he has every right to report you. Most (DE) games have ONLY german launguage.
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nah he does not since it's on steamtrades not steamgifts. OP did state that it's a DE version (whatever it actually stands for) and so the trader should have known that before traded for the game.
He could downvote the guy and that's it IF the game actually is in German.
Edit: sorry I misinterpreted what OP said...I just went full retard, ignore me plz
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DE stands for Deutschland or Deutsch, which means Germany or German respectively in english :)
and when i look in the german store (i live there, yay ^^) it says it's the "low violence version", but also in bottom right it says full support for english audio. so if you have that version, i'd say it's in english too
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I once came over my asian friend's place to play some halo 3 and every character in campaign spoke Chinese and he told me there's no way to change it into English.
I never had a problem with regional restricted game but I think I would freak out if I do not understand any word at all an in-game character is saying.
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Actually the most violent cut games have multiple languages in Steam and only a small exception is limited to German.
@Topic: MP3 is pretty sure playable in English (There isn't even a German Dub anyway). Probably just the Language setting is set to German at default. He just has to look at the Steam gamesettings at the language tab.
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That's not true. Most games have multiple languages to choose from. I live in Germany and I haven't played a game in German for years. Okay, most times I buy uncut versions, but there is not a single DE-version-game that comes to my mind that you can't play in English.
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But if choose how can language one people choose one people language, people people, choose option, people - language?
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Or maybe it's some type of code like morse.
People, people, choose people, language language language, people language, choose choose.
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I think the guy above me just went full retard, incredibly hard.
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If I buy something labeled made in china in a store, eat it and return the wrapper later saying it wasn't made in America thats my fault.
You told him what it was and explained it, he bought it, his fault.
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yeah that is what I think. I just wanted to convince him (with this thread here) that he can trust me. I never scammed anyone and I think it is wrong to give me negative reputation or report. I have the German version by myself. I can play English, too. So, no problem.^^
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You should simply help him in switching the language then.
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You read about the cuttings in Max Payne 3? Probably not.
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There's no scene missing. You can't shoot a pedestrian in one scene. I don't have many cut games on my own, but this one isn't really a big deal...
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Whatever. But imo people who call people "pure idiot" for buying MP3 cut are pure **...
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Ahh man, you don't understand me .. at all.
Every country has its pros and cons, being german and buying censored games is alright (but by not buying them and getting/trading a normal version still proves how wise are you), however if you are not german and still getting these things on YOUR OWN WILL! proves to me, that you are a pure idiot.
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I think I understand you and yes, there are games which have terrible cuts which almost ruin the whole game (Saints Row, GTA Vice City, HL1 and MANY more), but in this particular case I don't think it's gamebreaking. I don't have the cut version myself (as so often, the uncut version was a lot cheaper for me than DE anyway), but what I read is that MP3 isn't one of them.
BTW: I read a few times, that if you can ask support to change the gameversion if you can prove you're not living in Germany. Don't really know if it's really usually working .
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PC: All Versions****: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese (Brazil), Polish
****No patches or updates are needed for any of the supported languages on PC. All languages are included with the shipped (or downloaded) game.
From: http://support.rockstargames.com/hc/en-us/articles/200153716-Max-Payne-3-List-of-supported-languages
Language can be changed with commandline: -language english (options in steam).
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Its like this: The Steam Store page for the german version says "Low Violence", but also states its playable in German, English, French, Italian and Russian. If it really doesn´t work, its neither your fault nor his fault and you have to involve the Steam-Support as they are stating false info in their Store.
There are three posibilities ways to change the language of a game: In some games you can choose it in the ingame-menu. For some you have to change it in steam with rightclick->properties->language.. but some others are using the laguage of the steam client itself. I´m a German user with a ROW-Version of the game and just checked and the first two options don´t seem to apply here, so it might be that he has to change the language of his steam-client.. not sure why he would have a german steam client if he complains about german ingame-menus though.
If this doesn´t work, Steam-Support has to work it out.
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What the fuck? No! It is not the person who gets the game that should do any research. If I'm trading with you for a game, I'm automatically assuming you're giving me the english version, not the swahili version. If it's not in english, you have to mention it. Otherwise it's called a scam.
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You should have read my thread first
Also Max Payne 3 has English language included, Steam says. Also if you want to know more about the cut, visit Schnittberichte.com.
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As the title says. I told him there is English, too. The game is tagged with (DE) because of some very short scene where it isn't possible to kill people of the story. In the German version you can't shoot some people which belongs to the story (you will get a message "you can't kill blabla"); In the US/ROW Version you CAN kill them, but you have to restart the level or sequence. First my trader said it would be ok as long as the game is in English. Now he is very sceptical and wants to report me because it isn't English.
Steamgifts Community, please tell me: The German version includes completely English language - YES or NO ?!
Excuse me for my bad English. I hope you understood everything fine.
EDIT: Thank you community for so many answers in this short time!
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