also whats the point of this thread if we have this one? https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/ZIVso/autojoin-scripts
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In German language the word "sie" translates as either "she", "they/them (in accusative)" and as polite address (similarly to how in Russian probably are two forms of "you" as well, ty/ты and vy/вы?). And OP seems to have applied the singular accusative of "she" instead of going for the plural accusative of "they". In other words, what OP likely meant was "We all know them..."
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This script dont do a shit. I know so many autojoiner and they are still here. I cannot even report it because they need a proof and they support waiting time is 1 year.
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how do you guy see who is the auto joiner who is honest user ?
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It changed in the last few months...
before that:
You create a train and you see one person enter 20 GAs at the same time and post a "thank you" in all of them. So entering and posting in 20GAs in less than 30 seconds...
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It is humanly possible. Even in less than 20 seconds.
Here how :
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Perhaps you're correct. I mean, 1 giveaway with comment per second (though the page has to reload before the comment is posted). But then I'd ask, why would someone actually go through the effort of setting all of this up and also commenting a spam comment?
Also, it still wouldn't look like a bot, given that cg himself said that autojoiners used to join 4x the giveaways that normal users did on average. So it's not just a one time thing. (Plus, I don't even think the bots take that long to enter everything.)
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You create a train and you see one person enter 20 GAs at the same time and post a "thank you" in all of them. So entering and posting in 20GAs in less than 30 seconds...
Really not that difficult. Find a train, open all the giveaways in a new tab, write your response in the first and copy it, post your comment, enter the giveaway, use your browser's keyboard shortcut to close the tab an repeat. Comments/entries will all be within seconds (depending on the length of the train). If you aren't commenting it's even quicker as you can keep your cursor in place ready to hit the enter button as soon as the next page shows.
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I'm not saying it's a commonly used method but its absolutely possible to enter and comment on giveaways in quick succession without an autojoiner.
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you are underestimating what some of us are doing to save every fraction of seconds when doing repetitive tasks.. :P
but yes, autojoiner are quite probable.
Now this is just not a sufficient way to detect them. An auto-joiner could add random delays...
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You sexist ableist white cis male!
How dare you misuse xeir pronouns and assume their gender??
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My psychotic brain believes OP wants autojoiners to be banned, as opposed to honest users who don't use scripts.
In other words, That Thread: The Sequel
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Ich verstehe immer nicht was diese ganzen Klugscheisser wollen. Die Welt geht schon nicht unter wenn man mal ein Wort falsch schreibt oder setzt. Hauptsache man versteht was er meint und das tut man auch wenn man nicht so pingelig tut -.-
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Hahaha, die pure Ironie das ausgerechnet von dir zu hören.
Wo du dich selbst dann dazu herablässt über Beiträge zu motzen, deren einziges Vergehen es ist dass sie dich thematisch nicht interessieren und (deiner Ansicht nach) zu viel Text beinhalten. Gott bewahre dass da jemand es wagen möge echte Fehlleistungen zu kritisieren.
(˚Õ˚)ر ~~~~╚╩╩╝
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Ich "motze" über Beiträge deren Text viel zu lang ist? Sicher das ich das war? Das einzige woran ich mich jetzt erinnere wäre maximal das ich gefragt habe ob jemand den Text in 2-3 Sätzen umformulieren könnte, das ich aber genau deshalb rummotze bezweifle ich. Um einen Link zu der besagten Motzerei bitte ich deshalb.
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Bitte schön.
Das war übrigens nur ein Beispiel das mir direkt einfiel.
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Es ist meiner Meinung nach nicht unbedingt verständlich, wenn man nicht das Deutsche im Hinterkopf hat.
Für jemanden, der auch nur so irgendwie Englisch kann aber einen ganz anderen sprachlichen Hintergrund hat, ist es schnell nicht mehr verständlich oder nicht eindeutig.
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But, you made a group GA. Doesn't that solve your problem?
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Did you even read the link in the first answer?
Do you think you're entitled to more wins and autojoiners cheated you out of them somehow?
What are you actually complaining about? The potentially lost Wins because of autojoiners? Or that one may win a GA from you?
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I mean, OP's concerns are legit. Yes, autojoiners should be banned - And I'm fairly sure we can all agree on that, right?
Problem isn't with the suggestion to "ban autojoiners", more that the fact OP doesn't realize there's already efforts being made towards that very goal - That, or they want stricter enforcement of the rule, in which case honestly they should probably be suggesting instead of saying "autojoiners must be banned".
@donkong, there is already some level of enforcement in place to prevent autojoiners. Of course (and in my humble opinion), it's probably not much good at all against more complex auto-join scripts - but the fact is that there is some effort being done against them as for as my limited knowledge goes. The issue is mostly with the detection of auto-joiners vs human - If we'd just ban everyone under suspicion of script, there would be tons of false-positives.
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Yes, their concerns are legit.
But the opening statement appeared to be just a rant. It wasn't well thought out or written.
And reading the link in the first post would have informed them a lot.
In the end it just sounded like a rant as if they felt somehow wronged when they haven't even entered much many GAs anyway.
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Possibly - In any case, the thread isn't very constructive for sure. :P
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Tzaar asked what kind. Although you are 100% right, I believe the answer to Tzaar's question would be that Mr & Mrs Joiner both hail from the south and love Nascar. Their other children are Race Car Joiner, Bumper Bob Joiner, and Exhaust Pipe Melody Joiner.
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People don't have to comment on giveaways if they don't want to. You don't get to decide if their entry counts. And some people don't like others commenting on their giveaways either.
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So if I comment but don't enter giveaways, am I an AutoComment user? joke
they would have given a certain text in comments
My guess is you asked people to write something specific in the comments, but about 90% of people don't read descriptions, don't expect them to do anything other than entering your ga. (Also there is only 7 entries yet)
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We all know her: Auto Joiner .
Ban on steamgifts.com
That's not fair to those who are honest and do not use that stuff!
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