Have you been naughty or nice this year?
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Cool :D I missed your wormhole event last time. Maybe I'll drop something this time :)
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It was an event by a Bundle site roughly a year or so ago. People could drop Steam keys into the wormhole and would get a key somebody else had donated in return. I didn't participate but I think it was pretty popular although not everybody understood the keys they dropped would go to other people, so some people entered made up keys.
I was pretty sure it was you guys who hosted that event since it worked pretty similar to the Steam Leftover portion of your Lazy Santa event but I bet you'd remember that so I must be mistaken.
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No no, you are correct. Part of last year's Lazy Christmas 2017 worked in a similar way to Steam Leftover. Last year it was a Secret Santa kind of an event however some people added inactive keys therefore this year we've decided to change it a bit :)
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I wasn't even aware that LazyGuys was still active, so I may have overlooked them having a similar event, but Chrono.gg has done a wormhole-themed event that works in the manner you described a few times now- so if you're somewhat uncertain of the association, then it could be possible that you're thinking of that.
April 2017 - https://community.chrono.gg/t/game-hole-4-1-17/3114
April 2018 - https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/wppqS/chronogg-allows-you-to-dispose-of-a-steam-key-in-a-black-hole-as-todays-deal
December 2018 - https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/2Lhm6/chronogg-key-drop-liveover
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Yeah, that was the event I was talking about. Now it's starting to make sense ;)
But considering that Lazy Guys have apparently done the Lazy Christmas in 2017 as well that explains why Mirek thought I was talking about their event but was confused about the wormhole thing.
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Hi Pete! I don't want to lie but I think I remember you from the last year! You can donate one key in each round that will go to Steam Leftover prize category. However if you'd like to spread more positiveness and kindness, you can donate more keys by sending them to christmas (fancy 'a') lazyguysbundle (Mr. Lazy Dot) com :)
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Question for you: What is your ultimate wish that you'd want to become real?
Teleportation! I was going for peace on Earth but let's be honest, the only way that can happen is if all human beings die in a rain of fire and meteors so I went with the self centered option instead.
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I wanted to become silver surfer for God knows how long. Explore worlds and stuff but not be bounded by Galactus. You know what I mean.. Can anybody relate?
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Hello, silly question here - is there any way to see what happened with our leftover keys? I'd probably feel bad if someone decided to give it away or sell it or whatever...
Hmm, now that I think about it, maybe it's better not to find out... :) Never mind! :)
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Hey there! :) If you shared your Steam profile link with us, the winner who gets your key can see it too – to say thanks. I thought about your idea of you being able to know who exactly got your key. I like it!
The thing is, if 1. the participant didn't add a key for Steam Leftovers or 2. added a key for Steam Leftovers but didn't add a link to their Steam profile, we do not know what their Steam profile link is. That way we would need to share their email address with you and I worry there might be people who wouldn't like that :/ However, I mean, if it's a one off thing and one of the two points above is applicable, we can get in touch with the winner and ask them to share their Steam profile link with us. If none of those points is applicable it means we have the link and we'll share it with you when you contact us :)
Hopefully I didn't twist you too much in my thoughts.
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Well, as you say, someone's email address is none of my business, and it's fun to give away something this time of year anyway... :)
I remember you guys were always putting together bundles with real games, and not just the cheapest random garbage for the +1 and the trading cards, but I suppose keeping a bundle site like that alive is more difficult nowadays... :(
Most likely Steam today is the fault of all the random garbage collectors like me, so I am sorry about ruining things for everyone... :( One more thing to tell my younger self when I get that time machine working... El Psy Kongroo... :)
Anyway, thank you for doing this thing! :) I hope the event goes well! :)
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I created some ninja giveaways in the past (gifted the key through Steam chat) but it seems the whole industry is just dying or people are not as excited as they were in the past. Even when I look at giveaways here on SG there's hardly a few thank you comments :/ I remember there always were hundreds of comments like that in the past.
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Since SG introduced the message notification the numberbof thanks messages dropped significantly, since there's significant number of people who are annoyed by those. To be honest I liked the old way better, even if some of the thanks comments were scripted, you had more feeling that the giveaway was appreciated.
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Ahh, sorry for interrupting here... :)
I don't have an explanation, and maybe it's just me, but I think you're right. Years ago in any "big" game giveaway you'd see hundreds of thank you comments, but nowadays it's a surprise when even 10% of the people trying to win your expensive new game bother to write anything.
