Hi, I juste have few questions because my level dropped from level 7 to level 5 suddenly today. I asked to the support but I'm not sure I understand everything and they don't really answered all my questions.
1- I dropped from level 7 to level 5 but Sgtools tells me I'm level 6. What's wrong with that?
2- Is it normal that games I bought and gave away few years ago are marked as free today? I guess that's why my level dropped but I don't get it as it was in 2017~2018 (I checked my fanatical orders).
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Hi there, you need to click on "reply", so he can get a notification.
Im not complaining, I fall one level too. Seems fanatical 1 and 2 old dollars bundles are now considered as free games. They just take their time to change the category.
All this happends today, so, maybe tomorrow we will find the traditional "my level decreased....." threats
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Yes, it seems that several Fanatical bundles that give insane amounts of CV (40-60cv for $1) got zeroed. e.g.:
I expect a lot of accounts that used those bundles to level up quickly and stopped doing GAs 4 years ago to be very annoyed when they find out they're back at level 1 or 2.
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I'm one of them. I don't mind it being reduced to the typical 15% bundle value but giving 0 is the reason I stop doing giveaways.
If it gives me zero after YEARS and YEARS then why do it in the first place. I can easily just send these keys to my friends on steam.
"Oh what you spent 20€ to get these games? Well get f**** 3 years later we reduce it to 0CV"
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Hey Zalore,
be so kind and name one giveaway you spend 20€ on that was reduced to 0.
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Games I gave away YEARS AGO are now reduced to 0.
If you pay 5€ on a bundle and give it away with "X-CV" but 3 years later it's bundled in a 1€ bundle and your CV goes down to 0, why should you accept that?
You spent 5€ on that bundle and its now getting the 0CV change.
If you like spending money and getting reduced to 0 years later sure but my example was obviously exaggerating to reflect my point.
YOU spent money on these bundles and NOW recieve 0 CV for games you gave away years ago.
Instead of reducing it to idk 95% or something no - 0. And thats not some asset flipping crap game.
Naah I'm out.
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Name one giveaway that was from a 5€ bundle, that was not in a 1€ bundle before, that was reduced to 0 now.
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I'm not checking 240 giveaways if one of them or two were in a 1€ bundle.
Still my argument stands: I've spent money on these games and if they were in a 1€ bundle then okay.
But reducing the value of said games YEARS after givenaway is a no-go for me.
That automatically means that if I giveaway a game for 5€ and 3 years laters its in a 1€ bundle I recieve 0CV.
Thats the logical outcome because nothing else happened here. I spent money on them - recieved reduced CV (as intended) and then now its worth ALL 0.
I dont care if you think the same or if you think otherwise or can feel me but.. I'm out.
I have given away 5 games in the last couple of weeks and before that it was 3 years ago.
NOW all of a sudden the CV is reduced harshly and I lost a whole level for... what? giving away games and my games getting reduced? No thanks.
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I assume that recent 1cent for a 50$ game set off the policy change to change CV of very cheap games to 0. There should have been an announcement explaining this change and its retroactive consequences.
"That automatically means that if I giveaway a game for 5€ and 3 years laters its in a 1€ bundle I recieve 0CV." This is simple wrong. The 0CV date will be set to the 1€ bundle's date.
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The problem is transparency and thats non-existent here.
All my games given away in the last 10 months have value and give CV. They are no "asset flip games" or from a 1€ bundle - they are from Humble bundle bundle.
Now over night the games I have given away 3+ years ago are reduced to 0. Why now? What happened?
Is it clear? No. Do I know what game got reduced to 0? No and I'll definitely not check all 240 giveaways to check.
What got reduced? What happened? Why games from 3+ years ago? thats stupid imo.
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My guess is, that it is a reaction to this and similar threads and that there is a limit now, that I don't know, how much CV per $ spend is considered okay. An official announcement by cg or the support staff would be nice, let's wait and see.
If a game you gave away 3 years ago, was then in a $1 for 10+ games bundle (I seem to recall some of those from fanatical and indiegala) or was offered for a few cents on some shady reseller website, I can understand them going to 0CV. If it was so cheap only recently, the CV should be stable.
Scrolling through my own giveaways at SGTools, there are some 0CV batches that should be such cheap bundles from a couple of years ago. Everything else stayed at their reduced or full CV.
If you care so much for CV, giveaway stuff that probably will not get bundled. Shovel Knight and Factorio both gave me a CV boost, when their prices increased on Steam.
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Games that were available for a few cents, in shady stores, got reduced to 0cv.
As a reaction to it had different guys pointed out something like "but why only this games and not the $1 bundles from fanatical that gave 30-50cv?". After enough brought that to the attention to the mods, the mods looked into it and, obvious from the 0cv setting, seen it the same as the people that were so vocal about the $1 fanatical bundles and the extreme exploit.
