I see nothing wrong with it, pretty much just lets you play until the full release comes out, just an extra choice. It's a better pre-order.
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The game industry is such flux right now, with DLC becoming what is, companies trying to figure out how to play it, F2P revenue models, everything becoming digitally delivered, the growth of mobile platforms etc, I don't really know what to think any more....
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I dont like it because if they allowing you to pay for a game before pre-release it more feels like a paid beta to me rather than an actual game and i feel like this is quite unfair. But I can see that this is now the current trend and something we are all going to have to deal with
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more like buying into an unfinished car. You can take it for a spin anytime after you purchase it, but chances are a wheel might fall off.
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is like buying a game and getting a really bad/good demo instead
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I like it. It can be thought of like a late term Kickstarter. You can preorder the game,play immediately, and unlike regular preorders, that money can actually contribute to the development of the game you just bought.
People just need to educate themselves and know what they're getting into when they buy these unfinished games.
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It's fine, but I just personally see no reason for it whatsoever. I don't have a problem with it happening, I just think it's pointless. Why would you pay for an unfinished product in advance without even knowing much about it or having tried it before? The same applies to "pre-purchase" offers. For me, it needs to be a really special game that I hands down know I will enjoy for me to even consider pre-ordering it, physical or Steam. The last game I remember pre-ordering is Borderlands 2, and that's purely because of the super limited edition and how much I played the first one to death. For a new IP, or something that's just been greenlit, it's like pre-ordering but you've already paid up-front. I just don't know why people do it.
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I could see myself investing in a game if I was really interested in the concept, I just agree with others in that it seems a little like a paid beta. I'm fine with my "donation" aiding the production of the game, it's just that as an unfinished title we should not have to pay for the privilege of playing it. The best example is the only real early access game I'm interested in, StarForge. To me that has a lot of potential, but in its current state I don't want to pay to play it.
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I see absolutely no negatives in Early Access. For people like me, who like the idea of prepurchasing a game with a beta thrown in, they can do just that. For those that don't like it, they can completely ignore the entire early access section and wait for the game to be released. I understand people not liking it, but I don't understand people that think it's a bad concept that should be abolished.
In your example with StarForge, you can just not purchase it and get it when it's released like you would have normally. In fact, it's a boon to you because with all the money and testing they get, they will most likely deliver a better product sooner than they would have. For example, Early Access allowed the developer of Kenshi to quit his job and focus on development full time, which is leading to much faster content releases, which will lead to a full version faster for those that don't want to buy the beta.
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if this is what it takes for the developers to get the funding they need to MAKE GOOD GAMES than im all for it but if its just a trick to keep pushing out crap than ill save my money and wait and see.
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If it's free early access, it's totally a great idea.
If it's paid early access, then give the player the full version of the game when it comes out for paying early.
Early access lets the community and the developers of games to communicate and help fix issues, improve gaming mechanics, fixing bugs, and just making the game feel better in the end anyway. Alpha's and Beta's are a good thing, and Steam gives them a good place to get their name out there and more people to help make the game better.
But if they make it paid early access and then you have to pay for the game again when it comes out, that's just a cheap move that shouldn't happen. Unless early access is something cheap like $5.
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Minecraft sold in Alpha and Beta, a very successful example of doing that.
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Indeed. By the time Minecraft hit their 1.0 release, there was already a sizable community of players, modders, and Youtubers making suggestions and bringing new people into the fold. Having the early versions out made all of that possible.
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I think it's a terrible idea, but that's just my opinion. They're charging full price for a game that's not yet finish so the game you play now may not be the game you get at release. Also, if the game ends up being an abomination or takes years to get finished you're the one that loses because they already made that sale.
It's like 1, 2, 3 Kick it and how they sold the game at full price but it was only a demo (and not a very good one) and it has taken the forever and a day to work on it. Now they have scrapped the old idea of the game and decided to try something new and it made it into the "Early Access" section even though it was sold before as a full game. I think the new version is more boring than the original because the game has no objective, you literally fly strait around until you reach the end of the song.
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Actually, it's not even full price for Arma 3. Alpha is around $32-33, Beta is around $45, and Full release is $50+. So this right now is the best deal until Steam Sales for people to pick it up. I cannot say the same for other games such as Kerbal Space Program.
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It would be a terrible idea for the reasons you explained....if they forced you to buy the games :P
No one is forcing anybody to buy these alpha/early access games, if you have those kind of worries, then don't buy them. All the games have their own community hub afaik, so you can always check discussions to see how the game has progressed and how fun/playable it is already.
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i think its great for small titles actually.
its kind of like a kick starter but the steam community is backing it
example: Prison Architect
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What do you guys think about early access games on steam? like insurgency and arma 3 alpha. do any of you think this shouldnt be on steam? in my oppinion its a great way to make games be their greatest upon release.
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