One cynical theory is that most of the thank you comments we remember were actually written with a script or browser addon or whatever. A high "comments written / giveaways entered" ratio used to be a thing people cared about, so those programs would enter giveaways all day long, automatically, while appearing as an actual person to the rest of us. Generic Thanks for whatever this is! :)
Nowadays, though, I think many people consider generic thank yous to be spam, not gratitude, so they stopped writing them? Or maybe the auto-entering programs don't write generic thanks by default any more? I dunno.
Or maybe nodaways people just want to add +1 "game" to their Steam library, and they don't even care what the game is, so there's no point pretending to be grateful? I'm sure people around here still love free stuff, but maybe they just don't want to "work for it" any more...
Ahh, that reminds me, I haven't sent anything for your third round, but to be honest I was kinda hoping to hear from whomever received their free game in the second round... :) Still it's Christmas, so I'll probably send one anyway, but maybe a cheaper one next time...
Thank you! And thank you on behalf of all the people who forgot to thank you! :)
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Hmm, I agree with your theory. All in all, I can't help to feel people lost the excitement. Nowadays there's so many keys "flying" around that the excitement is hard to get.
In regards to the key you added with your application to the Round No. 2 – it made me sad to see the winner didn't thank for the game. On the other hand I kept believing they wouldn't do that if they've already opened the email with the gift so I've looked into it and found out the email indeed hasn't been opened yet. I added you on Steam, please add me back if possible. Thank you :)
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did anyone got Hero of the Kingdom III in the first round and want to trade with my maroons?
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So I thought I'll leave this here. Just post a comment once you redeem it so people know and don't have to try.
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Thank you for letting me know :) Argh, again no thanks from the person who used the key.
Just a thought, is it possible bots pick up the key written in this form and try all the possible combinations instead of the three '?'. Hmm, but still, that would be thousands of combinations. They wouldn't be able to do it in such a short time.
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Hello again! :) Sorry for interrupting again... :)
In the past I've made some puzzle giveaways using "bundle leftover key dumps" here, i.e. write a message, and search my leftover key pile to find keys that fit the message. For example: Littlewitch Romanesque, Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition, bunch of stuff + explanation, NieR:Automata, MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD, Dark Souls series & The Miskatonic. Plus whatever I'm forgetting...
What I've learned from all those key dumps is: the keys will always be used, and you will almost never be thanked. It could be a 5 cent bundle leftover, Steam wallet code, a $60 new game, makes no difference. I don't think it's bots, just greedy humans. :) And if you dump a lot of keys, some people might even complain the keys are bad because someone used them hours ago... :)
For the sort of obfuscation I used, people didn't even need to understand English - anything that looks like XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX sets the FREE STUFF! alarm bells ringing... For your key a human had to decipher the correct characters, since 10 bad attempts (or 50 good ones!) locks you out of Steam key redeeming for 1 hour.
So please don't feel bad - that's just how things are nowadays... I always appreciate a thank you from someone who wasn't quick enough to use the key, sometimes you don't even get those... :)
Merry Christmas! :)
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Ho ho HOOO!!
It's that time of a year again! The Lazy Christmas 2018 is LIVE. We are super excited!! Henry and Lazy Santa have prepared something great for you this year.
Round No. 1
December 15 – December 18 (This round is over. Winners were contacted.)
Round No. 2
December 19 – December 21 (This round is over. Winners were contacted.)
Round No. 3
December 22 – December 24 (This round is over. Winners were contacted.)
Round No. 4
December 25 – December 27 (This round is over. Winners were contacted.)
Round No. 5
December 28 – December 30 (This round is over. Winners were contacted.)
Round No. 6 (MEGA ROUND. Henry won the vote!) (This round is over. Winners were contacted.)
December 31 – January 2
Thank you for sharing your time this holiday season to be with us. We are honoured we could be here with you for another year’s Lazy Christmas. All participating developers deserve a tremendous appreciation and thank you for their kindness and selflessness.
We believe we’ll all meet for the next Lazy Christmas in December 2019.
Have the greatest and the most wonderful 2019! :)
– LazyGuysStudio Team
Question for you: What is your ultimate wish that you'd want to become real?
Enjoy. You're awesome! :)
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