Temporarily on-hold


So, I'm all joyful and stuff about how much request I've been receiving. HOWEVER.

I fear that this thread will be "on-hold" for longer than expected. I got a job as a part time moderator on weekends (yay me), and training begins starting tomorrow (Monday) through Tuesday. So, I won't be active much during that time. If I'm not too tired in the evening, I might get a few profile pictures "spookified". I really don't know if I'll have the time to do that, but we'll see.

Meanwhile, I apologize to all of you who were waiting - I didn't really know if I were gonna start the training this week or the next, so I couldn't know if I would be available for random crap on the Steamgifts forum. ^^

Cheers to you all. I love this amazing community.

So, I've been "spookifying" profile images lately, and I wouldn't mind doing a few more for fun. Feel free to post here if you'd like me to do yours.

Please note: As I know that I will get a crapload of requests, probably, know this - I may randomly choose through the users who post here to "spookify" their profile image.

I'll mostly choose images which seem fun or easier to edit and work with.
This means that:

  1. Being first to post doesn't mean you'll get "spookified".
  2. Not all of those who post will get "spookified". In fact, only a few of you will get "spookified". I will make them until I either get tired or pass out of exhaustion.
  3. It may take me up to 10 minutes to "spookify" a profile image. Do the math, and you'll see that I can't do much "spookifications" in the time span of a few hours, although I'll try my best.


Additional notes:

Don't forget to sync on Steamgifts in order to view your new profile image.
Also, for your information, I am still accepting and editing "entries". The process is just much slower than usual.

With that said, below are some "previews" of my "spookification". Of course, more requests will mean less detail, so it may not look just as good.
Now let's get started spamming jbond with useless work. (Images are "owned" by their users; please do not use them as they may not appreciate that.)

[Edit] The images below are now all of the currently edited profile images from this thread.

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8 years ago*

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Do ME!

...and make my profile pic spooky :p

8 years ago

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If you have the time to get to mine I'd like to see how my avatar could be spookified lol

8 years ago

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I wonder how would you do mine :D

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8 years ago

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OMG, I'll love to see mine spookified jjajajajaj

8 years ago

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I'm too lazy so it would be nice :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That's amazing, thanks!

8 years ago

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For a moment I thought on my hat it said "CUM". lol

8 years ago

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Joke on you! You cannot spookify my profile image :D

8 years ago

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So easy... :B

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8 years ago

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I guess joke on me after all xD
Now I didn't even know which one to use! All look awesome! Thanks! :D

8 years ago

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Behold!, the Nebula Face

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8 years ago*

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Shut the front door! You actually pulled it off :D Thank you!

8 years ago

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you're welcome, it works better as small avatar :D I can see the fangs

8 years ago

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Well then, this is quite spooky. Would love one of my own. ^-^

8 years ago

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I'm not much of an artist, but I gave it a shot :P

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8 years ago*

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Hehe, thanks. Pretty spooky. Definateley the spider that creeps me out. shudders I am terrified of spiders. Not the fat ones, the spindly legged ones. >.<

8 years ago

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Yours seems pretty interesting to work with. Can't wait to have some free time for all of you. :(

8 years ago

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black or white? choose :D

8 years ago

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Black cx

8 years ago

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damn, too late for me :D

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8 years ago

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I'll switch between the two daily. cx
Looks great. ^-^

8 years ago

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aww =)

8 years ago

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That one was crazy fun to work with.

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8 years ago

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Oooh, spooky. That's my new profile pic for Halloween. Thanks. cx

8 years ago

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Also my current Avatar is meant only temporarily, before I switch back to the 'Tongue-Tattoo' like always,
I would love to see the creepy version of it for this Helloween season :)

So here goes my official request. Thanks Dovahkiin!

8 years ago

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I'd like to be spookified too! Whenever you are free, of course. I can wait. :D

8 years ago

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I want, I am so cute T-T

8 years ago

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I'm sure others can do a better job, but I turned you into a demon (still cute though)

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8 years ago

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..interesting idea. i wish others fun with it

8 years ago

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I want it!
Because I can't do editing image like that xD

Awww.. Why onhold?
Ohh.. Yeah I just realized there are so many people in here
Oh well take your time
Dragon needs to sleep and maybe.. Watch out for a dragonborn or (because it's almost halloween) spookyborn xD

8 years ago

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"Dr. Raylight has been extremely busy lately regarding his biological experimentation, but he will see you shortly."

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8 years ago

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Cool! Thank you my favorite agent dragon xD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Dang, too late.
I would have loved to get one done :)

But a big hearty thanks for offering to do this in the first place!
You did a really good job of them thumbs up

8 years ago

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I'll try. I swear I'll try, if I have some free time.

8 years ago

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No pressure honey :)

I can simply always use a cracked egg. That counts as horror, right? >:D

8 years ago

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How about this?

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8 years ago

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OMG Thank you so much kash!

Using it right now :D

This looks awesome!

8 years ago

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What's that fuzz all about? Why am I feeling like you gyus know something obvious, and I'm asking dumb question?

8 years ago

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Not sure what you mean. :o

8 years ago

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Emm, why exsactly people want to spookify their avatars? Is it some SG thing that went over my head yet again?

8 years ago

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it's for Halloween, to get more spoopy with their avatars :3

8 years ago

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Oh, G-d!... The whole thing got past silly me, yeah. *facepalm*
Nevermind, I'll go somewhere else in shame, have fun, guys and gals. ._.

8 years ago

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I'm already spoopified, but take a "thanks" for doing this, you're pretty good.

8 years ago

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there's that one avatar... :3

8 years ago

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Spoopify me if you can! lol

8 years ago

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Spookify me, when you have time ;3

8 years ago

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Could you make me spoopy?

8 years ago

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That sounds nice! Too bad I already 'spookified' my Avatar. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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hell cows are too main stream

8 years ago

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Voila Count Dracowla

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8 years ago

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hahahaha good one, thanks!

8 years ago

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try me ^^ (if you have time and like rabbits ^^)

8 years ago

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How can you make claptrap spooky? You would need stairs for that.

8 years ago

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congratz on being a mod~ good luck with the other requests too
I wonder what mine'd look like... (if I even get the chance)

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by jbondguy007.