We all have had that moment.

Blazing in battle, gloriously ripping apart enemies and sucking in the rewards, or desperately trying to heal up in a battle gone wrong but nearly over.

Then it happens. You f**k up. You miscalculate, and miss a step, or attack 0.01 seconds too late, or RNGesus frowns upon you. You die. You perish. You scream in frustration. As you go back, to re challenge the battle yet again, you find yourself blessed with abundance. Crit after crit upon scum and pointless minion. Then, as you reach the final stages of the challenge, It happens again.

You find your sword unable to perform. Your eyes tighten , hands shake as they grip the keyboard and mouse with the strength of a titan.

'No.' You think. 'I shall not fail for the 1754th time.' And you grin, as the RNG gods have always smiled upon you before the fight, despite complete evidence the RNG gods do not give 2 shits upon you.

You raise your axe, your sword, your bow. You charge.

Your death comes even swifter because of that. Cursing, with the last potions spent, your body damaged right down to its molecular level that your pheromones begin to emit spores as you become a vegetable, you plan your last action.

Then- Lord Gaben appears, in all holiness, and smiles at you. You stare in awe. You feel yourself empowered with the luck of the Valve Warriors. Your final charge is a success. You destroy the obstacle, and Lord Gaben fades away as you laugh maniacally at overcoming this. Your eyes then widen, as you eye the +500 damage attachment, along with the l33t equipment of your ultimate fetishical gaming fantasies. As you draw closer-

Power failure. Lights out. The whole neighborhood is void of electricity. Valve servers are taken offline.


The End.

P.S. It's 42 degrees celcius in Australia and i'm nightblogging. Please send some dried ice to P Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.

P.P.S. Shadow Of Mordor key has been redeemed, that was fast.

10 years ago*

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Uhh... I'm sorry to say, I don't think I have had that moment actually...

10 years ago

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3 words, 16 letters.

Dark. Souls. .... 2?

10 years ago

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+1 Nemo Reference! :)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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thought you were talking about Doctor Who.

10 years ago

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All those words put together and this is all I ended up with: The Moment

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Super. Meat. Boy.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by SZShot.