Should we all buy stuff for lukasz18dg?
The bosses weren't the greatest but I still enjoyed the game. Not something I want to go back and play though. I think a lot of people disliked the pvp but I'm not big on it so no love lost there for me.
I just hope they dont push back DS3 too much if at all. Its snuggled in perfectly with some other games I'm wanting to play before and after DS3.
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I don't play enough of the pvp stuff to care, or know enough about it to compare them, really... :)
I think new people get frustrated that some jerk is coming to spoil all their progress/kill them/whatever, but after a while they realise it doesn't matter and just have fun... :)
Especially when people get invaded in low-level areas, I tell them don't worry about it, if that guy actually wanted to kill you you'd be dead already. :)
I can wait, already have several lifetimes worth of backlog on Steam... :) Forgetting to play one right now, actually... :)
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Actually I screwed up, the original plan was to skip both the bonfire achievement and the estus flask achievement, but I rested at the very first bonfire out of habit. :(
To leave the asylum without the estus flask... I don't know why it works, but do this:
roll boulder
quit + reload game
open boss door - first try fails. second try works.
Don't talk to Oscar of Astora, just ignore him. This also means you won't be able to get the rusted iron ring later, since you'll never get through the first locked door up the stairs.
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Actually, I have some bad news about that... :)
I can't say for NG, but in NG+, if you decide not to run away from the Asylum Demon to get his hammer drop, he doesn't drop the key, so your no-estus run is dead at that point. Wonder how I know that?
oops :(
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It's an interesting challenge, at the start of the game anyway. :) Of course if you've played enough that it doesn't sound insane, you've played enough that you aren't going to miss it much... :)
One thing, if you combine it with a SL1 run, you won't be able to get a pyromancy flame (It's behind that locked door in the Asylum, Laurentius won't give one to Pyromancers, and you won't have enough INT to get one from Eingyi) so there's no Power Within or Black Flame or anything... :)
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You mean level 1 run i guess. I am not that good lol espically i finished the game only a month ago and played Ds 2 afterwards. So i am pretty sure if i open now my all habits long gone i need to try some to gain it back but i want to try more games before i play Dark Souls again. I want to add because of that habits i couldn't learn parry in Ds 2 :(
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Well, since you already finished Dark Souls, you know the best advice is "don't get hit." :) And staying level 1 isn't so bad really, since you can still upgrade your weapons, and a fully upgraded pyromancy flame is like easy mode... :)
I guess there are always exceptions, but my feeling is any time I get hit in Dark Souls, I made a mistake. So I should figure out what I did wrong, and do something else next time. :) Oh, except for PVP, I'm always getting hit there, no matter what I do... :)
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The thing is i only know about melee weapons. I have never used pyromancy or magic for my first and only run. Last week just out of curiosity i opened 2 magic users in both game just to see how that works and that felt like a bit of easy compared to melee So i have no idea about pyromancy to make run like that :D
Not getting hit part i agree completely. That was my mind set while playing the game. And with the bosses i struggle most, i slayed them without getting hit once at the end Ceaseless Discharge and Stray Demon :D I haven't tried pvp on DS 1 but i tried a little in DS 2 even though i have never won. Not knowing magic hurts you at pvp. :(
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Well, sorcery with high intelligence is going to do more damage than pyromancy, but since pyromancy has no stat requirements you can use it with any build that has enough attunement to memorise spells. And if you're on a low-level character, pyromancy will probably do more damage than any of your weapons. And cursed + sanctus + power within, dusk's crown, bellowing dragoncrest ring, red tearstone = a lot of damage. But try not to get hit... :)
All I know about magic in PVP on Dark Souls 1 is try to roll through their spells... :) But I'm pretty useless... :)
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Ahh, unfortunately I've only just started Dragon's Dogma, I don't know the first thing about that game. :( I don't know if it's just button mashing, if you have to manage stamina, if you dodge attacks, anything at all... :(
I should've been playing it instead of giving away all this Payday junk, actually... :) And now I'm falling asleep... :( Hope I can remember to try it tomorrow... :)
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To be honest, I still don't really understand his concept / idea, but oh well. Thank you for the giveaways :')
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Probably. Very nice of you to fulfil his wish if he can read ;) :)
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Thank you! :) I doubt there's much to say about 100 random Payday DLC junks anyway... :)
But one advantage of having several giveaways running simultaneously, it's easier to spot the thanksbotters... :)
Mix it up a bit, lazy people! Don't puke the same gif in every giveaway... :)
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I always put a simple "Thanks! :-)" in all the GAs I enter, but I don't do that to not have any work in writing or anything, it's just because the majority of the time no one put's any description in the GAs... :-(
Should I don't write anything at all instead? :-|
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Probably. Looks like some script work when someone makes bunch of public giveaways and every time you say same thing.
Heck, there are horror stories of GA makers who got annoyed that winner wrote them "thank you for giveaway, couldn't thank on steam so I'm leaving my thanks comment here".
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Well, I can only tell you my opinion... :) Which is worth nothing... :)
If a person enters a giveaway, but they can't think of anything to say about the game, how much do they actually want it? :) And if they don't actually want it, why are they trying to win it? :)
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Most of the times I have something to say about the game or about what I think of the game, but if I'm entering in a GA I don't have that game that's for sure, so actually I don't think I'm qualified to say much about the majority of the GA's I enter. But I have to confess, that sometimes I enter some GA's just because I think the game is cool enough or for the lols and I'm a Collector! (please forgive-me for that). :-D
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Hmm, I'll pass, but have a Down With The King... :)
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You sir, are so kind.<3 (I still didn't get his thread though)
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Somehow I have the impression our dear lukas is somewhat remotely interested inPayday... A shame his suggestion wouldn't work for forum giveaways...
wait, this could be a new suggestions, just have people pay to have them automatically entered in any private giveaway from their wishlist!
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lol seems a bit overkill but I guess he deserves it for being lazy.
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considering that I've joined at least 75% of the junk giveaways, i'l be considering them as 'not junk'
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that's a pity. For what it's worth, you should listen to some of the music from the game. That's one of the best features that almost everyone who played them can agree to
Just let it play in the background. Most of it starts off slow because that's the pre-assault phase (the buildup). When the assault phase starts... let's just say it's badass. Start from number 3 though
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so much junk, I didn't enter any of it :(
well here is some more junk, you can add it to the main post if you want :)
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Well, I don't really know, but it makes no difference what we think anyway... :)
I've seen a lot of people suspended for "joke begging" here over the years, so I assume it still happens... Guess it depends on what the support person who happens to read it thinks, assuming any of them are around right now. :)
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294 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by TwixClub
24 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by Myrsan
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1,598 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ingrid88
Ahh, reading [redacted] I was struck by the injustice of it all...
Here's a fine upstanding member of the community, bravely sacrificing his points to enter our giveaways, and yet... Somehow, not having enough points to enter all of them... :(
What is to be done?
Well, after careful consideration, I found the solution! Instead of taking his chances on random junk he doesn't really want, why don't we make sure he can find all the best games, in one convenient location?
junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk
junk? junk? junk?
Oh, and one bonus private giveaway for a game that's not on his wishlist, in case anyone's bothered to read this far...
not junk
Bonus from rclbob: some more junk. Thank you! :)
Bonus from:Ceebers more junk. Thank you! :)
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