CV will be deducted once the game is blacklisted.
But still it's a shame that such a big site as this has almost no moderation...
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They do get contribution level if the giveaway isn't deleted and is marked as received. What the other 2 have said is simply untrue.
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It even says in the FAQ:
Games may also be added to the bundle list if they're available for free during a promotion, or if they're highly discounted in a sale.
So, maybe they won't get no CL but it'll count for only 15% at the very least if not none.
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Yes, they will get contribution value. Free or not, the game was already in the bundle list since last year.
Sky Mercenaries for example, was only added to the bundle list after it was distributed for free on Alienware Arena as far as I know, but it was never removed from the giveaway list.
The contribution level system is not fair, but not worth stressing over.
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Site is flooded with them,i say perma ban them to set an example,To harsh some may say but damn something needs to be done to show this will not be allowed
Other then making it a rule
I suppose this will be one way i can add to my blacklist
Some of them even exploited it further with 3 or 4 GA's
And these are people who have both won and given gifts they know the rules...i still stand by what i said Perma band them they know better and still ignored the rules to try boost cv
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I find it funny how you've partaken on several of them, though. Or at least commented, in any case.
But hey, there's a way to block games you don't want to see. (:
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I have not entered in any of them,so no i have not...why would i waste points on a free game.
I know i can ignore them but still no excuse to break the rules maybe some of them are new,but some know the rules and clearly ignore them one person even had like 100 games gifted and like 25 won,they know that is not allowed.
Just because you can block something does not mean you should turn a blind eye
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Alright, I might have mistaken the users, then.
Yeah, I think a rule against this sort of thing should be implemented or made clearer. There's obviously a somewhat of an abuse going on.
Never said you should turn a blind eye. But, meanwhile, whilst this issue is getting solved, you can enjoy not having to cope with all those freebies. That's all I suggested.
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It not that there are a ton of them so much as they are breaking the rules so i will blacklist as many as i come across,as why should i give back to those who break the rules.
I mean sure anyone who wins my GA can say re-gift but less odds with someone who follows the rules,then someone who can not even follow them when making a GA.I know they get it sorted and block the game i had no issue with the site itself being flooded with them it was the fact it was not an allowed game as simple as that.
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I'm very sorry, but I'm having a bit of trouble keeping track of your English.
All I can say is that it well get sort eventually.
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Well some of them maybe 1 day
But come on a slap on the wrist for the ones that clearly broke the rules?The ones who made 3 or 4 GA's and have won and giving several games know the rules and how things work.
I do not get why breaking the rules is a slap on the wrist when it has a FAQ and they fail to read it,only on the internet would this logic apply.
You get pulled over for speeding you can not talk you way out of a ticket because you simple say i am sorry i was not aware of the rules of the road and did not know what i did was illegal.Ignorance of the law is not an excuse to break.
In any case it just how i feel,just because it how i feel does not mean that everyone has to agree,but i still think ones that clearly broke the rules should get a perma ban.
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So your logic is if someone disagree with something they a as you call it butthurt so i keep up with the cool things to say on the net..
Some logic that is,just because someone does not agree with it does not mean they are butt hurt.Nice try so close but no cigar for you
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Don't get frustrated over internet and virtual things :)
Same goes as my comment, ignore it!
I just notice it how people get frustrated over things that will just disappear one day.
First thing you should know about Steam policy... simplified: You don't own games or anything on your Steam profile you just using content, think it as loan or borrowed from "Video Club-Game shop". I am sure you already know that, so why all that aggro :P
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I still do not get your logic and how you anyone who disagrees with something automatically makes them frustrated.
I was just trying to point out just because someone disagree does not mean that are frustrated or mad,it just means they do not agree with what was said.
I am sure some do get frustrated,but i am not one of them
As far as owning,you never owned the games even before Steam,even when you had it on disk or cd or dvd,you merely had a license to use said assets and code that was on the media it came with nothing more nothing less,all you owned was the disk it was stored on,but you did not own the stuff on the disk.
