I give to great people that deserve it with a group I made, not caring if I don't get extra contribution from bundle games.
Clearly you would never me the kind of person to be invited.
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Or you created the group to win more games from the members in it? These groups work 2 ways, and you participated in getting games from that group, thus your whole idea is flawed. You are in it to get your games just as much as giving your games.
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Check my wins for anything in my group. Good luck with that, you might have some difficulty.
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so you saying that you only want to give games to get bigger contributor so you can enter in giveaways with bigger chances of winning. Did i got it right?
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He mean he want to give away bundle the he already owned and gain at least some contributor value. IMO, this bundle block system is stupid. Most indie bundle with steam keys need min $1. Most come with 3-5 games 1/5 of $1 is still $0.20. Knowing that most people get away with full contributor value of game by paying only 25% of it. $15 get 4 times the contributor value. The bundles of each should mark as 0.20x4 = 0.80
OP keep the maked games, giveaway to ur gf's friends or new real life friends not here :D
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Yeah, it's a problem with the system, but it's not going to change anytime soon. The moderators believe in it and most people don't listen to you, because you're a "bundle farmer". If you still want to give away games, give them to your friends or in chatrooms, because if you give them away on here and you complain about it (which I think is fair in some situations) you're just going to be labeled a leecher and a contributor value farmer.
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Care to elaborate?
I mean what's the fuss with the system. Considering that bundle games were not allowed during many times and that you are breaking many ToS and things like that by giving them away. I know the system has its flaws, but if you can come up with a better system, let me know :)
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Because I don't have bundle games to give away and I'm saving up for a big line of giveaways (shh don't tell anyone) I shouldn't be talking. But I will talk, and the truth is that this or a similar suggestion just makes sense. I would rather be able to enter a few desirable giveaways with less people than to enter a bunch of mediocre giveaways with higher chances of winning.
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I realise that they break ToS, but if you're going to allow them, allow them in a good way.
The people that are on here for 1 or 2 years already tell me about the time that there wasn't a system, and bundle games were given away for fun and because people liked them, and not to farm contributor value. I personally think it's too late for that, because now there are a ton of people here that contribute games to get contributor value, and if it would dissapear, the number of people contributing games would plumit and the people that want to enter stay the same. You'd only be able to join a couple of giveaways a day because there would be so few points generated.
There is also the entries system by miniTotent, which I'd like to modify a bit. If you were to calculate some value by the entries/time open, this would give you contributor value based on how much the community wants the game, yet you wouldn't get rid of the fun 1 hour giveaways. The problem with this system is that puzzle giveaways and private giveaways get hugely devalued. Don't know a solution for this yet, but I'm open for suggestions.
The biggest problem with the current system is how it limits the contributor value you can get from bundle games at 30$ if you were only to give away bundle games, not depending on how much you actually payed for it. I think it should be limited by the sale percentage. If you were to limit it at 80% for example, it would mean that if a game was 85% off at GMG, you would not gain full contributor value, but if a bundle would be 75% off (5$ cost, 20$ value), you would get full value. This would limit farming of any type. How much you should get if it goes over the limit, I don't know yet, but again, I'd like to hear someone else's suggestions on this. It would be hard to keep track of everything, but it would be fair.
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"I understand it's not just a matter of receiving something for creating a giveaway, it's more like a charity. But in the meanwhile I see games I would like to participate for which require a higher number of contributor points than I have."
Make a nonbundle giveaway then.
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The 30$ thing IS the credit.
Hell if you give more actual games then you actual get credit for the bundle games.
I believe for every 20$ of nonbundle games you give you get 5$ worth of your bundle game value. Or some shit.
So you do get credit, but only if you give real games.
It works like this with bundle games, so people don't try abusing the system but giving many 1$ bundle keys for value.
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I wanted to put it in simple terms for the conversation. :p
There are many great bundle games(mainly Groupees, Humble bundle, and once in awhile IR).
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People overloading the site with bundle games because they know they get full value for them would halt the system. It works currently.
It's a giveaway site. The purpose is to give away so others can play games to, not to give away to gain.
Would it be fair if someone bought 3 bundles for $3 and got $50 - $100 value and could enter giveaways for AAA games that people want to reward those who also give AAA games?
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The only problem I see with bundle games having capped value is that people don't think they have any worth because they are cheap.
Other than that, you are rewarded on the quality and availability of a game.
If a game is/has been available for a dollar why would allow people full value for them? At least they still count towards 20% of your overall value :)
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Well, I will say that the cap on contributor value for bundle games certainly keeps people from buying those games on sale (as the individual game and not as part of a bundle) to share on this site. Which is a shame, especially once a bundle has been over for some time.
Having contributor value at all has good and bad points. I'm rather neutral on it myself. There are plenty of giveaways for me to enter, so I'm not particularly concerned with getting the chance to enter more giveaways.
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I gotta agree here, back in the xmas sale, I almost bought 11 copies of to the Moon, 1 for my GF and 10 to be given away here. But upon checking to the Moon. It has an asterisk beside it. I was absolutely disgusted and just bought 1 copy instead. Same with super hexagon just last week. I was gonna buy 10 copies of it to complement with my upcoming YouTube upload on a super hexagon guide. But since HIB Android 5 rubbed it to my face that it It is already a bundled game. I didn't proceed buying it.
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Well, you should hardly be disgusted; but now you can spend the money you saved from not buying those 20 games on something that has never been in any bundles and therefore exists in less overall libraries, making the giveaway more valuable to the community.
