The "reptilian" in truth, is a term that refers to a human aspect(behaviour), the cold uncompassionate ruthless side of the human, so even if there are no people with reptile skin, there is a small truth to it.
In these days it is better to not be tottally dismissive, but to check out everything with a skeptical approach.
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Oh, I was expecting a quote from one of the leading proponents of the lizardmen conspiracy theories, like David Icke.
I don't think you can really take their idea of "reptilian" and then take a neuroscientist's hyopthetical idea of "reptilian complex" (which is only a part of the larger triune brain model) and just mash them together, as if they somehow have a common meaning.
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Except per your link below, these theories don't mesh. The basal ganglia used solely, would be without calculation, or very little of it. The "thinking" parts of the brain "go dark", so we've got a bit of cognitive dissonance here, both literally and figuratively. :)
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Wait, you mean that news anchors aren't all beauty models by coincidence?
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Dude. If you thought Walter Kronkite, Ted Koppel and Dan Rather were hot...just, dude.;)
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Lol. I guess. You should see our anchors here. My sample size locally isn't much different.
Now weatherwomen, OTOH. There you got me.
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Don't have time/patience to watch even part of it, and you'll have to forgive me if I'm assuming incorrectly, but is this the argument that there are "plants" at every major "staged" event orchestrated by the powers-that-be?
If that's the argument, I've heard it before and I'm certainly amused by it.
In the first part of my career I worked with some of the highest tier media in the U.S., in both New York and New Jersey. Folks like this would be amazed at how mundane, how human (in the sense of flaws, perseverance, emotional stuntedness, and informal communications), and how relatively transparent the media process actually is. And how many journalists are well-trained in the Chicago Tribune school of thought, "To print the news and raise hell."
But I've had these types look at me and insist that even the executive producers I worked for were taking orders from some unseen/unheard/unknown overlord. Certainly would be news to me, given the conversations I was privy to and the incredibly strong (pigheaded) personalities involved with making television.
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After-edit : Holy wall of text. Sorry about the babble, haha. :V
I listened to a bunch of it in the background while I was doing something else. The video is more pointing out that you shouldn't automatically trust everything you see on the news, and shows that (some) news stories use actors to basically spice up a story where there are no legit witness reports to be had. There was also a secondary focus on things like reality TV shows planting actors to ensure an entertainingly dumb ride, but I think that was just to help show how any devoted entertainment group can merrily lie if it means more views.
While I wouldn't call this a giant conspiracy, I think it's a pretty important thing for people to be aware of. Even before a certain news outlet pleaded in court to being an entertainment business (in direction opposition to a news outlet), people should be aware that news groups should always be scrutinised. Any integrity they may or may not have is entirely voluntary and there is no legal requirement to tell the truth (providing it doesn't reach into outright slander/libel territory). People only really notice it when they deliberately muddy the waters or over-enthusiastically frame a circumstantial anecdote or quote to create a big story where there is none, but it pays to be aware of just how much bullshit they're willing to stack up if it means they get more views. It's hardly a world-changing revelation on the scale of any individual's life, but that kind of mindfulness can play a big part in people's emergent opinions on various subject matter (particularly on politics and policy in general). I hope that most grown adults carry a handy bag of scrutiny around with them whenever they're watching such things, but it's not always the case, y'know?
Then again, I didn't watch the entire first video, but that's what I got out of it. Can't tell if it went off on a more conspiratorial bent later on, but hell, just because it's talking about minor conspiracy via information bending it doesn't automatically mean it's crazy or false. See, another good time for scrutiny. Remember when it was a 'conspiracy theory' that Bush was going to war in an ass-backwards fashion, and then it turned out there were literal manufactured pieces of 'evidence' to support a move that wasn't warranted? Scrutiny is an awesome thing. Though, note that scrutiny isn't the same as flippantly waving off something because it sounds far-fetched.
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Right. There is a chasm of difference between news companies "blowing up" stories to be bigger than they are, or speculating to gain/keep listeners/viewers and fabricating entire scenes with actors/actresses.
Reality TV and news are not the same thing, unless things have changes epicly since I left the business. Real news people don't stage scenes (although they do stage and edit face-to-face pre-records - but not with actors/actresses).
Now, there are certainly stations that carry both real news and talking head/pundit/reality TV. Pretty much all of the cable news networks do this. And scrutiny is definitely in order to separate one from another.
But the news station I listen to here has Fox News as their news feed. That's real news, regardless of the parent company. There may be editorial decisions made that are different than another network, but the trained professionals reporting the news are just that. Professionals. They are not without fault, but they do their best within the context of their work environment.
Sean Hannity, or Keith Olbermann, or whatever talking head hack you want to name. That's not news. That's infotainment.
Anyway...yes, scrutiny is your friend. And your Bush example is sound. Newspeople don't always do their jobs with enough force. But remember, the news didn't stage Bush's evidence farce, the Bush administration did. The news stations just bought in long enough for them to get what they wanted.
Again, there's quite a distinction to be made there.
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"See, there's being open-minded, and there's being so open-minded your fucking brain falls out of the gaping hole." Truth dude, I try to live my life by a similar guideline, you gotta be able to differentiate between the two.
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I was a North American Fall Webworm in my past life. Those were the good old days
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I don't believe this! I had no idea you were that kind of a monster...
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Did you know that badgers are actually hyper-intelligent and are nearing completion on a plot to destroy the world? If you believe my claim and it's not true, that's not a big problem, but if you dismiss my claim and it is true, that's of huge importance. So just to be safe, go shoot a badger.