Still not sure why you think there is aggro as i have none lol but hey if it makes you feel better to think that more power to you,you would know if i was irate or annoyed i would be not using such kinda words
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There are platforms you can actually own digital games, Steam is not one of them (Smart move from Gaben, eh?).
There is free game one some other site and people do giveaways over here, what you can do about it?
Maybe is not allowed, maybe it is. It should be allowed because we also use free games on SG and we also used this free game on other site. So this is just "moral' thing about creating giveaway over here. I wouldn't do it, but hey there is people who can!
Point of this discussion would be "Don't get attached to your virtual things' or something like that... maybe potato... who knows.
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You still miss my point of all it because you where to worried about trying to call people butt hurt and so on.
I am not saying it should not be allowed on just the basis it is a free game,but not allowed if it going to give you CV for it.It has noting to do with that fact it is free for me it the earning CV for a game that is free and anyone can get it to boost your CV.
The better solution would be to allow games that are free but give no CV,problem solved,no cv earned no points needed to enter,but then again why do people even bother to enter these when you can get them from India Gala is still do not get but still does not change that they broke a rule.
Free or not you still do not own the game even on GOG,the only way you can own something is if you purchase the right to said content and assets and so on,other wise all you have is the right to use said assets and code and so forth.
This is one example of how GOG is not owning it despite being drm
Non-Exclusive Licence
For so long as you are in compliance with the provisions of this EULA, you are permitted to:
(a) load the Software Product into and use it on a single computer which is under your custody and control and which meets the specifications referred to in the manual for your own private and domestic use;
(b) transfer the Software Product from one computer to another provided it is used on only one computer at any one time and any computer on which it is used is under your custody and control at the time of use;
(c) transfer the Software Product (complete with all components and documentation) and the benefit of this EULA to another person provided such person has agreed to accept the terms of this EULA and you contemporaneously transfer any permitted copies of the Software Product you may have made to that person or destroy all copies not transferred. If any transferee does not accept such terms then this EULA shall automatically terminate. Upon such transfer, you undertake to delete this Software Product from your computer and the licence granted to you under this EULA shall automatically and immediately terminate.
This has been in games for a very long time i have quiet a few boxed copies that pretty much state the same thing.All i own is the fancy media it was put on and the box the rest i just have the right to install and use.Someone owns those assets and code and what not to run the game.
The problem lies within once you download it regardless of the EULA it is DRM FREE and as such there could be little they could do once you have it installed to stop you from using it.They however can stop you from say using the assets in the game in one you make if they so chose and any of the code used to make the game because you do not own it.
Again as i have pointed out what does disagreeing with something some how make it "Don't get attached to your virtual things"
How am i attached to something???You keep saying that is the point when i never was attached to start with,and i still not sure what i am suppose to be "attached to"
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Lol I went and redeemed my code and set steamgifts to hide giveaways of games I already own just to get rid of the wave of G3 giveaways.
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There's actually a way to just block the games from you feed. There's a button.
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+44 for my blacklist:
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Little advice to go even deeper and find also the GAs already ended:
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Wow, just seen the shadiest profile ever thanks to that!
The good news is that they're now permabanned
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And this is why I said that there's almost no moderation on this site.
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From my experience they are doing neither... Site is swarmed by cheaters who register when there's a free weekend on some game series on Steam (eg TW couple weeks ago), who are constantly breaking the rules and eventually get a slap on the wrist. And not to mention ticket system, which is clogged and some question still remain unanswered even after a year or so...
So, in my book they are doing almost absolutely nothing,..
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CL4 with 5 give aways. Nice Naerc.
What sort of shenanigans were you participating in to get 80p for The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut (a $10 game) ?
And what's this, you gave away The Witcher 2 (20p) a month ago, and according to that game was $0 at Nuuvem a month ago. It's not on the Bundle list.
