Hey guys,

anyone interested in watching a stream where someone is drawing for 10+ hours??
I've been thinking about doing this for a while and finally got the balls after watching some of the Mojam 2 streams. specifically one of those Wolfire guys who created all the art assets.

anyway I'm an artist working on a graphic novel and I've always thought it would be nifty to stream my work for public but i'm way too shy about my artwork and working process to do it. well as i said above i finally got the cojones to do it.

sohere it is. I will probably be working on stop until the page of the book is done which usually takes around 8-10 hours depending on the detail of the frames, feel free to drop in and ask about it or comment on my crappy/good art style or whatever you feel like (be kind XD)

Just figured id spread the word around a few places for reference my avatar is from this comic so expect something to that quality/visual style as being the end product. I will probably be doing more of these as time goes on depending on how it all plays out.

12 years ago*

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Sorry, but when someone named "Sickfarts" asks if I'm, "...interested in a stream," my initial reaction is to simply ignore it - and apparently I wasn't the only one. My curiosity won out as I just felt that there was no way you'd be that obviously sick and seems I was right, but no, not interested. Thanks.

EDIT: Again curiosity beat my ass and I took a peek - not bad artwork, just can't watch a stream of someone drawing though.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Sickfarts.