Now that steam has a privacy feature that allows users to mark some of their games as private, from the public perspective. there is no difference between them and removed games. This is an issue because SteamGifts terms of service requires the winner of a giveaway to never remove a game from their library, but marking the game as private counts as removal because there's no way to know which action were taken among the two. This rule inherently disables this privacy feature for games won in the website. I wasn't even aware of this until I got a suspension, which I suppose could happen to other people. There's clearly a market for players that will only purchase (or join a giveaway for) a game if they can make that private, otherwise Steam wouldn't have made this feature.
My idea is that marking games as private should not be against the rule. Since we currently don't have a way for the user to allow SteamGifts to have access to games marked as private, the only way to implement my idea is by actually suspending the rule that prohibits user from removing games from their library. What are your thoughts?

2 hours ago

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While your argument is logical I think every pervert should stand by their hentai games. If you really must hide set your profile to private thus SG moderation still has a modicum of control by enabling them to see if you activated a won game or not.

2 hours ago

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One of the simplest reasons why the rule is in place is to make sure that the winner actually activated the game in their account. Otherwise they might say that they did activate the key and immediately marked it as private, while in reality they just re-gifted or re-sold their win.

2 hours ago

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While I'm a support member, I'm posting this as a user. All wins should be public. Having those games visible is proof users aren't cheating the system and trading their wins away.

I get people don't like keeping certain games publicly viewable, but if you have a win here, people need to be able to see it.

2 hours ago

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So, about proving the game was activated in the first place: I understand that and it makes sense. But once that has been proved, I don't think it should be a problem to hide it. I have a week to activate it and to prove the activation. After that, it shouldn't matter.

1 hour ago

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Even years old missing wins results in reports, blacklists and blocks from SGTools giveaways (are those still a thing? been a long time since I entered anything myself)

If having a certain win on your giveaway list is such a chore, I've recommended to offending members to contact the giveaway creator about having it deleted. They are allowed to decline since they don't get anything out of it, but with the giveaway deleted, you can freely hide that game now that it isn't on your win list. Though if it is part of some large scale giveaway, that isn't an option.

1 hour ago

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