Hello, guys. I would like to know if there are good coop games with good support/healer class. MMORPGs take too much time and I don't like mobas very much (already tried DotA 2, LoL and HOTS). I play Overwatch, but it's not exactly what I like. I would like something more like Extinction Mode from Call of Duty: Ghosts. Every player in this 4 coop gamemode had an specific role (Weapon Specialist, Tank, Engineer, and Medic). This is the only game I can think about this aspect, besides maybe Borderlands.

Edit: For more examples, Overwatch Uprising event had a 4 coop gamemode as well, with Mercy as a Healer!

7 years ago*

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TF2 ?
(it has a healer, but I don't know if it is a good class)

7 years ago

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TF2 is like Overwatch, but thanks for the reply! A cooperative game like Borderlands or Extinction from CoD Ghosts where do you have a support class would be nice. I'm kinda tired of competitive multiplayer games.

7 years ago

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Before you rule out competition entirely, here's one that's co-op among your human teammates versus a monster (that happens to be controlled by another player): Evolve [edit - the asymmetric nature of it may make it less like conventional competitive multiplayer.]

Now free-to-play, it's no cost to try it, and features four classes, one of which is a medic. I haven't played it since it's gone f2p, but I did enjoy it over a free weekend. If I recall, I was most successful as the alien medic, Slim, who has a healing drone and a stick bomb that blocks the monster's scent ability.

7 years ago

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I played it a little bit since it's gone f2p, but the matches take so long. :( But indeed it is a great suggestion. It's similar with what I like, but I didn't like this game very much. Thank you anyway.

7 years ago

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Thank you for the thread - I'm interested in seeing what it turns up. There have been a lot of attempts to reinvigorate co-op with variations on different game modes (a lot of horde mode options, for example), but it seems hard to get things to click. Borderlands 2 stands out for me, but talgaby's covered it below - while the characters are distinct, the game isn't much about healing others (aside from reviving teammates, which anyone can do).

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Happy cake day!

7 years ago

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Killing Floor/KF2.

7 years ago

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Oh, I didn't know KF had a support class. I'll check out, thanks!

7 years ago

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Yep, and your entire squad's survival relies on the Healer class immensely on higher difficulty levels.

7 years ago

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Brink (quite desert now). Dirtybomb, Paladin
this is just MMO i play

7 years ago

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Brink is a F2P, oh. I'll try to get some friends to play with! Thanks!

7 years ago

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Borderlands 2 Nurse Maya builds (although it is not that particularly effective there, sheer dps can get you a lot further). Plus it takes MMORPG levels of time to reach a decent OP8 build and get good enough gear for that level to raid with.
Most any of the Battlefield games, especially before it turned into a shallow spectacle shooter. Although it has become so much of a CoD-like series—where the sheep just migrate to the new game the moment it comes out, leaving behind desolate servers—that I have no idea if anyone even plays the old ones. Granted, Battlefield 1 (as in, the latest, 14th game) also has a dedicated medic role.
Unreal Tournament '99/2004 and even UT3 and UT4 can rely a lot on support team members in team-based modes (especially CTF), but since most people either play DM or just create one clusterfuck on the most basic ONS maps, finding an actual match and a team with enough functioning brain cells to actually play support is next to impossible.
Evolve has both a medic and general support class. It also has a ton of idiots and a community that seems to be constantly escaping the sinking ship.
Dead by Daylight has a survivor type who acts like aid, but not really for others, if it makes any sense…

I understand your predicament, but as much as it pains me to write this, but Overwatch seems to have the best choices right now for players who feel the most comfortable in the team support role. Blizzard successfully stole and combined the best ideas and it is the only game I know of where you can be a pure support.
You may try Paladins though. It is a very thinly veiled Overwatch rip-off/clone, but maybe different enough for you…

7 years ago

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Borderlands 2 is one of my favorite games! :D I played a lot of Dead by Daylight too.
BF has a coop mode with medic role? I know about this in multiplayer, but I don`t know about its coop modes.

Yeah, for Overwatch you can feel doing your role and being important (DPS, Tank or Support). I forgot to mention the Uprising event mode where you had offensive (Tracer), defensive (Torbjorn), tank (Rein) and healer (Mercy) to play. It was really fun and about the type of game I want!

7 years ago*

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Try Insurgency

7 years ago

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There's no medic role tho...

7 years ago

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Yeah. The support is a guy with a LMG lmao

7 years ago

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I always liked playing the medic in Battlefield.

7 years ago

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BF:BC2, good ol' days!

