Duck Tales - if Scrooge McDuck and Launchpad McQuack don't show you income inequality Idk what else to tell you man.
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This happened to me long time ago
When I was a kid I used to play an MMORPG called "MU", it was a Diablo-like game and I used to play in a server that at a specific time of the day in a specific place the server starts to drop rare a expensive items on the ground that kids of my school were willing to buy for real money and to go there your character had to fill a series of requeriments just to go to that place and get the items. So after months of grinding finally my character got the necessary requeriments to get in the area... bad idea, I didnt know that the place was full of griefers and dying in that daily event means permadeath
So I went there for the first time, grabbed a few items for the ground then a ridiculously powerful player killed me with 1 hit, goodbye character! Months ago I tried again but this time I grinded way more before going to the daily event area. This time I grabbed like 5 items and ran away before someone kills me. Lucky me, I grabbed a super rare armor set that was very valuable and expensive. So I sold it and with the money I got from selling it I told my friend that if he goes there and grab some items for I would pay him some money plus a % of the money from selling.
Time passed and was getting more and more money and kept hiring more and more players till I got a whole company of grinding with different jobs, ranks, different salaries, etc. I loved being a capitalist pig. I even made real life money.
BUT, uh oh. There was a new update for the server, I dont remember correclty but it was but I remember that it affected the loot drop ratio of the daily event. With that I had to pay more money to the collectors (these are the ones that grab the items) and the protectors (these guys protect the collectors from griefers) got really mad because their salary was still the same. The traders (these guys were great at trading my items for other currencies and other items) of my company got mad too because the salary of the collectors was bigger than the salary of the traders. Everyone wanted more money and I couldnt do nothing because with the changing economy and messed up prices I would go bankrupt in no time. At this time I was gaining like 20% of all the income (at my best moment I gained almos 70% of the income).
So, it happened, my workers started to bother me everywhere in the internet, MSN, High 5, different forums, every single page I go they were there ready to make my life impossible till I pay them more money. Even in the school I was bullied because of this.
So at the end of the story everyone forgot the game (and I think it is dead by now) and I passed from being in the top of the pyramid to bottom of the boots of mad honest workers.
Thats my story about income inequality, it was a nightmare. Have in mind that I was 8 year old when this happened
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I used playing a browsergame named Battleknight... I played it for almost 1 year reaching level 45 with a pretty good PG spending like 5$ per month and being very very active because I liked it. There were already higher levels so it all seemed normal to me.
Then the new server opened with a new patch for unlimited use of premium features. In 3 days the strongest player reached level 106 with 60 levels of difference with the second and 70 from the third. He got to level 45 in around 8 hours while it took me one year. I calculated that to reach that level he needed around 4000$... How about this income inequality?
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So, I'm a big fan of Cities: Skylines and decided to use the game to create an experiment about income inequality- you can check out the details of how that went in this video:
I decided to hold a contest for a Steam giftcard- in order to enter, you have to use a video game to make a statement about income inequality. It can be a fictional story or a series of screenshots detailing how you went about causing income inequality in a game or a video explaining how you used a game to solve a problem of income inequality. We're very open to creative entries!
You can submit your entry via tweet to @Blackmannrobin or send an email to info -at-
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