OMG IT IS SO CUTE! Did you officially adopt him? (With officially I just mean if he is already living with you).
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I had Aussies they're great dogs! He doesn't seem as shaggy as they were so maybe he's mixed? He seems like a really sweet dog though I'm glad you were able to save him
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Ya probably mixed with something then which would make him smaller. Or maybe he was the runt? Vet could probably tell you what breeds most likely.
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Not sure what breed, seems just like a lot of mixed street dogs I see in my country, and they always nice.
More importantly - tell us his name when you decide it!
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Im a cat person but i cant resist a good doggo, sadly my cats go crazy near dogs so i have to contend gushing over other peoples dogs lol
If youre anything like me you will 'wait another day' before finding a place for him, and then again and again until hes sleeping in your bed as a new family member
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I love cats but I would worry with the current dogs. I just don't think I should take the risk. Not when a cats life could be at risk. I love this little guy but if he does have a home or if I can find him someone that will actually take care of him it's probably the best route.
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People around here don't care for dogs the way you seem to think they do. Just going by how he is glued by me it's pretty obvious somebody dumped him. When you factor in he was filthy, covered in ticks and had a belly full of indigestible material it's not even a question at that point.
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It's not really an excuse not to have a vet check them out and ensure they're not chipped though?
Not sure what you mean with the 'people around here' bit. I mean, you're one of the people 'around there', and you cared enough to intervene. And it is absolutely still a question, at least going off what you've mentioned so far.
Being in a such a bad state only indicates they weren't being looked after, which doesn't mean they were neglected by default. Dogs that escape can easily find themselves in a situation the same as being abandoned, at least when they aren't assisted by strangers, in an environment they can have luck with scavenging, or picked up by someone such as yourself. Following you closely similarly doesn't mean abandonment or abuse, it means that you showed them kindness when they were in dire need of it, and they are thankful / feel safe with you / are bonding to you / etc. That's a great thing, but still doesn't really mean you should just shrug off a vet check / chip check.
Even if they were in a situation that seems unlikely they simply escaped, there are still plenty of god-awful people out there. Jilted vengeful partners / psycho family members, pet-swipers who decided to ditch, etc. Shit people can be involved and not be the owner, and that owner might have been distraught at the loss of a pet.
Besides, even if the dog was actually abandoned by its primary owner then its not like they're going to want it back, my man. You can note if you're willing to adopt it if the original owner doesn't want it, etc. And if you are going to adopt it then do you really think it's going to do you any favours if in future it does get chip-checked and it turns out they do have one, naturally showing a name and address that isn't your own? Chip aside, that vet check is pretty important.
I guess I really don't get the (what feels like) resistance to such a basic thing.
Unless it was just a defensive kneejerk response out of wanting to protect the poor fuzzbaby from potentially being taken back to a neglectful owner, then... I can get that I suppose.
Maybe give it some thought, though? Vet stuff is kind of important.
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Indeed. I just hope that you doing you involves putting your cautious assumption aside and doing what's best for the dog, is all!
My examples were just hoping to just aid that (things aren't always as they seem), but if your mind can't be changed I'll stick to hoping for the best.
Random aside : If finances are what's behind the reluctance for a vet visit, consider a gofundme or something similar? Zero shame in it, you've already done more for the poor thing than anyone else who may have walked by it.
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Simple attempts at exchange / filling in the gaps where you're being weirdly cagey and reacting strange to someone merely suggesting a vet check-up. I really don't understand the point of this passive aggressive shit you're pulling right now, but whatever.
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I don't know how much clearer I can be than saying "I just hope that you doing you involves putting your assumption aside and doing what's best for the dog, is all!".
I'm trying to engage in good faith here, and wouldn't have to 'make shit up in my head' if you just clarified whatever you meant if I got the wrong end of the stick, but seeing as you didn't I was left trying to bridge that gap. I tried it short and sweet, I tried elaborating why regardless of your thoughts on how it got in such a bad state a vet visit is probably still a good idea, and I tried shrugging and leaving it at me not understanding your sidestepping and simply hoping your good intentions will hold true.
And yet here we are.
So yeah. None of this really needed any of the attitude, I'm still none the wiser for what the hell just happened here, so I'm just going to default back to : Whatever.
You helped a dog where others didn't. You did good. I hope you keep it up and you / the dog are enriched?
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All the attitude came from one direction and it wasn't on my end. When you take a ball of anger and put a pretty ribbon on it, it's still a ball of anger. I don't have to tell you anything and if that offends you, oh well. I honestly don't care, not mad, not happy, just apathetic. I don't exist to sate your curiosity just as you don't exist to sate mine. So I'll say once again, you do you and I'll do me. I will not address this subject further but you do as you please. You seem to want the last word so take it. Make it wonderful, make it count. Fight the good fight comrade.
Much glorious revelation.
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ok I posted the other picture I took. My place is pretty run down and I know I'm a mess but if people want more pictures of the dog's I'm happy to post them. Someone picked up the old Rottweiler just yesterday and different people took the Akitas so I'm at 4 with this little guy. He's always trying to get in my lap even though he's a bit too big for a lap dog.
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Not that it means much, but I added you to my Whitelist for saving that dog's life.
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So cute that he bonded so hard already! He looks beautiful and you're about to have your hands full with him. Border Collie mixes are a handful and a half! So much energy but also so much love 💖
You both got lucky I think. Good souls find each other.
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he's all zoom zoom but he doesn't go anywhere, I guess he was just too much for someone and they dropped him on a quiet stretch of highway. I just can't see him wandering, he won't go outside unless I go outside too. He's really cute but I'd rather not keep him. My 3 keep me pretty busy.
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Poor bubba. It happens a lot with Collie mixes apparently. They can be a lot but how can anyone just abandon a pup outside is just beyond me. If you can't handle a dog, there are lots of ways now to find them a good home, which I guess you'll have to do now.
You look like you already have your hands full and like you have cute and fluffy in your life already, just judging from your profile pic :)
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Look what I found on the side of the road all cute and fluffy. Well, he was actually quite rank and covered in ticks. His little tummy was full of grass and chicken feed that he must have stolen from somebodies chickens. I know because he emptied it in the floor. I filled it back up with actual dog food and some wormer because I'm sure he's full of them. I gave him a bath too and I guess it was his first.
He's obviously some kind of collie but he's really small, maybe an Australian Shepperd? I'm pretty sure he's under a year old. He's super attached and just follows me everywhere and thinks he is a lap dog.
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