Any PC joystick along with either macro software (Xpadder, which unfortunately costs money these days, but 4.3 was still free, or ControlMK or something like it) or maybe, if it's supported, X360CE
(Preferably one with as many buttons as possible on the actual stick though)
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The joystick/controller has to be small. The wiimotes nunchuck is a great size, which is why I mentioned it.
The PS3 controller is too far for thumb reach, so the joystick has to be used by moving the entire controller rather than a thumb. The xbox controller is better, but it's got a very big "handle" for grips. The "kiddy" xbox controllers (afterglow?) that are sold at Walmart and Gamestop are just about small enough, but then you're left with half a controller to rest somewhere, and a bunch of unused buttons. Like I said about the buttons in the second paragraph, they can't be pressed easily due to lack of strength in the hand. They aren't required, and honestly, the more there are, the bigger the waste.
Finished typing this and was about to hit submit, realized what you said was an actual joystick. Flight stick style? It'd almost work, but then it runs into the size thing again. Most are made for your average adult male, but the user most definitely isn't that. Do you know of any small (think children's sized) joysticks out there?
However, a lack of full arm control might make it harder to use...
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Nope I'm afraid I don't know of any smaller ones, and yep I meant flight stick style, though I meant a cheapy from one of the lesser brands, not a Saitek monster.
You used to be able to get ones that were smaller, more arcase sized, and box-shaped but they haven't existed for a long time and as far as I remember they only had one extra button (you know, 80s style complete with tons of ugly cream plastic).
It would be expensive as hell but what about an arcade stick then? Only joystick I can think of that's a bit larger though still smaller than a full flightstick...and the buttons on the side are nice and large and can just be wacked with the other hand.
After that my only other thoughts would be something like the Logitech G13 gamepad...although that's geared for the other hand....maybe though that in combination with a cherry red mechanical keyboard for super easy key hits for the busted hand? though that again gets nice and expensive.
Sorry man, I'm out of ideas.
Regarding the size of my suggestions btw I was thinking whole hand use in place of fingers that don't work so great.
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Oh yes sorry, it was 5.3, been a while since I mentioned it so I accidentally dropped a number.
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While I don't have a specific controller/setup to suggest, I think you could steal some ideas from BrolyLegs, a great Street Fighter player. Here's an interview he had few years back and his Twitch channel.
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Guild Wars 2 stands out the most wanted, but overall, if the setup works, everything will be playable (or most everything.)
The only problem with gaming right now is left hand control. Being unable to bend fingers, and mildly limited control on the elbow (can't rotate side to side super easily) limits controller usability. Right hand is fully functional, which is why in my OP I mention a number pad mouse (g600 has 24 macros on the thumb, naga has profiles and 12 buttons on the thumb, other MMO mice have similar thumb buttons, and the g602 has buttons all over the mouse) which removes the lack of a keyboard/bunch of buttons for the left hand.
Basically, all I need is something small for the left hand that can mimic WASD or full joystick control.
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Is it a long term disability? Or is it just something like a broken arm which will be mostly healed up in a few months?
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Actually.. Very plausible. Definitely added to the list of options. Do you know of software to remap generic analog joysticks to keypresses? This is also cheap, so that's a huge plus.
I could go even more retro and get a USB atari stick. Not only is it practical, but a good joke too. It's a little cheaper as well.
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Well, I was mostly asking if the style would work, based on what you'd said it seems like it "should" be fine. Though I honestly don't know if there's any in the style that are better than others, nor do I know of compatible software (just because I don't use that kind of joystick), but I'm sure with enough searching you could fairly easily find what works. Reviews of both the Hardware and Software can do you good.
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Logitech G13, not a joystick, though.
you said you can't bend your fingers, how do you wanna hold a nunchuck like controller?
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razer nostromo, if your left thumb is usable, these could work
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I've got working fingers, it's not for me. :)
The finger problem though, is that they are always bent. Making a keyboard impossible to use. A wii nunchuck is about the same size (a little big, actually) as the curve of the fingers, meaning pry 'em open to fit it, and they'll hold it in well enough to use the joystick. You really don't have to grip a controller all that hard to make it stay in place. It just gets a little uncomfortable after a while because like I said, it's a little big.
