Do a check to see if all the hardware is in working order first.
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ask your friend if you can take it for a few days by then you will know if theres anything wrong with it or ask too test it out at his place
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Buying a used computer is like buying a used car. You could always be buying someone's problem. I bought a used computer once and it lasted a good while, but I didnt do my homework on it and ended up limited on customization options so while it wasnt terrible, I didnt get what I wanted. If he's selling to upgrade, that means he's probably limited upgrading what he already has, which means you would be buying that limitation. Motherboard, PSU, and how much RAM is it capable of holding are all important questions for future upgrades.
That is a good system at a decent price, but its someone else's machine. Ask him why he's selling. Ask him about problems he's had. Find what version of 660 he has, as there are a few and performance will differ between them. It's not a top of the line machine, but it would easily handle any game already out and due to come out for at least a few years.
Take those specs over to and check it against their games index you can choose games by title and plug in the info and it will tell you how it will handle certain games. Again tho, find out what 660 he has. There's like 20 different 660s. Ti, Zotac, 2 GB version, 4 GB version, etc. The weakest 660 is an ok card, but the best 660 is still a great card.
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buying used and saying you are buying someone else problem is not very good logic after all GM sold million of cars with a busted ignition so tell me how buying new promises you something better or safer? the product is only as good as it is made
buying used has it risk but in most cases it is a good bet i have had new stuff fail on me and yet my almost 15 year stereo receiver is still going strong and so is my used xbox slim,a long with my free a/c and so on
the only thing i would be cautious on buying used for the pc is the video card as the cpu tend to out last the hardware everything and the 2500k is still a very strong pc i know here in the U.S that cpu and motherboard still sell for around 200 the cpu itself usually sells for around 150
price the parts where you are from and decide from there it is a really good starting gaming pc later you could always upgrade the gpu if you find you need more
and ask yourself how trustful this person is and if he really knows computers and ask why he is selling it,and ask if he will offer some kind of warranty if it is family or really close friend and i sell them something used i will offer them at least some tech help and 30 days
but in the end only you can decide what to do but price wise here in the U.S. all that is a bit high priced but you could offer a lower price if he really needs money he will go lower
good luck
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You just reminded me that I received one of their recall notices to replace my ignition. Thank you random sir.
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400 is a little too much and will net you an equally fast new system - or you spend a bit more and will get a faster new system.
Also, the power supply is a fairly important component, you should check out what's in there, before the hardware is fried at last. 300€ would be a deal, though.
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See the cost breakdown below. It's hard to name an accurate price without knowing every part of the pc. But performance-wise, it's more like 300 - 350. Depending on where you live you can build a new, faster pc with 450 - 500 bucks, so I'd rather do that instead of paying 400 for a used machine.
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I search for the lowest price online for every piece and remove 22% of the price (because 22% is our current VAT here) which makes the actual value of a NEW piece, then i cut another 10% to 50% depending on the conditions of the computer, aging and such (missing boxes, no warranty, overclocked GPU/CPU, faulty memories, format...).
Case and PSU are considered as cheap stock pieces since there's no information about them. If the PSU is good enough i might add another 25-30 €.
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That's why i said "I would pay for that". Obviously i don't know how prices range in OP's country, so i'm estimating a value based on my prices and my experience.
Now, here i can find the CPU for 180, GPU 140, RAM 50, cooler 35, mobo 44, HD 48, case and PSU bundled for about 30, everything VAT INCLUDED, which makes a total of 530 euro more or less. Cut down a 20% of VAT and another 20% because it's a used product and there you go. Again, these prices refer to MY experience.
You always have to cut the VAT over a used product in a private selling because you're not paying taxes for the transaction, regardless if you bought it wholesale or not. It's the same method used by car dealers when buying a used car.
400 is not a bad price either, but it could be better.
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I don't know how the OP considers his friendship with his friend and honestly i don't care. I made an estimated value based on how i would pay when buying back from customer's used stuff from a buyer point of view. Of course for a friend i don't do this consideration, but, again, i don't know OP's friendship and how he weights those details.