That being said, looking at your list of giveaways I need to add that you are an amazingly generous human being. You're awesome, thank you, and everyone should let people like do whatever they please. :D
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Yes, it's hardly ideal, but in theory "a good game that has been in a bundle and therefore more people have that game" < "a good game that has never been in a bundle and could be desired by more people".
I am against giving away games from bundles on principle, but that little star wouldn't scare me from sharing steam gift copies of those same games. So far I've decided not to, only because people seem to get more excited for copies of Fortix than another Defcon; even though I consider the latter be infinitely better and more entertaining.
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What you are forgetting is that you are not supposed get contribution credit equal to the game's list price on Steam nor even equal to the amount the came cost you to acquire. What you get is some abstract number representing the value your giveaway adds to this community; that it happens to be the list price on Steam on many occasions is a mere coincidence.
Games in bundles are more readily available and cheaper than new indies, triple-As or high-budget games, hence more people have them / can buy them and the demand for them is lower. The latter, on the other hand, contribute greatly to the variety of games on this site; therefore, the contributor system is built in a way to encourage a balance of the two types of games (or more precisely, to counter the already skewed distribution towards the abundance of bundle games).
I understand that you feel entitled to at least some increase for your continued giveaways. This is only just. But look at it being front heavy - Instead of the proposed $1 per each bundled game, you received $10 for the first three and then $0 from there on.
Another fact – contribution requirement set on some giveaways is not based on any real, rational or fair calculation. It's simply a random number made up by the creator, an arbitrary number on an arbitrary scale. If your contribution value is smaller than the requirement on a particular giveaway, it simply means… nothing. It means nothing. If anything, it means the creator wishes its winner to have given away a more varied, perhaps rarer selection of games than you have. You have the option to increase your number, but you can only do so when playing by the rules of this site. Those rules are just as pointless, sure, but such are the rights of the people running any community.
TL;DR: the contribution value on this site is ment to represent the intrinsic (not monetary) value of all the games you've given away based on some rough supply-demand logic. The rarer the games you give away, the more valuable the games to their potential winner; the higher your number.
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Thank you on your answer to this matter. I understand why there is a difference between bundle games and "normal" games. The only thing i'm pointing out is that the contribution system is there to reward ppl who give away games. Ppl get a reward for it to participate in "better" titles, as overall the better titles require contribution points. Only ppl who have not participated in any of the giveaways which require a certain amount of contribution points can say they are not in it for the reward but only fir the giving.
Bundle games are not considered worth anything once you reach a certain goal, even if they are purchased outside a bundle. Even if someone would give away 1000 bundle games, they still can not participate in the "better" titles. Ofcourse there are great AAA-titles which do not require any contribution points, but that's not the point.
I appreciate your opinion and I was hoping to get some sort of discussion like this starting instead of being called a leech (even tho after one reached the cap, he is still giving games away). Eventually I'll run into a game which is not part of a bundle in my games to give away and that cap will be raised, but again, that's not the point...
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It is exactly so to discourage giveaways of bundle games. They're not forbidden, mind you, simply discouraged. One might argue it's wrong, unfair to the matron/patron, or even harmful for the developers; but I would argue the ends justify the means and one should never split up bundle games anyway.
I understand that copies bought later on Steam should not fit under this rule; but those situations are the innocent bystanders of this problem, for which no one could easily check and and account for.
I adamantly believe you don't need contribution points to enter the best giveaways (if anything, you need good friends and private groups); but even so, I should remind you that in the case of people giving away hundreds of bundle games, the contribution values would inflate heavily and so would most entry requirements.
Discussions are great and opinions encouraged, but you do seem to fit into a nice stereotype, albeit unjustly… and in the eyes of many you are simply wrong.
Also, the internet. No one arguments on the internet.
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Keep in mind that as you give away non-bundle games, you'll get back some of that value. Like right now I'm also getting no new value for bundle games, but now each time I give away a non-bundle game I get 20% more until I've given enough non-bundle games to make up for my bundled value.
For example, I gave away Sonic CD yesterday which isn't bundled. It has a $4.99 value and my contributor value was $98.34 before I gave it away. Now my contributor value is $104.33, so I got about $6 for a $5 game because there are bundled games I have not yet received the full value for.
I just wish that after a time the games would go away from the bundled list. At the rate things are going, it's going to be harder and harder to get past $30 because there won't be many non-bundled games remaining except Fortix, really new games, and most DLC. After long time, being on the bundle list then makes the game rarely given away because people aren't going to give away a game that is going to add to their bundled value when they can buy something for about the same price that won't.
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But that's what the system inherently encourages. I feel sorry for him because he might not be able to afford to give anything but bundle games away. :P
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I reached 30$. I'm not going to create giveaways anymore, just leeching. And that's what 90% of members are thinking. Human nature.
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You'll get +20% from all non-bundle giveaway you make !
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I honestly give away bundle games not for contrib but to see someone else have enjoyment from them as I hope they will and I have fun giving them away I have maxed my bundle contrib do you see me complaing or asking for more? No. I just give them away because I know someone may enjoy them.
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I created a few giveaways now and all include bundle games I don't need (even tho some I didn't purchase as part of a bundle). Now I have a whole bunch of games left, but because they are marked as bundle games, my contributor points are stuck on $30.
I understand bundle games can abused to raise someone's contributor points, but with my points being stuck, it somewhat has no point for me to create a giveaway.
I understand it's not just a matter of receiving something for creating a giveaway, it's more like a charity. But in the meanwhile I see games I would like to participate for which require a higher number of contributor points than I have.
Is there something i'm missing here?
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