Chilvalry (25p) given away a month ago was 75% off on Steam ($2.50) a month ago. Also not on the Bundle list.
For someone who seems to be gaming the system you sure are quick to blacklist 44+ people, many who've given away far more games. I suppose this guy (Calesant - still waiting for his permaban I guess) who's given away 41 games (several AAA) valued at nearly $2000 makes your list for giving away Glacier 3 6 hours ago.
Still you sure do seem to be a prolific winner of games for someone who's only given away 5 of them.
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Okay, in the same order:
Witcher 1's Steam API is bugged currently. Previously we had 100P Whispered WOrld, 0 Point Alien Rage, now we have 80 points of Witcher 1. It will get fixed eventually, but the problem is outside of SG.
Chivalry was in a really pricey bundle a long time ago, not bundled for it. (Top tier usually won't get, as you need quite a lot of money to get it, so it's not exploitable so easily) Games only get bundled at 95% or higher discount. Btw during the summer sales Chivalry was at -90% :)
And most importantly: They don't permaban for one faul, he surely had a backlog of other violations.. Also, giving away lots of games WON'T make you immune to rules. That would mean with enough money you can f**k the rules and do as you want. If you really have a 9 year old kid as you sad in one of your another comments, you're old enough to know how much problem the " I'm rich, you can't fine me" mentality causes in the world.
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Since adam didn't mention witcher 2: the version sold on nuuvem is for gog, not steam.
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I don't make the rules.
The steam api bug for The Witcher has already been reported. And as you can see, I haven't won any CL4 giveaways.
And I don't care if someone judges me only for the count of games I've given away.
There's people who give away 50 crappy bundle games they don't need themselves. Which gives poor CV.
And people like me, who actually buy a game for the sole purpose to give it away. Which gives good CV.
If you have complaints on the system, don't judge me, but the support.
That said. I'm not "gaming the system", and you're the first who actually bothers analysing me/others. Maybe you should just enjoy the giveaways/discussions and stop interpreting more than there is.
In the end, you probably blacklisted me (which is your free right), however, if it makes you sleep better at night, I could throw out some bundle leftovers aswell, and even out my won/given count and have you stop calling me a "leecher".
If I got you all wrong, apologies for that.
/edit Scrolling down, I noticed you like to argue with people. An advice: don't argue with the wrong people (not me), it might get you into trouble.
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It seems support are doing a massive cleanout of those GAs right now.
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The problem with these type of little scams is that these kind of people are usually dishonest or at the very least cheaters who will always try to "Get by or cheat the system". And also the fact every little cheater has that same idea of nobody has thought of this yet or they believe that everyone else is a cheater and if they're going to get over on the system that they might as well benefit as well.
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Who gives a flying ***** if people list games given away for free to give away here. It's ONE game, and one little game (that WILL be on the Bundle list) is going to get very little CL. I've given away near 20 (mostly bundled) games and am not even at CL 2 yet. You literally have to give away thousands of dollars in games to get to CL 10. Now if someone is giving away multiple games from a free give away that's a different story. Or if the bulk of their give aways are from games they got for free.
I've not yet given away any 'free' games, though I've run into games that are not currently free but apparently had been at some point in the past and so I can't give it away here even though I bought them recently in a bundle. At any rate there IS a cost to getting these games. Signing up for these sites. Many people may not have any interest in signing up for yet another site from which to get spammed by or otherwise expose their E-mail address and other information. I've already declined signing up for a number of sites that were providing free keys, and I for one wouldn't mind seeing such games available as Give Aways here.
Anyhow since the prigs are in a blacklisting mood for such inane reasons, I suppose I'll blacklist the prigs. Who wants to deal with such people anyway. And prigs, feel free to add me to yours. Now if only I had a copy of Temper Tantrum to give away to my blacklist. I think it's currently on sale on Steam
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Re Temper Tantrum, what happened to the copy you won? If it's on sale now it might be a good idea to pick it up.