As for your other two replies, they both seem a little bit... extreme. Maybe what I'll have to do is contact someone who does disabled controllers and have them remodel a nunchuck to USB. Surely it can be done without the wiimote being attached... So far seems like the only thing that matches what I'm looking for.
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Holy shit it's actually mostly been done.
Props for finding it. Definitely gonna give this a go if I don't find anything by then. Only trouble is I need to learn how to program then, I need it to be WASD or a joystick, not a mouse as in the guide.
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have you considered using your feet? Rudder Pedals
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how about a steering wheel?
maybe not like this video, but left hand to steer left/right, pedals for forward/backwards and right hand with mouse for aiming, clicking, etc.
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You could ask Ben Heck of the Ben Heck Show, he's a great guy who happens to be quite brilliant when it comes to fabrication and design of "interesting" things.
He's already made at least 2 special controllers for people with limited or no use of at least one arm.
I know for a fact that he sells specialized controllers, but I think if he turns your request into an show, then you might even get it for free!
It never hurts to ask, I know that at least, he can give you what you're looking for.
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The show has gone through a few changes but the last controller he built was quite recent, within the last 6 or 8 months or so.
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Reminds of the Wii nunckuck.
It works fine on PC, I've got it.
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I remember hearing this thing was terrible because it used the mouse like a joystick input instead of like a mouse. That's irrelevant however, because I'd only use the left hand part of it.
Can you tell me how big it is? Possibly in relation to a wii nunchuck, just because they are pretty standard? Or what size glove you wear if you don't know how big a nunchuck is. It definitely matches what I need, it's very close to what I need.
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I don't use the mouse, it's too big and too heavy for me, I only use the left hand with another mouse. I had some problems at the begininng with the keys configuration but there're usefull tutorials on YouTube which helped me.
It's bigger than a Wii nunchuck, you can see it here.
I'm using it because I love controllers but I know a mouse is more precise than a controller (for FPS for exemple). I don't like playing on a keyboard so the Fragfx is a good compromise.
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This is what I use(the ps3 version). I pair it up with a G3 logitech mouse. The mouse it came with worked fine it was just too big for me.
I got this specifically for PC because when I try using the keyboard my fingers get all cramped up. They just posted recently they are making a PC specific product and I'm hoping its the chuck controller with a couple more buttons which would make it easier to map more buttons in FPS shooters.
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hey check out this images of the mouse i have seen before i dunno the name of these types but it may be just what you need
this one stands out in partyicular since you mentioned the wii remote
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Why not just use a Wii Remote and Nunchuck? You can connect them to a PC with bluetooth and the correct software.
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If you have the skill or a nice friend to do it, Ben Hecker has made a bit of handicapped controller mod tutorials. I find them very interesting and have watched them all, since I'm very interested in the mechanics of those things. Well, you can find Ben Hecker on Youtube. :)
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It's smaller than a nunchuck... Has software to remap it to be wasd + whatever buttons... And it's less than $100? Sounds to me like it's perfect.
Only one major flaw. Can't find anywhere to purchase it. It says amazon and Bestbuy, but neither has it listed. Google returns no results.
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I'm seeking some information, and I have no idea where to start. I figured with how great the SG forum is, I'd ask you guys first.
I'm looking for a small joystick, or controller, that's one handed with few buttons. Something similar to the wiimote nunchuck, rather than something like the razer hydra. Operating wirelessly or wired, doesn't matter much. The few buttons thing is because of lack of finger control, being unable to press a button down hard enough for most to activate (again, like a nunchuck, a bumper works because it can be pressed against a leg/chest.)
Use-case is that the joystick will be used for movement (most thumb control is there) and any bumper/button can be used for something like jump. Rest of a games buttons will be on some MMO mouse (numberpad side buttons) as it seems to be the easiest way to get all the keymaps down with one hand. A g600 seems nice, with it's shift modifier allowing up to 24 actions on the side.
Hopefully someone out there as looked for something similar or has seen something and can point me in the right direction. Or someone has time they want to kill and know where to look.
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