Thank you Kiru for your time and assistance to the community. WL you, welcome to my 💙 pal. God bless you. =D
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It is not. I don't give AAA games every other day and, if you ignore some, don't give max. CV $1 bundles, 5 copies each. Level 10 is not my primary goal and I was boosted to level 10 for a couple of days (-> "Daedalic bug") and it was not that different ;)
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Wow. 85% of users give nothing, then another 10% only give one gift. That means only 5% of the SG users actually give anything away on SG. There's literally no reason to ever create a giveaway below level 2 unless you just like promoting the leecher mentality.
I wonder if the stats on this table are still current.
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Thanks! It's interesting to see the current state of users/levels.
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So i'm in the 1% of users...or 7% of above lvl 1 users........i don't feel that special since this lvl doesn't really help that much in winning stuff.......
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only a few really know the pleasure of gift games with no regrets
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How to know the contribution value of a gift ?
thank you
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It's in the FAQ.
What are "No Value", "Reduced Value", and "Full Value" giveaways? How do they affect my overall contributor value?
When creating a giveaway and selecting a game, you'll notice "No Value" games are marked with a double asterisk (**), and "Reduced Value" games with a single asterisk (*). If you hover over those icons, you'll see the effective date for the value adjustments. For example, if a game is marked with a single asterisk (*), and hovering the icon shows "Reduced value since January 4, 2018", this would mean giveaways created for that game on January 4, 2018 or later will receive reduced contributor value. Games typically receive no value or reduced value when they're featured in bundles, heavily discounted, or available for free in online promotions. Their values are adjusted this way to better represent their true value. Keep in mind, the asterisk icons are just for reference, and the value of a game can be backdated if we need to make retroactive changes.
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I know and that doesn't answer my question.
Can we know the contribution value of a gift ?
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I don't want to offer free game.
A free game ** does not offer any contribution I understand and this is normal.
no I ask for all other games *
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There are 3 different categories when you go to create a GA and it depends on what's next to the name of the game you want to give away.
No asterisk next to the game = 100% of the USD Steam price (Ignoring sale price).
One asterisk next to the game = 15% of the USD Steam price (Ignoring sale price).
Two asterisks next to the game = 0%, the game was given for free somewhere and will not count towards contribution.
Also the contribution value can and will change over time as prices on the steam store are affected, like a game that was sold at 60$ and then reduces it's price to 30$ the contribution will also be changed to reflect that change
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Read the FAQ, section "Contributor Value and Levels":
The giveaways you created were "no value" giveaways, as they are or have been given away for free.
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Far from all on level 10 are generous.
A good bunch only abuse the cv system with very overpriced game shaped things from shady russian grey market stores and/or 30 accounts + bots on different freebie sites.
For the normal leveled ones would it be nice and earned :o)
Thanks for the stats and Happy New Year.
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I "fake create" a giveaway with that game and look for the * or ** symbol next to its name when the system recognizes it, then just close the page without creating the giveaway.
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Oh yeah, I missed the part they were at giveaway limit. Goes to show when you're in a hurry, don't read half the post, wait until you have time to properly read it.
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no but since some of your giveaway end on Sunday best just to wait and if you want to do this in future just level at least one slot free
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Because it was created 7 years ago but it is not dead :P It still gets updated.
Bump for visibility^^
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I´m a recent user and just found this thread now (was looking how level was calculated). Was so surprised with the amount of users Steamgifts has (1M+ very respectable number, although most of them probably only registred and never really used it!!) and also with the 95% number of people that have never contributed a thing!!!
I have been doing my giveaways open and to all levels but i see that is much more fair to be doing only level 2 and up because those are the people that have contributed at least something to the community. I really don´t like leechers and if all the giveaways are done for level 2+, they will tend do lose interest (i would think...)
Bump, bump
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lvl2+ is a fine starting point for GAs, you could easily set it higher but that's ofcourse up to each user and what they prefer.
Go here and scroll to the bottom, that'll give you a precise number of the users levels here on SG.
Oh, and welcome aboard :)
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lvl2+ GAs are a mix of Playing Appreciated, Playing Matters, Unlucky-7 and my WL.
And the lvl4+ is for the public GAs.
If I'm not mistaken, you qualify for Unlucky-7 normal membership.
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Welcome on sg :o)
You spotted a good thread.
From the 1 M+ users are, maybe, 15k active users. That let the stats look very different.
A min. level for your public GAs, is always smart. Not only because of the leechers but because of the autojoiners too.
Would be sad to feed the autojoiners with your games.
One of my members and i catched in the last weeks 45 autojoiners.
The catched ones are/were 31x level 0-1 (16 perma suspended), 14x level 2-7 (9 perma suspended).
Which means level 2 should be the minimum.
200 autojoiner tickets are still open.
Besides that got 26 multiaccounters and regifters catched in the last few weeks.
You can check accounts/your winners with:
If someone have red marks there request a reroll and put the link(s) into the support ticket.
Infos and tests, made from other users: (The interesting stats) (public GA, Entries: 2,038) (invite only GA that was posted in the description of the public one, Entries: 63)
A few low level accounts are normal users, without a doubt, and it is sad that they get hit too when someone set a min. level for his public GAs but it isn't possible to avoid it when the extreme majority of the level 0 and 1 accounts are autojoiners, multiaccounters and accounts with unactivated wins.
Have a great weekend
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Thanks Masafor
Yes 15k users is a more real number (and very respectable also). If it was 1M also you, would never win a game anyaway and would quit real fast. That number is more manageable and you can give your games and also win once in a while, it´s only fair...
You and the other members who "police" to keep a good environment have your hands full!!! All those autojoiners and multi accounters and all the rest give you a handful. I´m surprised there are 14 autojoiner with such high levels (2-7)
I´ll have to look at the links you send more carefully and try to understand all the information you´re sharing with me
It´s a shame for the low levels, for sure, but if they really want to participate in the spirit of the group they can easily get to at least level 2 and be a "real member" and not only a leecher.
I´m never having GAs below level 2 again!!!! Not fair for everyone ;)
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Ok Nate, thanks
I think i do qualify, i read the rules real fast.
This is a hell of a community here. Just now i´m starting to scratch the surface of all the giveaways, groups and forum threads. Wow, it´ll take some time to be up to par.
Thanks again
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So I made this topic for people who wonder when they will level up. I based this list on cg's post days ago and after seeing the Real CV calculator tool that our fellow SG user knsys created here I realized it's pretty much in line with it. The mistake most people make is, that they base their CV on the "Gifts Sent" value, but that one now counts all bundle games with their full value. You don't get 30$ CV anymore from your first few bundle games, they are now always calculated into your CV level with only 15% of their full value. Also you need to have at least 5 entries on your giveaway. For a full explanation of CV Levels and Reduced CV/No CV giveaways click here and here
You can check your Real CV here and compare it to this list (kinda redundant now that knsys added your specific range to the calculator :D)
I try to update the table from time to time, if you need the current live numbers check here at the bottom of the page.
In case you are wondering why these are static & not dynamic like in the beta ?
So these are correct for now.
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