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It's a garbage game that was being given away in BULK here (100s or more) on their promoted games at the top of the page. Being new to this site myself at the time I didn't know how this all worked and wasted my points on it because it looked worthy. Now I largely only go for games on my wishlist or have otherwise spent a bit more time evaluating.
Anyhow I don't sully my Steam account with dredge like that. But my 9 year old wanted it, so it's on his account now.
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Just so you know, not activating a win is valid reason for suspension, you can check the FAQ. I agree Temper Tantrum is a garbage game (everything by Digital Homicide is) so I wouldn't add it to my account either, but unfortunately you made the mistake of entering a GA for it. I'm not going to tell you what to do, and I can see you've already given away more than you've received and fairly new to the site so you're alright by me. Just best to familiarise yourself with the rules.
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Thanks for the info.
Anyhow, it was activated on an account I own (since 9 year olds can't technically sign up for their own Steam accounts, yet Steam doesn't seem to want to give us account 'Profiles' so family members can share a single account without also sharing achievements, friends lists, etc... The best you can do is have multiple accounts and then use their half-baked 'Family Share' feature which is an enormous PitA).
Anyhow I did learn not to try to quickly spend my entry points by entering contests for games I've not adequately evaluated to see if I would really like it.
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Just to be clearer, it's meant to be activated on the same account that won it. Putting it on any other account, no matter who it belongs to, is still against the rules.
This is why I suggested perhaps picking up the game for cheap while you can.
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At best I would buy it for the 19c just to give it back to the developer who was hawking it here. :-D
And seriously, if they wanted to ban me for not activating a single bulk-dumped site-promoted game like Temper Tantrum on my primary associated account, then they'd be doing me a favor of preventing me from contributing to the site of such ridiculous people. I suppose I'm betting they aren't so ridiculous.
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I'm curious what exactly it is SteamGIfts is trying to accomplish by not allowing people to do whatever it is they want with the games they've won from other users who likely aren't so concerned what the winners do with their keys (I know I couldn't care less).
Meanwhile all these places that give away free keys don't seem to care what the individual recipients do with those keys so long as they aren't obtaining multiple keys and selling them or otherwise abusing their generosity.
If Steam Gifts wants to prevent someone from re-gifting something they won and getting CL credit for it, then it's a simple matter to disallow getting credit for gifting a game you recently won, say within the last month or two. (Like anyone really wins frequently enough for this to even be that big of an issue, and really what difference does it make? )
Now maybe someone wins a key for something and decides to give that to a friend or family member. Maybe they can trade it for something they prefer to someone who DOES really want the game, that's a win-win. Honestly I don't see why they care. And like I said I don't think anyone is winning random games frequently enough to gain anything by freely doing what they want with their wins.
Sure the one benefit might be that those who REALLY want a game will be the one's entering the give away, but with the limited number of points granted to spend I think most people are going to have plenty of games they really want to get to spend those points on, rather than wasting them on games they're not interested in. I know I do. But if I change my mind later after winning something, big deal if I turn around and re-gift it, give it away to someone else, or trade it for something I prefer. I don't see the problem here, given most people are lucky to win something once a month, maybe twice a month if they make sure they can spend all their points everyday.
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Are you upset?
Your name is quite apropos.
Would you like to talk about it? What do you find MOST critically important about this issue? Did I make a factually 'wrong' statement somewhere? I believe I phrased my post in the form of questions and opinions and otherwise used qualifiers on any assertions.
You should know that the only constant in the world is change. Perhaps the dissonance between that reality and what you wish were, is what is causing you so much frustration.
Did you get that fun fact out of Mein Kampf? Or perhaps you live in China.
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You do have a flare for the dramatic. :-D
It is all about the wins after all. So you might not want my stay to be TOO short, as I do have many other giveaways planned.
