Hello SG! I have some keys lying around that absolutely will not sell at all! So, I'm going to give these keys to you guys!

I am going to give away the Crysis trilogy- Crysis, Crysis: Warhead, and Crysis 2: Maximum Edition. Wait, that's not the trilogy? There are 4 games in the series? Oh... WELL anyways, I'm going to be giving away 3 out of the 4 games in this trilogy. These games are Origin Codes. If they were Steam, I would be making a true giveaway. So what are the requirements to enter? Well, there are two-

  • Screenshot of your Origin library (In order to tell me you don't have them. I would prefer an account that has more than just games from the Humble Bundle) Example
  • Why you want these games

Depending on the entries, I will either give away the entire trilogy, or will give the keys to 3 different people.

That's basically it. I know these aren't Steam games, but the person who really wants them wouldn't care whether it's Steam or Origin. So with that; good luck everyone!

11 years ago*

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I don't need them, I just wanted to show off.

11 years ago

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Massive Library of Games

  • As for reason, I think I finally have a computer that can handle Crisis on high settings, wanted to see what Im missing out on =D
11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Here is my library

The reason is the same as most of the people here, I want to play Crysis 2 from the bundle but I prefer to play them in order, so I'm waiting for Crysis 1 and Warhead

Thanks for the giveaway :)

11 years ago

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What if I dont have any origin game ? :S

11 years ago

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Then you're not legible to enter. Don't want to risk the games sitting in someone's library forever, so someone who actually has an Origin library is who I want, as opposed to someone with no games on it at all. Sorry.

11 years ago

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Here you go. Battlefield 4, Burnout, Dead Space 2 and Mass Effect 3 are games bought before the Origin Bundle, though. And am only interested in the first Crysis, honestly. Thanks!

11 years ago

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Got some non-bundle games, want to participate 'cause I've enjoyed first Crysis few years ago but doesn't play next games in series)

11 years ago

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I have Crysis 2 maximum edition and crysis 3 but i never played the first crysis, so thanks if you decide to give me crysis:)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Here is my Libary - Only need the First 2 Parts.
My Libary

11 years ago

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I don't own Crysis. I've played it with a friend. The game is just amazing. So I'd like to have Crysis 1

Here is my library: Clicky

Ok it looks like there are just Humble Bundle Keys, but I owned Sims 3 (Base game) and Crysis 2 before..

Edit: Oh right I also own Mass Effect 2 so there are not just Humble Bundle games ;)

11 years ago

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I just wanna say that Mass Effect 2 is still technically a bundle game, but you're entry counts

11 years ago

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I don't have Crysis 1 and Warhead, so I wanted to play them first before going with 2 and 3rd, because of the storyline. I really don't like to start from the middle or end.

11 years ago

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chiar as vrea Crysis Warhead macar.. si apropo: Sa traiesti cu numele! si pe mine ma cheama Gabriel, sa scriu si-n engleza:

I would enjoy Crysis Warhead, because i played Crisis 2 but never got the chance to get Crysis Warhead and Crisis 1, so.


thank you for the opportunity

11 years ago

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won't work. Upload it to some image host.

11 years ago

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i uploaded on imgur

11 years ago

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I haven't play all of them. :/

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I can't start playing already owned Crysis 2 and 3 because I never played the first two games. These 2 games will give me total 4 games to play.

11 years ago

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My Library

I haven't even thought of touching Crysis 2 because I haven't played the previous two games. I have thought of buying them before when they go on sale, but that probably won't happen for a while.

Thank you for the chance!

11 years ago

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i have them, but thanks:))

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Bassnium.