Absurd? Payday 2 worth more than Darksiders 2 in trading.
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I indeed do,I had a thread on being scammed by a scammer who offered payday 2 key.Empathy-I feel how you feel)I put emphasis to explain that I feel how you feel.And fine if you don't want empathy from my side.Have a "Deal with it" from me,then.
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I'm sorry this happened to you. Be more careful in the future.
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I see that on their post, but I think it worth a shot.
Since he didn't actually give me anything and I have a live recording of the trade starting from the deal so I guess my case is easier to track. Or at least make it faster to put a scammer stamp on him.
My question will be, do I still need to report to valve about this or just let Steam Rep do the rest?
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Nah, Valve won't give his game back. They only give back traded/gifted games back in case of account hijack.
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Oh yeah, obviously as you sent it as a gift, my mind really derpps too much today. XDD
But still, you can ask Valve to lock the game at least, and you can try to ask them for a new copy, won't hurt trying.
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I got scammed, made a complaint. They will not refund you or even remove the gift from the scammers account. He has been banned from trading though. So yeah, complain but don't expect anything back.
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Oh, hi. We meet again. :) Too bad we didn't had a deal back then.
Well, I did take my time in chatting with him. Checking a lot of things here and there. The whole things went around 20 minutes before we had a deal. And I see that he's quite patient handling my nagging, I thought he worth a shot. Man, I've never been so wrong...
I agree with you though. That's always in my mind whenever negotiating on steamtrade. But this one just slip from me since he added me straight on steam and I was excited (and in fact in a little bit of a hurry). So seems like my judgement and reasoning were clouded. :/
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The fact that he didn't post on your thread and directly did a "random add" is the first flag. When you have his post, you have a direct link to his profile (evading impersonation) and also making easier to get his steamID. Even if he erases the post, you will have it on your replies tab, with the link to ST profile.
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Im sorry for you, happenend to me twice in my trader-career :O
Like others said, use a middleman if he has not enough rep.
If a profile looks like this: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Excuritas/ i think you can trust them.
So much rep and 1200 trades, never saw such a person scamming.
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Indeed, thank you. :) But what's up with the "Rep in Steam: 358+"? Is that the number of all the positive comments? Wouldn't want to count them. ^^ I thought there would be either an independent reputation counter on steamrep.com or even a summary of different sites, giving an overall reputation. Well, I guess I will take steamtrades as little helper then. Thanks again. :)
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There is no such thing as Steam reputation. People leave comments on your profile and on various sites where they've traded with you. I find the Steamtrades rep to be the easiest to follow. Comments can easily be faked with a bunch of throwaway accounts. Although in the account given as an example, you've got 60 pages of comments dating all the way back to 2001. A scammer won't work that long at building a rep, and will have a bunch of comments added within a couple of days. A scammer will often have mostly F2P games and maybe 1 or 2 bundle keys added to legitimize the account. When you see a high-level account, a lot of games you can be sure that's an investment your trading partner would not want to lose.
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19 games = 2$; playtime = means nothing
Gonna be totally honest with you, 'cause it seems you are smart, just new to trading. This whole thing is 100% your fault. You wanted too much and you weren't careful enough, 'cause you were so happy about this to good to be true trade. You attracted the scammer. :P
Too good to be true trade = usually is a scam
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@Qwertz12 thanks for the defense XD
@MrD Yup, it is my fault. And like you said, I was so happy. Though not because of the big trade but because that was my first game-game trade :) Plus, I was a little in a hurry back then. So, I can't really hear out my reasoning well :(
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I got scammed on the first day I made my steamtrades thread ... :D
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Yeah, yeah, I made 6 successful trades since that, so I'm content. :)
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Scammer or not, he gets my +1 for his last message. XDD
But yeah, it sucks, but Payday 2 is a cheap price to pay for a very valuable lesson, good luck with your future trades. :)
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Keys should always be trade it first, then gifts. Also, I still don't understand why the need to protect a scammer by not revealing its name...
I know these are rules here, but still, there's a screenshot right there as a proof, and the rest of us would know who was the scammer, just to avoid him/her in the future...
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Keys first, then gift. Gotcha.
It's just i've traded gift first to get a key and nothing went wrong.
Oh, and the scammer already changed his name btw. I too don't understand why we need to cencored the scammer names, but the rules here is like that and I will respect that.
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Censoring names is good because internet witch hunts can get out of hand, with people finding out the identities/addresses of people.
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I dont get it. Do all of you guys just trade with randoms? I only trade with actual friends, so obviously I never got scammed. There should never be a reason to feel paranoid when trading, if you do, then something is obviously wrong. jesus! either trade officially or get ready for some shysty business. It's all on you.
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I know most of it are my fault. I've said it right? :)
Seems like my judgement are clouded by temporary excitement.
And yes, there are a lot of people out there trading with random people. You know, just to get a game he/she want with a better price. :)
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No middleman accepts to participate in key trades, because keys can't be checked and because of other implications.