I can see it now though, some poor child in Africa, devastated over having not won Temper Tantrum with a 1 in 2 chance of winning, whereas a Western ingrate like myself didn't really want it (though only after I realized what a piece of junk it was), so gave it instead to someone else who wanted it. In this case my own child.
It is commendable of you to stand against such cruelty.
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Are you quite certain that isn't you (and others with more sense in their heads) responding to the inexplicably stupid actions of one or more ignorant community members, whose desperate loss of bowel control over a mass giveaway garbage game (frequently on sale for under 25 cents), not being applied to a winner's account, deciding they would alleviate their gastrointestinal distress by reporting that winner, who was developing quite the penchant for giving away games here?
That is your (or smart community members) reaction to the realization that for an insignificant 5 day suspension (from what exactly?), a fellow community member's desire to act in a reprehensible fashion would (and has) resulted in the loss of an additional dozen or more games per month (from Indie to AAA) being given away by that person?
Yes.... I do believe that image is an appropriate response to that realization.
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there's an extremely basic and clear rule on this site.
you broke it.
people warned you about it.
you didn't care.
someone reported you.
you got suspended.
doesn't matter how ridiculous the rule might seem from outside steamgifts, it's there and everyone has to respect it if they want to stick around.
admins don't ask for donations, there's no subscription either. the least people could do is follow the basic rules and guidelines of their site.
anyway, you served your "sentence". it's up to you if you wanna stick around or not.
note: it is worth staying around.
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Oh I'm sticking around. To do what the bulk of those "814,712 registered users" are doing; spending daily allotted points toward a small chance of winning a game, which from what I can tell based on the average user's win profile is not all that frequently, and even less often for something truly worth while.
You seem to be failing to comprehend the gravity of these ill-advised actions (those actions being the willy-nilly application of the 'rules' without ascertaining whether there is any legitimate - or intentional - abuse going on). Nobody here told me what this rule was upon which I then set about to 'break', as your post above wants to suggest. The 'deed' was done. I applied a game I subsequently realized I didn't want to my son's Steam account rather than my own. I was later advised of the rule, though was unlikely to violate it again regardless due to the realization that I don't want to waste my limited point allotment on games I don't want, and as such would more carefully consider what games I enter contests for.
Yet due to the petty actions of this community and the administrators (moderators) of this site, they've now lost a contributor.
Am I perturbed by the injudicious manner in which punitive action over a minor break in protocol was taken against a brand new member of the community who in his first three weeks as a member had already given away 18 games (with plans to give away many more)? Of course. However I'm far more perturbed by a community that vindictively investigates those whose opinions they don't like in the forums in an attempt (or hope) to find some 'dirt' on them.
The administrators don't NEED to have have a huge backlog of reports to catch up on. The only thing they ought to be doing with their time when it comes to any rule adherence activities is randomly checking people's accounts for clear red flags or other blatant violations of the rules in order to find those who are truly abusing the site and the system. Tell me, in what society is community investigating and reporting to the authorities of their fellow community members for minor infractions considered a laudable thing? (Well they exist but in the Western world we don't think particularly highly of such societies, and history doesn't paint a pretty picture of those societies either).
It is funny that with such a backlog though, they wasted little time in responding to a report that of the two games I won, one of them had not been applied to my account. In any case, the only reports they ought to not be tossing into the trash folder are those that make it clear that some major abuse or rule violations are going on. And when you're dealing with those who are engaging in the life's blood of the site (giving away games) you'd best be sure that person is truly repeatedly and intentionally violating the rules before you take punitive actions against them, no matter how 'minor' that action is, if you don't want to inadvertently bite the hand that feeds you.
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you broke a rule because you didn't read the faq.
this site is community-driven. the mods act when there are reports, they aren't hunting people in topics.
you know why users are reporting rule-breakers? because they are TIRED of people not appreciating their gifts.
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I just read through this discussion and would like to speak up as a lot of hard feelings arose where I think they weren't necessary.