A lot gave 5 copies of EACH $1 bundle away and nothing else and were level 5 or 6 (and never gave something after reaching that level for $5 - $15).
It like everywhere, when the exploiting/cheating are active in a high amount then a site is forced to change something.
That the mods handle now the stuff correct but not for years (because not enough, motivated, mods were active in the past) frustrate, understandable, a part of the people.
On the other side, see it as a lot of users had, for years, a lot higher level as they earned if the games got handled correct from the begin.
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My guess would be shady key selling sites, that charge <0,1$ per key.
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So 1500 people who can celebrate a level up one more time :D
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We might need to do a quick refresher course on how to create giveaways for some of those 766 =D.
A lot of them are users who teleported from level 0 to level 5 for $5 using these bundles in 2018 and then decided to retire from the giveaway creation business.
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If you gave away the fanatical cheap ass bundle games then good riddance :)
No one needs or wants those games anyway and they are only good for boosting your CV.. which is in its essence useless on this site. I just find it fascinating how butthurt some people are over something they knowingly and willingly exploited to get CV.
And don't go with this "I spent 20 eur on game"... no one spends 20 eur on some third tier, asset flip or old game. Bioshock for example will most likely never go in a bundle for 1 eur with 20 other games. Like it has happened with some useless delisted games on steam many like to give away here and fanatical keeps pushing in their 1 dollar bundles.
I'm not shitting on the games - if you like them its fine, but you obviously play the system by paying 1 eur and getting shitloads of CV and now act like the victim when you get exposed
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huh? If it is an asset flip game sure - reduce it to 0 but marking the games I spent money on with 0CV despite it not being any asset flip game then idk what to tell you.
Name one game from the 240 I already gave away, that are asset flip games. Go ahead. And what games are all of a sudden a problem? I gave them away YEARS AGO and they had value. Just because its now in a 1€ bundle doesn't mean you should reduce the games value I gave away YEARS ago to 0 :)
Games are marked as 0 CV without any obvious reasons and instead of reducing it to a proper value, they mark it as 0.
I also give away Bioshock Collection etc.
Don't get butthurt and throw me into the same pot as these asset flip clowns.
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I also give away Bioshock Collection etc.
sure, that's why I mentioned it as an example for which it won't happen.
As for other stuff - asset flips where just an example. PoeticKatana gave links for fanatical bundles that got value removed. Sure - they are not asset flips but they have no value whatsoever.
Just because its now in a 1€ bundle doesn't mean you should reduce the games value I gave away YEARS ago to 0
If you gave it AFTER bundle date, then sure it can. It gets reduced retroactively. So if you gave it away before the date of bundle it should count to value. So I would really suggest checking then the dates - from what date it's added and when you actually made a giveaway.
Ok, sorry, didn't want to come off harsh, but if you bought a bundle for 1 eur back then, have it away for sole purpose of getting high value, I understand why it would bother you for staff to wake up only now - but it's understandable. As long as they are added to this no value list retroactively for the date it got bundled.
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The problem is transparency and thats non-existent here.
All my games given away in the last 10 months have value and give CV. They are no "asset flip games" or from a 1€ bundle - they are from Humble bundle bundle.
Now over night the games I have given away 3+ years ago are reduced to 0. Why now? What happened?
Is it clear? No. Do I know what game got reduced to 0? No and I'll definitely not check all 240 giveaways to check.
What got reduced? What happened? Why games from 3+ years ago? thats stupid imo.
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Sure, I agree with that of course - it would be good to get some announcement of which bundles get added to these no value lists
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Of course I was generalizing a bit. My intention was not to dish on classics people love. But more about the fact that these really don't have any worth. If they where in a bundle which costs 1 eur and was given away afterwards - I really see no problem of it being reduced or no value.
I really doubt anyone will pay for this game full price or anything near it after it has been in a bundle which costs almost nothing. Especially in this day and age where we can with two clicks find out when it has cost what.
Of course people buy them to get value, but if you bought it to specifically make a bundle and get value out of it - then I of course get why you wouldn't like the decision of value being removed, but it's obvious it was bought for the sole reason of getting the most CV from nonexistent contribution from your side.
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And there is nothing wrong with that.
If these games were from a 1€ bundle at that time of course - go ahead.
But why now? Why 3 years later? I have given away 6 or 7 (idk) games in the last 10 months and all of a sudden a game I've given away YEARS and YEARS ago is getting reduced to 0.
Was it in a 1€ bundle at that time? I dont know and I will definitely not check but thats just sucky.
If people buy 1€ bundles or asset flip games to increase CV? Sure - let them fell down to 0CV I'm all down for that but you reduced games from years and years ago (3years+) without any notice whatsoever and realtalk?
That sucks.