Also, if it's a key > tradable exchange then the key has to go first, this is standard for every trade. The guy pushing his +rep in profile down your throat would be a yellow flag for me. +rep in profile says nothing, unless it details somewhat the trade.
I feel sorry for you. It's a shame it's not a tradable/tradable trade, if it was you could get your items back. Make a detailed report on SteamRep and hope it increases awareness about this individual.
There is nothing to cheer or find amusing about a guy "trolling" because you were scammed, it's just cowardness now he hides himself behind a computer screen he can say anything, it won't matter.
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I see. Thanks a lot for the advices. :)
Already put a report on the SteamRep with this screenshot (no censor there) and also a link to a live recording of the event starting from we had a deal until he ran away. It is password locked for the admin though.
And yeah, if it's not for this scam, I wouldn't even think that people do fake steam profile rep. That's a note for the future.
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I saw your report. Good work :)
If you sent if via gift then probably they will ask some sort of proof, haven't seen the video, maybe it's enough. If you had it sent via trade window, then they would ask a screenshot of the trade history. Get his profiles from SteamTrades and SteamGifts and report him too, he should be banned -- see my other post.
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Not sure where KBoom got that from, but I've done and seen many middleman trades involving keys. You cannot middleman where both sides have keys/non-tradeables though, and I would never middleman a trade involving a key from some random. That's just dangerous and irresponsible.
And there is no order to what goes first that you must strictly abide by. That entirely depends on the traders and how trustworthy they are. If you have to think about it, they're not. Doesn't matter how many profile reps they have or how big their steamtrades reps are. A stranger is a stranger and you don't give valuables to strangers.
As for getting scammed, there's nothing gambling or hopeful about trading. No leaps of faiths or anything. If anyone has to be in an uncomfortable position for it to go through, that's the signal to walk away. Also be wary of another popular scam: "I was scammed before, so I'm not going first." - Just as many or more have fallen for that. As long as you trade smart for guarantees and solid things (rather than promises and intangibles), you'll be fine. It takes experience before you can expand your options to game keys/etc. and by then you'll be able to spot guys like this from a mile away.
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Get this link, replace STEAM_ID with his number.
You'll find his profile on SteamGifts and SteamTrades, and report him here too, and add a -1 rep. Hopefully he will get banned too.
EDIT: If you use Enhanced Steam plugin you can easily find the SteamGifts, SteamTrades and SteamRep pages for every user.
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Go to his profile on SG and click the yellow button: Report User
And add all information, what happened, SteamRep and SteamTrade links, etc
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AFAIK there isn't a feature to report in SteamTrades. Or where is it, besides adding +rep or -rep?
And they ask to report via SG http://www.steamtrades.com/forum/af3y1/misuse-of-feedback-impersonators-alert, and SteamRep.
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Write a support ticket like this (Using the Report user button on the user's profile does not work, since the support staff are unable to see reports made with it.):
Title should be: [User Report] USERNAMEOFREPORTEDPERSON
Reason: REASON
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Guys, thanks for all the comments and advices. Really appreciate it :)
Just talking to you makes me feels better. :)
Need to hit the bed now. 2.30 AM and I have to get to work at 8 AM :P
Feel free to comment, gonna come around in the morning to check them :D
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I made 3 trades there and all 3 times i made a "leap of faith" and went first, not scammed yet I must be lucky
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well yea i did only have 3 trades and all of them had higher rep but i think is its beacuse it was in "small" games like painkiller theatre of war and europa universalis, "big" games like darksiders 2 are more likely to attract scammers so yes even I would be paranoid with trade like that
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sorry to hear that.. well I hope you can take this as a learning experience. Normally if someone tells you to trust them just because they have more rep, they're trying to scam you. In my experiences, honest traders didn't usually use their rep as a reason that I should trust them.
I hope it won't happen again to you.
Good luck with all your future trades :)
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So, today I just got scammed for the first time. Screenshot
Just opened my trade post last Friday and already get scammed. Man, I gotta be more careful.
Funny thing is, I already had a bad feeling about this. Low level profile, kinda high offer, and telling me a story about he's getting scammed (too bad I forgot to screenshot from the start). Knowing that, I still went with the trade, mainly because I feel even though I may be scammed, that will be a nice experience for me.
Part of it is also because of the excitement I get from my first big trade XP Stupid me.
The loss is not big by US standard, but it is in my country. It could pay my meal for a week with it. (I only eat twice a day :D)
Not that I complained much, but I just feel I need to tell my story to make me feels better. (it already is)
Well, what's done is done. Already reported him to Steam Rep.
Just need to be careful in the future. Maybe I should use middle man for keys in the future...
PS: You may notice I said I will record a video of the chat on the screenshot. Well, I did record it. It's not public since I haven't remove/cencored several private information from the video. For now it will be for Steam Rep Admin Only.
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