First of all: please reaad the FAQ if you haven't done so already.
The next thing I would like to point out is that regifting a game you've won is not considered a minor rulebreaking on this site but one of the major ones. There have been countless threads pointing out why this rule exists and why it is important.
I've looked up one the most recent ones for you: Why do you have to redeem a won game? /controversial/ In the end ignoring this major rule and even speaking out against it is what caused the hefty reactions you received. It is here to protect us and giving the thread I linked a read might give you insight to the reasonhow and why.
Let me welcome you to Steamgifts as one our new big contributors (as you stated). Life here can be pretty fun, even more so when you tend to give a lot.
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There is in fact a good reason for regifting to be frowned upon. If users were not required to activate their wins then they could abuse the system with a limited group of friends for unlimited contribution value. They could, for example, create a skyrim giveaway only their friends can enter and ask them to mark it as received. There wouldn't even have had to be a copy of the game in the first place. It would render the entire CV system meaningless.
If you think about it for a moment, it's a pretty logical rule for the site to enforce. That you only enter for games you actually want. Some gifters (possibly even most) here absolutely do not like the idea that their winner can give away the game to someone who wants it and would definitely not consider it win-win as you say. You're denying them the pleasure of perhaps delivering a game to someone who's truly grateful. People will have differing views on this. Cultural values may have some part in this too.
As xScreaMx has advised you though, if the rules don't sit well with you no one's forcing you to stay. I think over time though you will come to appreciate the reasons for most of the rules here. It's uncalled for to be taking shots at him.
It would perhaps be a good idea to have a rest and reconsider your approach with a clear head. We all have bad days.
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If it's any consolation, you'd at least make back more than that by selling the cards the game drops. Maybe you could do a social good by leaving it a negative review as well.
Since you're a new member I'm not trying to scare you off or make you hate the site. There's a lot of nice people here and I've made some good friends over the years, both in the forums and from chats I've had both as winner or receiver of a giveaway. I hope you will too. Observing the rules is just something many here will expect as a starting point.
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I imagine you are now regretting your deft sleuthing of your fellow community members. Is it a habit of yours?
The trend I was setting in my game giving activities was not anticipated by me to end any time soon. And yet.... it now has ended due to what I consider to be the utterly disgusting behavior by the members of this community and the administrators of this site who rather than evaluate the situation of the very minor breach in protocol by a new frequent gift-giving member of the community and advising him of the rules, would rather endorse historically considered reprehensible actions of fellow citizens reporting each other to the authorities for minor and/or inadvertent infractions, by immediately suspending that community and site benefactor.
Well, it might have been advisable to see if there was the sort of abuse going on that the 'rule' was meant to address, before taking ANY punitive actions. Let my ceasing of game-giving activities here be a lesson to them and the community to be better adjudicators of their fellows before violating the spirit of the law in order to be mindless slaves to the letter of the law.
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there are 814,712 members right now registered in steamgifts, the staff is extremely small and their time is also reduced (remember they aren't getting paid, it's voluntary).
as mentioned hundreds of times in other threads, there's a huge backlog of reports to catch up with, adding another step to the process (contacting each rule breaker) will delay things indefinitely.
maybe, and just maybe, it would be easier for new users to read and re-read 100 times the faq/rules/guidelines. it would reduce the amount of support tickets by at least 99.9999999999% (give it or take 0.0000000001%).
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I didn't report you and I tried to help you. The decisions you made and the consequences of those decisions were all yours.
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I agree you shouldn't receive points, but my question is, where could we dump our unwanted keys, that at some point became free, especially considering there are still people that missed them?
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I know you're not really asking, but I'd advise not taking any risks.
From Guidelines:
Do not ask users or developers for keys or gifts, whether in comments, chat, or outside the site.
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They won't get the CV and thats reason to ban them, also you are free to report all this giveaways.
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Why freeloaders massively distribute this game and will get a free contributor level? It's not fair!
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