rightfully forgotten point-and-click adventure City of the Lost Children, your typical mediocre adaptation of an awesome movie, but other two games were The Neverhood and Age of Empires. I've spent countless hours with Age of Empires, and The Neverhood basically is the first game to blame for my narrow genre preferences :)
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I had played plenty of games before it, but Half Life 2 was what really sold me on gaming. I was about 14 when it released, and it was the first game where I really engaged with the community. I got into the mod scene, reading Gmod comics, and posting on the PHW and Concerned forums. Two of my closest friends in the world I met through the Half Life 2 fanbase. It bums me out that garrys mod comics have been dying off :/
As for my "first" games I think my experience with Pink Panther - Peril in Paradise is what made me fall for the charm of adventure games.
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Wow, that really cool that you met some friends through the game. I like how Half-Life 2 plays like your going on a long road trip.
My first games were ATV Offroad Fury and Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, both on PS2. Back then I wasn't really aware of what games were good, but I liked cars and SpongeBob, so I bought games related to those things.
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Final Fantasy IX, Chrono Cross, Kingdom Hearts 1, 2 and GTA San Andreas. The PS1 games my sisters emulated on computer and I watched them play, then our parents bought us a PS2 and I spent hours on both KH games and GTA. I bought KH2 right after I finished the first one because I had to get more of that.
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Age of Empires (PC)
Doom (PC)
Blood (PC)
Rollercoaster Tycoon (PC)
Flight Simulator 95 (PC)
Populous 3D (PC)
007 Goldeneye (N64
Perfect Dark (N64)
Mario 64 (N64)
Pokemon Yellow (GB)
This is basically my childhood and these games are the reason why I am still gaming till this day.
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I never really had just a casual interest into gaming, My first game (chosen by me and on my console) was Pokémon Sapphire on GBA, but i actually always played on my parents' consoles, so i remember fondly playing Street Fighter on psx with my mom (who kicked my ass hard because losing is educative apparently), TLoZ: Ocarina of Time on my dad's N64 or Diablo 2 on our first computer (even if they had a commodore 64 somewhere but i never actually saw it)
Other honorable mentions are the GBC TLoZs, Age of Empires (both 1 and 2), Age of Mythology, Neverwinter Nights, and oh my god i just remembered MediEvil on psx and now i feel the need to download an emulator and play it again.
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What would you say is the first game(s) that got you from having a casual interest in games to someone really into gaming?
I would say I have two phases in this:
1) Super Mario Bros 2 on the Game Boy Advanced was the first time I really found myself getting into a game that made me want to play the rest of the series. It was a really solid game and I even 100% it because it was so fun. I also ended up getting the Game Boy Advanced versions of Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World because of it. And when I bought the Nintendo Wii I got Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. Brawl because they also had Mario and I knew I would have a good time.
2) Super Smash Bros. Brawl is probably the game that ultimately got me into gaming in the sense that from then on I would look into the history and current happenings of the game industry. This is the result of the fact that SSBB takes characters from multiple Nintendo franchises and puts them all into one game. I was familiar with Mario and all Mario related characters, but pretty much everyone else was new to me (well, I was also aware of Pokemon, but only in terms of the trading cards). This got me into looking into the other characters and wanting to play the games they were in. The first character I ended up looking into was Link, and so I ended up playing The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. This was something new for me and I really loved it and now the Zelda series is one of my favourites. Another character I got introduced to was Ness from EarthBound, which is now one of my favourite games.
This in general got me into emulation and so it gave me a reason to look into the past of gaming looking for as many good games as I can that I might have missed out on. And nowadays I'm also always looking forward to new games as well, especially games that give new experiences which is most prevalent in the indie scene.
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