How do you feel about a possible steam subscription plan?
Nope, something like this would never fly. They'd find themselves with a massive class action suit on their hands and no matter what their bullshit TOS says it's not above and will never be above EU laws or national laws. They're stupid and greedy but not to this extent, it would also kill their current F2P flagship games, TF2 and Dota2.
P.S Word of advice, lay off the cheap crack.
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They can always come up with an excuse, that servers are costing more and more with the increase of games on steam (even though they aren't hosting most servers, they are just renting their cheat protection system).
Xbox and PS are doing it within the law, I'm sure they can sweep everything under the rug with a few lawyers, but that would be the end days.
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That's not the point, Xbox and PS didn't already sell you products and then lock you out of accessing them if you didn't pay a sub. I'm not a console gamer but to my knowledge it was always a thing to pay for the service if you wanted multiplayer. If Valve tries to block our access to our own libraries if we don't pay a new subscription beyond what we already paid for all our games they'd not only be breaking EU laws and national laws and get fined by customer protection services that enforce said laws but they'd also open themselves to being sued for damages.
The only way they could try to do this would be for future games but imho the sale loss would be too big for them to ever risk something like this.
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You are right, they wouldn't be allowed to lock already purchased games into such a system.
But even if they did restrict future games with such a thing, people would buy it, because that's the job of the marketing teams, get everyone hyped so much about a game (COD, Assassin's Creed, think of franchises that have a yearly release) that they would pay for such a thing to be able to play them.
PS: and no I'm not a huge fan of COD and I think the new releases of AC are total rubbish. :)
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I think we have enough mature and level-headed people here who wouldn't go with that. Even my Monsters wouldn't go with it, and they are just 21 and 14. If that would be the case - there's always console gaming and services as Netflix, Gamefly...
And if you push your customers towards your competitors in one instance - who said they will not abandon you completely?
So question is - would additional income from subscriptions cover losses from lost users and subsequently - lost sales?
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I was surprised when they started adding software as a buyable thing on steam, and recently noticed short films appearing like the Payday/ MK/ (can't remember anymore) short youtube kind of videos. I heard alot of good things about Netflix, but since I'm not from the US I can't access it.
They could try expanding, maybe making a deal with Netflix or some other companies and having those included in a subscription model.
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Both companies I've mentioned specialise in renting console games (lets live movies etc aside), and console games exclusively. DRM is one of the issues that PC gaming have to deal with, and "install and keep" is another. Both not really complementing a renting business.
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I don't know, people would probably buy into it, hell there's plenty of people buying into this third-party DLC bullshit right now, Gaben said they'd already made 10k $$ off it. But that would be the stop where i get off. i don't really buy big AAA games, i'd just buy indie stuff from the developer's websites or on other platforms and completely stop buying stuff off the steam store.
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yep. If it would come to subscriptions on Steam - me and kids would rather pay to PS or finally buy Xbox. And renew Gamefly subscription. And PC games would be bought not from Steam - but as DRM-free downloads from Desura, IG, HB, or right from developers.
As for money they made on selling mods - do I have to bring again old quote about Universe and people's stupidity?
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Origin already has a similar system in place on Xbox with EA Access if I'm right. Sony didn't want to hear about this though.
From what I read they will (or already have, not sure if it's released) have a subscription plan and you will be able to play their entire catalog for "free" as long as you are subscribed to it.
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Won't happen. Perhaps for a few games (such as TESO did), but Valve would NEVER take such a risky leap of turning Steam into a subscribed service, as they damn well know that this would cause a complete shitstorm.
In the current case, the paid mod idea was a hit or miss. It had some potential, but was very badly executed, and it doesn't help that the whole "People say it sucks on the internet so it must suck" chain reaction occurred all over the internet, turning the whole thing into a bloody fiasco. If Valve would ever pull a stunt such as subscription service, it would definitely result in an even bigger crapstorm which would end up with Valve most probably losing more consumers than ever.
So... Nope. Not gonna happen.
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They can always come up with incentives for having a subscription, maybe not specifically for multiplayer, but let's say they put a system in which saves all you save files on their cloud (some games don't have this feature enabled, if you format your drives you loose everything) or possible early beta access (early access LOL).
You just need 1 stupid idea , if it receives enough attention, hell breaks loose.
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external HD is the answer - I'm not paying to have my GAME files saved anywhere. Crucial documents - yes, anything business related (if I'm doing business) - yes, but not games' save files.
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I will be taking a 2 hour break in my favorite coffee shop in roughly 15 minutes. With this occasion I will be answering any questions regarding this new feature on reddit. Please join in and ask your question which I will avoid as much as possible with simple generic phrases.
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After the mod scandal, I kind of hope they try this. Not because I want it, but because I want to see the insane backlash that would happen. They would be dropping an atom bomb on the last of their user base. Sure, some people would stick around, but unlike the mod scandal, this changes the very core functionality of steam's service.
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There's a ton of people that praise steam and everything related to it. I have to admit I have been doing the same thing until:
I just wanna see them do this and see the aftermath and giggle with a bottle of water in my hand and a burning city screensaver running on my laptop at the same time.
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I'm actually interested to see how well their Dx 12 performs, they have been hyping that up for a while and that seems the only reason I will install Win 10.
Unfortunately we won't be seeing imediate improvements in games, since they need to be made for Dx12. Will have to wait patiently and see if the benchmarks they showed are actually true or just a bad advertising campaign.
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Yeah, this would've been a great year for Microsoft if only one of the designers for HoloLens wasn't killed..... all the hype around HoloLens ended too quickly.. I too hope Win10 and Dx12 turn out to be great or at least equal to how great Microsoft promised they'll be.
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If it's pay to play for multiplayer but single player is free, then it wont really effect me. I play maybe 20 hours every 3ish months.
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Let's postulate on the hypothetical chance of a maybe
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"All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea." - Napoleon Hill
Amazing what you think of when you have spare time.
Edit: Remember when paying for mods was just an idea? Pepperidge Farm Remembers!
I'm sorry, the temptation to write that was too strong. :)
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I don't think so. Valve themselves retroactively added Steam Clous to a bunch of games (even those long abandoned by their publishers) Steam wide when it first launched if I noticed correctly when it rolled out.
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If it does... I would go to origin, even tho it doesn't have that many games.
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PC gamers already have many game servers that have access blocked by monthly subscription fees.
They are called "MMO's".
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Alot of things happened this week and one of them was the release of paid mods on steam.
Maybe the next step will be a subscription plan similar to what Xbox and Playstation are doing with Xbox Live and PS Plus. The only way to play multiplayer from that point onward would be to buy the subscription, limitations would be put into place for cloud saving and so on.
Steam has a huge userbase and people have lots of games on their platform, people would buy these subscriptions to have access to their games because there would be no other choice.
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