7 years ago

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Evolve, Alien Swarm

perhaps Vermintide?

edit: how could I forget Natural Selection 2

7 years ago*

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Thanks! But remember: It must be coop games with good class/support healer. Unlike Evolve, the rest of your suggestion don't seem to have that. They have? I'm gonna give a try later since AS is f2p and I have NS2.

7 years ago*

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Evolve is a sort of hybrid between Co-op and Versus play due to the asymmetric nature of each side and it has a Medic as well as class with support-type roles. It's been a long time since I played Alien Swarm but it definitely had a Medic class and a support-type class in the Tech. Plus it probably has a few good mods too. Natural Selection 2 definitely has a Healer / support-type class in the Gorge and playing as the team commander can also be considered a support role.

As far as Vermintide goes I haven't played it but it's four player co-op vs AI and it does have different characters / classes that you can choose so I wouldn't be surprised if it had such roles.

7 years ago*

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I'm always playing a healer in Space Hulk: Deathwing. And the game is now much better than it was at launch :)

7 years ago

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Same case as Killing Floor: Didn't know about having a healer class. Thank you!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I so much love this franchise ♥ I'm even playing the board game ^^

7 years ago

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I would say Dauntless?
It's currently in closed beta and you can only get access to it through the founder's pack however, it will become a free 2 play game once it's ready (if i'm not wrong).

Its something similar to monster hunter, though I have never played it myself it looks interesting and has a medic role in it. It is a 4-player coop game as well.

7 years ago

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I'm waiting for this game to be released! Hope it turns to be a great f2p game!

7 years ago

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Yeah, I hope so too!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Master X Master (MXM)

Unlike LoL, Dota and HOTS it has a PvE mode. You can do dungeons (up to 3 players) with many difficulty ranks and there's also another mode where you need to defend a base against the waves.

It's Free to play and there's a good amount of support heroes (heals, buffs, shields, crowd control... you name it).

7 years ago

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ohhhhh that looks nice. never heard of it thanks!

7 years ago

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I never heard of it too, but I'll look into it. :) Ty!

7 years ago

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Sounds like the good ole days of

  1. Return to Castle Wolfenstein
  2. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
  3. Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars
7 years ago

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Please note that Co-op (ie, Team PvE) refers to a mode where multiple players play against an environmental or AI opponent (and is mostly what you'd encounter in an MMORPG, excepting ones primarily based in PvP). Team PvP (which covers most MOBAs, most online FPS games, etc) is the mode wherein a team of players competes against another team of players.
If you're looking for games of either mode, you can simply state "team games", as that is the overall category.

I only note the distinction because right now I'm uncertain if you're indicating a preference for a certain flavor of games (as you mention a wide variety, but you also seem to be indicating disinterest in the pvp ones), or if you're trying to indicate that you're open to any team game with a healer class.

7 years ago*

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Some Diablo clones could do the trick (Torchlight, Path of Exile, Titan Quest, etc.)

7 years ago

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Warface in coop mode is exactly you describe.

7 years ago

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+1 [Sniper - Rifleman - Engineer - Medic]

7 years ago

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this game is actually quite fun, except the mech coop missions
its been years that I dont play it due to csgo xD

7 years ago

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The mechs are actually pretty easy once you know how to exploit their weaknesses (even in insane difficulty :)

7 years ago

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thats basically my point lol, you can beat it only if you do that exploit, which for me doesnt
make alot of sense, it gets old really quick.

7 years ago

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Warframe? Is MMO-ish, has lot of grind, but the gameplay is very different. Has at least one "dedicate" healer class.

7 years ago

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p2w :( i played months and months and what you get in 1 year you can pay in 2 seconds xd

7 years ago

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It's not really win as you're not necessarily against others, but anyway, I had plenty fun with it without paying.

7 years ago

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pvp or pve when enemies are lvl 100 xD

7 years ago

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Yeah, I see what you mean.

7 years ago

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That kind of nonsense. You able to sell items for donate money in game and buy anything you want. Also, me and my friends have no any problems with donate. They get all without real money (I'm not top level yet).
If you want get all at the one moment - p2w (like all games) but u will not have experience for it (just boost which u could for in-game different money) and you will not unlock quests and more. If you to play - play and you will get all what you want or possibly get.
Warframe allow to get all without any coin of real money. Tell me your level If you are not agree and I sure u are low-level without knowledge of game..

7 years ago

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It's not though...