He asked for a value, i gave a value.
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Treat them mean, keep them keen. However you should always be icily polite to your truest enemies, that just oozes class.
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Your friends must hate you. Oh wait, that would mean they aren't your friends anymore, wouldn't it? :P
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You need to barter with your friend. There is no reason why he should sell you his USED system for FULL PRICE. Just buy a new one.
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GTX 660 140€
i-2550k 210€
8Gb DDR3-1600 Kingston 70€
1Tb HDD 50€
CPU cooler 30€
= 500€
With the mainboard, Chase, Power Supply, etc his PC might be ~750€ worth if it was new.
But for this used PC I would't pay more than 300-350€ or less if his Power Supply is just some no name shitty thing.
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Cheapest Prices in some EU Countries (website in german)
Price at Amazon
Don't find the i5-2550k for the 150€ you are talking about.
Sure you don't mean the 2500k?
Also the i5-4670k is not less than 200€ but the i5-4670 is.
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Sandy Bridge CPUs stay cooler and are better for overclocking than Ivy Bridge and Haswell CPUs because of this. I had my i5-2500K @ 4.4GHz and the temperature was always under 70°C. i5-4670K at the same clock speed would run at a much higher temperature.
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Problem is its NOT a top of the line model, its your average $700-800~ build 2 years ago.
The GTX 660 even at it's prime was a budget card and at the moment it easily gets outclassed by a $115(85€) R9 270. More importantly it's USED you can get used GTX 660s for as low at $100(70€) on Kijiji or Craiglist or whatever you have in Finland.
The i5-2550k at it's prime was a GREAT card, however its slowly getting dated and realistically no one would buy this anymore. You can get a much better i5 4590k for the price this thing is going for, the prices people are posting are prices that haven't been updated at all. I'd say a used i5 2550k is worth $120(90€) at best.
Case - We're talking about you buying a case at retail price that you might even like, jesus christ. $25 (18€ )
Motherboard - I don't know where people found out what your motherboard specs are but ones for i5 2550k can easily be bought for $70-80(50€) NEW not USED, so I would give this a price adjustment of $50(40€).
CPU Cooler - Thermalright makes some entry level/crap level to mid level cpu coolers. The cheapest ones they make are $26(20€)
RAM - 8 GB of ram should cost $80 USD (60€) I HAVE NO IDEA WHO PAYS $100(80€) for 1600mhz ram. You know who I'm pointing at.
HDD: 56€? That better be a 1.5TB HDD you can generally get a 1TB fresh Seagate/WD (Good Brand Names) for 40€ or $50
PSU: Once again not enough clear information, you are either forgetting something or your friend is telling you something. If you can get some pictures of the inner components. PSUs can range from dirt cheap no brand to high end 80+ Platinums. Basically anywhere from $20(15€) to $140(100€)
TLDR: Not enough information, to many people here aren't properly adjusting price to date and including the fact its used. However, final verdict is, meh should be a pretty good deal. I'd say the real adjusted cost as of today for this used build would be around 400€ to 475€. I would try to grab it for less then 400€ though.
Forgot to mention, to ACTUALLY make good use of this build you would most likely need a clear UNDERSTANDING of how to OVERCLOCK. Otherwise you have a useless CPU Cooler and a useless unlocked CPU, which is basically $60+ (40€) OF DEAD WEIGHT.
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IMO buying a used computer, especially if it has old parts is a bad idea, the lifetime of computer parts is really not that long, and since you are not the original buyer of the parts, they all lose warranty, for all you know your Gpu could just die and you are stuck with an old computer, and you will have to buy a new one. I would just buy new parts.
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Seems like a decent deal, plus he is a friend, so you get good karma points probably(Those are like gazzilion god dollars in heaven).
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Aaand I don't know if it's any good for gaming. So those who really know their stuff, please tell me. Here are the specs:
GTX 660, i-2550k, 8 gb 1600 mhz kingston, 1TB hdd, thermalright processor cooler.
He's selling it for 400€. Should I buy it?
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