Do we need more options when creating giveaways ?
Problem with SGTool is that people can leak those giveaways (as is happening at the moment with certain member). If those limits are coded into the site, leaking is not a problem, not for those giveaway at least.
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because you may receive the game, activate it, mark it as received and then it may get revoked in the future. In this case you unmark it and contact GA creator informing him and demanding new copy. Also - revoked game may not really be fault of GA creator - I once had such situation - won GA from good contributor yet it got revoked after some time - turned out he traded for gift copy, but person he traded with turned out to be scammer and Steam revoked this game. He provided me with new copy soon enough, but with no way to unmark win I'd risk getting suspended in meantime or get on bunch of blacklists at least.
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Support is already pretty hammered.
I think it would be a better idea for the site to check if a game is activated on your account when you mark as received (with exception to DLC and some bugged games) and then only allow you to unmark if it disappears from your library.
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sure - you may inform support and avoid suspension. but still it will be known just to you and support - anyone checking your profile will simply see non activated win and Blacklist you. You do nothing wrong and you end up blacklisted by a lot of people. And if we talk support changing marking - support has lags - you may have to wait days for unmarking and get all the blacklists in the meantime.
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i'm a poor guy who wants to leech as much as possible and likes throwing bundled crap into the crowd !
So, that's what you think about us. Thanks for the truth.
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Maybe ? I would like to have the ability to restrict access to my GA ! no more / no less
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You still have the "I'm not sure/I don't care" option if it doesn't concern you.Apart from this there will always be people like you who miss alternative choices.This is a general problem in Polls :-)
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Are you a person who reacts very quickly hypersensitive ? Why should I spend hours going through all the possible options ? You will not be forced to participate in this poll ! I I wanted your personal opinion on this topic and not to the poll !
Also, i will overlook yet another insult of yours this one time. Enjoy your time here on Sg an may we not meet again. Even i have standards.
I will survive it.Thanks !
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Why should I spend hours going through all the possible options?
Hours? You only should have added an option that lets people disagree with you on this matter, without that option being offensive. The current "no option" is very rude and offensive.
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He is looking down on everyone who doesn't have good ratios, implying they're worthless leeches. If that isn't offensive I don't know what is.
Shitting down on someone who is poor or generally in a bad financial situation is a really sad and pathetic thing to do.
And when someone does something like that, it doesn't matter who he is addressing, the right thing to do is to stand up against such behavior. Just like standing up against any kind of discrimination is the right thing to do.
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Personaly I stoped making public/public groups giveaways not long ago. Why? Because every single winner ratio was like 0-50, 3-150, 30-300 ... I say again I love when someone who never won win it. But it never happens at least in my case.
And honestly they are leechers it has nothing to do with having money or not. You cant have 1000+ games on steam come here and have awful ratio and say to me that you cant afford a 3$ bundle with 6+ games to give away. Its a pack of smokes or burger at fastfood ffs.
I also do not have money, really hard situation! Me,my wife and 2 year old daughter live with 300euro per month, and still I can save up to give sometimes games. But I do not go in night clubs, buying things I dont need... I save it and give games when I can.
So only problem is with people conscience! When they think its ok to leech and dont care about it.
Like why would you enter a giveaway of a game that you cant even run on your pc?
Why enter giveaway if you dont intend to play it?
I fucking gave Mortal Kombat X on steamcompanion to guy who won 30 games, never gave not one. And he even did not activate single one of them. But he is trading all his wins for keys, how cute and honest.
I agree that insutling and being agresive is bad and not leading anywhere, and things will never change, there will always be trolls,leechers and toxic people, nothing we can do about it. But additional options when making giveaway have a big support from me.
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There are definitely people that have the money to make giveaways, but instead just "leech". I never said those don't exist.
The problem here is that OP is generalizing, he is putting everyone with negative ratio into the same category and then he shits on them.
While I don't necessarily like his suggestion, I'm not against him making the suggestion and people discussing it. I just don't like him being offensive towards everyone who doesn't have a good ratio. Honestly that kind of attitude is disgusting and it personally makes me want to stop making giveaways altogether because I know I can't give as much as I want and as much as some people like him would expect me to and that he and his type will always see me as a worthless piece of shit, so why bother giving anything at all if they'll always look at me the same? Of course there are nice people here, many members of this community who I like so I will continue giving stuff away when I can afford to do so.
Anyway I think his attitude is toxic and hurtful for the community. There is no need to shit on people, it only makes things worse not better.
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Ignore the poll and write only your personal opinion.Done !
btw:How many polls here at SG are really meaningful or conclusiv ?
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And I wrote somewhere that it would be great option to add entry filter like if you won more than 500$ you are not allowed to enter giveaway.
Personaly I love when someone with 0/0 ratio wins, makes me happy :) But additional filters are needed to prevent leechers from leeching
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This would be another option,but i mean something like this:
Access to giveaway is limited to
Level (1-3) User only
Level (5-8) User only
Access to giveaway is limited to:
Ratio 1:1 User(won/sent)
Ratio 70% / 50% User (won/sent)
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the thing is - you cannot easilly cheat level, so this suggestion may be valid, but you can easilly cheat ratio. Cheater goes to his won GAs unmark enough of them to get enough ratio, enters your GA, then marks them all again before anyone can notice :/
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..mhh.maybe it's possible to add a "timelimit" (1-4 weeks for example) where the user has the opportunity to make changes before they are finalized ?
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a game could be revoked after a year too... maybe people should be able to mark as not received without limits, but the won value calculation should be delayed.
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Once the settings are final, Users would have to create a support ticket to make changes again or SG support change the settings again.
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and while they wait days/weeks for support reply they get unfairly blacklisted by all the other users who check their profile in the meantime, because they will not know that game got revoked and they are waiting for support reply and will assume most possible scenario - that this user didn't activate his win. You're basically punishing someone who did nothing wrong.
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bad idea - game you've won can come from scam. Or the person who gives it to you may not be scammer himself, but have traded for it with a scammer. Or his bank has an error, thinks his CC got stolen or sth and cancel previous payments on it's own. All these cases have happened. Game you activated on your account can get revoked months after you marked it (because we all know that Steam Support is rather slow...). If it does you unmark and inform GA creator and demand new copy. If we'd lock marking - honest user that got game revoked couldn't change marking, would risk unfair suspension, or in best case scenario bunch of blacklist from ppl who will see "oh - non-activated!" and will BL him right away.
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All that is needed for it to work almost flawlessly is notification for GA creator that winner toggled feedback from received to not-received.
Even if it's not implemented, if you have suspicions delay delivery by couple of days checking for toggle back to received -> prtscr -> reroll ->bl
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The ratio would be really nice, I have to admit that it's not that nice when the winner is level 8 with 10 cv in public and 999k in private groups :\
but... why the max level limit :O ?
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but... why the max level limit :O ?
example: the same GA is offered by several persons (without a max limt).Users with a higher level thus have greater chances of winning
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I vote for the option: "No you ugly sucker, we have enough options already and you are stupid." (What is that you say? I was being rude here? Sorry, was just trying to keep it in your style, i.e. biased as hell)...
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Hello Steamgifts,
this request is primarily directed to the admin of the site.Sorry, if we have already 1469 posts on the same topic.I respect the work of the admin(s) -SG tools site- but i would like to see options like "ratio limit" and "contributor level restrictions" as a standard feature here on Steamgifts.What is your opinion ?
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