Don't tell him that. Support has enough shit do deal with as it is.
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"that you are being generous enough to give something away" I laughed at this part. The sentence will be correct only when the whole GA metric system would be taken down and there'r won't contributor giveaways.
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So what? I'm talking about so called "generosity" of many giveaways in SG.
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you are right the whole contributor system itself seems to remove the spirit of being generous to begin with. if people are truly only doing GA to be nice and generous then why should it need to be tabulated at all. which raises the question do people do giveaways only to see their CV go up which i think some people do. if all items are equal then when you see someone giving away a AAA title then you know they are doing it to truly be generous, not just to raise their CV cred.
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That is correct, if only the number would matter then people would just spam bundle GAs, but it would bring two main problems;
1) Much less non-bundle GAs.
2) HUGE spam of bundle GAs. (tho it isn't that bad for both points and availability, but it would slow down the site great deal.
I think the system currently is the most ideal thing we can currently have.
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there could be limitations to prevent users from abusing this. perhaps only getting credit for a certain number of multiple copies or just 1 over a certain amount of time. people could still give them away if they want but know they are only getting credit for 1 or certain % of them.
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But wouldn't people be more encouraged to constantly give away the cheapest non-bundle game, since a 5$ game would be equal to a Skyrimz
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look around, over half or more of this site is already nothing but cheap bundle games and such
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Would be too easily abused with low value games. You'd never see any triple AAA/expensive titles on this site anymore, as people would think they weren't getting their full value out of their generosity (which they wouldn't be). People on this site are generous... but they ultimately want to be on the receiving end of the generosity too. High CV presents an incentive for such.
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so your saying people dont really give away stuff here to be generous they give it away to raise their own CV which is really to me counter productive to the point of giving stuff away. if people are entced to do giveaways just to make their own "epeen" raise in number then why are they even bothering. remove the falace of CV and would these people even bother? if so then should they even be here to begin with.
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Basically. I might be too cynical sometimes but, in my opinion, this site consists of leechers and richer leechers. Sure, there's some goodwill involved but that is usually not the entire reason and, if it is, then that's a pretty rare case.
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yes so why design the site to be leecher and rich leecher friendly. there may as well be a leaderboard for biggest leech and biggest leech enabler here if thats all that people really in all actuality care about
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Because, gee, who cares for what reason someone gives AAA game, what matters is that they do it. Winner of Skyrim or whatever could care less why he won, just that he or she won it. Oh, wait, yeah, people who don't contribute don't get why others do that :<
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so basically what i get from you is that people dont come here to give stuff away the yjus tcome here to brag about how "generous" they can be. which is a scumbag move to be honest. its like donating to charity just so you can brag at your dinner party about how much of a good person you are
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yes exactly and everytime this type of discusion comes up this is ultimately the answer. no one cares about actually giving something to someone they only care about how it makes them look and how big their "epeen/CV" is in the end. so basically the true spitit of giving does not exist here.
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Pretty much! :D
Well, in some cases it does. In others it does not.
In most cases it's a mix of "the true spirit of giving" and also wanting something for one own's self.
Don't be so idealistic! XD
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i told you to stop grouping everyone under one umbrella. by your logic we may as well be all gurgling slimy goos clinging to the street benches.
people give for different reasons. there are some, true to honest, most generous people here who do not give a shit about statistics. there are some who care about statistics but don't let it affect their generosity. and there are people who give so that they can watch their numbers go up.
if you want to avoid the "rich leeches", go join some private groups so you know you're giving to people who are truly generous. or form a group with your friends. or give private links to people you know. this option keeps getting brought up, and hey, have you used galagiveaways? they use that system. it's not exactly smart or meaningful to block someone depending on the amount of 'gifts' they've given, and hence, is why galagiveaways is that bundle dumping ground. people call steamgifts bad, but unless you have serious complexes with monetary values (see: if you're poor, have suffered poorness, are scared of losing your wealth, etc.) then it's about as fair as it gets.
yes, having a monetary statistic tied to generosity isn't the greatest idea out there. yes, judging people by whether they've given skyrim or bad rats is just as stupid. it's still better than your counteroffer when it comes to execution.
most preferably would be if we'd rid ourselves of numbers altogether and just give because hey, there's a community here who would like those gifts. it's just not very practical.
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In general that's the impression I get. People here are mostly looking down and moralizing others for not giving away/not commenting on giveaways etc. I assure you it feels pretty good to ignore the whole moral high ground -attitude. When 1) The site allows this so called "leeching" and 2) There's no real reason to do anything that's generally considered to be "good" or "nice" other than as a way of gaining something for oneself.
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It doesn't really matter if it's changed or not. It'll be exploited, yes, but so is CV. There is no final solution. There will always be issues. So I say stop worrying and just enjoy the chance of winning free games.
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i think that might be something that could work. flesh it out a bit more and perhaps. maybe one or the other or a combination of both.
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It's no different than getting $8 CV for buying a game that's 96% off. How many people do you think have created giveaways where they actually paid the full price?
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Exactly. Probably not even those small indie developer companies who use big titles to promote their Greenlight games pay for it full price either.
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CV is a necessary evil along with optional CV requirements. Both of these things combined cause a large number of people to create giveaways who otherwise would not. If you took either away, it would hurt the site. If you reduced CV to GA#, it would most likely alienate everyone who are the type to "wank off to their CV" (paraphrasing a mod here) because the guy who gives out 10 dirt cheap games is now considered to "outrank" someone who gives out 4-5 AAA games. It sounds petty and stupid, but this is how a lot of people actually think.
