Does anybody know this guy? He's a reviewer in youtube, his reviews are deep and interesting, while keeping it funny

12 years ago*

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I never cared too much for any of his stuff.

12 years ago

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But, why Ceil? D:

12 years ago

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Indeed, why Ceil?

12 years ago

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But I like him. :P

12 years ago

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I don't keep track of youtube.

12 years ago

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I don't really like his reviews nor his style to be honest.

12 years ago

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I don't like him, it's something in the way he talks, it feels so ... slow.. i can't really describe it.
But i watch some of his videos every now and then.

12 years ago

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I like him, his reviews tell you how it is and get to the point while still being lenghtly and entertaining which I can't say for most. I can't wait to see his Aliens: CM review, since I know that was his most anticipated game for this year.
Some people don't like AJ because he is not serious enough, which can be a fair point I guess.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Not as good as Spoony, but I sure do love me some Angry Joe.

12 years ago

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I... would't call his reviews deep. But, yeah, I'm a long time subscriber.

12 years ago

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I found him to be waaaay exaggerated, almost trying too hard to be funny. He is EXTREMELY biased (of course everyone is, but some at least try to keep an objective and critic eye), and judging on the small amount of videos i watched from him, he does this in every single video.

Unintelligent, rage based and heavily biased reviews of games? No thanks.

12 years ago

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yeah sometimes hes funny, but if he likes the game 10, if he doesn't like it 1.

12 years ago

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Angry Joe is terrible. He's at his best when he's genuinely angry at a game (big surprise), but even then it's just a tired gimmick that others have done better way before him. His reviews are ok, but they are hindered by two things. First is the fact that he is a very casual gamer. Which would be cool, if only he realised that fact himself. Second, he has serious trouble staying objective. He's like a excitable little kid when forming opinions, which seriously hurts his value as a reviewer. I honestly take offense at the fact that he has on occasion claimed to be "the voice for all gamers", simply because his voice isn't worth shit.

The absolute worst thing about Angry Joe are his interviews. He is seriously just a very bad interviewer. He's far too eager to please the people he interviews, at times almost seems afraid to voice serious criticism. And when he does genuinely go on the offensive you get hilarious shit like when he tried to 'interview' Geoff Keighley and got owned so hard he ran away to cry bitch tears about it on Youtube.

12 years ago

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+1 Haha
But I still like to watch some of his reviews.

12 years ago

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I hadn't seen any of his interviews before until you mentioned it SMH

12 years ago

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I watch only his "bad reviews" for lulz, as many stayed and I think so as well - he's not objective.

To be honest i prefer to watch TB a lot more.

12 years ago

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but i still like joe. lol

12 years ago

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Reviews are supposed to be subjective, and TB doesn't do reviews.

12 years ago

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I used to be like "why the fuck are his reviews on the related videos for like everything?"
but now I love him and watch most of his reviews. Most of the time I'm not watching them not so much for their accuracy as for the simple entertainment. But yeah, a lot of people hate him, understandably so.

12 years ago

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This. Have to get into the right mindset to watch it, but it can be entertaining.

12 years ago

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I always watch him before buying a game

12 years ago

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im still waiting for that Aliens CM review, i want to see his face when he uploaded why the game will kick ass

12 years ago

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Of course. He's one of the best thing to happen to youtube. There's an incomaparable amount of honesty and enthusiasm in his reviews.

12 years ago

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This. I can really feel his passion for games. And it is something I actually really like about the guy. He is GETTING excited and being hyped up. Just like we sometimes do when we watch all the trailers for that one game that we have been waiting for to release and feel the same level of excitement. And if he is happy about he game, let him praise it like a fanboy. If he is disappointed though, it's angry joe time. And I like the fact that he can get mad at some parts of a game and still give it an honest score. Like sleeping dogs. Singing the praise and being mad at the same time. He may be biased, but he makes no secret of it in my opinion. I really like the reviews, they are entertaining and complementary to other review sites.

12 years ago

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The only true Angry reviewer i like is "Yahtzee" over at Escapist Magazine. His Zero Punctuation show is hilarious.

12 years ago

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I especially loved his Far Cry 3, Magicka and Arkham City reviews, also how he always wears awesome disguises and suits :D

12 years ago

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Only reason I'm even paying attention to him at the moment is because of TGS Blood Bowl League. He seems to be one of two players who have a good idea of what is going on, beyond TotalBiscuit.

12 years ago

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I did found his reviews very amusing and i think he does a great work and highlight great points during his reviews, i dont even know why people compare him with TB, TB just shows his impressions during the game its totally different of making a subjective review.

12 years ago

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Dislike him with a huge passion. Seems like a xbox fratboy who thinks he knows his vidya shit, but really doesn't.

12 years ago

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I pretty much watch everything he puts out, I must admit though, he is slightly too much a console gamer for my liking.

12 years ago

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I really really dislike him. He's terrible, I don't know how he got so popular all of a sudden. He's like the PewDiePie of video game reviewers.

12 years ago

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I prefer TotalBiscuit as a reviewer.
But if you looking for deep and interesting, while keeping it funny you should check the original "Angry" game nerd

12 years ago

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TB doesn't do reviews though. Even he admits that. These are "first impression" videos, he doesn't clock much time in the game before he kicks off the show.

As a proper reviewer I myself like Yahtzee.

12 years ago

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Yahtzee? I don't know... Zero Punctuation is fun to watch, but I think he complains too much- is there a game this guy recommends? ;P

The only reviewer I trust is no reviewer at all- I need to buy the game and test it myself to make sure I will enjoy it. That being said, AJ is okay and I like watching his shows from time to time, even if he's not as "hardcore" as he believes he is.

12 years ago

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The point of reviews though is to have more informed buy, no? If you're going to buy any game anyway, then no point in watching/reading reviews. Besides comedy aspect is reviewer is going for it? Anyway that's why I can check out a review of something I already played and compare with my own thoughts. Similar thing about movies.

Yahtzee focuses on bad aspects which to me is good, because if I want a game without playing it yet, what do I really know, I'm clearly biased to borderline misinformed by marketing. So seeing where the game may fall short is perfect :3

And yeah, he does recommend games! Maybe sometimes you need to read between the lines, but last year surprising amount of reviews were quite positive. His top 5 (and worst 5) reviewed games sums it up, like this one for 2012 games

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by ZekentJR.