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What I can gather from your comment is that you gave away games from such bundles as you had value reduced... Sure, not arguing it's not sucky. I just find it weird to have it as a reason to suddenly stop giving away games.
Unless staff has made a mistake with something, it should all be in line... of course it sucks that the reaction was so slow, but the site is run by volunteers. Dealing with issues is going to take time. So value or not we are all keeping the community and site alive. Levels don't even give you any advantage - that's why it seems so ridiculous for people to give such backlash over something so minor. I think my most wins are level 2-3 ... I don't think I have actually won anything in level 6... and handful of items on level 5 ..
Even as a question of principle it's so minor and irrelevant I just find these reactions out of line.
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My mindset is: Yes I want to giveaway games but also with the additional value of leveling up.
Seeing my CV reduced over night without any clear explanation on why kills every fun for me giving away games.
For what? Leveling up and joining higher leveled giveaway is the reason and the best addition to do so.
No matter if the site is run by volunteer's or not. If a game is getting 0 CV after a few weeks after creating - sure why not.
But its been 3+ years and all of a sudden the CV for said games is 0. Volunteer or not - thats a stupid system.
It kills the fun for me giving away games because I'll never level up like that so I'll simply stop completely and just giveaway games through discord without the appeal of leveling up anywhere because that was my main reason to giveaway games.
If the reaction is out of line - sure think that way. Its just me stopping because I'm loosing levels for giveaways I made years and years ago and for what? For 0CV-
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Oh but we don't lack such people.... We haven't had a free game given away by HB or other site for some time... but have you noticed how people rush to give away these games second after they receive it? Hoping they will get CV from free giveaways if they manage to cheat the system by just a second...... Or those special people who create fake accounts to claim 10-20 copies and give all away here........ oh yeah - they do out of kindness of their hearths.
Apologies - not implying that's why you do or you do it only for value. But the whole deal is going on to fight those people specifically. Bundles as well - yeah fine, we have a lot of people who give away games just for giving it away, but discussions have shown we have some veeeery greedy and self-centered people here. So again - sorry if I came of harsh here, but I think it's not that small of a problem not to be addressed.
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I don't policy the quality, i reacted only on your "saying nobody needs or wants these games is a bit much", with the fact that need/want say nothing on sg because the entries could be from autojoiners.
I played one of the Sakura VN games (not completed) and i liked it.
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Thanks for the answer joz and everyone else actually (Indeed I didn't get the notification xD). I understand the arguments of everybody but why not propose a more reduced value in this case or add another levels? Because actually, it was not against the rules and you penalize people years after. And to be honest I don't really see the difference between a guy who get many levels by buying 1$ bundle and a guy who give 50 or 100 copies of the same cheap games he probably get for free (unless it's the developper himself).
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I just don't get the CV thing ?? 🤔
It took me just over 5 years (June) to get to Level 8.03 CV
Not using asset flip games then it dropped last month to 7.98 CV
so i made some more giveaways and got back up to Level 8.05 CV
This was 3 days ago.
I made 8 giveaways all been in Bundles HB that i had left over
Railroad Tycoon II Platinum
Army Men RTS
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
Railroad Tycoon 3
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition
Emily is Away Too
All marked as received more than 5 Entry's each Game.
Yes i Know you lose 15% due to bundled games
And all i got was 0.02 for them ?? (I don't Know if this is right Or wrong)
So my Level went to 8.07 CV
Now to-day its 7.94 CV 😭😭😭
Bit disappointed will have to Make more Giveaways LOL. 😹😹 😹
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the CV part is only fractions between two levels. In the table you can see the values for each level. in the 8th level you need value of $1000 to get to another level. As level fractions (8.01; 8.02; 8.03; ... ;8.n) divide the level in 100 parts you can calculate it by dividing 1000 by 100. Hence 0.01 in level 8 (and 7) represents $10 of given value. Sure hope I didn't mess up here anything.. :D Feel free to correct me if I did
Also you don't lose 15% but you get only 15% of the full value of the GA... so either the complete value was $10 or maybe you lost some CV between checking the values..
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So I made this topic for people who wonder when they will level up. I based this list on cg's post days ago and after seeing the Real CV calculator tool that our fellow SG user knsys created here I realized it's pretty much in line with it. The mistake most people make is, that they base their CV on the "Gifts Sent" value, but that one now counts all bundle games with their full value. You don't get 30$ CV anymore from your first few bundle games, they are now always calculated into your CV level with only 15% of their full value. Also you need to have at least 5 entries on your giveaway. For a full explanation of CV Levels and Reduced CV/No CV giveaways click here and here
You can check your Real CV here and compare it to this list (kinda redundant now that knsys added your specific range to the calculator :D)
I try to update the table from time to time, if you need the current live numbers check here at the bottom of the page.
In case you are wondering why these are static & not dynamic like in the beta ?
So these are correct for now.
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