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I love seeing conspiracy theorists in action, it's just so entertaining to see how delusional a person can be. It's even more entertaining when someone puts huge amounts of effort and resources into trying to prove their ridiculous ideas to other people. It always gives me a good laugh.
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If the video isn't enough go here. I didn't look far; what I did see was that a large part of the "evidence" resembles Memebase's Totally Looks Like section. Except for the part where funny coincidences are presented as sinister truth.
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Why would Branson, a billionaire, dress up as a reptilian believing nutjob to fool the people??
Please stop posting this crap. There are hundreds of conspiracy forums that would gladly accept everything you post but here is not the right place.
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Just to letting people know how far can human stupidity go:
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Go to the parents of the murdered children and tell them in front of their faces that they are fake.
Go to a Jewish survivor and tell them the men responsible for millions of deaths are actors and it was all a "movie".
If you are not trolling I have bad news for you. You should see a therapist. A sane mind shouldn't be able to think like that. Use some f$cking basic logic, go outside and face reality.
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[citation needed]
And no, before you bomb with wall-to-wall videos, I mean concise citation that takes less than hours to sift through. Emperical proof is great too.
Do not mistake scrutiny, skepticism and critical reasoning for mere mindless opposition. Those three are the most vital assets in revealing truth. Do not forget that willing confirmation bias and false revelation presented as absolute truth is as good as as a minor conspiracy in itself. Spreading misinformation is a counterforce to truth, and if you do not properly check your facts before you spread them, it becomes a disease to minds weak enough to accept them without full scrutiny. Listen to the things you are saying : "there has never been a school shooting".
You have a hypothesis, but the findings are FAR from conslusive. You should stop presenting them as such.
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As an FBI Special Agent, I'm obliged to tell you that there are no such things as conspiracies, and that agents of disinformation aren't, in fact, real.
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There's actors with multiple stunt doubles who do their stunts for them. Hence, actors with multiple stunt doubles exist(plus a lot more who aren't even stunt doubles...) and there can be people who look alike. Also, things can change. I didn't watch all of the video but a lot of the 'proof' he was showing was more ridiculous than what he was trying to prove. .-.
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Okay. I'll bite.
How is it that the mysterious folks in the sky that hire these supposed actors keep them from talking about their work?
What about the myriad number of staff, directors, directors of photography, producers, grips, gaffers, APs, PAs, writers, craft services, etc., etc.?
These kind of productions would take hundreds, if not thousands, of corroborating human parts to work.
Can you explain how you hire someone to serve food on set that isn't going to say a peep about this?
Remember I worked in this business for years. I will be VERY hard to convince.
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And failing this, what about human greed? If a person so willing to partake in these things for the simple reward of profit, doesn't it stand to reason that they would also want to profit from it past their contract, in the form of more money or even fame by writing a book/expose on it, or reporting it to an opposing news outlet?
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So 2 couples who look similar can't have children that look similar? Also, most of the 'proof' they're providing is based off looks changing or 'camera angles'. It sounds like they're trying to make up facts that aren't really there. I have a logical math midterm tomorrow, so I'm going to write some statements to help me, you and anyone else who reads this understand.
x = "News broadcasts have actor look-a-likes." (True)
y = "Actor look-a-likes are the actors themselves." (False - There exists look-a-likes that aren't the actors.)
Conclusion: "If a news broadcast has an actor look-a-like, then the look-a-like isn't the actor." (x -> ~y)
True implies false means the implication is false and we therefore conclude that your and the claimer's statements are also false. Even math disproves it so sorry, I can't believe this in any way.
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Dude. Except in this case, you've got two False statements.
You're being very generous.
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I'm rigging the implication so that it's false. False implies false is true, don't give him the satisfaction of being mathematically correct! ):
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I'll watch batshit insane stuff, heck I've watched FLCL both dubbed and subbed half a dozen times each...
But I don't watch batshit stupid stuff after the first time. And thats exactly what these conspiracy theories are. Hell thats all most of them are.
The least you could have done is tossed in a giveaway for wasting our time with this crap.
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Yeah. My co-worker has bought in as well. And this is what I ask him every time he brings it up.
It just isn't in human nature to stay quiet for that long. Doesn't happen.
Now if they're borgs...then that changes everything...
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"It just isn't in human nature to stay quiet for that long"
Unless there is a personal risk of sorts for exposing it, or more profit in staying quiet. Look at the 'killer bee' of social engineering for reference : Scientology.
Though I agree with the notion that -someone- would have let slip at some point, given these wouldn't be small enough operations to maintain complete secrecy, and morals and values vary greatly between individuals.
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Yeah. And, they change. Meaning, there are myriad reasons why a person would change their mind, regardless of prior commitment, compensation, or fear of threat.
On top of all of that, human history is littered with those that faced death for ideals. Sometimes ideals that were/are suspect at best.
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11,020 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by JMM72
Here is a intriguing theory that someone claims:
He claims the fictitious roles are played by using:
Camera Lens Distortion, Makeup, Different Lighting Systems, Prosthetic Based Modifications, Covered Birthmarks and Scars, Hair Wigs, Teeth Covers, Eye Color Change with Eye Contacts, etc.
He says that these people play fictitious roles that are presented as factual reality on some of the news and some other public media events that are believed by the public to be real. He dismisses bulls*it like David Icke's, Disclosure Project and Inelia Benz by prooving they are actors playing roles to fool the masses. He also claims that Obama also played Osama character.
Most of the news are pre-packaged, directed and staged with actors and then sent to TV stations for broadcast as real events.
He claims none of the school shootings were real.
What is your oppinion on his claims?
Note: If you research his claims and they are not true, that's not a big problem, but if you dismiss his claims and they are true, that's of huge importance.
the claimer's website
the claimer's facebook
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