I prefer dark elf, all zapping mage.How about you?

11 years ago*

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With as much cheats as possible fighting everybody in towns.

11 years ago

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I've played the same basic "Roguish" character ever since Morrowind. Always a Dark Elf, usually with an emphasis on archery and sneaking.

11 years ago

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Weird that it isn't more popular but I've played a Breton in all TES games. Just because of the magic resist. You can even become fully immune to magic in Morrowind (50% racial, 66% that light armor or 25% from two other items, one of them was a ring I think). Too bad they nerfed it to 25% magic resist in Skyrim.

Weirdly enough I never actually used magic all that much, just the melee/archery weapons. Seeing as all the races get a fair shot at using those and the only thing that changes is the starting value (which is insanely easy and fast to level up to a "decent" amount) I didn't see any negatives.

11 years ago

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Nord battlemage

11 years ago

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Whichever race has the bonuses I want the most. My playstyle? Steal everything

11 years ago

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Nord Rogue, Skyrim was my first TES game and I went in blind.

11 years ago

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kitty assasin

11 years ago

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I'm always an Argonian, big fan of the unlimited swim and it's useful in some areas to easily get to hidden underwater areas.

11 years ago

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I'm always Argonian, but for the disease thing, not water. First time I played something other than Argonian, and I literally had three diseases within ten minutes. (talking Skyrim, was always Argonian in oblivion and before) Ataxia is the only one which its name I can remember.

11 years ago

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Nord with heavy armor and two handed axe.
Took a liking to sneaky bow-Argonian too.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

11 years ago

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Always a Khajiit. One handed weapons (dual wielding in Skyrim), heavy armor, bows just when something's at a distance or I'm trying to be stealthy, and pretty much the only magic I use is healing. Also, I'll pick every lock and steal absolutely EVERYTHING. Actually, that's usually part of my character's back story - she was caught stealing, basically in the wrong place at the wrong time, and got charged for much worse.

11 years ago

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I usually like to be a elf of some sort, however I also like being the lizards because water breathing is awesome and just awesome.

11 years ago

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Argonian Battle Mage, I usually go full daedric enchant it so I have unlimited destruction and conjuration casting and max my one handed so I have options.

11 years ago

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Always Elf if possible... I like them ears... usually play with any kind of big sword I can get, but when I played Skyrim I played with a bow the entire time.

11 years ago

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Khajiit for when I want to play stealth, and Imperial when I play as an archer.

11 years ago

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I usually end up playing a bunch of different races, besides the magic-based ones. Play style... well, for one, I REALLY hate USING magic. Doesn't matter what game it is (unless it's a traditional turn-based RPG, I find exception here) I just don't like using magic. I'm a "rush into danger" type of person. Sometimes though, I do stray from that and go the stealth route, but that's only because stealing (IN GAMES!) is so much fun.

11 years ago

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i used to play wood elves until i realized i was an argonian. i like using swords and restoration at the same time. 8) here's to hoping the next main game takes place in black marsh.

11 years ago

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Usually end up as a breton spellsword. I like to mix melee combat with destruction/conjuration magic.

However, I have a tendency to try to stealth my way into dungeons with the bow first until I'm discovered, then all hell breaks loose.

11 years ago

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breton generally, usually armor sword and shield type of thing with some magic, usually healing(i know, don't really need but I like it) and whatever buff type stuff the game has because its fun to jump so high you fall to your death, and probably random other spells that looked cool/fun. games are easy enough you don't need to optimize your build or race or whatever so you can pretty much do anything so I usually do everything

11 years ago

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My main characters are always an Argonian called Lezard, on Oblivion it was a Heavy Warrior and in Skyrim is a Bow - Dagger Assassin.
I still have get Morrowind and the other previous games to try them out but I have a big backlog so that may take a while.

11 years ago

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Thats funny, mine is 'Lezord' :D

11 years ago

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Way back when I played Daggerfall, I probably made a Breton. I was young and just wanted to play something that looked like me. Since then, I've always played Dunmer.

11 years ago

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Nord dual sword user ;)

11 years ago

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Argonian battlemage. WOOSH

11 years ago

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Arena: Imperial - Mostly just ran around killing stuff till I died.

Morrowind: I play argonian armed with spear and light armor. I tended to explore everything and try to do the mages, theives and fighters guild quest chains. Don't think I ever finished the main quest on it.

Oblivion: Ended up being breton due to the extra magicka. Did all the quests I could and the main quest would usually bug out at some point on me. Would get most of the skills up.

Skyrim: Either high elf or breton. Archer/theif to start. 100% achievements at the moment after dragonborn dlc came out.

11 years ago

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Morrowind breton and Oblivion breton

11 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Rinarin.