It's so sad. They're only up to 2270 bundles sold!

Why aren't you all rushing to buy it?!


Edit: I'm being sarcastic. Obviously it's a horrible bundle.

I don't have Alien Hallway yet... is $1 low enough for my OCD? Time will tell. XD

Edit: ...OCD wins... I spent $1 :p

12 years ago*

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My bank card was frozen/invalidated. Even then, idk...
only two that looks worth it are Alien Hallway and depth hunter...

12 years ago

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Not interested in any of those games.

Besides that, I'm starting to suffer from some serious Indie Bundle fatigue. Why can't we have like one good bundle every few months, rather than three shitty bundles every single month?

12 years ago

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Well.. we do have a good bundle every few months. It's just that there's a lot of bad bundles coming in-between them. And things are definitely going downhill lately. At least the latest Humble Indie Bundle is excellent.

12 years ago

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HiB 5 and Indie Gala 5 have been Amazing ( I know not all the Indie Galas are steamworks but its pretty dawmn awesome Bundle never the less Ninja Blade FTW)

12 years ago

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I don't think things have been going downhill. There's been some decent bundles from Indie Royale and Groupees (Be Mine), and Indie Gala hasn't been that bad, either. Even the Bundle In A Bos Adventure Bundle is pretty decent. Sure, not every bundle is to everyone's taste, but if we only had a Humble one every few months we'd have a lot less choice. Probably more money, though. :)

12 years ago

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It's an efficient way of selling rather unknown games. Problem is, not all of them are great. Just take what you want.

12 years ago

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I tought about paying $1 for Alien Hallway alone, but then I figured that I could buy an extra copy of Fortix with that dollar that would probably provide more enjoyment.

12 years ago

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Fortix FTW!

12 years ago

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those games really don't interested me, i prefer buying the humble bundle :)

12 years ago

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I'd probably be all over than Humble Bundle if I didn't already own Psychonauts.

But then, the only game I ever really played from a bundle was Fortix 2 from Indie Gala 2. I just hoard them.

12 years ago

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I used to support them and bought their bundle before but one of their "admins" in their Steam group is a total ass and abused his power by kicking people out of chat and bitching at people for no reason. Supposedly he is an "employee" of GATT and his terrible actions got him demoted but he has since been promoted back to admin. I decided not to ever support them again if they have such a douche representing them. I was about to help them out by donating to get them to E3 but stopped when I realized what a shitbag he was.

12 years ago

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Tompi Jones looks like it could possibly be worth more than a dollar when it's finished, and at least they're offering a $1 option this time, but the current Humble Bundle certainly does make all these pretenders look silly.

Bundle-in-a-Box is a bit more promising, but very niche - that's struggling to get 4,000 sales on the clock despite accelerating it's price drops tenfold. I assume Indie Gala only looks like it's doing so much better by counting all the Happy Hour gifts they give away as sales.

Meanwhile, Humble have just passed the third-of-a-million bundle mark. Crazy stuff.

12 years ago

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Bundle In A Box isnt actually that Bad. If you have missed the bundle with Gemini Rue (like me), it's well worth to buy it. And It's a very good adventure game on my wish list a long time :-)

Btw I bought some extra copies to give out to friends later.

Hib 5 is unbeatable though...

12 years ago

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i'm going to give you a reason: THE REASON

12 years ago

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Im thinking of chipping in to this one just for Superbrothers and a steam version of Amnesia to replace my DRM free amazon copy I bought.

12 years ago

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So, how long till everyone owns most of the games in the bundles? It is already starting to happen here and there with me.

12 years ago

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Well people only want 2 things from the indie bundles, good games and steam keys, most of the bundles dont serve either those points... or they give games already in other previous bundles in the case of or poor games in the case of indie face kick ofc they will not sell ...

If the games are not top notch like bastion for example at least give to the people 5 steam games and alot of people will buy the bundle (alot of guys dont care about the drm-free exe and desuraยดs keys).

you can see humble bundle 5 its a perfect example what am talking about, all steam keys and good games = 2.5M+ guarantee
Like the humble bundle 4 with super meat boy, shank and jamestown again good games and they cash in 2.3m

12 years ago

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My favorite part about that site is that if you keep clicking the "Scroll up/down" arrows, they skip right over the section where you actually buy the thing. :P

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Xiangming.