Warframe has the option to purchase things with premium currency, yes. But everything is obtainable via playing. Some things require a bit more grind than some will be comfortable with. But most of your basic stuff isn't too difficult to acquire. However it's not something you can easily play casually. You have to put time into it to get its rewards.

Also, unless the game is a competitive one, you can't call it pay to win. Especially with warframe, there's no "win" to pay for.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Battleborn, not sure on Path of exile, maybe some Borderlands builds.
Maybe Victor Vran, Grim Dawn, Diablo 3, Divinity Original Sin 1 or 2, etc.
Moon hunters?

7 years ago*

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Orion Prelude and Guardians of Orion both have the support/healer class and are online co-op. They don't have favorable reviews though.

7 years ago

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Both are fun games, but Prelude shows it's age and Guardians has some issues. The vehicles in Prelude are great though.

7 years ago

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I agree. I played a bit on Prelude and it was mindless fun. Definitely worth a buck.

7 years ago

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I'm not sure about Sanctum 2 but who knows? I know only it have pve, coop and tower defence.
Try Killing Floor 2. I think it is best choice (I don't try this game).
I tried Dark souls by "healer" but I didn't find gameplay very interestring.
Just pve-coop as I know - Don't Starve Together or sandbox Space Engineers.
If u agree to try pvp-coop how about Dead by daylight cause it have too much coop-help to survive from player as serial killer?

For critical situation: yes-yes, I know mmorpg is bad option but I find pve-coop-healer gameplay in small cozy family guilds in... I'm sure nobody not guess xD ... in old-story which called World of Warcraft

7 years ago*

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DbD is one of my most played games! :D I'll check out KF. Dark Souls have healer class? Whaaaaat.

7 years ago

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I want try DbD but have no enough desire for it =)
Yes, DS have. I don't remember correctly but it named like "cleric" or "monk" something like that. This "class" have light spears which have very big damage. This class could heal allies when you come to them. If I'm not mistake.

7 years ago

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If you like RPGs, you might be interested by Lord of the Rings : War in the North. It's coop up to 3 players.
You have Farin, the Dwarf, a tank/berserker/crossbowman; Eradan, the human, a hunter/rogue/swordman, and you have Andriel, the Elf chick, a caster/healer/support.
But clearly, she's not a white mage, you won't cast dozens of healing spells. She casts a sanctuary, a dome which heals the allies inside and deflects the ranged attacks. I think she has also a pure healing spell, but I might be wrong.

I enjoyed this game, it's quite entertaining with friends.

7 years ago

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Does the game have a story you can co-op through, or is it a fighting only game? I've been thinking about it getting it but I'm not sure what it's like.

7 years ago

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Yeah, there's a story... something about getting the Eagles to help you fight in the North, while the Fellowship goes East.
There's a part where you walk around in Rivendell and talk to people including Elrond and I think Gandalf.
You go to a mountain and have to get into a fort at some point.

I can't remember the story beats, but it's a linear story.

7 years ago*

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Yep, there is no arena mode or whatever (though there are some optional maps, the "Skirmish", with waves of enemies). You play the entire campaign with this group of 3 characters. You + 2 AI, you + 1 friend + 1 AI, or you + 2 friends.

There are lots of maps, you travel all around the North (Bree, Angmar, Rivendell, Misty Mountains,etc). Quests, storyline, weapons and armors with stats to loot, three (or four ?) difficulty modes (I spit blood with the hardest one). Basically an action-RPG.
Here is the IGN review.

7 years ago*

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Ok, great. Thank you both for the info!

7 years ago

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This seems like the best suggestion so far in this thread :o Gonna add to my wishlist! Thank you!

7 years ago

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Yeyyy <3
You should watch some Let's play though. As I said, the Elf is not a white mage, you definitely won't heal all the time. But for sure she's very useful, especially in the hardest mode, in which some enemies can one shot you with their ranged fire spells (deflect them with the dome), and your team won't spit on some heals, even if they won't fill your life bar in a second.

Anyway, it's a very decent game, especially if you like The Lord of the Rings.
And you might want to cross your fingers, hoping for a new Humble Warner Bundle. It was in a 1$ tier a few years ago (the first I bought).

7 years ago*

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

7 years ago

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Monster Hunter World is fun to play as support with Hunting Horn. You have to fight the monster to deal damage and your abilities are usefull. The basic is to boost capacities (attack, hp, resistances, etc...) and you can cure (heal, remove poison, etc..) with the appropriate equipment. You can easily play with friends or random people.

And perhaps Divinity Original Sin 2, I never played but I see there are healing spells and coop.

5 years ago

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