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you could level too easy if you could create giveaways for free games... if you want to get a higher level, you have to spend money for giveaways. if you dont want, you are still able to leech.
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the site cant proof, where you got the game from or how much you paid for it
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You originally asked for an explanation, and one was given to you. You responded with insults. Then, when your insult was followed up by further clarification, you respond with greater insults? Does that seem right to you? What do you expect to achieve from such behavior?
Being polite and respectful never did anything but make one's actions more palatable.
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Games which have been available for free in large numbers get removed. Simple as that. Anyone could have gotten free keys, this site won't allow users to profit from them by making giveaways.
Limbo was one of them. It was free for an entire day on multiple sites. Had Steam been the only site, it would have returned to the giveaway list, but other sites included keys that aren't time limited, and allowed up to five 'purchases'. It had to go.
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Because it was limited to the Steam website. People couldn't collect copies to give away after the free period.
Now stop being a bloody brat. IT WAS FREE. Stop acting like you are a generous person being mistreated. You expected to profit from something that cost you nothing, and were prevented from doing so. Just like everyone else who had that idea.
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Then public your inventory, show us your Steam gift of Limbo and we'll trust you. OK? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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Humble Bundle keys were free to get yesterday, but are kept after the deal, Mr 'Woe Is Me'. No one is going to believe you aren't someone trying to exploit that for a free Level here. Claiming you want to give away a Steam gift right after the free offer isn't helping.
But hey, if you really did buy the game on Steam like you claim, you an always make your inventory gifts public to prove it. You still won't be able to give it away (take it from someone who bought a game with plans to save it for an event only for it to go free on Gleam), but it means I won't consider you a free game exploiter, just a **** given your lack of manners towards people in this thread.
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Sir, I admire your calmness and the level of coolness in that reply. Well said!
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btw: there is a "blacklist" feature on this site. calling others as arrogant, cause you dont like the rules, could increase your blacklists... if you want to leech, be carefull with your words.
to your question: i dont know how many copies of sniper elite was given away. as i said before, removing the ability to make giveaways for free games is just to protect the leveling system for abuse. there are some great games, you cant create giveaways for: eurotruck simulator 2, deponia and now limbo... if you want to make someone happy, you can give the key still away. you just dont get rewarded for it. if you want to make someone happy: ask in a discussion for people, wo missed the chance to get it for free ;)
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Before calling out people, You firstly should stop acting like You're smarter than everybody that has ever visited or will visit this page or this thread in particular.
I really have no clue on who exactly are You trying to fool by saying that You didn't know that this game has been free literally a day ago. By simply visiting Your steam profile it's quite obvious that You got the game for free as well, as based on Your achievements and the fact that it was last played on June 22th.
After moderator rightfully removed Your giveaway, which You created in hopes, once again to be smarter and more superiour to others, You know jump on this bandwagon of how You didn't know something (that You obviously knew about based on proof that I mentioned above).
Not to mention that due to the fact that Your little scheme didn't work out You're ready to callout every memeber of this community just to somehow prove You're right by force basically, by posting facts that really have no ground to them.
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I knew it was free for a day. Yet I have a steam gift inmy inventory which has been purchased (for my own bloody money) early. Now that the game isn't free anymore I wish to give it away to some other guy who wasn't lucky enogh to grab it for free. What's wrong with that?
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Because this site can't make the difference how you got your copy, someone told you that already.
It's called tough luck regardless if you bought it with your own money or not.
People explaining that to you in a normal way, but instead you swear like a construction worker (okay i been one, they don't really do that) instead of just accepting it and move on.
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The fact that no one at all is going to believe you. Free keys on another site were exploited by many people, why should anyone believe you are an exception to that?
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You could do that in the forums, no problem with that.
Why must you insist on creating a giveaway (where you can profit in CV) for it?
I know it isn't really your fault the game was free but what if others who got 100s of the game for free, create the giveaways and profit that way? (The rule for free games to not be included in giveaways that gain CV is for this reason)
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So by your logic, if I were to get 100 free games on (let's say) june 22 , then I'll wait until june 23 when the game isn't free anymore to give them away I should get credit for those giveaways?
Also it isn't about being snnobish or anything, it is just a rule to prevent people from exploiting the system , like how I said so above.
Don't let anger take over you, calm down and think about it for a second.
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Of course the intentions of giving it away are great, but the odd part is the timing. I highly doubt that You had it in Your inventory for all these years, it probably has collected dust in Your inventory for all this time and then all of a sudden You decide to give away this ''relic'' exactly one day after it was free for everyone.
If You really have the intentions You can just give it away by dropping in the thread that's serves the purpose of giving away games that can not be given away in giveaways.
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Fair enough. I started this thread, so I guess I own you a proof:
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Somehow I red all the comment without a single popcorn.
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May you please scroll down and just see how many blacklists this has got you?
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How is it a free game now (as moderator said when deleted my giveaway)? Tell me how one can get it for free???
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