Temporarily on-hold


So, I'm all joyful and stuff about how much request I've been receiving. HOWEVER.

I fear that this thread will be "on-hold" for longer than expected. I got a job as a part time moderator on weekends (yay me), and training begins starting tomorrow (Monday) through Tuesday. So, I won't be active much during that time. If I'm not too tired in the evening, I might get a few profile pictures "spookified". I really don't know if I'll have the time to do that, but we'll see.

Meanwhile, I apologize to all of you who were waiting - I didn't really know if I were gonna start the training this week or the next, so I couldn't know if I would be available for random crap on the Steamgifts forum. ^^

Cheers to you all. I love this amazing community.

So, I've been "spookifying" profile images lately, and I wouldn't mind doing a few more for fun. Feel free to post here if you'd like me to do yours.

Please note: As I know that I will get a crapload of requests, probably, know this - I may randomly choose through the users who post here to "spookify" their profile image.

I'll mostly choose images which seem fun or easier to edit and work with.
This means that:

  1. Being first to post doesn't mean you'll get "spookified".
  2. Not all of those who post will get "spookified". In fact, only a few of you will get "spookified". I will make them until I either get tired or pass out of exhaustion.
  3. It may take me up to 10 minutes to "spookify" a profile image. Do the math, and you'll see that I can't do much "spookifications" in the time span of a few hours, although I'll try my best.


Additional notes:

Don't forget to sync on Steamgifts in order to view your new profile image.
Also, for your information, I am still accepting and editing "entries". The process is just much slower than usual.

With that said, below are some "previews" of my "spookification". Of course, more requests will mean less detail, so it may not look just as good.
Now let's get started spamming jbond with useless work. (Images are "owned" by their users; please do not use them as they may not appreciate that.)

[Edit] The images below are now all of the currently edited profile images from this thread.

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8 years ago*

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i'm spooky enough! :D

8 years ago

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try mine =)

8 years ago

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Would be sweet if you find time for mine, wish you a happy halloween regardless :>

8 years ago

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I've read that and ready to wait to see if you'll get to me eventually. Thanks in advance.

8 years ago

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If you have enough time I'd like the have one.

8 years ago

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Spookify me dude, pls!

8 years ago

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I'm too late to the party ...

8 years ago

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It's never too late for the bad rat. The bad rat forgives no one...

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8 years ago

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Nice. My penis feels sore already, and not from the usual over-use.

8 years ago

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Really nice and interesting! Come at me, bro!

8 years ago

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This is awesome! Please spookify mine if you get a chance! =)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Meeee pleaseeeeee I look too happy and nice.. Fix that <3

8 years ago

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What happened with your eyebrow one :P

8 years ago

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I shaved :>

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Huu thanksss, going to upload this once in back home

8 years ago

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I cant understand how i miss this thread.If there is any time i would like to be spooky ;) Thanks jbondguy007
Lugum thank you and you for giving me the link to this scary thread

8 years ago

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The world needs a spooky pyro

8 years ago

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I really wonder how you would make my fish spooky. What's a spooky fish like?

8 years ago

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uhm... idk if my pic can be spookified

8 years ago

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My profilepic is spooky enough? :)

8 years ago

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Is it possible to be spookifyedydifieufgez ?

8 years ago

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Time to spookify: 10 minutes.
Time to get the blood reflections right: 2 hours.
Result: Blood reflections still suck.

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8 years ago

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Awesome ! I like that ! :D New profile pic !

8 years ago

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If you have the time, I'd love to see my classy avatar get "spookyfied". :)

8 years ago

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I know one classy spooky person

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8 years ago

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Nice one! Thank you, Akash!

8 years ago

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Anything you can do with mine? :D

8 years ago

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Let see what you can do with that puffy monster

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8 years ago

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You are amazing!! Can you do something with my pic? Maybe some wounds, blood, I dunno ;D I'd be really greatful if you turn it into something really scary, because I want to use it ;3
I have some ninja keys, if you know what I mean :)
This pic is slightly offcentered I hope you can fix it

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8 years ago*

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Spookify mine! :D

8 years ago

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I'd like to be spookify'd

8 years ago

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Mine would be hard.. thought about doing one myself.. like replacing the wolf with a pumpkin and then renaming my profile to jpmpumpkin91. Lol. would do the same for christmas with an ornament or a tree or something

8 years ago

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Had a better idea, to replace the wolf with a pumpkin with the wolf carved into it! Of course some blood splashed around as well.. I was really bored so I did it myself :P

Thank you to the OP to giving me this wonderful idea to change your avatar for holidays. I'll try to think of some for other holidays for myself :)

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8 years ago*

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I want to do something with my avatar for Halloween, but I have no idea what and I've never edited pictures before. If it's easy for you to work on it, go ahead, otherwise I'll just leave it as it is. :)

8 years ago

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do you have time for it before my bday? :3

join my givebay as well

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8 years ago

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Not getting spookified for your birthday? We can't have that, now, can we.
(Also, happy birthday! ^^)

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8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by jbondguy007.