In Buzzfeed-esque fashion, which type of gamer are you?
I'm a single player offline type, with scarce proficiency and scarce free time, so I choose casual.
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I'm tempted to say hardcore because I play so much but at the same time, I don't feel like I commit myself to any game long enough to really be "hardcore" with it. And I mostly play single player games.
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For me it's a cycle. Currently somewhere between mediocre and casual.
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I think the classification came about because of the gaming industry (not so much the community). The developers and publishers need to group gamers into categories just so they can easily target their games to a generalized group of gamers :P
(Might be a bit off-topic here) If you're interested, there's a study on gamer motivation, which is pretty similar to gamer dedication I guess, that you may find interesting. It mentions about how different "hardcore" means to male and female gamers.
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I play mostly everything except it either doesnt want to start or its a bug fest!
Also i absolutly hate EAs and Ubisofts copy & paste games just because they made things you would call Games bevore but what they make now is just pathetic! For clearance I also am interessted and can programm Games myself wich is why i can see what they mostly did with the next Fifa Battlefield or Assassins Copy most of the times in the way of programming nothing in the way of grafic maybe some new textures and thats it!
for something like that to sqeeze out 60€ out of anybody, it is like saying here i made a false 60€ give me 60€ for that!
I really love games and yeah thats probably why i am so pationate about this also i want to let people know what they are really buying mostly nothing at all, than a copy of what they already got!
Singleplayer and Multiplayer but i hate pvp games i rather got a great coop game with some friends and enjoy it than having someone shout in my ear because she/he is bad or they just got shoot...
sorry for spelling errors or getting something wrong my teacher gave me always a 5(E) or 6(F) in english but still greetings from germany!
oh and if someone likes to correct me please do so! I can only learn from it!
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Hmm, in some way, I guess that makes sense. Since the games resonated so well with players, it would be logical for the game companies to stick to the formula that they know works. Just look at the latest Far Cry - the blatant "copy and paste" couldn't be more obvious!
Still, people will buy and play the game - me included :P (just waiting for the price to drop a bit)
P/S: Your English is good enough to understand - don't worry! :)
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Used to be rather hardcore but since i am getting a bit old my reactions and suchs has gone down. So medicore now? :) I still try to do it like a pro but even some random 12year old can outgun me in FPS and i won't even mention RTS.
Edit: For single player i allways play the hardest difficulty unless it has perma death or something like that.
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casual gamer =P (as many already wrote, it's related to my age! I was way more hardcore back then =P) thanks!
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yeah, I think so!
back in my teens I used to play lots of games, and MMORPGs too! I was literally every day on ultima online and, later, world of warcraft, doing extremely long quests with dozens of other guys all connected with microphones and such.. and I also played a lot of arcade games, SNES games or console in general..
I think the same, many of us have passed these phases =P i'm older now, i was born in the '80s so with my family duties, my parents, my job and so on I really can't even imagine to spend my nights on a MMORPG or to play the same console game for three months continuously xD
Well I like the "midcore" category too, I'm starting to think that "casual" is something that can't be applied to those of us who spent so many years playing and got "expert" =P
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Well I like the "midcore" category too, I'm starting to think that "casual" is something that can't be applied to those of us who spent so many years playing and got "expert" =P
I think so too :) Regardless of how much time we can commit to playing games now, we still have lots of experience and that can actually help lower the skill ceiling quite a bit in genres that we're already very familiar with.
Well, I really hope I'll end up like the Skyrim grandma when I retire one day :P Still a looonngg way to go though!
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Midcore, games have changed over the years as have I...still prefer the early and golden era of games.
Into Singleplayer and Co-op games over everything else. Mostly FPS and Racing, some Adventure
Sadly my RTS and TBS love has dwindled...need that spark.
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Sadly my RTS and TBS love has dwindled...need that spark.
You haven't found the right game yet :) Have you tried Northgard? I've heard that it's a great RTS.
For TBS, I'd recommend Element: Space (<-Linked to a playlist with several gameplay vids), especially if you're into sci-fi games with a pretty great story. The game can be glitchy at times (camera glitches, mostly), but overall the game is fun and can be quite challenging too :) You can get it really cheap at Indiegala right now if you're interested!
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