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That is really worse than the current system. You can already see the "generousity" of someone by his CV,making it with #GA it would just be less transparent and more easy to get high numbers for nothing. Your 1. wouldnt help at all either,you just spam all the 0.20$ DLCs,all bundles,freebies and you easily get 300 gibs for almost nothing. Your point 2. is an argument against every reward system including yours.
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ideally no system is the right system. true generousity doesn't need a reward
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Number of unique giveaways is kind of a stupid idea. There are plenty of people that give away multiple copies of expensive, AAA titles like Bioshock Infinite, and there are plenty of people giving away very in demand, but relatively cheap titles, like Recettear. We're essentially punishing them for choosing a game everyone wants instead of choosing a bunch of random, cheap games. This idea really doesn't work.
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you think AAA games arent exploited either? not everyone that gives away 20 copies of skyrim paid for all those. they got them thru some promotional program like buying video cards or by working at a gameshop or supplier that lifts the vouchers for these free AAA titles and then gives them away as if they paid for them. yet these people are praised for their generosity while people that give away what is considered exploited or low value are punished whether they actually paid for the item or not. they are both the samething
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You missed literally the entire point of my post. If your idea was enacted, that still means less giveaways that people really want, and more giveaways of cheap games that no one cares about.
Do you honestly think that if I go to the steam store, sort by lowest price, and then just buy a shit ton of 1 dollar DLC cosmetic DLC for Borderlands 2, I really deserve higher status than someone who gave away a single copy of the base game?
So what if people 'exploit' AAA, in demand games? They're in demand, and people are always happy when they see a giveaway of them. With your idea, less people would give away more in demand games, and that's awful. Any idea that means less giveaways is a terrible idea.
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my point is why do we need to separate people by a status at all. and if we are going to why not just be real about it and stop saying its a generosity thing and more about who is in the upper class and who is in the lower class.
if i win the lottery tomorrow im gonna come back here and give away AAA games till i am delcared the King/Winner of steamgifts. then i will have earned respect........wait thats laughable but how it works unfortunately
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So you want to completely change the entirety of how the site works, and you want people to give away fewer games and less wanted games because you don't like the attitude of elitism by people who have spent hundreds of dollars giving you stuff for free? Why is it laughable that people who give away more stuff are respected more? That's exactly how it should work since, you know, without them there would be no site. This is very quickly sounding like a way to get people (read: you) more rewards for less money.
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i honestly dont care anymore. when half the users replying are basically "LOL no your dumb" then im just not going to bother or have any desire to be apart of this so called community of trolls.
i tried to make a suggestion and people want to pick it apart like it was some well designed plan from the start when it was only meant to be the tip of the discussion and even if it were to be implemented would obviously need to be much more fleshed out which you would think is obvious. so ill just accept the fact that im a dumbass and move on. nothing to see here
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"i honestly dont care anymore. when half the users replying are basically "LOL no your dumb" then im just not going to bother or have any desire to be apart of this so called community of trolls."
In that case, don't forget to close the door as you leave.
PS: Don't be to judgemental, the thing is that if someone with a high CV (let's say 1.000$) makes the same statement that you've done, firstly we'll think about it and then we'll decline the idea as we've done today.
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I mean, you wanted a discussion, right? Well, you got one. A lot of people are talking about why they don't like the idea and some people are considering it. Some people are giving you well-thought responses, others are not. But still 80+ comments is not bad.
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and how in comparison exploited aaa titles with cheap games? like 1:100?
and with your system it will be like 1:1000 or even more, but cv in some times motivating people to create giveaways with aaa title while in other situation they wouldn't do it
so, imo, cv system is good as it is for such site
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"..which is the same as right now where if you give an item once it counts and after that it isnt as valauble to CV."
Judging by that sentence, and the rest of your post and ideas, I don't think you have the slightest idea of how CV works on the site, nor how people are exploiting / farming CV, or what the actual problems around it are.
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i was making a general statement not trying to get it down to a science.
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Why not just remove CV and replace it with # OF giveaways. so instead of saying someone has to of contributed XXX in CV it would be someone has contributed XXX number of GA.
This way there would be no difference in what an item is worth, only the fact that you are being generous enough to give something away. After all this site is about giving not about seeing who can give the most in potential worth, which i think skews things quite a bit.
another example would be instead of making the lowest CV required 0.01cents it would simply be 1GA contributed. cause if you do one GA it is going to be at least 1 cent worth since free items are labeled as abused/exploited would still be just that.
It just seems less complicated and would cause less complaining about CV and give people credit for items that they paid something for but for whatever reason they are on bundle list or whatever. all items would be on a level playing field and no one item would be "better" than another.
i know i know no one is gonna want to do this and everyone is gonna disagree but i just wanted to try.
EDIT. in response to a few things
people would just spam cheap items to raise GA #. this can be prevented by only counting 1 of these items per cettain amount of time or forever. which is the same as right now where if you give an item once it counts and after that it isnt as valauble to CV
people wouldnt be as generous. this raises the question of why people are even here to begin with, if you are here to be genuinly generous then why should you care about having it tabulated and tracked. if thats what you are here for then you arent being generous at all your being selfish and only giving stuff away to raise you CV and feel good about it and brag. thats the samething as donating to charity only to brag about it and not really caring what the actual point of it is.
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