Giveaways are running for 24 hours, a small train I could afford with some of my time. You don't really need to read the whole text below, it's more of a "letting it out" since I have no one to do that with. All in all, I at least hope life favors your choices, and I hope no one else has to feel this, purposeless.

Link to train

My campus recently moved away, very far. By very far, I mean about 4.5 hours of public transportation just to arrive, and the same to come back far, about 110KM times 2 (back and forth) in total far. I consulted my teachers about attendance, but they gave me a big certain nope. Right after that day we had a 5.7 magnitude earthquake, which reminded me of the upcoming said big earthquake I had forgotten about. There was finally some statistical evidence, and the situation looks dire.

First off, I'm quitting university. After graduating from Associate's Degree in Computer Programming, I couldn't find any work, with no experience. So I studied hard, got a full scholarship for Computer Science and Engineering. However what my scholarship didn't cover was the dorms stay. I became unable to afford it, I had to leave it. I thought like "Hey, I wanted to be an educator after this anyways, maybe I'll take on that one, somewhere closer to home so I don't have to worry about that!", I did again, I got in where I wanted. I'm about 3 terms to graduation, the university was divided into two, and a term after (this year), it was moved THAT far from where I live. I had tried to get in dorms again maybe, but they were already full.

I really had to evaluate the situation, since this is crushing both my dreams in a row now. What's even funny is I could enroll to another university with the same degree, however I won't make it to graduation again because of my "obligatory military" closing up by age. So, I guess I'm quitting, I will try to put up a proper portfolio to show (as a web developer) which I was postponing to post-graduation, I will find a below average paying work probably so I can at least get in (since I still have no "presentable" experience at the age 26 besides my past clients that already left me), and where I live the most proper way to put it in my profession, "slave myself away", make enough money to move cities, pay off "obligatory military", and hopefully go abroad, away from this place.

I do not know whether or not my current mentality will be able to handle all of that especially considering my country is becoming worse by day, my household is becoming worse by day, and I will be at my 30s with only Associate's Degree, and most likely no chance to ever teach which was about my lifelong dream alongside making a family, which I did already give up on. Besides those, I've been suffering from tendonitis from my fingers to wrist in both hands, for the past 3 months, since I tried to "game it away" all this stress a bit too much, so now that's gone, too. Maybe I'll just go full on software engineering and try to make out something with that. Besides that,

I genuinely feel like there's no point in trying anymore since I can't "restart" these, I don't particularly have any friends at all, and I do feel I'm an eyesore overall wherever I stay for too long, my life feels like it's way out of my hand. I would hope for things to turn out better in the future, but since hope has been my poison in the past half a decade, I'll just let it run it's course.

5 years ago

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"When things get rough, I feel ... "

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like a POTATO, I lay down and stay still.
so stressed that I can't do anything.
like I need to work through it fast so I can get through it sooner.

Hey Ketchup! Send you a friend invite on Steam :)

5 years ago

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