So, i thought about this last night as I was lying in bed, desperately trying to fall asleep ("If I fall asleep now, I'll have 7 hours of sleep! Come on, brain! Turn yourself off!"). Anyways:

There a lot of developers that make the same mistakes and insert very annoying things into otherwise good games. I don't mean things like completely broken physics or an extremely boring story, just little things that make me want to punch whoever thought they were good ideas.

For example:

  1. QUicktime events. My god, why are they a thing? Especially when they're in the middle of a cutscene. If I am watching a cutscene I tend to leave my keyboard/mouse and just watch it. Having to suddenly press F quickly to respond to something is really f*cking annoying.

  2. "Escort that NPC and protect him" missions. I hate them for like a Zillion reasons. That NPC will usually be an idiot and walk right into enemies to make sure he dies, and he is often completely helpless and advances slower than any person would when under attack.

  3. Last but not least, I dislike it when games don't let me save. The whole "checkpoint" system annoys me, as it forces me to play on to the next checkpoint when I have to go, or risk losing my progress. Sometimes I even stop playing earlier than I normally would just because I'm not sure I can get to the next checkpoint in the few minutes before having to go. I know it's supposed to make the game more difficult or something, but it doesn't. It just makes it more annoying.

I obviously have more things that annoy me, but I'm gonna leave some for you. What are things that annoy you about video games?

No poll this time. You were all gonna vote "Potato" anyway

giveaway is level 1+

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Oh yes, I had that happen to me in Assassin's Creed and I nearly stopped playing because of this.

And of course I do. A poll without Potato is worthless

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Long respawn time for a game that frequently kills you unfairly.

9 years ago

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Invisible walls....(At least make a real wall or a mountain).They take away the atmosphere and pretty much make you understand that you are not in real life :P

9 years ago

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I have to say you took the biggie there. Invisible walls are a killer for me.

9 years ago

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Putting badly made stealth missions into game that completelly doesn't need it (or its just stupid to act stealth).

Offtopic: I hate when game ends before it even drops all trading cards xD

9 years ago

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Bump for SPAM.

9 years ago

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I don't mind checkpoints in some genres - for example in brawler/smasher saving in the middle of a fight with horde of enemies jumping at you atm, or in platformer in a middle of a jump - these saves would be useless, and if you accidentally quicksave in wrong moment you'd be screwed.

Thing that annoy me:

  • Jumpscares in some games. Ofc not all - there are some games that rely mostly on them and it's ok. But I hate it when game features a dark and heavy atmosphere, which would be enough in itself, but feels the need to add unnecessary jump-scare which usually totally destroys my immersion.
  • Mandatory AI partners if you choose to play a single-player mode. I get that coop may be a lot of fun. I get that there are games that may work only in coop. But then there are also games that would be awesome single player experience, but devs decide to add coop option - which would be fine, if it wouldn't force you to deal with stupid morinic AI if you decide to play singleplayer. AI that will get stuck at walls, run right into enemies, screw platforming and break experience that would be great otherwise. I'm looking at you Resident Evil 5 and 6...
  • Controller lagging. I won't count how many platformers with awesome artstyle, clever mechanics and well thought level design I droped because of this simple reason. You may make the most beautiful, most awesome, most innovative platformer ever - but if your controls will not be maximally-responsive it all won't matter as it will simply not be fun to play anymore.
  • Hardware-heavy or problematic in other ways DRM - how long does it has to take until publishers finally stop punishing people who decided to buy their games? Things like denuvo, which makes game itself run worse or requiring better system specs just to run DRM, things like Always Online DRM proving to be disaster every single time EA releases it in new game. Things like UPlay losing your game stats, scores, progress and you having to earn them back, because they gotta be stored on their service, as you're not trusted to keep them yourself...
9 years ago

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DRM is one of the worst things about modern gaming, alongside Micro-transactions and ridiculously overpriced DLCs

9 years ago

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+1..or worst lets make a great game then remove all of the good content and most powerful weapons and sell them at exuberant prices!
just makes me want to pirate there games when they do this.

9 years ago

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I was going to write something, but you summed up my beefs with bad controls and mandatory AI partners
Also, uPlay. I still haven't bought Child of Light because of that stupid thing

9 years ago

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Oh, and something regarding the saves that might be useless during a fight etc - That's easily solvable by limiting save to out-of-combat situations (or not in mid-air situations, or whatever). It's what most games do anyway, and I find it better. And you can have autosaves that work like checkpoint to make sure you don't mess anything up.

9 years ago

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Is there any possible a typo on Q1?

9 years ago

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nope :)

9 years ago

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Don't think so as some people solved already. You could wait for hints if you're stuck :)

9 years ago

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I used to write with a Rh, my bad.

9 years ago

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bump for skyrim!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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The illusion of choice (hey TellTale). Especially when it's so painfully obvious that taking a different route woudn't change anything.

As for the saves, I can tolerate that in linear games, but how retarded can you be to apply that in a open-world game (yes, Mafia II)?!

9 years ago

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Mafia II was a massive pain in the ass regarding saves... Ugh.

9 years ago

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It's actually more painful the other way around - When it's not obvious your choice wouldn't change anything, and then you play on expecting to see the results, and learn it had no effect at all

9 years ago

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Agree, but while playing TWAU (quite liked it actually) I had a lot times thinking "why do you even pretend???". I guess that the constant notification of how meaningless my choices are acts worse for me than a cold shower and the end and sucks a lot of the enjoyment of the game.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Bump for thanks for puzzle and gibaways!

9 years ago

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Lazy level design:
Unjumpable 0.5m-1m high obstacle, therefore have to do a lenghty detour. EG: Dark Souls 2, Resident Evil series

9 years ago

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When you have to follow someone, and if you go normal speed you're too slow, if you run you're too fast.

also, invisible walls.

9 years ago

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bump for solved

9 years ago

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Completely agree with you. All that things broke inmersion.

9 years ago

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quicktime events and bad camera angles

9 years ago

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Bump for solved, thanks!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Anyway, top of the list has to be unskippable cutscenes, then bad camera angles. I also hate it when something in a game relies entirely on RNG.

9 years ago

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Slow movement: when playing Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, the character run too slow, like he's take a jog on that big castle @@
I rarely get annoyed, but it's sooo annoying @

9 years ago

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Agree with you, especially on quicktime events. Luckly I have a wired mouse else it would fly away every time I try to catch it in a hurry while I'm lying down on my chair! D:

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Missions/quests where you have to collect 10 dragon poop so the NPC can have a dinner.

Invisible walls.

Remember that one room in the very beginning of the map that you couldn't open? Great, cuz you need to go back there to press a button to open a broken wooden door.

when you get stuck somewhere and you have to load the save file to leave the place.

When you leave the game without saving and your 4 hours progress is now lost?

And last and most certainly least, rude people.

9 years ago

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Going back across the entire level to open a door is something you usually need to do only for a bonus or something, so I tend to skip it. If it's something I have to do in order to go forward, my usual reaction would be "fuck this game I'm done", unless it's a really good game otherwise :P

9 years ago

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