Honestly, I totally understand how you feel. Out of all of the gifts, only one or two have actually actively played it (that kept me on friends list, can't attest to everyone on that fact).
But when a person actually receives a gift and is thankful and enjoys it, it makes up for the 10 or so people who could care less IMO.
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There is too much leechers in there, and the worst thing is to give away a game for a leechers in public giveaways. So instead, I give things away to a private group that makes me feel confortable when I talk/laugh with them. A "close group of friends". That way I really feel good and happy when I make a giveaway. And, ofc, i want Karma, lol.
<Insert Hichigo's quote here>
And if you have proof that the guy who won your giveaway traded it, contact the support and ban him. That's not cool. o-o
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My gifting train pulls the "group of folks I game with," "group of folks who are themselves generous with their time and money," and "private puzzle giveaways for folks who would like to expend a modicum of effort to find a low entry giveaway" cars, with the "because I've spent worse money in worse ways" caboose. :)
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A few group giveaways but because I want others to enjoy the game as much as I have (even if it takes them an eternity to get around to it) :)
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+1 for acceptable answer. +1 for Napoleon Dynamite reference.
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As for the assholery, I avoid that by gifting to the portion of the community that is deserving (deserving in my eyes, anyways) via private and group giveaways.
As for why....well let's just say I just looked up a few of the winners of my giveaways a few day ago. The feeling you get when you see the game they won is one of their top played games on steam, mmm. There are other reasons of course, but the 'feel good' reason is the best!
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Yeah, but gifting to friends and the like is different...
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After all this talk about winners playing the games they win in this thread, I looked back and saw how my giveaways fared...
Public giveaway: 18 hours played
S. Losers: 2.3 hours
Actual S. Gifters: Not played (won 2 months ago)
So it's not always as cut and dry as we sometimes like to think...
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Ugh, I shouldn't have looked at my past giveaways. The winner of my Skyrim giveaway played it for a total of 0.1 hours... then he went back to playing CS. 15 out of 60 winners never even added their gift to their library. Why did I look? That was depressing.
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When you kill someone in the game, that player see's your "calling card" come up on the screen. Its sort of a thing to taunt the people you've killed. Your gift card pack is a bunch of custom characters for these cards that you cant get otherwise through normal gameplay.
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My giveaways:
Hydrophobia: Prophecy - Not added.
Cogs - Not added.
Portal - Added, never played.
Flight Control HD - Added, never played.
Killing Floor - Added, 0.1hrs played.
Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom - Added, 0.4hrs played.
Not sure how I feel; it's about what I expected. 4/6 have added the game, which is good, I guess. The two games not added aren't worth much, so hopefully they gave the games to friends, of which I would approve. The people who added the games to their library only to never play it, or play it for 10-20 minutes, irk me a little but on the other hand, I know what it's like, I have heaps of games that I've paid for and still haven't played yet. Don't get me wrong I'd rather they went directly to someone who wanted to play them, but I understand.
[EDIT] Also...Portal! Who the fuck doesn't want to play Portal? I spent awake-hours 36 through 40 at a multiPlay LAN party event playing Portal when it first came out, couldn't sleep until I'd finished it.
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To be nice, cause I'm an asshole in real life. Nahh, I guess my main reason is to give someone a chance at playing a game they otherwise aren't able to get. I PREFER it that winners of my giveaways actually try out the game. Why join the giveaway if you're never going to play the game? Dont let it be "just another game in the library". I was gifted an awesome indie game, Eufloria, and have a playtime of 8 hours (and still going). Point is, don't waste a good game..
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SteamGifts gave me nice things. I won a Penny Arcade giveaway, the uber-giveaway of Faerie Solitaire and thanks to this site I got keys for Dungeon Defenders, Lucid and Titan Attacks.
Now I feel like I need to make a giveaway soon to keep the balance, or else this site is pointless. Of course I'll wait for a nice game with a 75% discount, I have my bill to pay too ;)
So, I'll make a giveaway to give back to the community and hope that whoever wins at least like the game.
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I'm not a big gifter, I have only given away a couple of games on this site. However, all the gifts I've gifted have been given because I wanted to sustain the nature of the site and because I figured someone who wanted to play that game would be happy to receive it.
That doesn't happen, however, as every single giveaway I've made I have run into problems. People who traded what they received, people who have yet to play it, people who already had the game (and felt ENTITLED to it!) and now, more than one person mocking me because I'm giving away two old games (not GOG consumers, it seems). This type of asshollery really pisses me off as I could have saved the money to use on myself or, in the case of giftable copies I got for free, traded them for something else.
So, why exactly do YOU give games away? Do you genuinely want to make someone happy? Maybe you just want to boost your ego? Or you're trying to get into a private group? Please discuss.
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