Hello most of this community is level 10 or even bigger so i thought that this is the place to ask my question. Right know I'm level 9 and i need 110 exp. points to go to level 10 but here is my problem i don't know how.
Let me just tell you that i'm not planing on spending any money in to getting to the next level so I'm hoping for money free solution.

Now i know that probably i will get a lot of comments that will say if you don't spent money you can't get to higher level but still i would like advices on money free methods.

And i only hope that i can get to the next level. And thank you in advance for any helpful comments.

11 years ago*

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sell unused trading cards, buy the cheapest ones to make badges

edit: or play lots of TF2 or CS:GO is you got that; get weapons and stuff, sell it, buy cheap trading cards, make badges

11 years ago

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Do the same as you did to come to level 9,maybe

11 years ago

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Well i have to say that i really didn't know how i got to level 9 since i didn't even know of this new levels until i read an article about the background modifications and i checked and i was level 8 and then in a maybe a week after that i got my badge for being a member for 6 years and just jumped my level from 8 to 9.

11 years ago

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Wait for summer sale trading cards I guess

11 years ago

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TremorGames sells full sets of cards for fairly cheap. I bought the Arkham Asylum badge this morning after like 2 offers.

11 years ago

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Thank you for this, but TremorGames is blocked from my locations and i can't really use it.

11 years ago

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money free: trade for cards
I bought CS:GO when it was on sale, I already got back the game's price from the drops, and some extra moni as well.
There is no "secret" way to get steam XP. Altho you can get hired by Valve, to get a Valve employee badge, or get your game greenlit (100$ posting fee) and you get a steamworks developer badge

11 years ago

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well, you can complete "Pillar of community" - this will give you 100 exp; and win few extra games - each game gives you approx. 3-5 exp.

11 years ago

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Play Dota 2, i got about 25 euros from last event which lasted for like a week.
U get item drops, sell on market, and craft badges. (and buy games)

Alternatively idle in CS:GO / TF2 for items.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 weeks ago.

11 years ago

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You can. It's harder, but you still can.

Unless you're a farmer, then apparently it's piece of cake and nothing changed for them, few farmers report.

11 years ago

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you can easily get another 100 xp completing another task in the community badge, like a message in the steam discussions as i see in your account...

can't help for the other 10 xp


11 years ago

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Become a Valve employee (+1000XP). Easier ways are adding games to your account or crafting badges. I use this to find cheapest sets of cards.

And like others said, complete Community Ambassador badge.

11 years ago

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Go to Tremor Games and see if you can earn enough Tremor Coins to spend on some games that drop trading cards (or even spend the coins directly on cards as they have them there). Trade these cards until you have a full set and craft the badge.

11 years ago

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Yeah thank you but tremor is locked in my location so i can't win anything from the site.

11 years ago

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Easy tip but you do have to spend money.. Buy any bundle with crap games, idle in each of the games for the free cards, sell the cards for games that gave you dupes and finish the set for any one game.

11 years ago

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Not to mention the exp for just owning the games

11 years ago

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Finish something from this - I guess doing "Post in the Steam Discussions" would be easiest - and you'll get 100xp.

After that - get cards from at least two games and either sell one game to buy missing cards in 2nd, or use some trading bot to exchange them.
Or buy some bundle with Steam games - each game gives at least 1xp.

Or if you're patient - wait until 4th November. Each year on Steam is another 50xp for you.

11 years ago

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Thank you.

11 years ago

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Thank you all i'm level 10.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by LordNaikon.